Power: Power Series #1

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Power: Power Series #1 Page 17

by Victoria Woods

  I knew Blake was still in town, but we hadn’t spoken much since our awkward night at the tree lighting. Still, I was completely okay celebrating with my best friend. We always had a great time together.

  Twenty-four wasn’t a milestone age, but I still wanted to look nice for the evening. Nat set up an appointment for me to have my hair and makeup done. I opted for a look that was more daring than I was used to.

  The stylist was a very fabulous man who was overly excited to style my unruly red hair. It was straightened and styled into a high ponytail that sat at the top of my head—a clean and sleek look. My eyes were smokey and topped with chunky glitter shadow. My cheeks were contoured, drawing attention to my cheekbones. Bubblegum-pink gloss made my lips appear pouty and full.

  Nat and I had gone shopping for outfits too, and I had fallen in love with a silver-sequined dress with thin straps. The neckline hung low on my chest, showing off my cleavage. It showed off my legs and much of my back. It was skimpier than what I was used to wearing, but I figured it was my birthday, so I should live a little.

  Lately, I had become more comfortable with my body and didn’t feel as shy about wearing things that were more risqué. I still hated heels, though, even though Nat had insisted I wear shiny, strappy ones to match my dress. She better hold my hand while I walk, so I don’t nosedive into the pavement.

  We entered the restaurant and checked in our coats. We followed the hostess to what I thought would be our table, but she kept walking to the back of the restaurant, to a private dining room. I followed Nat inside.

  “Surprise!” I clutched my heart and jumped back in surprise, nearly falling over in my heels. Nat proved good on her word and saved me from my fall. The room was full of my friends, who lined the far wall under a huge “Happy Birthday” banner overhead. My old friends from IP Innovations were all there. I was happy to see Blake there too, even though we hadn’t cleared the air yet.

  I looked at the group of people smiling and singing to me and noticed even Jai had made it. I supposed we had become friends over the past few weeks, and I genuinely enjoyed his company, even though I was technically his employee.

  Continuing down the line, my eyes found those deep hazel ones that I had seen so many times. Shyam was there. He stood on the end next to his brother, with his hands in his pockets. His mouth fixed into a soft smile when I noticed him. I was touched that he had come out to celebrate with me. I hadn’t even told him it was my birthday.

  I completely forgot about the rest of the people and could only focus on the devilishly handsome man across the room.

  Nat grabbed my arm and ushered me to the table. “Come on, girl. Let’s sit!” She directed me to the seat in the middle.

  “Wow, guys! I had no idea! Thank you so much!” I said as I sat down.

  “The look on your face was hilarious,” said Blake as he took the seat to the right of me.

  Nat moved around the table and sat across from me. “Yeah, you looked scared shitless.”

  Jai took the seat next to her and chuckled. “I was thinking I’d have to drive you to the hospital for a heart attack or something.”

  Large hands pulled out the chair to my left. Shyam sat down silently, his tall frame barely contained by the chair. Everyone at the table chattered amongst themselves as they looked at the menus to scope out what they wanted to order.

  “Thanks for coming,” I said in a low voice, warm with gratitude. I knew that this kind of group setting was probably not his idea of a good time.

  He leaned in closer to me, enveloping me in his dark, manly scent. “Happy birthday, jaan.”

  My smile grew wider.

  “I’m not so sure of you looking this sexy out in public where everyone can see what’s mine.” His words spread goosebumps over my skin.

  I blushed at his possessive intent. “Don’t worry, no one is looking except for you,” I flirted back.

  “What were you thinking of ordering?” Blake turned to me, oblivious to our conversation. Shyam didn’t appreciate the interruption and glared at Blake like he was about to strangle him, but he was a big boy and could deal with me receiving attention from my friends on my own birthday.

  “Hmmm, it’s between the risotto and the gnocchi. They’re both sooo good,” I replied as I examined my menu.

  “How about I get the gnocchi, you get the risotto, and we share?” he asked, leaning in closer to look at my menu. He looked handsome in his sports coat, white t-shirt, and jeans—like an all-American hunk. He had a sweet personality to match. He would make some girl lucky one day, just not this girl.

  I folded my menu closed and placed it on the table. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that.” I was glad things weren’t awkward anymore, but I didn’t want to lead him on either.

  “No, really. I don’t mind,” he insisted.

  I could feel Shyam fuming next to me at our exchange. His jaw was tight, and I could tell he was probably clenching his fists in his lap. I had never told him about Blake because we didn’t really share conversations about my friends. He had never discussed any of his friends with me either, but something told me he didn’t have many.

  I looked up and noticed Nat was scoping out the scene playing out in front of her. Her eyebrow was cocked high and an amused smirk had spread across her face. She was loving the drama.

  I decided it was probably just easier to give in to Blake instead of argue, since he wasn’t good at taking a hint. I would at least get my two favorite dishes out of it. “Okay, sounds good.”

  The waiter came to bring us bottles of wine, or scotch, in the case of Shyam and Jai. He took our orders and cleared the menus before leaving us to our conversations.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” Blake said, once again directing his attention to me.

  My cheeks turned red and I awkwardly tucked an imaginary strand of hair behind my ear out of habit. “Um…thanks.”

  I couldn’t bear to glance at Shyam’s face because I knew he was livid. I looked at Nat, and she had her palm pressed to her mouth tightly to suppress her laugh. I needed to remember to kick her ass later for getting me into this predicament in the first place.

  Other than the soap opera happening around me, I was having a great time at my party. The conversation and wine flowed freely. Jai seemed really wrapped up in his conversation with Nat. Who would have thought they would have hit it off?! Everyone seemed to be getting along, except Shyam and Blake.

  I had always felt alone since moving out to the city, but it was wonderful to know that these people had taken time out of their schedules to be here to celebrate with me.

  The waiter returned with our food. “Here, take some gnocchi,” Blake said as he spooned some onto a spare plate for me.

  “Thanks,” I said. I did the same with the risotto and passed it to him.

  I took a bite of my risotto and closed my eyes, indulging in its richness. I let out a quiet moan as it melted on my tongue. I opened my eyes to find Blake staring at my mouth. I knew Shyam was looking, too, because I could feel the heat of his gaze on me. Shit. I’d thought I was being quiet, but I guess I was wrong.

  “That good?” Blake asked.

  “Mmmmhmmm,” I managed to murmur with my mouth full.

  “You have a little bit of risotto here,” he motioned to the side of my lip.

  I moved to wipe it off with my napkin, but Blake beat me to it, using the side of his thumb to remove it.

  By now, even Jai was staring at the awkward love triangle. He was loving this just as much as Nat because he knew how pissed his brother was.

  “Uh, thanks,” I said, dropping my napkin back into my lap. I chanced a peek over at the brooding man next to me. He calmly sipped his scotch and was even engaged in conversation with my friend Dave from my old job. He couldn’t disguise the fury in his eyes from me, though.

  I continued to eat my food in silence, when I felt a hand from my left slide under my napkin and rest on my bare thigh underneath. I looked over to where the hand
had come from and saw Shyam still engaged in conversation. I looked at my plate to keep from drawing attention to us.

  His fingers stroked my skin, creeping higher under my dress. My breath hitched as he marked his territory. He wanted to remind me of who I belonged to.

  The backs of his fingers rubbed against the front of my thong over my clit. I knew I was already dripping from the feel of my underwear against me.

  My breathing picked up, and I was afraid of anyone noticing. I grabbed my wine glass and pressed it to my lips to hide the breaths that escaped from my nose.

  His fingers rubbed against me faster. My body grew hot with need and sweat beaded over my skin. Nobody, not even Blake, could see his hand working me, since the napkin was large and took up my entire lap. If anyone looked at us, they would just think Shyam was sitting rather close to me, but that would be it. His arm was still since his wrist and fingers did all of the work.

  I felt myself edge closer to my sweet release, just before those thick fingers pulled away from between my legs. An involuntary squeak of frustration escaped from me as I moved the glass of wine away from my lips.

  “Are you okay?” Blake asked with concern.

  I quickly nodded and filled my mouth with wine so I couldn’t reply to him. I knew my voice would give away the state of the rest of my body.

  I swallowed and looked over at Shyam. He had never even stopped his conversation. That bastard is too good.


  The rest of the evening continued with good food and lots of cake. Nat thought it was funny to shove some cake in my face when I was cutting it. I laughed so hard, licking frosting off my hands and mouth. Everyone else had a good laugh, too.

  Shyam never touched me again but continued to keep tabs on Blake with frequent side glances. I prayed Blake didn’t do anything else to set Shyam off again. My body couldn’t take any more punishment.

  We cleared out of the restaurant. My hands were full of gift bags, flowers, and even a balloon that Jai had brought for me. We made our way into the cold night. It was too late to hit up the club, and I was ready to head home and finish off what Shyam had cruelly started, with my vibrator—alone.

  Everyone kissed me goodbye and gave me more well wishes before going on their way.

  Jai pulled me in for a hug. “Happy birthday, love.”

  “Thanks for coming.” I hugged him back. I was so appreciative that he had come. I had a great and easy relationship with him, like he was an older brother. It was nice to see him outside of work.

  Nat hugged me next. “Happy birthday, bitch,” she said as she smacked my ass. Always endearingly inappropriate.

  “Thank you so much for everything, Nat. It was the perfect birthday!”

  “No problem, babe. You deserve it.”

  “By the way, remind me to thank you personally for everything.” She knew what I meant.

  “Looks like this saga is just getting started.” She tilted her head in the direction of the two men who stood in silence waiting for my attention. “Fill me in on what happens next.”

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m giving her a ride home,” Jai interrupted. He had a stupidly excited grin on his face.

  “Hmmm.” I eyed them suspiciously. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” I warned him playfully.

  “I should be warning you of that. Seems like your night is going to be double the fun.” He winked at me.

  Two guys at once is not my thing. I could barely handle one at a time.

  Jai walked over to his brother and patted him on the back, saying his goodbyes.

  Blake came over to me next. “Need any help with those?”

  “No, I’m okay,” I said.

  “I’ll walk you home,” he offered.

  Shyam approached us before I could answer. He grabbed the gifts from my hands and made his way to the car that sat at the curb. Opening the door, he commanded, “Let’s go.”

  I couldn’t believe he had just been so rude, like a dog marking his territory. I was so embarrassed.

  I looked at Blake apologetically. He seemed disappointed, and I felt bad that he had the wrong idea about us. I knew he had been trying to hit on me all night, and I was hoping he’d taken my hints. But I still felt bad about rejecting him.

  “Well, enjoy the rest of your birthday,” he said, resigned.

  “I’ll call you…”

  “Yeah, sure,” he said as he turned and walked away alone.

  I turned back to Shyam, who had given the driver my gifts to put in the trunk. I was angry at him for being a jerk to Blake. Even though the guy couldn’t take the hint that I wasn’t interested, Shyam had been out of line with the way he’d acted. I glared at him.

  “Get inside, Amelia. It’s cold,” he barked at me.

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do. You were so rude to my friend.” I crossed my arms over my chest, standing my ground.

  “Friend? He wanted to throw you on the table and fuck you in the middle of dinner.” His voice grew louder. Anyone walking by could hear us.

  “You’re being dramatic. He just has a crush on me. It’s harmless.”

  “Guys aren’t as innocent as you think. I know what they’re thinking. And it’s more devious than your innocent mind can imagine.”

  “Not all guys are horny cave men like you,” I shot back, putting my hands on my hips.

  “Jaan, they are. Now, get in the car before I put you inside myself.” He totally would, too.

  I stomped my way to the car and got inside. I’d be damned if he was going to manhandle me in public.

  “Take me home,” I said as he slid into the car.

  “I’ll take you wherever I want to.” He really was infuriating.

  I turned my body to face the window as we rode in silence. We pulled up to his penthouse in the city. At least we hadn’t gone to his weekend house, or I’d have had to sit in the car next to him, stewing in my anger, for even longer.

  I rushed to open the door myself and jumped out before he could come around to help me. I left my presents in the trunk, too annoyed to retrieve them.

  He yanked my arm like a child and dragged me through the lobby. There were a few people who stood back, gawking in silence. This was in stark contrast to the last time I had visited this place, when he had been so gentle and loving with me. This time, he dragged me all the way to the elevators.

  The doors opened to his penthouse. I marched into the living room, even madder than I had been before, and threw my clutch and coat on the floor. “I’m not a fucking child. You can’t treat me like that in public.”

  “Are you embarrassed that your little boyfriend got his feelings hurt?” He stalked up to me, invading my personal space.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend. You made sure of that.” My words had dual meanings, referring not only to Blake.

  His eyebrows furrowed with annoyance. He threw me over his shoulder barbarically and stormed upstairs to his room.

  I flailed my arms and legs to get free, hitting his back with my fists. “Put me down.” My dress rode up my ass, flashing his face.

  He smacked my ass hard. “Shut up.”

  He threw me down hard onto the bed. I scrambled to get away, but he grabbed me before I could set my feet on the floor and pushed me back down. He pulled off his belt and wrapped it around his hands a few times, looking like the picture of dominance. His pupils were dilated with desire, while his cock was straining against his pants to be freed. This turned him on—having me at his mercy.

  He grabbed my wrists and tied them together, wrapping the end of the belt around them. He yanked hard on his knot so that the leather cut into my flesh, then flipped me over onto my stomach and tied the other end of the belt to the base of the headboard—so that I stayed flat on my belly.

  I pulled on the restraint and couldn’t break loose. “Let me go!” I yelled.

  “Not until you learn that you are mine.”

  I heard clothing drop to the
floor behind me. The mattress dipped under me, and I felt the heat from his body on the backs of my thighs. He yanked on my hips, causing my ass to rise as I rested on my knees for support. My ass was on full display for him.

  My breasts pushed into the mattress since I didn’t have my arms to prop myself up. I turned my face to the side so I could see what he was doing behind me. He pushed the hem of my dress up higher, to my waist, and forced my thong down my thighs. I shivered as I felt cool air skim over my wet folds. Strong hands kneaded my fleshy cheeks. My breathing was out of control.


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