He had short dark hair and the usual Waiora tunic. Werika was blonde and probably a magic user – they called them Deivas in the ocean, but Bellinda wasn't sure it was the same for freshwater Waiora – or a ruler, since very few Waiora had blond hair. Again, in the oceans, where they had underwater cities and kingdoms, the blond ones were usually kings or queens. In freshwater they were less organized like Humans and more like communities with no real ruler.
"We wanted to thank you on behalf of our cousins of the Achmeld," Werika added. "It's a shame you didn't get to Xendaria, apparently that part of the river badly needs some cleaning too."
"You mean Xendaria, the capital of the Blackmore Kingdom, is on the same river as Maxwetria?" Hinrik asked, since he had never bothered to check Bellinda's map. He had followed them without question, totally oblivious of the look of the land on a map.
Emewor chuckled. "Yes, and that's probably why the Blackmore kings will get Maxwetria to have a harbor and a fleet. They only need to march downriver and capture the city."
Hinrik shivered and not because of the cool breeze of the night.
"Sorry to remind you of Moriana's siege." Werika put her white hand on his shoulder. "Humans are a violent lot. I'm glad you decided to give up fighting for them."
"It wasn't my true calling." Hinrik straightened his back, staring proudly ahead. Bellinda could feel his sadness at the memory, but hopefully he wouldn't have nightmares when they would finally get some sleep.
"Glad you figured it out." Emewor grinned. "Woram will be very proud when you get to the Ondan again. You're going back, right?"
"Yes. For now."
"Don't worry, none of you will have any trouble in crossing rivers," Werika said. "Or did you think you had a flair for finding fords?" She smiled impishly at Hinrik who now looked puzzled. "We held the waters for you so you could cross with your wagon. That's why you found so many small rivers instead of the big ones. Where there was no ford or ferry, we held back water to allow you to pass."
"Like when you want to cross this river and head for the next," Emewor continued. "Unless you want to try yourself."
"Try what?" Hinrik asked.
"To part waters so you can just walk through."
"But wouldn't that upset the creatures who live in the river?" Hinrik asked, worried.
"You're a true Waiora," Werika said, touched. "Yes, it would upset them. You can stop the flow for a moment, though, the same way you fastened it while you cleansed the channel."
"Oh. I hadn't thought about that," Hinrik said.
"We were thinking of taking the ferry this time," Bellinda said, amused. "If there's one, why not use it..."
"Of course." Emewor grinned. "We're just passing on some tips to Hinrik. Just in case he needs it."
"Thank you." Hinrik nodded. "I know news swims fast. But please, don't warn my father of my coming. I want to surprise him."
"We won't tell where you're headed," Emewor promised. "Have a safe trip."
Both Waiora waved good-bye and dived back into the river.
"Did you just have visitors?" Keneith's voice startled both Bellinda and Hinrik.
"Yes, the local Waiora came to say hello," she answered. "My oh my, Raykim, you look great!" she added, looking at Keneith's cousin.
Loriana had made a sleeveless top that stayed up by tying it behind the neck. The back was open to allow for the wings' movements and the lower part could be wrapped around he waist and knotted either at the front or at the back. And the breeches finally fit Raykim, covering his legs to the ankle. He even had boots now.
Raykim handed back his spare breeches to Hinrik – washed and repaired – and then turned around to let her see everything, beaming. "Isn't Loriana the greatest dressmaker that ever was?"
"Indeed." Bellinda chuckled and stood. "Don't you think it's bedtime, guys?" She stretched her limbs and then she yawned. "It's getting late, I guess."
"You dormice can get your sleep," Keneith replied. "I'm staying out here for a little longer. Loriana's house is stuffy."
Hinrik had risen too and tried to hide a yawn behind his hand. "Good night, Keneith."
"Sweet dreams, Hinrik," Raykim said cheerfully. "I'll be watching over you all!"
"I don't need you to watch over me," Keneith snapped.
Bellinda smiled. The cousins' bickering was funny. But she was happy to go inside the wagon and lie down. She fell asleep listening to Hinrik breathing.
They had left Kelvia behind and were following the edge of the forest that grew at the base of the mountain range that separated the Blackmore Kingdom from the lands of the Kelvans and the Sannish.
The unpaved road wasn't very busy, so Raykim happily rode on the roof of the wagon and sometimes scouted ahead to find a place to stop for the night. His powerful dragon wings allowed him to cover miles in moments, but he seemed to enjoy being carried by the slow-paced horse trudging on the ground.
Hinrik thought that living outside of town was more relaxing. No expectations from other people, no noisy or quarrelsome neighbors, no gossip and no bullies. No rules except respecting the nature around them and taking care of the animals who carried them around. No need to find work either, since there was nobody to buy things from.
But sometimes he missed freshly cooked bread or some special cakes or other dishes that could be found only at inns – or in a home with a loving mother who cooked for her only beloved son. They did meet some lone farms or castles, and did spend some time with people, but mostly it was the four of them, traveling at their own leisurely pace and getting to know each other in the process.
A month later they stopped for the night on the shore of the umpteenth river. They found a nice clearing where it was worth staying for a couple of days so the horses could rest properly. Hinrik and Keneith went hunting and Raykim seemed to enjoy cooking more than Bellinda did.
Hinrik had his daily baths in the river but didn't try to get in touch with the local Waiora. He hoped none of them would warn his father of his coming. By now he was actually eager to see him again and show him what he'd learned.
Maybe Woram could teach him even more tricks, like finding water in the desert. Not that there were any deserts around, but still. Maybe the sea Waiora could show him how to take out the salt and drink the ocean's water. There were so many things he could learn about his favorite element, he was actually happy he was sort of heading home.
Not to Salamar – Salamar wasn't home. But a place where he could be himself and wouldn't have to pretend to be something else to please the people around him. Often he wondered if Raykim would be accepted too in the Genn community or even in a Waiora community – although probably his wings would hinder him underwater.
He came back to the camp from his bath to the smell of roasted boar. Keneith had taken down the big animal with a fire ball and both he and Raykim had skinned and prepared it for their lunch.
"Mmm, this smells great," Hinrik said, sitting by the fire next to Bellinda.
She stared at his naked torso and raised her eyebrows. "Young man, do you mind covering that body of yours?"
"Why?" he asked innocently. "Is it too much for you to behold?"
"You could say that, yes. Please, have mercy." And then she smiled.
He smiled back, shook his head, and put on his tunic moments before Raykim passed him a piece of perfectly roasted meat.
"Why don't you tell me to cover myself?" Raykim complained. He had taken off his shirt and had only his breeches on.
"You're too young to be interesting," she replied.
"And you shouldn't be bothered by these things yet," Keneith added. "By Fajrulo standards, you're a newborn. By Sila standards, you might start feeling the call for your first mating flight, but since Bellinda doesn't have wings, you shouldn't even look at her."
"What do you mean, that Raykim will have sex only with winged beings?" Hinrik asked, puzzled.
"No, but his body is still not ready for sex," Keneith
replied. "He might have lived twenty years already, but it's as if he were a ten-year-old Human. Did you have sex thoughts at ten?"
"Um... no." Hinrik blushed and bit the meat to keep his mouth busy.
"Why are we even discussing sex in front of a child?" Bellinda rolled her eyes. "No offense, Raykim, but really, did you feel that pull to take to the skies and find a mate? Or did you mate while scouting for us?"
"No, I didn't," Raykim grumbled. "I was just wondering what the fuss was about. You should have said it had to do with mating."
"Sorry, dear." Bellinda smiled fondly at him. "I do realize you're young but obviously hadn't realized how young you were."
Raykim shrugged.
They ate more or less in silence, then lay down on the grass to look at the few clouds overhead. They liked to see things in the clouds' patterns and Raykim had promised not to tamper with them. But then he jumped to his feet and gasped, staring at the sky.
"What is it?" Bellinda asked him.
"There! Fajrulo mating!" He pointed at a tiny dot in the sky that seemed to move against the white of a cloud.
"I can't see a thing," Bellinda said. Hinrik squeezed his eyes, but couldn't see anything either.
"Don't bother with your Human sight," Keneith said, unmoved. "Raykim, stop staring, that's not a sight for you. Didn't we just say you're too young?"
"But that's... my father, I think!" Raykim replied, still staring at the dot. "I need to check!"
"Raykim, don't!"
Keneith tried to grab his cousin, but Raykim was faster. He opened his wings and took off, headed for the sky. Keneith cursed in the Old Tongue and Bellinda glared at him.
"I can levitate, but not that high!" Keneith snapped. "He'll get in trouble!"
"So? You don't care, do you?" she replied.
He scowled at her. Of course he cared.
Hinrik smiled briefly then looked at the sky again. The dot that had been Raykim had stopped a certain distance from the other dot, since they looked the same size. Now, two dragons mating must be much bigger than a single half-breed, therefore Raykim must have kept some kind of safety distance. But then he plunged back down and the other dot soon split in two.
"Oh, shit," Bellinda said as Raykim's shape came into view, followed by that of a big blue dragon.
All three jumped to their feet. Hinrik could feel Keneith raise the shield, but leaving an opening for Raykim to come through. Raykim's yellow eyes were wide in fear as he glided towards them. As soon as he touched the ground he stumbled against a root. Hinrik was quick to grab him so he wouldn't fall flat on his face.
Raykim panted and closed his wings, hugging Hinrik like a scared child.
"Incoming fire!" Bellinda screamed.
Keneith's shield held as the blue dragon spat fire against them. The Fajrulo had glided to shoot at them, then went back up, recharging for another pass. Hinrik passed Raykim's shaky form to Bellinda and turned towards the river.
He called upon water. And when the dragon opened his mouth to spit fire at them again, a huge splosh hit his head, extinguishing the flame before it left his throat. Spluttering and cursing, the Fajrulo lost its flying balance and plummeted to the ground a little further down the river shore.
Hinrik covered him with another wave of water, just in case, then Keneith put a hand on his shoulder and he stopped. He relaxed, watching Keneith walk towards the fallen dragon who was shaking his big horny head dry and glared at them with big yellow eyes like Raykim's.
Raykim's body trembled more out of fear than because he was hurt. Bellinda sent soothing energy to him and the bat-like wings slowly stopped shivering.
My father is an evil monster! The voice didn't come out, but the thought hit her at the same time that Hinrik's water jet hit the Fajrulo's head.
Seeing his big and powerful father crash sent Raykim into hysterical giggles. Bellinda pushed him towards Hinrik again and followed Keneith to the place where the Fajrulo lay.
"Greetings, Runedemon," Keneith said.
The dragon bared his fangs, his pointed ears twitching under the sun. The scales on the big body were mostly dark blue, like Raykim's wings, but they had nacreous reflections, especially after the unwanted bath.
"Do you by any chance know the whereabouts of your sister?" Keneith continued, undaunted.
"When will you wretched half-breeds learn to leave your parents alone?" the dragon roared. "There is a reason we abandon you! We don't want to have you around!"
"It's not really a good reason to try to kill us only because we are naturally attracted to be close to you," Keneith retorted. "Especially one as young as Raykim. If he were full-blooded, he'd still be with his mother!"
"Then he can blame it on his Sila mother for kicking him out of his nest," Runedemon retorted. "And now he knows better than to disturb two adults mating."
The yellow eyes glared at Raykim who was trying to hide behind Hinrik's wide shoulders.
"And who's that wretched young man?" Runedemon continued.
"Another wretched half-blood," Keneith answered. "Half-Waiora, hence you can thank him for the shower. You probably badly needed it anyway."
Runedemon roared again, but that didn't deter Keneith. Hinrik and Raykim stepped back a little – towards the river, since that was the safe place for Hinrik – but Bellinda didn't move.
"I should destroy you all!" Runedemon said.
"You thought the shower wasn't enough?" Keneith scoffed. "You're one quite powerful Fajrulo and we're four quite determined half-breeds. It's an interesting challenge."
"You are not setting fire to this forest." A group of Waiora emerged from the river very close to the grounded Fajrulo.
Big feathery wings flapped around them and a group of Sila glided around Runedemon. "You are outnumbered, Runedemon, leave in peace," the eldest said. She had almost white hair and white wings and the usual tight-fitting clothes of her people. Female Sila wore gowns only for the Mating Flight and she was obviously past breeding age.
"Winged Amalia, long time no see!" The Fajrulo sounded sarcastic. He didn't look like he was going to leave though. Then Bellinda noticed one of the big wings had an odd angle. He must have hurt himself when he'd crashed but was of course too proud to ask for help.
"Leave our son and his friends alone," the Sila insisted while Bellinda approached Runedemon and put her hands on the skewed wing.
She closed her eyes and felt the broken bone and ripped membrane. She sent the golden powder throughout the broken wing ignoring the rumbles and grumbles of the dragon. She knew he wouldn't attack her, not since she was healing him.
It wasn't a hard healing, but the body and wing were big and it took its toll on her. She collapsed breathless and felt Keneith take her in his arms. She passed out.
Raykim had gasped loudly when the Sila had landed in the clearing. As soon as Runedemon was too busy checking on Bellinda, he had rushed to hug the white-haired Sila. Hinrik watched them, wondering who she was. She had spoken in Old Tongue and he was still quite hopeless with it.
And then Bellinda fainted after her healing and Keneith took her and brought her back to the wagon to rest. The Fajrulo muttered a thank you and flew off without looking at anyone. The Waiora nodded at Hinrik and dived again in the river.
Only the Sila remained, with Raykim still holding the eldest tight.
"That's his mother," Keneith told Hinrik, noticing his puzzlement. "And those are probably his half-siblings. I'm assuming she knew he had left the mountains where he was born and she has followed him here to make sure he was safe."
"Oh, I see."
Hinrik observed the younger Sila and noticed how the feathered wings had the same shade of color as the hair – blond, brown, black, red. Some had quite dark skins, others were pale, probably depending on how much they went out. There was a dozen of them, of both sexes, clothed almost the same, and with no weapons whatsoever, but their numbers had obviously been enough to drive away the F
Finally Raykim let go of his mother and looked up with his face wet with tears. Hinrik watched as she said something to him very softly, caressing his blue hair. He nodded and pulled away, sniffling.
Keneith went to put one arm around his shoulder, probably promising the Sila he'd take care of the young half-blood. The winged woman nodded regally and soon the Sila were gone too.
"Let's go hunting," Keneith suggested, leading Raykim back to the camp. "Bellinda will need food to recover from healing a Fajrulo, and it will keep your minds busy."
Hinrik thought it was mostly for Raykim, who looked very upset, but nodded and went to get his bow and arrows.
Bellinda was glad to wake up without a headache. She had fainted from exhaustion from healing the Fajrulo's wing, but obviously sleep helped her recover. She was hungry, though, and through the wood of the wagon she could smell food cooking. She also heard the voices of Keneith and Raykim bickering over which herb to put in the broth.
She slowly moved and stretched her limbs. She looked forward to sleeping in a bed again.
She opened her eyes and saw Hinrik seated on the floor with a mug of warm tisane right next to him. He immediately picked it up and offered it with a smile.
"Keneith said you might need this when you woke up."
She slowly sat and moved her head up and down to help her stiff neck. She was touched by the thought and happy to find him next to her upon awakening.
He offered the mug again as she stretched her arms, trying to hide a yawn.
"I'm fine, Hinrik. I have no headache. I only need to eat."
"I think it's almost ready." Hinrik looked both relieved and disappointed as he rose with her. "Are you sure you don't want any?"
She smiled, took the mug and sipped some tisane. "Thank you," she said as he opened the wagon door for her. As if he were a nobleman! But obviously his mother had taught him some manners.
"How are you feeling?" Raykim asked, his yellow eyes wide with worry.
"I'm fine," she answered. "Thanks for the tisane." She raised the mug at Keneith as if toasting and he nodded.
"Next time my little cousin pulls a stunt like this, I'm going to kill him myself," Keneith grumbled.
Quests Volume One Page 12