Wicked Highland Lords: Over 1100 pages of Scottish Regency Romance

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Wicked Highland Lords: Over 1100 pages of Scottish Regency Romance Page 27

by Tarah Scott

  The leader eyed the Gypsy men. “These will remain.”

  “They will not. Now,” Victoria scanned the group of MacPherson men, “unless you propose to kill every

  last one of us, prepare to ride as guard.”

  “As guard? For—”

  “Enough!” Victoria cut off the affront she knew was on the tip of his tongue. “You will be silent, or I promise you, Lord MacPherson will deal with you.” The man hesitated, then shot another glance at

  Evan. “They must sheathe their swords.”

  Victoria turned to Evan. “If you would, sir.”

  Without taking his eyes from the MacPherson warrior, Evan jerked his head, and his men slid their weapons back into their scabbards.

  Victoria forced her legs to remain steady on the slow walk back to the wagon.

  * * *

  As if the gods of old had lowered themselves to the level of mortal man and showered gold upon them, streaks of sunlight blazed from what seemed the highest peaks of the Grampians. Points of light were at last discernible in the shadows of those great summits, and something stirred deep within Victoria at the realization she was seeing sconces from Fauldun Castle’s battlements.

  Home, she thought, even as a small voice answered, Fool. Wed but a week, and you are easily forgotten.

  She had not thought to ever see Fauldun Castle— or Iain MacPherson—again. She had left with Edwin. Would he believe she had been kidnapped by David Robertson? Would he welcome her home or send her back to England?

  The hour that passed before the keep broke into sight seemed as long as the week had been. The MacPherson men who rode as escort identified themselves to the guards on the castle walls. The discussion that passed between the two groups livened up at the announcement of Victoria’s presence. Their speech unexpectedly turned to Gaelic, and it was obvious that the Gypsies were now the topic of conversation.

  The gate opened and Thomas emerged.

  “He is not here,” she whispered.

  He approached the wagon, face grim.

  “Something is amiss,” Aurari said. “Need we fear?”

  Victoria placed a hand over hers. “Nay, ’tis Thomas. He will protect you even as my lord would.” “I am sorry, mistress,” Aurari said.

  Victoria ignored the pain the understanding in Aurari’s voice called forth as her attention remained on Thomas. His eyes never wavered as he passed through the crowd, coming to a halt in front of her. He lifted Victoria from her seat on the wagon and, to her great surprise, clasped her hand to his lips and fell to one knee at her feet.

  “We had given you up for dead,” he murmured the words against her hand.

  “Dead?” she repeated. Victoria pulled at his hand in an effort to force him to his feet, but he paid her no heed. “Thomas,” she whispered, keeping the trembling in her body from her voice, “I am well.”

  He looked up at her. She gave him a reassuring smile and he rose.

  Victoria laid a hand on his arm. “Where is my lord? The rescue attempt, it was…not successful?” She gripped his arm as her knees buckled.

  Thomas grabbed her around the waist. “Take heart, your husband is in the north, scouring

  Robertson and Menzies territory for you.”

  Panic shot to the surface. “Robertson?” “My lady.” Thomas steadied her. “Are you ill?” Victoria shook her head.

  “Courage,” he said. “You have come so far.”

  “Please, Thomas,” she said, choking inwardly at the thought of the word courage being associated with the emotions that swept through her, “may we go inside?”

  He began leading her through the Gypsy’s ranks, and Victoria asked, “He is well?” The hesitation in his eyes frightened her. “Do not spare me. Quickly, what is it?”

  “He has all but given you up for dead. Indeed, I, too, thought you were gone. Though he searches day and night, I know he fears the worst.”

  Victoria’s knees weakened. He fears for you. The thought rang through her mind and a cloud seemed to envelope her. Dim awareness of a shout from Thomas and movement when MacPherson men began to surround the Gypsies drew Victoria’s attention.

  “Nay—nay! You shall not touch them!” She ran to where the Gypsies stood, positioning herself between them and the men who now clearly reveled in the possibility that their thirst for Gypsy blood might yet be slaked.

  “They are friends.” Victoria said, looking around at the men, her gaze settling on Thomas. “No one lays a hand on them. They are under my protection—and my lord’s.”

  Thomas cast a critical gaze on the Gypsies. “I assume there is sufficient reason for this promise?”

  “Aye,” she answered. “They saved my life.”

  * * *

  The evening meal would have been the most joyful of her life if not for the empty chair to her right. Victoria looked at Thomas and wasn’t surprised to discover his gaze on Aurari’s face. The man’s attention hadn’t wavered from her since introductions had been made. Even Katherine was subdued, her head bowed as if to avoid Victoria’s gaze from across the table.

  “There is no safer place you can be, Aurari,”

  Victoria had assured her when Evan protested against Aurari lodging the night within the castle walls. “Is there, Thomas?”

  “Aye.” He stepped forward and raised Aurari’s hand to his lips. “I will guard her door myself.”

  The look on Evan’s face at that pronouncement read so plain, Victoria had laughed. “Rest easy, Evan.” She laid a hand on his arm. “The door is barred from within.”

  Amusement faded as another memory imposed

  itself on the recollection. “I must go to him,” she had told Thomas a few short hours ago.

  “Iain could be anywhere, my lady. I can imagine his anger were he to return and find you gone in search of him.”

  “You care more about his anger than easing his mind?” she demanded.

  Thomas’s expression softened. “Nay.”

  “What then?”

  “His sadness.”

  That had stopped her cold.

  Thomas smiled, but no pleasure lurked in his expression when he said, “Iain would not last another day knowing you had come and gone.”

  Those final words had reduced her to tears, and Victoria allowed herself the luxury of a friend’s strong arms while her body gave into sobs.

  * * *

  Seated on the couch in her bedchamber’s anteroom, Victoria found herself alone for the first time since her return to Fauldun Castle. A wave of nausea washed over her, and her hand shook as she pressed the back of her fingers to her mouth. In the last five days, she still hadn’t reconciled the possibility that her husband might not return home with the fear of facing him when he did.

  Victoria reached for the linen handkerchief she had stuffed into her bodice. A sudden ruckus outside the room drew her attention to the door. It flung open. Hard wood banged against the thick stone wall, and she was on her feet only to collapse back onto the couch when her knees gave way.

  No sound, save that of boots across carpeted floor, met her ears. Even before he reached her, Victoria was in tears, not out of surprise, but at sight of the bruises that were clear remnants of a severe beating on her husband’s thin face.

  Iain fell to his knees, burying his face in her lap. She looked up helplessly at Thomas, who offered a gentle smile, then clicked the door shut behind him. She stroked Iain’s hair and startled at the tremble in his body. His grip on her waist tightened as he shook his head from side to side.

  “Do not fret my lord,” Victoria said. “I am no worse for wear.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Iain lifted his head and gazed at Victoria. “What manner of woman are you?”

  The near whisper went unanswered, and he stared at her until it became clear she grew uncomfortable under his scrutiny. He stretched a hand to her cheek, stroked it, then rose and sat on the couch beside her.

  “What did you hope to accomplish by putting yoursel
f in jeopardy?”

  Victoria lowered her eyes. “There was no other way,” she murmured.

  No other way? His heart hammered. All harm that had come to her since he stole her from Montrose Abbey was his doing. The attempted rape, David Robertson’s hands on her…Edwin Hockley.

  With a finger to her chin, Iain tipped her face upward toward his. “Were you harmed in any way?”

  She frowned. “Did Thomas not inform you I was well? He promised to do so.”

  “Aye.” Iain released her. “But you would not commit such information to paper.”

  Her face reddened. “It matters not.”

  Dread coiled deep in his gut. “What do you mean?”

  “My lord, please, David Robertson is dead.”

  “It matters,” Iain growled, his anger fueled by having been cheated out of thrusting his sword through the coward’s belly. “Were you harmed?”

  “I swear, I am well. No harm was done me.” “Victoria—” Iain clamped down on his fury. “Victoria,” he began more gently, “you are my wife. I swear, you need not fear. I do not blame you.”

  An indignant brow shot up. “I have done no wrong.”

  The words were fearless, but he didn’t miss the quaver in her voice. He covered her hand with his. “I know, love. Now be forthright. What happened?”

  She flung his hand from hers. “No one laid a finger on your precious possession.”

  His heart twisted. He would die a little more every time he looked into her eyes—and deserve it. “And what of Hockley?” Iain asked. “Had he anything to offer my precious possession?”

  “Edwin?” Her eyes widened. “Sweet Jesu, even now you think—”

  Iain squeezed her hand. “It is him I distrust, not you. You cannot deny Hockley wants you, and we both know he would use the situation to his benefit.” Something flickered in her eyes.

  “By God, the look on your face has signed his death warrant.” Iain startled at his outburst. No war was needed to infect his mistake. Only the death of the man who had taken what belonged to him.

  Wasn’t that what his father had thought? Iain tried to shake off the thought. This was different. Eric MacPherson was angry the woman he loved rejected him. Iain was protecting the woman he loved.

  Victoria grasped his shirt. “I swear, he never touched me. You ask me to trust you. Can you not do the same?”

  Iain refocused on her.

  “Where is Edwin?” she asked.

  “He journeys here.”

  “He knows I am here?”

  Fear creased her brow—just as it had the day he took her. Iain’s heart twisted. Did she fear Edwin or him? “You need not fear. When he arrives, I will be ready.”

  “My lord, I would not have you harmed.”

  “My lass,” he smiled grimly, “it is you alone who can harm me, no one else.”

  Her eyes widened. “I would not do so.” He caressed her cheek. She blushed.

  “I feared for you,” he said. “But, bastard that I am, I feared as much for myself. I find I cannot live without you.” He lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the inside of her palm. “You were ever present in my mind.” Another kiss, this time on her shoulder. “The thought of you…” He traced the line of her jaw.

  With a small cry, Victoria threw her arms around his neck and covered his lips with hers. He pushed her down onto the sofa, his body engulfing her as she softened beneath him. Her fingers slid from his shoulder and wound their way into his hair. Iain pulled back and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed. He braced his weight on his elbows and cupped her face.

  Moving against her in a slow rhythm, he watched her eyes flutter. She breathed deep and desire raced through him like a falcon on wing. His mouth was on her again, tasting her lips, her neck, inching further down. She arched against him. He slipped past the low bodice, his tongue sweeping a hardened nipple. She gave a choked sigh. In the next instant, Iain had her dress up around her waist and thrust inside her.

  “My lord,” Victoria whispered.

  “My lass,” he answered.

  Iain moved fast, his body rising and falling against her. Over and over, he had imagined the slow way he would enjoy her body, but now, even the smallest remembrance of those pleasures was overshadowed by something greater. Neither lust nor desire drove him. Now it was need. The need to reassure himself she was still whole. The need to know he was still alive. But most of all, the need to claim her again and remind her that no matter what, she belonged with him.

  * * *

  Iain looked up from his meal at the sight of Riley entering the great hall. The lad cast a glance at where Katherine sat three chairs down on Iain’s left. The girl’s gaze met Riley’s, then dropped. Iain glanced at Victoria and saw that she, too, had noticed the girl’s reaction. This was the first sign of genuine feeling for Riley. Victoria had asked that the boy be released from the promise of marriage to Katherine, but Riley had refused. Iain looked up as he stopped before him. Maybe the lad knew more than Iain had given him credit for.

  “A band of Robertsons, laird,” Riley announced.

  “One says he is Bran Robertson.”

  From the corner of his eye, Iain saw Victoria reach for Jillian’s hand. The girl’s tremulous smile confirmed Victoria had offered a reassuring squeeze to her hand.

  “Allow him and his men through the gates,” Iain said. “And do not forget we are expecting another guest.”

  Riley nodded and Iain returned his attention to the women in time to hear Victoria tell Jillian, “My lord has said your brother does not blame you.”

  Jillian glanced shyly in his direction, and he offered a reassuring smile.

  A quarter of an hour later, hinges creaked and Iain shifted his gaze from the Gypsy man Evan to the three men who entered the great hall. The leader, the largest by far, scanned the room, his eyes fastening onto Jillian. She paled. Iain winced. He wouldn’t want to be the recipient of that grim expression. He would have risen to greet the lad, but Bran seemed oblivious to him as well as everyone else in the room and strode to where Jillian sat.

  “Hello, lass,” he said in a husky voice.

  Jillian glanced away. He seemed to understand her fear and reached down, lifting her into a warm embrace.

  “I am sorry,” she cried into his shirt. Over and over, she repeated the words as Bran soothed her with long strokes to her hair. “I did not do it,” she added with sudden desperation.

  Bran closed his eyes. “Of course not.”

  “I did not mean to cause you so much trouble,” she went on.

  He sighed. “’Tis my fault for not making sure you were well.”

  “You could not know,” she said, her voice low, but steadier.

  “Mayhap,” he replied gently, “but it was my duty.” He shushed her protests for a few moments longer with soft, unintelligible words, then held her at arm’s length. “You look well.”

  Jillian sniffed. “I have been well treated.”

  Bran shot a grateful look in Iain’s direction, and

  Iain gave a nod of acknowledgment. Bran settled Jillian back in her chair and squatted, bringing his face level with hers.

  “You know I must hear the whole of it.”


  “Good.” He smiled. “But we can speak of it later.”

  The relief in Jillian’s eyes, Iain had expected, but seeing Victoria visibly relax surprised him. What was it that caused women to doubt a man’s ability to understand circumstances beyond a woman’s control? Iain studied Victoria. Or mayhap even a situation involving Edwin Hockley?

  Bran rose and motioned to the two men who accompanied him. He strode to where Iain sat. “I am in your debt. Anything you want, you have but to ask.”

  Iain smiled and nodded toward Jillian. “She is a fine lass.”

  “Aye,” a fond light entered Bran’s eyes, “she is.”

  His gaze sharpened. “I mean to repay you.”

  “Get to the bottom of this business and you may con
sider the debt paid.”

  “You can depend on that.” Bran turned to the men who stood behind him. “I would like you to meet my cousin Glen.” The man nearest stepped forward. “Glen,” Bran said, “this is Laird Mac—”

  A loud cry from the kitchen stopped Bran midsentence. Iain shot to his feet as all eyes turned to Aurari, who stood in the kitchen doorway, a hand covering her mouth.

  A single syllable escaped her lips. “Beng.”

  Thomas appeared behind her in the kitchen. He frowned, shooting a questioning look in Iain’s direction. Iain gave a small shake of his head. Evan said something in their tongue to Aurari, but she stood mute as if gripped by an unseen force. Evan cursed. He started forward, and Iain strode toward Aurari and reached her side in unison with Evan.

  “What is it?” Iain demanded, looking from Aurari to where she stared at Glen. When no answer was forthcoming, he again demanded, “What is it?” “Patience,” Evan said. “We must wait.” But even as he spoke, Aurari pointed at Glen, again saying,


  “What is she saying?” Iain demanded.

  “Devil,” Evan replied.

  Iain looked from Glen to Aurari. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Ask him,” Aurari said.

  Iain kept his eyes on the Gypsy woman. “’Tis not him I ask.”

  Aurari blinked as if seeing Iain for the first time.

  “I am asking you,” he said.

  “There is darkness there.” She shivered, and Iain could have sworn he felt a chill pass over him. “It is hidden deep within.”

  Victoria appeared beside him and laid a hand on his arm. “When we traveled together, she spoke of just such a thing…” Victoria paused, distress creasing her brow.

  Iain caught Victoria’s hand. “You are safe here.”

  She shook her head. “The danger lies within the very heart of us, my lord. That is what she means.” Before he could ask her meaning, Bran said, “Who is this Egyptian and what mischief is she about?”

  Victoria stiffened, and Liam shoved up from his seat at the table. Even Thomas’s expression darkened.

  “She is an honored guest in this house,” Iain stated, “and none will speak ill of her.”

  Bran appeared surprised, but assented with a slight incline of his head. “Forgive me. May I ask


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