Curse of the Fae Moon: Allied Kingdoms Academy Book 2

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Curse of the Fae Moon: Allied Kingdoms Academy Book 2 Page 13

by J. M. Kearl

  When he left I rummaged through my closet, throwing most of the items on the floor after I tried them on. Usually I didn’t care how I looked as long as it was presentable but I wanted to make sure Zyacus had his attention on me. I also wanted to make sure Jennika was good and jealous. I wanted to see flames in her eyes when she saw me. Wench.

  I sent Legacy a note to meet me immediately. Within minutes she crashed through the door, chest heaving up and down. “What happened?”

  I gushed everything, throwing myself face down on the bed by the end of my tale.

  With a gentle hand on my back Legacy sat beside me. “Vis, everything will be alright. We’ll figure it out, we always do. And so long as this Fae prick doesn’t show up tonight we can still have fun. And if he does we’ll find a way to whip his ass. Especially if you have power like your mother now.”

  I chuckled into my pillow and rolled over. “You always look on the bright side.”

  “I have to because you, death vision girl, are such a pessimist.” She rose to her feet and twirled with her hands on her hips. “Except for when you’re around Z now that you don’t hate him. Are you in love yet?”

  I rolled my eyes and sat in front of the mirror fixing my windblown hair. Legacy grabbed a small brush and began painting her lips a dusty pink rose color.

  “I really like him,” I answered, pulling a comb through my dark blonde locks. “I don’t know if it’s love. I’ve never been in love.”

  “He drives you crazy, in a good way. You think about him all the time. I know you’ve thought about marrying him. Could you picture him fathering your children?”

  I scoffed. “Having children with anyone is the last thing on my mind. I’m seventeen.”

  Legacy laughed and started doing my hair for me. “Don’t you ever daydream about your wedding day and making love and beautiful babies?”

  I scoffed but my cheeks warmed. “I’m too busy worrying about the next impending attack or death of someone I know or enslavement of our people to be in some fantasy land.”

  Legacy raised her eyebrows. “Too busy to kissy-kissy, smoochy-smoochy?” she teased puckering her lips.

  I batted her hands away. “Hush up, you’re being ridiculous.” I cleared my throat. “But yes, we smoochy-smoochy, and good pixie, is he a good kisser.”

  “I knew you kissed after your quite passionate one in the dining hall. Now hold still while I fix your hair.”

  Since this party happened to be an “after curfew party” and no one planned on wearing a uniform. For one, they could easily be identified should we get caught. Legacy changed into a form-fitting, mid-thigh length dress. The shimmering pale pink matched her strappy shoes. Two daggers visibly attached to her outer thighs. She was definitely trying to get someone’s attention. I didn’t know if it was Aric’s or barn boy.

  After giving up on finding something cute, I emerged from the closet wearing a plain short sleeve white shirt and loose-fitting black pants, Legacy groaned. “Vis, come on. You have to wear something with a little more—appeal. I can’t show up like this alone.” She stood and tugged the hem of her dress down her thighs. “It’s a party! Live a little.”

  I looked her up and down. “Although you look amazing, I’m not wearing a barely there dress. Sorry, cuz.”

  She huffed and rushed into the closet, mumbling at her clothes as she tossed them onto the floor. She came back holding a bundle of black. At least she knew my favorite color to wear. “This.”

  “Fine, I’ll try it on.” I pulled the shorts over my hips. An ankle-length train hung loosely on the back brushing against the floor. Like half of a dress. The three-quarter sleeves were made of tight lace and sheer black. As I tugged the thick stretchy black fabric over my breasts, I realized it only reached halfway down my rib cage. Where’s the bottom half? I moved in front of the mirror. The fabric of the shorts hit at my belly button but the top left almost a whole palm width of skin showing.

  Touching my bare skin, I actually loved the way it looked. I felt sexy. Other than formal dresses at events, I almost always wore conservative, practical clothing. But I shook my head. “Nope. I can’t wear this.” Way too much exposed skin for someone to touch and trigger my curse.

  Legacy rolled her eyes. “Stop it. You look fantastic. I know you never wear clothes that show much skin but it will be dark and no one will notice your change in style. Dragon’s breath, your legs are phenomenal.” She smacked my thigh. “Look at the definition!”

  I chuckled and lifted a brow. “No one will notice? Anyway you know that’s not the only reason I stay covered.” I picked up a pair of gloves and waved them in her face.

  “I understand but your curse could trigger even with short-sleeved shirts which you wear often given this heat. You can’t live life afraid.”

  “I am not afraid.”

  “Prove it,” Legacy challenged.


  When both of us were ready I sent word to Zyacus to meet me at the bottom of the girls’ dorms. He sent a note back and said he was already at the party with his friends. I guess it doesn’t matter since it’s not a surprise anymore.

  As Legacy and I strolled up to the party, people definitely noticed my skimpy attire. We attracted eyes like bees to flowers. Ugh, I could feel a blush coming on before my cheeks even warmed. It wasn’t that I felt insecure with my looks but I didn’t like the attention where male eyes hungered over my body. I was used to being noticed for my status or beauty but not sex appeal.

  Legacy strutted along, head held high, clearly enjoying the many eyes that followed us in. “Do you see Aric?” She whispered as we headed for a table with several large bowls and cheap metal cups on top. “I want to talk to him.”

  She lifted her arm and pointed at a group of girls dancing, holding sticks with blue fire burning at each end. “Those are the dancers Gracie arranged for. Aren’t they amazing?”

  The five girls twirled, leaped, and flipped in jiggling skirts and tossed the fire sticks into the air. One girl front flipped and dropped into the splits then caught her sticks. The crowd whistled and clapped.

  “So amazing,” I agreed.

  I searched the groups of students for Zyacus and Aric but there were so many people out here, more than I expected, and the main source of light came from far spread torches. It was too difficult to see faces in the distance.

  “And no, I don’t see Aric but Zyacus said he’d meet us here and he said he’d be with Aric and some friends.”

  I dipped a clean cup into a bowl of blush-colored liquid and took a small sip. A sweet, light juice washed over my tongue. Drinks in hand, we meandered around the party looking for our friends. A few boys whistled at us. Legacy winked at one of them. I had to stop myself from smacking her arm.

  Taron emerged, sliding an arm around Legacy’s waist. “Hello gorgeous,” he murmured.

  Legacy giggled and pushed away. “Not in public. We talked about this.”

  Feeling as if I was intruding, I took a couple steps away. “I’m going to find Zyacus.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to go,” Legacy said.

  I shook my head. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Taron gave me a long look. “We’ve never met. I’m Taron,” he said holding out a hand.

  I held back a smile; we had met; he just didn’t know it. I nibbled on my lip as I stared at his hand. I should have worn my gloves. I should have worn something with less skin showing. Not wanting to be rude I took his hand and my fear took hold. The landscape changed as I was drug into a vision.

  The Fae, a group of maybe fifteen of them mingled with us here at the academy. Many danced, and soft music played while tables and tables of lavish food and drink surrounded those in attendance. Some girls wore white dresses with crowns of flowers. Eleven boys were lined up… kneeling. Taron was one of them.

  Oh, no. I jerked my hand away from Taron. I knew what would happen next. I didn’t need to see it.

  I breathed a laugh, try
ing to cover up my abrupt reaction. “Nice to meet you, Taron. I’m going to go find Zyacus.”

  “Vis, wait,” Legacy said her face bathed in concern. I didn’t know if she could tell I’d had a vision but I didn’t wait for her to protest further. How was I going to stop the Fae? How could we stop this ritual? I’d utterly failed to stop anything in the past but as always, I couldn’t give up. I couldn’t keep myself from trying to stop the deaths. Madison said one day I’d find a way to use my curse as a gift. I had to do something. It wasn’t only Taron I saw who had a death sentence. A whole line of boys, and girls to be brides for the Fae.

  Sweat rolled down my back as I searched for Zyacus. Since no one wore uniforms I didn’t know who belonged to which kingdom. I searched faces as I wandered, wondering where he could be. The birthday boy would probably be surrounded by the largest crowd. All I had to do was listen for big boobed Jennika and I was sure he’d be near. I still owed her payback for the other day too.

  Then the glint of a silver crown and the outline of a tall broad boy about fifty yards away caught my eye. Finally. Although not surrounded by a crowd as I’d suspected. Getting closer I saw another figure, a girl. And they were... kissing? He had his arms around her. Fire burning within me, I charged ahead. I grabbed his shoulder and jerked as hard as I could.

  When he turned, I jumped back. Blood cascaded out of—Aric’s mouth. The red liquid slid down his chin and covered the front of his shirt. Snarling his upper lip, he growled at me. I didn’t recognize the girl but she slumped forward into his arms, her head bobbing to the side. I swallowed hard, dragon’s fire, is she dead?

  “Aric,” I whispered. “What are you doing?” I knew it was a stupid question, clearly he was drinking her blood but I didn’t know what else to say. If he were anyone else I’d be subduing if not killing him and shouting for help but this was Aric.

  “Go away,” he barked but then his anger changed to something else. Something predatory. He released his grip on the girl and she crumpled to the ground. Before I could even move, Aric wrapped a hand around my wrist and pulled me against his body.

  “Aric, it’s me, Visteal.” I tried to sound calm as he trailed his nose down the side of my face. “You don’t want to hurt me.”

  “It won’t hurt,” he purred, stroking my hair.

  I couldn’t even believe that this was the same boy I knew. So much for thinking he hadn’t changed much. I shoved his chest but he only held me tighter.

  “Stay,” he commanded.

  My heart slammed against my rib cage when I grabbed his bloody chin and forced him to look at me in the face. “Aric, stop.” If I had to I’d burn him enough to force him off.

  He seemed to blink away the daze he’d been in and released his hold around my waist but his grip on my arm stayed. He lifted my wrist to his nose and breathed in. “I’m sorry, Vis,” he whispered, inhaling again as if the smell alone intoxicated him. He closed his eyes. “But you smell so good. And you’re so beautiful. And I just want a taste.”

  My magic flared and I readied myself to blast him until a sharp voice bit out, “Aric, that’s enough.”

  Zyacus. I breathed a sigh of relief and jerked my arm. This time Aric didn’t keep hold.

  I backpedaled to his side and standing at odds against the Prince of the North, his feral look disappeared. Touching his shirt Aric looked down at all the blood as if he hadn’t known it covered him.

  The three of us stood quiet for a moment. I didn’t know what they were thinking but my mind raced about our next move. We couldn’t let anyone see what Aric did. With the party so close someone could drift over here any minute. And the girl… I dropped to her side, pushing her dark bloody hair aside and put an ear to her mouth. “She’s still breathing.”

  “What have I done?” Aric’s voice cracked with emotion.

  Pressing my palm to her neck to stop the bleeding, I realized with my new magical strength I could likely heal her as I’d done with Zyacus. I closed my eyes and chanted the spell. I pictured the wounds closing, the body healing itself to its perfect form. My palm warmed with the magic. Although I could feel the pull of power, I wasn’t weakening.

  When her eyes fluttered open, she bolted up moments later, panic breathing.

  “Shhh, you’re fine.” My voice came out gentle but truly I was ready to panic myself. How would we keep her quiet? How could we keep her from telling everyone Aric was a vampire.

  Aric stepped closer. “I’m so sorry—”

  Her shrilling scream cut through the warm evening air. I clamped my hand over her mouth and dove atop her when she tried to fight me off. Slumeria. Her flailing body relaxed as she fell asleep. Unfortunately a loud noise or disturbance could wake her up at any moment.

  I stood and looked at Aric. “We need Kyan. He can take her memory of this away.”

  Zyacus narrowed his eyes at me. “He can?”

  Aric nodded, pulling his bloody shirt off. He tossed it aside. “It’s his gift.”

  Zyacus’s voice darkened. “How convenient.” He waved a hand at the nearby lake. “Go wash off before someone sees you.”

  Aric slipped off his boots not meeting my eye. “Kyan is out here somewhere, Vis. Please find him.” Then he jogged off and moments later I heard him splash into the lake.

  As I started back toward the gathered students I froze. “Someone is coming,” I hissed at Zyacus.

  “Dragon’s fire,” he cursed. Squatting down he grabbed the girl up and headed for the water.

  A wave of anxiety rushed through me. “She’ll wake up if you put her in the water.” But we had to wash the blood off somehow.

  “Then you better hurry and find Kyan.”

  I ran by the couple stumbling toward us. They were locked in a rather passionate kiss. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

  I slowed my pace when I reached the edge of the party. Even more people had come and it was looking impossible to find Kyan. People would probably think I was crazy but at the moment their perception of my sanity didn’t matter. “Kyan!” I shouted. “Kyan, I need you!”

  So many stopped their conversation and turned to stare, but it wasn’t seconds later that he appeared at my side.

  “What’s wrong?” His black eyes roamed over me. “Are you hurt?”

  “It’s Aric. He’s—” I didn’t even need to finish the sentence.

  Kyan ran a frustrated hand over his white braided hair. “Where?”

  Chapter 16

  Zyacus crouched at the edge of the lake with the sleeping girl in the grass beside him. Standing, he whipped around as we approached. His eyes narrowed at Kyan but he kept his face calm.

  “Where’s Aric?” I asked.

  The splashing of water answered my question as he emerged from the lake. Water cascaded down his very taut and muscular body. I averted my gaze before anyone noticed me staring.

  Aric shook the water from his hair and rubbed his face. “Kyan, I messed up.”

  He looked at the bloody girl sleeping on the ground. “Is she alive? I told you it was too soon for you to come here. You need time to learn better control around humans.”

  “She’s alive,” Zyacus answered in Aric’s defense. “And the only reason you’re here is to erase this little episode from her memory. Not to lecture your prince.”

  I clenched my jaw. I didn’t understand why Zyacus had to be such an ass sometimes. Kyan came to help us and clearly Aric didn’t have the control he needed. If I hadn’t interrupted when I did, this girl would be dead.

  The tension grew the longer the two glowered. When I was about to speak to end the awkwardness, Kyan turned to Aric. “I’ll help of course but if this happens a second time, you’ll go back to Collweya, agreed? Next time we could be trying to cover up a murder instead of taking away traumatic, incriminating memories. If people knew what you’ve become, Aric...”

  Lips forming a hard line, Aric nodded. “It won’t happen again. I can control myself.”

yan pulled the girl to her feet and held her by the arms. She jerked awake, eyes darting frantically. He grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. “You don’t remember meeting Aric tonight. You fell and hit your head and that is why there is blood on you.”

  I involuntarily shivered remembering when I’d woken up with a foggy memory outside the girls’ bathrooms. Kyan had done this to me when he didn’t want me to find out about vampires. The thought made my stomach turn.

  With a pained expression, Aric grabbed his shirt off the ground. “I’m going inside.” Then he disappeared.

  The girl pulled her eyes away from Kyan. Calm now but confused, she stepped back. “How did I get here?”

  I went to her side and took her arm. “You fell but we healed your injury. Do you feel alright?”

  “Princess Visteal?” she asked, her gaze drifting to my outfit. “You look different.” Then she straightened her back. “I feel fine.” She touched her sticky hair.

  “Maybe you should go take a bath,” I offered. “And change.”

  She nodded, still dazed and walked away without another word.

  Clearing his throat, Kyan glanced between Zyacus and I. “I’m going to check on Aric,” he said and vanished.

  Zyacus moved closer and heaved a sigh. “So much for a smooth birthday party, but aside from that issue it’s a great party. Thank you for doing this for me.” His eyes roamed over me, and he slid his hands around the bare skin of my waist. “I saw you earlier and at first I didn’t think it was you.” His eyes traveled down my body. “I’ve never seen you wear anything like this. You’re—breathtaking.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you.” I wanted to tell him about the vision I had and yet I didn’t want to ruin his party further. I could tell him later.

  “Did you know what Aric was doing when you came over here? He was with me talking with the boys then I turned my back for a second and he was gone.”


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