Hero series Box Set

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Hero series Box Set Page 51

by M A Comley

  Although the scene tugged at Hero’s heartstrings, he felt their reactions weren’t matching up to how a couple in their circumstances should be behaving. He cleared his throat, hoping to shift the slight lump that had formed there. “Are you sure there’s nothing you want to tell us?”

  Mr. Baldwin stood and placed his forearm across the mantelpiece. “No. We have nothing to offer you, Inspector. Is that all?”

  “At the moment, yes. We thought we’d share the news with you before we hold another press conference. I’m sorry, but we will be posting a picture of your daughter on the media channels.”

  “So you intend telling the general public that my daughter is a common thief? Why? What do you hope to achieve from tarnishing her good name in that way?”

  “We won’t be putting it in quite the same way as that, Mr. Baldwin. If we put your daughter’s picture on the screen, it might encourage someone who has seen her recently to get in touch.”

  “I’m not understanding your logic, Inspector. Are you forgetting about the appeal we just held offering the reward?”

  “No, I’m not. In my experience, it’s good to keep your daughter’s face in circulation through the media.”

  “I agree, but you’ll be making her out to be a criminal. Yes, she might have committed the crime; however, the man holding her captive was behind this. You have to find him before he…”

  “Before he what, Mr. Baldwin?”

  “Before he gets her involved in something far more dangerous. What if that shopkeeper had been armed and my daughter had been killed? What then?”

  “For a start, it would be illegal for any shopkeeper to be armed and to use an offensive weapon, even during a raid.”

  “It might be illegal, but are you telling me that you check what’s hidden under every shopkeeper’s counter?”

  “No. That would be impossible. Mr. Baldwin, are you sure the kidnapper hasn’t made contact with you?”

  “Damn sure,” he snapped back, a little too quickly for Hero’s liking.

  Hero smiled. “In that case, we better hit the road. Please let us know if the kidnapper makes any form of contact with you, and we’ll do the same if anything else arises concerning your daughter.”

  Mr. Baldwin walked past Hero and led the two detectives to the front door. “Thank you, Inspector. Please do everything you can to find Vicki. As you can see, my wife is struggling without our daughter being around.”

  “I can assure you, finding your daughter remains our top priority,” Hero stated, trying to look deep into Baldwin’s eyes.

  The man shifted uncomfortably then closed the door.

  “What do you make of that?” Hero asked Pitt once they were a few feet away from the house.

  “Very strange. ‘Shifty behaviour’, some might call it.”

  “My sentiments exactly. It’s obvious the couple have heard from the kidnapper. Maybe he’s threatened to kill the girl if either of them speaks to us.”

  “It’s not uncommon. The question is: how do we deal with the situation? Put a tail on them?”

  They got in the car before Hero replied, “Yep, I think we should. It’ll only be for a short time. I reckon the kidnapper has possibly given them either twenty-four or forty-eight hours to get the money together for the switch, and I’m hazarding a guess that the kidnapper has asked for a vast sum, maybe more than they can get their hands on at short notice. That’s why they were both acting as if the situation was out of their hands. If only they would confide in us.”

  “Be reasonable, Nelson. If you were in their shoes, wouldn’t you do as the kidnapper instructed?”

  “I suppose so. Let’s hope I’m never put in that situation.”

  “It’s getting late now. Why don’t we call it a day and discuss this further in the morning?”

  “You’re right. Although I am going to arrange surveillance before I go home. The proposed switch could be imminent. I’d hate for things to kick off while we’re not around.”

  “That’s true, and the likelihood of any switch taking place at night rather than in the daylight hours has to be pretty high.”

  As they drove back to the station, they remained quiet.

  Once they were back at the station, Hero surveyed his team. It wouldn’t have been fair to ask Jason to work two night shifts on the trot, so he walked up to Lance instead. “Do you fancy pulling an all-nighter, Lance?”

  The man looked stunned at the suggestion. “Sir?”

  “I need a surveillance team to keep an eye on the Baldwins’ house. We think the kidnapper has made contact and warned them not to tell us. Most probably a switch will take place in the next day or so—pure conjecture on my part.”

  “Ah, I see. Of course I’ll do it, if that’s what you want, boss. Alone?”

  Hero glanced around at his other options. Asking Sally to tag along wouldn’t have been fair, given her condition, and Julie seemed to be struggling dealing with her grief.

  Pitt tapped Hero on the shoulder. “I’m sure one of my lads would be up for it, if you want me to ask. They’ll only be twiddling their thumbs at the B&B anyway.”

  “Would that be all right with you, Lance?”

  “I’d rather have some company, boss, if only to give me a nudge now and again if I drop off. It’s been a long day for all of us.”

  “I know. I appreciate you accepting this mission.” Hero patted him on the shoulder and waited for Pitt to rejoin them after having a discussion with his team.

  “All sorted. French said he’s up for it.”

  “Excellent news. Ring me at home if Mr. Baldwin leaves the house, even if it’s three or four in the morning, okay?”

  Lance frowned. “Would something like this really go down at that time of night, sir?”

  “More likely to be at night, if you ask me.”

  French joined them, and Hero ran through what was expected of the two men before dismissing the teams for the night. On his way home, he slowed down outside his local but put his foot back down on the accelerator immediately after, and pulled into his drive within a few minutes.

  Fay seemed surprised to see him home at such a reasonable hour. “I thought you and the guys would be calling in at the pub to give the boys a good send-off.”

  “No. To be honest, it wasn’t even suggested. It’s been a very tough day for everyone. I think all they wanted to do was go home and be with their loved ones, like me.” He gave her a long kiss.

  “Aww…Dad, do you have to in front of the girls?” Louie complained, trying to prise them apart.

  Hero smiled at Fay then dropped to his knee to speak to his adopted son. “And what’s wrong with showing your mother how much I love her?”

  Louie looked up at his mum. “Like Mum always says, there’s a time and a place for that type of thing.”

  “What’s with the prudish attitude?”

  Louie frowned. “Prudish? I’ve not come across that word before, Daddy.”

  Hero laughed. “Okay, I’ll give you that one, considering your age. We’ve always taught you how important it is to show how much you care about someone, haven’t we, son?”

  “I suppose so. Maybe try just pecking Mum on the cheek next time, not a full-on down-and-dirty kiss.”

  Hero ruffled the boy’s hair. “You say the funniest things at times, munchkin.”

  Fay laughed and hugged her son. “Come on, dinner’s nearly ready. Who’s hungry?”

  The three children all raised their hands and rushed towards the kitchen.

  “Umm…there’s a procedure you follow before eating, young man and ladies. Upstairs with me.” Hero couldn’t wait to get out of his uniform and into his sweatpants and a T-shirt. He wondered how he would have spent his evening if he’d been single, and it didn’t take him long to figure out that he would have probably been drowning his sorrows while propping up the bar down at the Red Bull. He was so pleased he had a loving family to come home to and was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness for those who weren’t so pri
vileged. Thoughts of the Baldwins going through their nightmare also entered his mind, but there was very little he could do about that unless they backed down and specifically asked for his help.

  Chapter 20

  Myers woke up the two kids at seven the next morning. He untied them separately and escorted each of them to the bathroom, then he placed Dale and Vicki at the table while he prepared bacon sandwiches and coffee.

  “I’ve got a little job for you to do together today. It’s not open for discussion, either. Have your breakfast. You’ll need to keep your strength up for this one. Then I’ll run through what I’m expecting from you both.”

  The teenagers glanced at each other and shrugged. He saw the exchange in the reflection on the chrome kettle. He was expecting the kids to kick up a stink when they found out what was expected of them.

  He completed preparing the breakfast and placed it in front of the teens, who both tore into their sandwiches as if they hadn’t eaten for a week. Once they’d all finished, he sat back in his chair and twisted his cup on the table as he spoke. “I’ve already hinted at what’s in store for you two today. If you pull this one off, you have my word that I’ll set you free.” He glanced up. Two sets of widened eyes stared at him.

  “What do you want us to do?” Vicki asked tentatively.

  “This is what I’m expecting of you: you need to rob a jeweller’s on the high street. I’ll supply the weapons, as usual.”

  Both teenagers swallowed, but neither of them challenged him.

  “We’ll set off at nine, give the shop a chance to set up and open their doors. It should be nice and quiet around then. I’ll give you each a gun. The first thing you need to tell the manager and his assistants is that if they attempt to raise the alarm, you’ll kill them all. You need to strike the fear of God into them, have a hold over them. You’ll know how that feels, right?” He laughed as the youngsters glared at him with hatred filling their eyes.

  “What if we get caught? What will happen to our families?” Vicki asked quietly.

  “It’s in your best interest—and your families’, of course—for that not to happen. You’re both capable of pulling this off.”

  “What do you want us to do once we’re inside the jeweller’s?” Dale asked.

  “Doh! Rob the place. That has to be the dumbest thing you’ve asked, boy!”

  Dale sighed. “I meant, do you just want us to take the jewellery, or do you want us to see what they’ve got in the safe, too?”

  “Ah, I see my efficient training is making you think outside the box. No, just get all the jewellery and get your arses out of there ASAP.”

  “What happens when we’ve completed the job? Will you let us go back to our families?”

  “Yes, if you complete the task correctly. If, however, you screw up, then of course, I’ll be forced to reconsider my options.”

  The teenagers glanced at each other, fear resonating in their features, before they both turned back to look at him.

  “Nothing will go wrong. We’re both keen to get back to our families,” Dale assured him.

  “Good. Then I suggest we get on the road.”

  The three of them tucked their chairs under the table and left their plates and cups where they were. Myers collected the weapons he’d stored in the locked cupboard under the stairs and placed them in a carrier bag.

  “Wagons roll then, kiddos,” he shouted, standing at the front door.

  The road outside was quiet since all the parents had taken their kids to school. Myers held open the car doors. Vicki sat in the front, and Dale sat behind her, where Myers could watch what he was up to in the rear-view mirror.

  They drove to the main Manchester shopping area on King’s Street, and Myers pulled up on double yellow lines a few doors away from the jeweller’s. He twisted in his seat to face the teenagers. He smiled, but his gaze held a stark warning. “Remember what I told you: screw up, and I’ll immediately go to your homes and kill your families. Don’t disappoint me, kids. If the haul is big enough, I might even treat you to a little thank-you present.” He laughed at the shock etched on their faces.

  “I’d rather not, thank you,” Vicki told him.

  “But women love diamonds. Aren’t they supposed to be a girl’s best friend?” Myers challenged her.

  “If they’re bought for you out of love, not stolen!” She glared at him before turning away in disgust.

  He grabbed her chin and roughly twisted her head back to meet his gaze. “Oh dear. Have I offended you, little one?”

  She pulled her head out of his grasp but said nothing.

  “Whatever! Right, have tons of success, kids. I’ll be here waiting for you. Just be vigilant, and watch they don’t press any alarms, all right?”

  The teenagers reluctantly left the vehicle. The brief conversation they had outside the shop before they entered annoyed him. If they’re planning something—maybe my warning about killing their families wasn’t stern enough. He lowered his window and beeped his horn once. “Get on with it,” he shouted, startling the youngsters.

  The boy nudged the girl in the ribs, and they entered the shop. It seemed an age before Myers saw any sign of them again. He kept a constant eye out for the police. His heart raced when he spotted a white patrol car heading his way in his rear-view mirror. Shit! I hope they haven’t done anything stupid. As the car slowly drove past, he pretended to be looking at a map. He looked out of the corner of his eye. The police car halted beside him, and one of the policemen lowered his window to address him.

  “Everything all right, sir? You’ve stopped on double yellow lines.”

  “A little lost, sir. Just jotting down the route I should take now.”

  The officer surveyed his dashboard and nodded. “I take it your sat nav isn’t up to date?”

  “Oh dear, that might explain why I took the wrong route into town. I’ll update it when I get home. Thank you for the reminder, Officer.”

  “Right you are then. I’ll have to ask you to move off now, sir, as you’re causing a traffic jam.”

  “Sorry. Will do. Thanks for pointing that out.”

  When the patrol car refused to move, he reached across his seat and picked up the gun. At the same time, the kids came out of the jeweller’s, laden with bags. He did the only thing open to him: aimed the gun at the young officer and pulled the trigger. The policeman fell back against his seat, giving Myers direct access to aim the gun at the copper sitting behind the steering wheel, who was already raising the alarm via his radio. Myers pulled the trigger numerous times until the man stopped talking and slumped over the wheel.

  He glanced at Dale and Vicki standing on the pavement halfway between the car and the row of shops. “Get in the damn car before any more turn up.”

  A crowd had formed, a bunch of indecisive people wondering if they should intervene or not. The teenagers rushed towards the car, threw their bags in, and scrambled across the back seat.

  “Hold on tight.” Myers put his foot down and squeezed past the patrol car, debating whether to go back to the house or not. As he drove, he checked his mirrors constantly, making sure his car wasn’t being followed. Satisfied, he returned the teenagers to the house and inspected their bulging haul.

  He let out a long, loud whistle. “Holy crap! You guys are becoming pros. We make a good team, right?”

  The teenagers’ eyes widened, and they looked at each other and shook their heads before Vicki turned back to him and said, “I couldn’t go through that again. I nearly crapped myself in the shop.”

  Myers threw the bag on the couch and took three large steps towards her. “What did you say?”

  The girl averted her eyes and chewed on her bottom lip. Her voice shook. “I said I couldn’t go through that again. Please, let us go…you promised you’d let us go.”

  He struck her hard across the face. She yelped, and the boy stepped closer to the girl.

  “Fancy your chances with me, boy?”

  “No. Look, we�
�re doing everything you ask of us. There’s no need for you to hit her. She’s scared enough as it is. We both are.”

  “You’ll shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you. Get on the bed, both of you, now!”

  The teenagers rushed across the room, threw themselves on the bed, and placed their hands in the usual position, ready to be secured to the bedframe. He suppressed the snigger bubbling inside as numerous scenarios ran through his mind. The kids were so scared of him, they were likely to do just about anything he asked to keep themselves and their families safe. He tied them to the bed then continued to look through the bags. There were dozens of trays of diamond rings, watches, and several velvet trays of gold and diamond earrings. He glanced over at the teenagers and raised his thumb. “You guys have done well. Who’d have thought you’d have a successful career ahead of you as thieves?”

  Both kids hung their heads in shame, and he laughed at their obvious embarrassment. He walked over to the window, surveyed the oblivious community around his property, and smiled.

  “Shit, shit, shit! The bloke has struck again—more to the point, the teenagers have,” Hero stated to the team as soon as he heard about the two incidents. Damn! That’s another two decent men that bastard has taken out. “We better get over there, Pitt.”

  DI Pitt nodded. “Team, we need all eyes on this one. Let’s get the CCTV footage covered. Track the bastard’s movement away from the scene.”

  “Let us know what you find. Do your best, people,” Hero said.

  Hero and Pitt rushed to Hero’s car and arrived at the scene ten minutes later. The area had been cordoned off. The two fallen officers were still in the car. Gerrard and his team were just setting up their gear, and the traffic had been diverted away from the town centre.

  “Jesus! How many more lives have to be lost before we take this bastard down?”


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