Rival (The Aces Book 1)

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Rival (The Aces Book 1) Page 4

by A. J. Macey

  “Don’t even fucking start with me,” her husky voice snarled in rage. Her wrath made her chest heave as she made her way slowly around the bar. The sudden appearance of her weapon had Brooks and Stone reaching for their own, but Chase noticed their movements first, freeing his matching set of silver guns from their shoulder holsters. Ugh, I huffed, just what we fucking need right now--a stand off in the bar.

  “Oh, no, boys. That won’t do at all.” Chase’s manic smile appeared only moments before bobbing his weapons. “Hands down and I will consider not shooting both of you.”

  “No killing,” Kiera commanded. She was the only person on the planet Chase would ever listen too, and the words pulled his eyes to her.

  “No killing? Ah, man,” he whined, pouting his bottom lip before looking back at my fellow club officers. “I guess I won’t shoot you. Unless you go for your weapons again.” Kiera’s burning eyes centered on my face.

  “You little fucking rat bastard,” she ground out.

  I knew she needed to hear what I had to say and what I had to offer before she ended up shooting me, or before she found out that her anger had me as hard as steel in my jeans.

  “We need your help, Kiera. We can focus on what I did later,” I urged, trying desperately to sound contrite when all I wanted to do was throw her sexy ass on the bar and fuck her until her anger was only a memory. “Another Old Lady was kidnapped, and we’re willing to pay for her retrieval.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as she pondered the offer for a moment, her shoulders finally relaxing before she spoke.

  “How much? Location?” she asked as she dropped the weapon to her side, her attention focused on the prospect of a job instead of making a target out of my face.

  “Five million. Half up front, half after it’s complete,” Brooks took over for me. His eyes narrowed as he watched her, the grey-blue depths dipping down to her perky tits quickly before returning to her face. “We need to get her back before they sell her to the highest bidder.”

  “Do you know The Cat?” Stone directed his question to Chase, who had finally lowered his weapons.

  “Yeah, you could say I know that pussy real well. Don’t I, Kiera?” Chase’s grin turned from manic to wicked as he eyed her. Grinding my teeth, I pushed the thought of them together from my head. Stone’s glare was disbelieving, not realizing that Chase very rarely, if ever, took anything seriously. He truly was an odd character.

  “You want me to steal back a person?” Kiera’s voice was incredulous, her brows dipping down as she tilted her head to look at the president. Ugh, here we go.

  “You?” Stone interrupted, his next question full of doubt. “You’re The Cat?”

  “Uh, yes.” She shook her head as if it was the stupidest question she’d ever heard. “I thought you knew that.” Her darkened green eyes looked to me and narrowed. “You didn’t tell them, did you?”

  “I said you knew The Cat, not that you were the professional thief who’s climbed their way up the ranks in the Nevada underground,” I snarked, the anger that had been thrumming in my veins for the last few days flaring to life. “You know how I feel about your extracurricular activities. I mean, fuck, Kiera! You went after Cory Harbold, do you even realize he’s Frankie Casterelli’s personal lawyer?” She pointed her gun at me again, her vehemence bright in her eyes.

  “Of course I fucking knew that! Why do you think I went after him in the first place? Frankie,” she sneered the name, “is my ultimate target, and I’m not scared of that fat fuck either. Hell”—her hands flew up in the air in irritation, her anger about me overstepping into her job forgotten for the slight he had committed against her—“he already tried to have me killed.”

  “Wait, let me get this straight.” Brooks' head shook back and forth quickly, his hands out to stop the conversation. “Frankie ‘Smokes’ Casterelli tried to have you killed? Who the hell did he send?” His voice filled with astonishment as he eyed the aggravating kitten next to me.

  “Oh,” Chase piped up, bending slightly in a small bow, his palm pressed into his chest. “That would be me.” Silence followed his admission, his Cheshire Cat smile pasted on his smug face despite the tension that filled the room.

  “You’re an assassin?” Brooks’ question dripped in skepticism. Chase nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes sir, I am.” He was practically bouncing on his toes in excitement. I mean, he even clapped his hands in front of himself in a quick rhythm. God, he’s worse than a puppy. “Skill Shot, at your service.” For fuck’s sake. I rolled my eyes at his imaginary hat tip. Always with the fucking miming act. Stone immediately stepped between the jittery assassin and his shocked boss.

  “The highest paid assassin on the market? The one who went off the grid and retired?” Stone growled, seeing the happy-go-lucky Chase as nothing but a threat to the club.

  “That’s right, I found something better than killing. Didn’t I, Kittycat?” Chase poked Kiera softly in the side a few times, his eyes filled with adoration as he stared at her. Kiera’s eyes rolled, but she couldn’t hide the ever so slight curl of her lips.

  “He latched onto me,” she explained, laughing as he continued to prod her ribs. “Like a leech or a barnacle.”

  “Now, I’m her partner in crime!” he squealed, scooping her up in his muscled arms. “Ain’t that right?” His question was muffled as he buried his face into her dirty blonde-brown hair that was braided over her left shoulder. He continued to nuzzle her as she turned to face the rest of us. I bit back the urge to shoot him as his hands worked their way around her lean stomach.

  “Why would Frankie ‘Smokes’ want to kill you?” Brooks continued his questioning, blatantly ignoring the grab happy assassin.

  “Seriously?” she snarked looking to me. “Did you not tell them anything?” I shook my head, anger fusing my tongue to the roof of my mouth. “Well then, it’s nice to meet you, Brooks.” Her hand shot out to shake his. “My name’s Kiera Casterelli.” Neither of the officers moved, stunned into shock at her admission.

  “Ex-hit man turned mob boss, Frank ‘Smokes’ Casterelli,” Stone emphasized slowly, “is your father?” She nodded, no joy or smile evident on her face. She hated Frankie more than probably anyone on the planet. What he had done to her when she was younger was unforgivable and his death was marked in big, bold letters on my to-do list.

  “When do you need me to get her by?” Kiera redirected the conversation choosing to focus on business, despite Chase’s grabby paws kneading her stomach. I bit back my growl at his nuzzling and let Brooks take over when he came to from his stupor.

  “As soon as possible.” He tried to hide it, but it was blatantly apparent in his jeans how he felt about my kitten. Chase’s hands crept up Kiera’s sides almost brushing her delectable tits and I finally snapped.

  “Keep your hands to yourself.” I shoved his shoulder back, his stumbling steps moved him a foot away from her. Her eyes zeroed in on my face. The hatred burned, and I had to hold myself back from taking her right here in the middle of the room.

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want with whoever I want, Garrett,” she bit out taking half a step toward me, her gun twitching in her hand as if she wanted to point it at me again.

  “Aw, somebody’s a bit possessive of our kittycat,” Chase teased good-heartedly, his arm sliding around me once more. A hand squeezed my bicep lightly. Is he feeling me up? “Don’t worry, Gar, I share. Hey, that rhymed.” He chuckled at himself, his suede jacket soft against the back of my neck.

  “I thought she was your sister?” Stone’s voice was full of accusation at Chase’s not-so-subtle innuendo.

  “Stepsister,” Kiera and I responded in unison glancing at Stone before our attention fell back on each other.

  “Frankie married his tramp of a mother when I was sixteen,” Kiera explained not holding back on the disgust in her voice at the mention of Frankie and Barbara. Both of which were a match made in shitty heaven. They deserve each other, I internally growled.

/>   “I was eighteen, about to go through patching in,” I explained glancing at Brooks and Stone, both of who nodded in understanding. They knew what it had been like at that time. It had been a rough few years trying to survive with Barbara’s drug addiction. Her pissing the money for rent and food down the drain on her heroine left both of us shit out of luck until I started hanging around the club doing odd jobs. After a few months, I started through my prospect shit, patched in, and never looked back at Frankie or my shit mom. The only part of my past I couldn’t seem to let go of was standing right in front of me: tattoos, sexy ass, and more, all wrapped in one snarky package.


  My eyes darted between my kittycat and her stepbrother, the stand-off between them nearly suffocating me in sexual tension. If I throw them at each other enough, maybe they’ll finally just fuck and get it over with. I knew that night when Kiera taunted about blowing off my family jewels that she was one of a kind, but when she leashed me? Hot damn. She owned me from that moment onward; no one else had ever caught my eye or made my blood pump, especially not like her. Her blazing inferno scorched me from the inside out and I couldn’t get enough, but I knew that Kiera would never solely be mine, she was too much of a loaded gun. Not that I would keep her from others. I was giddy at the thought. My kittycat’s power held me captive and when she eventually used it on others, it ensnared me even more. Now, to push them a little more.

  “So, Gar,” I paused, my eyes glittering with what I was about to do, “want to explain why you tipped off our mark?” Having lit the powder keg that was Kiera’s rage, she blew, her gun trained again on his forehead.

  “Thanks, Chase,” he bit out glaring at me. He was only an inch shorter than my 6’4”, but his muscles were slightly bulkier than mine, but still considered lean compared to Brooks or Stone.

  “Well, no need to thank me,” I teased. “I just like watching my little kittycat point that large piece in your face. Her anger really is something, isn’t it?” Kiera’s dark eyes had flared with fury, only now the desire I knew pumped within her for Garrett and me unfolded in the mossy depths. Hmm. I let my imagination run wild. Wouldn’t that be fun? I felt Garrett stiffen under me, his jaw ticking giving him away. He thought so too. Smug at the revelation, I pushed on. “No need to be ashamed of it, Gar. I love it when she’s all fiery too.” I threw him a saucy wink, a tiny smirk on my face at his angry scowl.

  “Fuck off, assassin,” he snapped. Shoving my arm off his shoulders he crossed his arms over his chest. His tanned cheeks were ever so slightly pink in anger, but he couldn’t hide the boner he was sporting in his jeans. It didn’t escape my notice that Brooks, and even Stone, had one as well. My, my... I smiled widely. Lots of not-so-little toys for my kittycat to play with…

  “Start talking, Warden,” our girl sneered, her eyes narrowing.

  “Who gave you permission to address us by our road names?” Stone interrupted Garrett, his words harsh and short as he glared down at Kiera. Her attitude and sass ratcheted up another ten levels as she swung her eyes to the suspicious enforcer.

  “Fuck you very much,” she snapped. “I get you’re all about ties that bind and respect and all that other useless bullshit, but I, my dear Stone, am not. I don’t give two fucks about your leather-clad boy band here. I’m here for a job that you want to hire me for, nothing more. I don’t owe shit to the club, and you sure as hell don’t have my respect because of the patches you wear. Got it?” She huffed the end of her rant.

  Stone was seething. Her lack of respect for their hierarchy had his blood boiling based on his hardened ebony eyes and the harsh frown slashed across his tense jaw. While I knew she could handle herself, if she didn’t shut that pretty little mouth of hers, she was going to find out first hand why he’s the enforcer to a motorcycle gang. Not that he’d be successful since I was standing right here. I might be willing to share her, but no one hurts my kittycat and gets away with it… or with all of their fingers.

  “If I think you’re a threat to the Aces, I have absolutely no qualms putting a bullet between your eyes and burying you out back. Got it?”

  She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

  “Did you literally not hear what I just said? I’m here for a job, I’m here for the money,” she enunciated slowly as if explaining things to a toddler. “I don’t give a shit what you little boys do in the meantime whether it’s fuck leather lovers, deal in arms, or snort cocaine, as long as you pay me for my work.” Brooks finally stepped in, his arm bracing against Stone’s chest when he opened his mouth with a retort.

  “We got it,” Brooks ground out eyeing Stone before focusing on Kiera. “Take a walk with me, will you?” He tilted his head toward the front door, his arm falling back to his side. Kiera’s lips thinned and she nodded. Before heading to the door with Brooks, she poked Garrett in the chest sharply.

  “Don’t think because your babysitter distracted me that this conversation is over, Garrett. You owe me an explanation and you definitely fucking owe me some work for the amount of shit I’m going to have to go through to get those damned files now because of your fuck up,” she growled, then stormed away from him, her gun going back into its holster.

  As Kiera walked out with Brooks, the three of us stood in an awkward silence. Well, I wasn’t feeling awkward, but knowing Gar I’m sure he was. While they stood there stoic and tense, I glanced around. The bar was dingy, but certainly not the worst place I had ever been. During my perusal, my eyes locked with the one person who seemed upset about my presence, Stone. His stony gaze hadn’t left me since I admitted who I was, glared at my inspection of their clubhouse. Chuckling slightly, I raised my hand from Garrett’s bulging bicep and tossed him a little finger wave. I couldn’t help the smug smile that curled my lips when Stone’s glower flashed into a snarl before smoothing over into his permanent frown.

  If he thinks I won’t push his buttons just because of his position in the club, then he’s a moron.


  The weather was warming quickly with the sun as I headed down the cemented trail with Brooks. Neither of us spoke as we walked toward what looked to be a picnic area. Several tall trees, desert bushes, and picnic tables littered the space. I saw a few other patch members roaming around the area walking from their garage to the clubhouse or to the other outer buildings. Lots of curious gazes filtered toward us making my skin itch. Brooks leaned back into one of the tables, his sexy ass propped against the top while his right boot planted on the bench. I continued to stand in front of him, my arms crossed under my breasts.

  He stared at me shamelessly and I held his gaze unblinking. His grey-blue eyes were similar to Chase’s but held the tiniest hint of icy blue within the steel-colored depths. The battle of wills that continued between us had my skin flushing and my blood surging. His rugged appeal was a lot like Garrett’s, but instead of basking in anger and hatred, he was dripping in sexual swagger. The visible part of his arms held no tattoos, but the tanned skin was taut over large, sculpted muscles. His legs strained against his jeans, and the hardened bulge at the crest of his thighs was not disappointing in size. My mouth watered in hunger at the sight. I’d certainly love to see if that portion of him was as tan as the rest of his body.

  “So,” Brooks finally spoke, his smooth voice casual, but a thread of predatorial tone filled the word. “Professional cat burglar, huh?” I cocked a brow waiting for him to continue. He seriously couldn’t expect me to answer that. “A mobster's daughter and the stepsister and friend to several MC members. You’re full of surprises.”

  “I’d say I tried, but I really didn’t.” I shrugged nonchalantly. My statement was true. I merely did what I was good at, and what paid well; Abby, Nate, and Garrett just sort of happened along the way.

  “How old were you when you started stealing?” His eyes narrowed slightly as he continued talking, as if he could look into my soul and learn everything about me. I shrugged a shoulder, silently refusing to answer his questions, and gave him a t
aunting smile. “How’d you become a thief anyway?”

  “Maybe it was something I learned in the family.” The lie left my lips easily, but Brooks leaned forward to look at me more intensely. The smoky sky irises of his eyes never left my face. A drip of my own arousal slicked my skin under my riding pants while I restrained the urge to shiver under the heated and determined stare.

  “Now, Kiera, I know that’s a lie,” he refuted, his whiskey voice lowering as his gaze drifted down my body.

  “Oh, really?” I sassed, determined to show him that his sex god act wouldn’t distract me. Well, it was fucking distracting, but I’m not that kind of bitch to let a pretty man sidetrack me unless I say it’s okay. “How would you know that?”

  “Cause there is a lot of shit that gets talked about when it comes to the Casterelli mob, and none of it included any kind of thief, let alone a famous one.”

  I hummed skeptically. He doesn’t get to pilfer into my past without me getting anything in return. Nothing ever comes free, remember that, people.

  “How’d you become a motorcycle club president?” I challenged. “Was it passed on from after your dad, the previous president, died, or did you have to have some kind of vote?” It was barely noticeable, but I wasn’t just everyone so I saw the slight widening of his eyes at the tidbit of information I had thrown down on the table. Granted, I had heard that floating around the underground circles, the rumors being whispered about at my father’s fancy parties, but I knew that as well as the answer from all of my research. Taking half a step forward, I laid a hand on his propped knee so I could lean into him. “You’re not the only one who listens to whispers, Brooks Abbott.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment, the heat of his leg searing my hand, but I refused to back down first. Finally, he smiled and leaned back effectively breaking the stand off. Ha, bitch.


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