The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 12

by Robin M Helm

  “I’ll be happy to help you every day, Grant. If we want that state championship, you’re going to have to bring up your grades.”

  “Whatever. Like the team can’t do without you,” sneered Lydia, looking at Grant.

  The rest of the lunch period was spent working on physics homework. Elizabeth answered their questions and pointed out their mistakes, relaxing enough to smile and laugh with them. She made several new friends that day, and Mr. Blake got a pleasant surprise that afternoon in physics. His class was prepared for the first time that year.


  Caroline caught up with Elizabeth as they were leaving school that afternoon. Ros nodded at Xander.

  Caroline tapped Elizabeth’s back to get her attention. “So, Chance says you go to Tabernacle Church?”

  Elizabeth slowed to wait for her. “Yes, he and Janna come every Sunday, you know. Caro, you should join us this weekend. You could have lunch with us and spend some time with Chance.” Elizabeth looked at her expectantly.

  “I just may do that. I need to get back into church, and it would be good to spend more time with the fam. Chance says that you have a really big youth group.” Caroline turned her eyes to look at Elizabeth speculatively. Xander watched the girl closely.

  Something tells me that Caroline is not thinking of spending time with her family. I was not created yesterday.

  “Yeah, we do. We have a great time together. Come check it out Sunday. We meet in the youth building at nine thirty, and service is at eleven.”

  Here it comes.

  “I’ll be there. I’ll expect introductions to all those cute guys I’ve been hearing about.”

  Xander could not help himself. He actually rolled his eyes. Ros looked away, embarrassed again for his charge.

  “Cute guys?” Elizabeth looked puzzled. She wants to come to church to meet guys? Every boy in school wants to date her.

  “Lydia was telling me all about your group. She said there are some real hotties there.”

  “Oh. Lydia visited a few times over the summer.” Hotties?

  Xander echoed, Hotties?

  “Doesn’t Richard Williams go there? We were together in school through eighth grade.”

  “Richard? Yeah, he goes to Tabernacle.” Elizabeth glanced at Caroline sharply, and a light bulb came on in her brain.

  “Huh! That’s interesting. Well, guess I gotta go now. Not everyone can just sit at a piano all day. Must be nice not to get sweaty at your practices. Cheerleading awaits. See ya’!” Caroline threw a plastic smile over her shoulder, her stylishly cut hair falling into place as she hurried off, Ros trudging after her.


  Elizabeth really felt more at home among her church friends and was very active in her youth group at Tabernacle. Most of them attended public school and knew very little of her life at Peniel. The teenagers knew that she was extremely talented as they had heard her play and sing in church over the years, but they had only the vaguest concept of the scope of her gifts. She never talked about the competitions or her lessons and classes at Converse. Elizabeth herself felt like she was a freak, but she could not bear for the other teens to think of her in that way.

  While they had been on a youth retreat during the previous summer, Elizabeth had become close to Richard Williams. He had just turned sixteen and was attracted by Elizabeth’s long brown hair and smiling brown eyes which seemed to glitter when she was happy. Although Richard knew that she was intelligent and talented, he felt comfortable with his own abilities and gifts, so he did not feel threatened by her. He was a young man who had no problem with his self-esteem. Elizabeth never noticed boys looking at her, but Richard was very well aware of all the feminine glances he garnered everywhere he went. His light brown, wavy hair was tousled just the right way and gelled exactly the correct amount, and his light brown eyes sparkled with good humor. He seemed to be perpetually tanned and worked out to keep his six-pack and his muscles chiseled. Richard played football and baseball at Bethel High School; he was a shooting star. The girls sighed and called him “a hottie with a body,” and he well knew that he could date any girl he wanted; he wanted Elizabeth.

  For all his conceit, Richard was a good young man. He attended church, did not drink (much), did not curse (often), and had no use for a girlfriend who had slept around. Whereas other boys may have been put off by Elizabeth’s innocence, it attracted him. He was a virgin (technically), and he fully intended to marry one (in the distant future). Richard and Elizabeth had gone through the True Love Waits series at the same time with the rest of the youth group, and he well knew what the promise ring from her father meant. David had given it to her at the completion of the study; she now wore it in place of a wedding band, vowing chastity until marriage. In fact, Richard had received a similar ring from his parents, but, ironically, he had lost it.

  His family and the Bennets were well acquainted, not only because his family were members at Tabernacle, but also since his mother had taught Elizabeth in 4-K at Peniel. Richard had gone there himself until three years ago; he had been thirteen in the eighth grade, and she had been eleven years old in the ninth grade. Of course, she had been a little girl to him then. After that, he had transferred to the larger public high school to play sports so that he might have a better chance at an athletic scholarship for college. He had noticed her again this past summer at youth camp and was amazed at how she had changed. Elizabeth was now beautiful in every way, and he thought he deserved her. Though she was only fourteen, Elizabeth was mature beyond her years and was the smartest person he knew, all of which made her perfect for him.

  Richard had made his decision; he would not wait around while some other guy snatched her up.


  In the throne room of heaven, Michael and Gabriel knelt before the Throne of Grace, bathed in the pure holy light of His presence as they bowed on their knees in silence, their white robes puddling around them. The room was filled with the perfume of the prayers from the saints rising from the altar, poured out for their Father to hear their pleadings, praises, and supplications. It pleased Jehovah-Elohim, the Lord God, to answer the prayers of His children, for He cared for His creations.

  Though the two Archangels had been before their Master many times, the experience never failed to fill them with awe and wonder. They waited for Him to speak, and finally, after several moments, the Almighty spoke in a low, gentle voice.

  “Gabriel . . . Michael.”

  “Yes, my Master?” Gabriel responded. He never failed to thrill at the sound of his name coming from the One he served. “We hear Your voice and obey. What is Your command, O Lord?”

  “I summoned you, my faithful servants, because I have heard your thoughts and your words. Speak to me of your concerns,” Jehovah-Shalom said to His Archangels.

  Michael, the warrior, kept his head lowered submissively as he spoke. “You know all things, Almighty Creator. Just as You have heard our thoughts and words, You have heard the thoughts and seen the actions of our brother, Xander. Is all well with him, Lord?”

  Gabriel added reverently, “He seems to be . . . overly involved with his charge, Master. Do you wish for him to be replaced? Michael and I, as You already know, are both willing to serve as guardians in Xander’s stead if You so desire. Either of us would gladly don the tunic and wield the sword to please You and help our brother.”

  “I am well satisfied with both of you. You are exactly as you should be, as is Xander. He has done nothing which I did not foresee, and all that has happened has been according to my perfect will. Xander is serving me in harmony with my plan for him. Do not be anxious for him. All is as I wish for it to be. It must happen this way.”

  The brilliant light vanished as suddenly as it had appeared. After a moment, Michael and Gabriel rose and looked at each other briefly before they turned to walk together down the long, golden hallway, quietly pondering the words of their Master.

  Chapter 12

  “For the Son of Man is
going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and will then recompense every man according to his deeds.”

  Matthew 16:27

  Hovering protectively behind Elizabeth, Xander frowned as he listened to the chatter of the teenagers in her church youth group one Sunday night. He did not enjoy being around Caroline Bingley at school, and now he had to suffer her presence at Tabernacle Church as well. Xander stood tall and rubbed his chin, glaring at the girl as he read her petty mind. I can’t stand that little twit or any of the rest of these losers. They’re a bunch of rejects. Why do I have to put up with this? Only because Richard won’t wake up and see her for what she is. It’s just not fair. Even her thoughts were whiny and irritating.

  Xander made an effort to school his features into an expression of nonchalance. There is a meanness about her, a littleness that Elizabeth does not see. Ros was right – she is definitely being influenced against Elizabeth. I wish that Elizabeth was not so desperate for her friendship. This one is dangerous. I will be watching her closely.

  Ros was beside Caroline, embarrassed at the direction of her thoughts, and Garnet, Richard’s guardian, stood behind the couch alongside Xander, trying to look comfortable in the shadow of the gigantic angel. Xander stood nearly a head taller than the other assembled protectors. The two guardians were spending quite a bit of time together as Elizabeth and Richard’s friendship deepened, but Garnet could sense that Xander did not approve of the relationship. He had no inkling concerning Xander’s reasoning; it seemed to him a good match for both of them. Garnet’s enigmatic Chief kept his opinions to himself, and he would certainly follow Xander’s example in that.

  Caroline, who had begun attending shortly after Elizabeth had invited her a couple of months earlier, sat to Richard’s left on a couch in the Shock Zone, as the youth building was called, while Elizabeth sat on his right. Caroline’s striking good looks and eagerness to establish herself as a part of the group had made her initial acceptance a certain thing, though it had not taken long for most of the kids to realize for whom and for what reason she had come to Tabernacle. She was soon snubbing them and making sarcastic comments about Elizabeth behind her back as she zeroed in on Richard Williams like a lioness stalking her kill. Richard appreciated the attention of such a popular, attractive girl, but his focus on having Elizabeth for his girlfriend had not changed. Still, his vanity was flattered, and he enjoyed flirting with her.

  “Richard, are you going to the homecoming dance next weekend? I wish we could have dances at Peniel, but all we are allowed is one a year – prom – and it’s lame.” Caroline tossed her head and pouted prettily, looking into his eyes.

  Could she be any more transparent? Xander sniffed. He felt free with his thoughts here. None of the other guardians in the youth complex could hear them unless he spoke, and he was very careful not to do that. He was aware that Niall and Roark were somewhere on the campus, but they had long ceased thinking that his thoughts were unusual. Odd. Strange is now my new normal.

  “Um . . . I haven’t decided yet, Caro, but when I do, I’ll be sure to let you know,” he returned, then glanced at Elizabeth. Her parents had made it clear that she was too young to single date, but they had not ruled out a double-date or a group outing that was chaperoned by adults. He had been to her house several times to hang out, and she had gone to his house for dinner or to watch movies with his family. Richard’s parents had recently bought him a black Mustang, and he was hoping that her parents would agree to let him pick her up for a date with another couple, friends of theirs from the church group.

  Hearing his thoughts, Xander grudgingly admitted, He is not completely without intelligence and judgment. She is too young, and he should turn his attentions elsewhere. He does show good taste, however.

  “El, do you dance?” Richard asked, tentatively, gazing at her. Look at me, El. Look at me.

  She met his stare, and it startled her. His eyes are so beautiful. I could get lost in them. For a moment, Elizabeth forgot to breathe; then she laughed self-consciously. She lowered her eyes, her long lashes darkening her cheek. Peeking up at Richard through her eyelashes, she replied softly, “Only at home where no one can see me. I’m not very good at it.”

  While he did not care much for her unspoken thoughts or the increase in her heart rate, Xander liked her answer, though he knew it was not completely true. She danced beautifully, but she did not think so. Her self-esteem issues amazed him. She is brilliant, beautiful, talented, selfless, kind, and humble. Why can she not see herself as I see her? However, Richard sees her much as I do, and, apparently, she admires him. Xander groaned inwardly. He hoped that her reply to the boy would discourage him.

  Caroline saw with disgust the look that passed between Richard and Elizabeth. She knew that she was losing control of the situation, and drastic times called for drastic measures. What does he see in her? I’m prettier and more experienced. I could show him a really good time, and I would enjoy doing it. She leaned over Richard, putting her arm on the couch behind him, and stared pointedly at Elizabeth’s lap.

  Ros gasped, reading her thoughts before she voiced them. He knew that she would say what she was thinking. While Xander heard Caroline’s jealous mind, he did not yet realize how free she could be with her speech. Ros glanced at Xander, and then quickly lowered his saddened eyes. I am sorry.

  “El, did you forget something back there in the restroom? Feeling a breeze? I think your fly is open.”

  In his surprise, Xander’s composure slipped for an instant, and he spoke, The hateful little baggage! Every guardian in the room heard and looked toward him in shock. Xander exercised iron control, resuming his stony mask and unclenching his fists with a concerted effort.

  Richard’s face flushed, but he was not nearly as red as Elizabeth. She looked down and was mortified to see that her “friend” was right. Her jeans were gaping open. The top button had come off, and she had neglected to make sure that her zipper was locked at the top. It must have worked its way open as she had moved around. Because her top barely met the band of her jeans, her pink bikini panties were very noticeable. Elizabeth jumped up and ran blindly for the bathroom, tugging at her zipper.

  Xander strode beside her, his fierce eyes belying his carefully blank expression.

  Richard froze Caroline with an icy stare. “Why did you do that? You could have told her privately. Not cool, Caroline.”

  He got up to go after Elizabeth, but Caroline stood at the same time, putting her hand on his arm to hold him back. As he shook her hand off and jerked his arm away, she realized that she had made a serious tactical error. He must like her more than I thought.

  I could have told you that, Ros replied in his thoughts.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass her. I was trying to help her out. I’ll go get her; you just wait here.” Caroline injected just the right note of apology into her voice. He hesitated, and she hurried after Elizabeth. Richard followed her to the bathroom door.

  Xander had continued into the bathroom after Elizabeth, leaning over her with his hands on her shoulders. She was too upset to feel the peace he was pouring into her. He had never seen her so out of control, and he was interrupted before he had a chance to speak into her ear.

  Caroline, followed closely by Ros, opened the door to find Elizabeth sobbing over the sink. Excellent! Ros rolled his eyes. Caroline smirked, then quickly pasted on a smile and started to speak in a sugary voice, “El, I’m so . . .”

  Before she could finish the sentence, Elizabeth whipped around and punched her in the nose. It was such a reflex action, that Elizabeth did not even realize what she had done until she saw the blood dripping down a stunned Caroline’s shirt. She had not thought about it before she acted, so Xander was just as surprised as Ros. Xander clamped his jaws tightly together in anxiety as Ros’s mouth hung open.

  She deserved it! Xander said vehemently, defending Elizabeth.

  “You HIT me, you little . . .” Caroline began screaming hysterically.
Ros was frantically placing his hands on her arms and shoulders, but to no avail. Be quiet, Caroline!

  “That’s enough!” Mrs. Williams interrupted her sternly, barreling out of the last stall, holding up her palm toward Caroline. Elizabeth stared at the blood, horrified at what she had done. Tears still streamed down her cheeks. She was shaking, and Xander stepped to her side, rubbing her back with one large hand while stroking her arm with the other.

  Elizabeth’s mind was frenzied. What have I done? How can I face everyone? I’m so embarrassed. I know better than to fight. It’s against the rules! I’ve never hit anyone in my life! My parents will be so hurt by my behavior. Richard probably won’t want to be my friend anymore. I want to crawl away and die. I always ruin everything! While Xander comforted Elizabeth, he never moved his glare from Caroline. Elizabeth, you are wrong. Your parents may be upset with you, but we will all still love you. Your friends will understand what happened.

  Mrs. Williams’s guardian, Raymond, successfully kept his mouth from gaping open. The small space was becoming quite crowded, and Xander loomed large above them all. His expression was fierce, and if Xander’s sharp glares had been daggers, Caroline Bingley would have been on her way to the morgue to have her pedicured toe tagged. The other guardians tried to back away from him, but there was insufficient room to do so.

  “But she hit me! My nose is bleeding! It may be broken! I’m going to have a black eye!” shouted Caroline, grabbing paper towels as she bent over the sink.

  “I think you’ll survive,” replied the older woman drily, handing her more towels.

  Mrs. Williams had known both girls from the time they were babies, and she knew that if Elizabeth had struck the girl, she must have had a very good reason for doing so. She also was very well acquainted with Caroline Bingley, and was extremely tired of her constant phone calls to their house asking for Richard. Against her better judgment, she had finally told her son to give Caroline his cell number so that she would stop tying up their land line. It did not take much imagination to deduce that Caroline had probably pulled some stunt to humiliate Elizabeth in front of her son since Caroline was well-known at Peniel for her cattiness and manipulative ways.


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