The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 28

by Robin M Helm

  Xander recognized his protector, Lexus, a guardian of the upper ranks. Xander and Lexus had met thousands of years earlier when Xander had been Abraham’s guardian and Lexus had guarded Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The two of them, along with Gabriel, had shared a meal with Abraham while in human form. Gabriel had told the patriarch that Sarah would bear a son, Isaac, though she was ninety years old. Xander remembered how Sarah had been discovered eavesdropping on their conversation when she had laughed aloud at Gabriel’s prophecy. The story had been recorded in Genesis, chapter eighteen. This man must be important in the Master’s plan to have Lexus as a guardian.

  The powerfully built, black angel bent his elbow, palm forward, in salute to Xander, Michael, and Niall. Michael nodded in acknowledgement to Lexus as Niall returned his salute. Though his deep brown eyes were kind, Lexus had a look of dignity and somberness. His bald, perfectly shaped head reflected the light as he stood erect and motionless.

  Lynne nodded at Xander in greeting, and then introduced the young man with her to Elizabeth.

  “El, this is Jonathan Edwards, an evangelist. Jonathan, this is Xander Darcy. El, Jonathan would like to talk with you a minute.”

  The young man, who appeared to be in his late twenties, smiled and extended his hand. After he shook hands with Elizabeth and Xander, Jonathan began to speak. “It’s great to finally meet you, El. I’ve been hearing wonderful things about you for a couple of years now, and I bought tickets to this concert months ago so that I could hear you myself. I must say that the praise was not at all exaggerated. God has gifted you phenomenally.”

  “Thank you, Rev. Edwards. That’s very kind of you. Is there anything I can do for you?” She smiled and lifted her brows in question.

  “Please call me Jonathan. As your mother said, I am an evangelist. My ministry is growing, but I think that if we work together, we can shake this continent for God. I would like to talk further with you about it, if you’re interested.”

  She thought a few moments before she spoke. “Jonathan, I have actually been looking for a way to use my gifts for God, and I’ve been praying that He’ll show me what He wants me to do. Would you like to meet in the morning before Mom and I fly out?”

  Jonathan smiled broadly. “Of course. Could we meet for breakfast in the Azure Restaurant at eight? Lynne told me that you two are staying at the InterContinental tonight. I’m staying there, too, so it would be convenient for all of us.”

  “That’s fine with me. Mom?” Elizabeth asked, deferring to her mother.

  “That sounds good. It was nice to meet you, Jonathan. We’ll see you again tomorrow morning. I think we have to be leaving now. Xander has dinner reservations for us.”

  “Until tomorrow, then,” Jonathan said, nodding his farewells and leaving the room briskly, followed closely by Lexus.


  Xander held Lynne’s chair for her, and then moved to seat Elizabeth. The restaurant was softly lit, with walls of glass that went from floor to ceiling, displaying the beauty of Toronto’s city lights at night. Deep blue was the theme color, from the artwork above the bar, Liquid Veil by Stuart Reid, to the glasses on the snowy white table cloths.

  I am glad that Lynne is with us. This place is so romantic that I need a third person present to remind me that Elizabeth does not know me as I know her. I must remember that, while I love her with my whole body, soul, and spirit, she has just met me. I am a stranger to her.

  I am here to remind you of that if you forget, Niall thought.

  Michael laughed lightly. Be mindful that I will guard Elizabeth against you if necessary.

  Xander chuckled as he took his seat.

  “Did I miss something funny?” Elizabeth asked him. “I dearly love to laugh. Share it with us.” Her smile was so sweet and honest that Xander’s mind went blank as he looked at her.

  Xander, say something! You are glad to be here with them.

  “Oh, I am just happy to be here with the two most interesting, lovely women in the room. Every male in this restaurant is surely jealous of my good fortune,” Xander said quickly. Thanks, Niall. I will do better. I promise.

  I certainly hope so. Focus, man.

  Their waiter appeared, introduced himself, and made recommendations from the menu.

  As Elizabeth and Lynne ordered the grilled scallops and vegetable tart with water, Xander suddenly realized that he had not eaten in thousands of years. He pretended to study the menu while his mind thought of all the possibilities.

  Why did I not think of this before I suggested going out to eat? I do not know if I will like modern food or not. What if it makes me sick? This will not be bread cakes, curds, milk, and veal.

  Calm yourself! Niall looked over Lynne’s shoulder at her menu. Order something simple. Try the Azure soup and a Caesar salad with fettucini primavera. Wait until later to try meat.

  That is easy for you to say. You do not have to eat or do anything with the food later.

  Xander looked up at the waiter and smiled. “I think I will have the Azure soup, a Caesar salad, fettuccini primavera, and water.”

  After the waiter left, Elizabeth looked at Xander curiously. “Are you a vegetarian?”

  “No, I just do not like to eat anything too heavy this late in the evening. I will be quite happy to enjoy your company. You must be famished. I know that you did not eat before the concert.”

  “How do you know that?” Elizabeth asked, her full attention engaged.

  Oops! “I just assumed that you would not eat before performing because of pre-program jitters.”

  Nice recovery. Niall smiled at him.

  You are doing well. Michael was encouraging.

  “Actually, you’re right. I never eat before I perform. I’m too nervous. Have you ever given a recital or a concert? I know that you play and sing, and that you’re majoring in music.”

  “I am fairly new at all this, but I have a request to make of you.”

  He didn’t answer my question. Interesting, she thought. He is such an enigma.

  Is it good to be an enigma? Xander queried.

  She thinks you are interesting. That is good, replied Niall.

  Women love mystery. Or so I have heard, added Michael.

  “Ask away. It seems to be my night for requests.” She laughed lightly.

  “May I audition for you?” Xander’s blue eyes gazed into hers.

  “I would love to hear you play and sing at any time. Why would you want to audition for me?”

  “If I am good enough, I would like to play or sing a duet with you. We could do the music at your church sometime.”

  “My church? How do you know I go to church?” He seems to know a lot about me somehow.

  His laugh was a low musical sound. “Elizabeth, you gave your testimony at the concert. You sang a medley of Spirituals and played a brilliant original arrangement of sacred songs. It stands to reason that you go to church.”

  I must be getting paranoid. “You’re right, I do. My dad is my pastor. We would love to have you visit our church, and I’m sure that we could get something together for a duet. We live in Bethel and attend Tabernacle Church. Are you familiar with it?”

  “I have a townhouse in Spartanburg. I just moved there to attend Converse, and I am looking for a church to attend regularly. Of course, I will not be back in time for services tomorrow, but I would like to come next Sunday, if you do not mind.”

  Again, he sidestepped my question. Very neatly, too. And he never uses contractions. I have never met anyone so nearly my own age that uses such perfect grammar. ‘Curiouser and curiouser.’

  Hearing her thoughts, Xander nearly panicked, though his face showed no change in his emotions. She knows that I am different.

  Elizabeth looked at him thoughtfully. I think I like the way he speaks. He seems to be a true Southern gentleman – cultured, well-bred, courteous, and charming. He reminds me of the men my grandmother used to talk about. The Judds sang a song about the ‘good old days.’ People fel
l in love to stay back then. I want it to be that way for me and whomever God chooses to be my husband.

  Xander gazed directly into her eyes and smiled his appreciation for her thoughts. I am so glad that He has chosen me, Elizabeth.

  They were quiet as a waiter poured their water.

  Lynne, who had been listening to the conversation with interest, interjected, “Of course we don’t mind, Xander. We would be very happy to see you at Tabernacle. If you would let us repay your hospitality for dinner tonight, you’re welcomed to have Sunday lunch with us after church. You and El could work on a special for church in our music room after lunch.”

  Xander flashed Lynne a full-wattage smile. He was so relieved, he could have hugged her. “How generous of you! Of course, I accept your invitation, if Elizabeth agrees,” he said, turning to Elizabeth with the same devastating smile. I have always liked Lynne. Remarkable woman.

  Quite right. Niall chuckled.

  Oh, Elizabeth agrees, all right. Elizabeth wants to see those dimples again, thought Elizabeth. She could not suppress her smile of delight. “Never let it be said that the Bennets do not have Southern hospitality. Please come to church with us and stay for lunch next Sunday.”

  Again with the dimples. Niall rolled his eyes. Do not forget to get her cell number.

  Her cell number? asked Michael.

  Cell phone number. Humans communicate by talking on them or texting messages to each other, answered Niall.

  I suppose we warriors miss the day-to-day changes of human life, unlike guardians who are with them all the time. I think I will enjoy this assignment. Michael’s eyes sparkled with good humor.

  “Would you mind giving me your cell phone number in case I become lost?” Xander asked, striving for an innocent look.

  “Tabernacle is on the main street of a town that has a population of three thousand people, but I’ll give you my number. I certainly wouldn’t want to be responsible for your getting lost. I just couldn’t live with that on my conscience,” she smiled teasingly. “Why, anything could happen to you in a strange place, all alone.” Like anyone would mess with you. You are the biggest man I’ve ever seen. There is no doubt that you could protect yourself from an entire gang, if there were such a thing in Bethel.

  She has never seen me. I am a little taller than Xander, thought Michael.

  If everything goes well, she never will, replied Niall.

  “Do you have anything to write on, Mom?” asked Elizabeth.

  Lynne leaned over to get her purse, put it in her lap, and rummaged through it, producing a pen and a slip of paper from her day planner. Elizabeth took the paper and pen from her mother, wrote both her home number and her cell number on it, and handed the paper to Xander and the pen back to her mother. Xander put the paper in his vest pocket.

  He looked at Elizabeth mysteriously, with just the hint of a smile. “I must confess something.”

  Xander had her full attention immediately.

  Hmmm. He never volunteers information, and he avoids answering questions. This should be interesting. “Confess away.” She smiled brightly.

  He leaned toward her and lowered his voice. “I am not really afraid of getting lost. I would like to call you just to talk,” he paused, looked at Lynne, and raised his voice a little, “if that is agreeable with you and your mother, of course.”

  Lynne was both surprised and amused. “No young man has ever asked my permission to call either of my daughters. I must say that I like it. It’s refreshing. It’s all right with me; it’s up to El.” My antennae are tingling, telling me that El is very much okay with it.

  “Certainly. I’ll look forward to it.” He’s honest. I find honesty to be very attractive in a man. And he paid respect to my mother; I like that, too.

  I wish I could be completely honest. I do not like avoiding her questions. Xander looked at the table. He felt guilty.

  Eventually, you can tell her more. Now is not the time. Niall looked at his brother with an encouraging smile. It will be well.

  Think of her feelings, Xander. Do you think she is ready to hear the full truth now? asked Michael.

  Xander smiled ruefully. I guess not. She would probably run screaming for the door.

  The conversation came to a close as two waiters came with their first course. From that point on, they talked of the food, music, Converse, and Elizabeth’s family. Xander ate very little, and he handled his fork a little awkwardly, which did not escape Elizabeth’s notice.

  We ate with our hands before. I must practice this. At least my body seems to be accepting the food.

  Elizabeth’s thoughts were more pleasantly engaged. Suddenly he is very quiet. I wonder what he is thinking. He shows wonderful breeding and excellent manners. He must have been in a much wider society than I have ever experienced. Maybe he has never had a girlfriend. That would be strange, indeed.

  I am so glad that she cannot read my mind, thought Xander. I hope she will forgive me for reading hers if she ever finds out.

  Niall caught Xander’s eye. Do not worry about what may never be a problem, Xander. One thing at a time.

  After they finished their meal, and Xander had paid with his credit card, he walked them to their room. He said goodnight to Lynne and Elizabeth at their door and turned to walk down the hallway. Niall and Michael followed them into the room.

  As soon as he heard the door close, he looked both ways, and, seeing no one, he quickly changed into angelic form and walked through the wall to join the other two guardians in their hotel room. Niall had been aware for several years that Xander was unable to watch Elizabeth in her private moments, so he was not surprised when his Chief turned his back for Elizabeth to prepare for bed. Michael looked at Xander’s behavior with curiosity, but kept his thoughts to himself.

  How do you think the evening went? asked Xander.

  It was not a total train wreck. She did give you her number. How did you like eating modern food?

  I guess I will become accustomed to it. I still wonder where it will go.

  I suppose you will find out tomorrow, Niall thought with a snicker.

  How would you like for your next assignment to be guarding a penguin in Antarctica?

  I am not worried. You need me. Niall’s thoughts were smug.

  True. Thanks.

  You are welcome, my Chief.

  Michael looked at them, amused at their banter.

  Something is not right. I am not quite myself, thought Xander.

  What do you mean? asked Michael, looking at him with concern.

  It is very odd. I almost think that I could sleep. This must be what it feels like to be tired, replied Xander. I think that I am weary. He yawned. Then surprised, he put his hand over his mouth. I am sorry. That was rude.

  Niall stared at him, but Michael smiled. That is another reason our Master sent me. Elizabeth needs to be guarded when you are human, true, but you are going to need help in another way as well. The more time that you spend in human form, the more you will experience human needs. Right now, you need to rest, Xander.

  How can I do that? I know that you will watch Elizabeth, but what if I am attacked while I sleep?

  You always think you can handle everything by yourself, Xander, but you cannot. Elohim has chosen a guardian to watch you while you sleep. As Michael spoke, the third archangel floated through the wall, dressed in a guardian’s tunic and full body armor.

  I am here, Xander. Do you trust me to protect you?

  Gabriel! You will stand guard for me? I am honored. Xander inclined his head.

  Let us depart for your bedchamber. You must rest now, said Gabriel.

  Can I not sleep here? asked Xander.

  Where? There is no bed for you, and you must become human to sleep, answered Michael.

  But I have no room, said Xander.

  Of course, you have a room. Gabriel chuckled and held out a key card. You will sleep in the room next to this one.

  Of course. Xander looked a little sadly at E
lizabeth, sleeping with her hand curled by her face. He would miss watching her sleep, entering her dream world, and waiting while she awakened.

  Michael read his thoughts. Things are not the same now, Xander. She deserves her privacy. You have now entered her life as a suitor. It would be unseemly for you to see her in her private moments. I saw how you turned your back tonight as she changed into her nightclothes. You know that what I say is true.

  I know that you speak the truth, Michael, but I will miss her.

  If all goes well, she will be yours in a few short years. Until that time, you can still hear her thoughts and ‘see’ her dreams if you are awake while she sleeps. That is more than enough. Go rest for now and dream your own dreams.

  Gabriel touched Xander’s arm. Let us go through the wall. We do not want to awaken them by opening the door.

  Xander walked to Elizabeth’s bed and traced her cheek with his forefinger. He leaned over her, gently kissed her cheek, straightened up, and turned to go. Then he stopped, mid-stride, with a smile on his sleepy face. He had caught the beginnings of a lovely dream, and he saw his own face. She dreams of me tonight. Are you sure I cannot stay? I can sleep tomorrow while you guard her, Michael.

  No! said the other three angels in unison, laughing.

  Gabriel took him firmly by the arm, and they walked through the wall to the adjoining room. Xander took human form and slid between the sheets.

  Wonderful! was his last conscious thought before he slipped into his own beautiful dream – the first one of his long existence.

  Chapter 3

  “And he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him, and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him, and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.’ And they began to be merry.”


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