The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 32

by Robin M Helm

  “Hmmm. Strange,” said Charlotte, watching her walk from the room. She turned her head to look at Elizabeth. “El, please don’t let her talk you into going anywhere with her by yourself. I have a bad feeling about her. And while I’m being honest, let me add that Gregory gives me that same weird vibe. He is too perfect.”

  “She is a bit odd. I will bow to your superior radar and promise never to go anywhere with her alone. However, I’ve known Gregory a long time, and he’s always been nice to me. Being extraordinarily handsome is not a crime, though he is quite smooth and plausible. I will allow that what seems too good to be true usually is.” Elizabeth laughed.

  Charlotte smiled at her friend. “I’ll take the promise concerning Cassandra for the present. Remember that I’ve known Gregory as long as you have. We’ll discuss him more later. Now, what about our shopping trip? I really do need some winter boots.”

  Xander entered the discussion. “I still like the idea. Charlotte, let me take you and Elizabeth shopping and then out to dinner on me. I rarely get the opportunity to take two lovely ladies out at the same time,” he said easily, bestowing his best smile on them.

  Who can refuse the dimples? thought Charlotte, a little dreamily.

  The dimples? asked Gabriel as Michael stood by shaking his head and smiling.

  I hear that very often as well, thought Xander, a bit smugly.

  “Sounds good to me. How about you, El?” asked Charlotte.

  Elizabeth smiled brightly, letting her double-dimple show. “Are you sure you don’t mind taking us home afterwards, Xander? I think that Mom would let me drive.”

  “Or I could drive in the morning, El,” offered Charlotte.

  “I absolutely insist on driving both of you home. I take being a gentleman very seriously, I assure you,” Xander replied, a small smile playing about his lips.

  Elizabeth bit her lower lip as she thought about the things she should do the next evening instead of going out.

  “I promise to have you home by eight.” Xander let the smile grow a little wider.

  It’s as if he can read my mind, thought Elizabeth. His smile should be registered as a lethal weapon.

  “Well, I suppose I can get my work done if you promise to have us home early. Our last class is over at three. We can shop for a few hours and eat by six.”

  “Excellent. I will not have to eat alone tomorrow night,” answered Xander, with just the right hint of a pout.

  Charlotte nearly snorted. As if you would ever have to eat alone except by your own choice.


  Xander and Gabriel joined Michael in guarding Elizabeth that afternoon. Xander still felt anxious after the encounter with Cassandra. Gregory was obviously changing his mode of attack.

  After returning home with her mother and Charlotte, Elizabeth donned her sweats and athletic shoes to take a run around the block. She had calculated how many times she needed to run the route to make a mile, and she tried to run at least two miles three times per week. It had been a part of her weekly routine since she had graduated from high school. Michael, Gabriel, and Xander flew just above her.

  As she passed the church parking lot, she heard a car horn and followed the sound with her eyes. She spotted Gregory in a shiny black sports car at the McDonald’s across the street. He rolled down the window and waved at her with a big smile.

  I knew that he was up to something, thought Xander.

  I think that the three of us are quite capable of dealing with Gregory, answered Michael drily.

  Especially since he has no guards with him, added Gabriel. He is not here for a battle.

  After looking both ways, Elizabeth, followed by Xander, Michael, and Gabriel, ran across the street to see him. She walked around his car slowly, looking at it from all angles. He certainly knows how to make an entrance, she mused.

  Gregory got out of the car, closed the door, and leaned against it, arms folded across his broad chest, one ankle crossed over the other. As she finished her circle, she stopped in front of him and smiled, her eyes never leaving the car. Her guardians flanked her, staring at the enemy.

  “Hi, Gregory. New wheels? I’ve never seen a car like this. It is truly awesome! What is it?”

  “It’s a Lamborghini Cachazo Concept. I just got it yesterday.”

  “I don’t know much about cars, but I do know that concept cars are expensive and hard to acquire. How did you manage to get this?” she asked, still admiring the sleek lines and low-slung body.

  He stood up. “I told you that I have connections, El. Don’t ever underestimate me. There were only a few of these cars made, and they aren’t for sale. I saw it, and I wanted it. If you have the money, and you know the right people, you can have anything you want.” His voice was seductive and low.

  Xander took a step toward him, and Gabriel put a restraining hand on his arm.

  The tone of Gregory’s voice shocked her, and she finally looked at him instead of the car. It was as if she were seeing him for the first time. He was wearing a black Ksubi trench coat open over a hooded grey wool sweater bearing an Armani logo. The top of his fitted black T shirt showed under the partially unzipped sweater, and the sweater’s hood was flung carelessly over the back of the coat. Black designer jeans and black leather boots finished the outfit. Elizabeth held her breath as she took in Gregory’s perfect face, glossy black hair, and honey-golden eyes. He was amazingly sexy and dangerous.

  He would look right at home on the cover of GQ, she thought.

  Xander was so jealous that he had to look away. Sometimes, I wish I could not read her mind.

  “Well, what do you think?” Gregory asked, commanding her attention with his eyes.

  She released the breath she had been holding. “I want to touch it, but I’m afraid I’ll get fingerprint smudges on it. It’s so beautiful.”

  “El, you can touch anything you want of mine, anytime you want to.” His voice was pure silk, caressing her with its smoothness. “I thought I had made that clear to you in the past.”

  He has crossed the boundary! Xander spoke through his clenched jaw. His right hand closed over the hilt of his sword.

  He has breached propriety, but he has done nothing to merit drawing your sword. Calm yourself. He is enjoying tormenting you. Would you encourage him to go further just to see your reaction? Gabriel was calm and reasonable.

  Gregory took a step toward her. “Would you like to go for a ride?”

  Xander took a step toward him. I will prevent you from coming again if you cannot control yourself, thought Michael.

  Xander stopped, but took a defensive posture.

  She was vaguely uncomfortable. Gregory had never been so forward with her before, and it frightened her. She hesitated.

  “I promise that I’ll behave. I can be a gentleman, too, you know. I just thought that you should be aware of all your options.”

  She looked toward her house, and then back at him. “I can’t be gone long. I have schoolwork to finish, and my parents will expect me to be home for dinner.”

  That was not a ‘no,’ thought Xander.

  I am sure that Gregory did not miss that either, added Michael.

  Gregory walked to the passenger’s side and opened the door. He held out his hand to Elizabeth with a look meant to convey his feelings for her. “Please, El? We won’t be gone long. I haven’t really seen you since before Christmas. You’re always busy with your new friend now.” His eyes pleaded with her.

  He has been my friend for more than two years now. Have I really been neglecting him?

  Gregory has played on her loyal nature perfectly. He knew exactly what to say to make her feel guilty, thought Xander in irritation.

  Xander spoke into her mind, Do not go with him, Elizabeth.

  She hesitated, but Gregory looked at her, imploring her with his eyes.

  “Please?” he asked, still gazing at her, using every ounce of his magnetism.

  Please, Elizabeth. Please do not get into his car. X
ander was begging her.

  She felt so confused. Gregory is my friend, and I know he will not hurt me. Why do I feel that I should not go? Is it because of what Charlotte said? She has never liked him.

  She walked to the other side of the car and took Gregory’s hand, allowing him to help her into the low-slung car.

  Gregory closed her door and walked around to the driver’s side, pausing a short moment to smile triumphantly at the three angels.

  Xander glared at him. Michael and Gabriel maintained neutral expressions.

  He opened the door and slid into the bucket seat beside her, reaching across her to get her seatbelt. As he pulled it over her, he managed to lightly graze her body with his knuckles, lingering just a moment longer than necessary before he locked the clasp securely. Her eyes widened as he touched her.

  That must have been an accident. Surely he would not have done that on purpose, she thought.

  There is such a thing as being too innocent. Xander contemplated having a talk with her later.

  Gregory pushed the ignition button, enjoying the raw power of the machine as it jumped to life.

  “Where would you like to go?” he asked, turning his head to smile at her.

  “It doesn’t matter, but remember we can’t go very far. I have to get back home soon,” she answered. I’m babbling. I wish I had never agreed to go.

  We are in agreement, thought Xander.

  “I haven’t seen what she can do yet. Let’s take the country road out of town and test her limits,” Gregory said, revving the engine.

  Before she had a chance to answer, he peeled out of the parking lot and headed toward the open highway, breaking every speed limit on the way.

  If he wraps the car around a tree, he could kill her, and he’d probably just walk away – or fly away, thought Xander as he, Michael, and Gabriel flew above the speeding car.

  We will not allow that, answered Michael tersely. The three of us can catch the car before it hits anything.

  Do not worry so, Xander. You will go prematurely gray, added Gabriel.

  Remember that I bested his father when we contended over the body of Moses, and I will not be beaten by the son, said Michael, referring to an incident recorded in Jude 1:9. The Lord will rebuke him.

  Gregory pushed the gas pedal to the floor. He could not resist the smell of Elizabeth’s fear. Though he knew it was unwise, he enjoyed it too much to slow down as he glanced at the flashing blue light in the rearview mirror.

  When the speedometer hit 200 MPH, she began to whimper. “Gregory, please. I’m afraid. Please slow down.”

  She is no longer willing. We can interfere. Xander was adamant.

  There is no need yet. Let her see him for what he is. Let her be afraid of him, cautioned Michael.

  Michael is right. Gregory himself is doing more to push her away than any of your talks could have accomplished, spoke the voice of reason, Gabriel.

  Gregory realized his error immediately upon hearing her voice and began to decelerate. “I’m sorry, El. I just got a little carried away. I really love speed, and I’ve been trained by a professional racecar driver. You were never in any danger.”

  She huddled back in her seat, fighting tears. “Please take me home now.”

  “I will. We’ll turn around right now, and I’ll take you home. I truly am sorry. Can you forgive me?” he asked. He reached for her hand.

  “Keep your hands on the wheel, please. I do forgive you, Gregory, but don’t ever expect me to get in a car with you again. You are a maniac.” Elizabeth crossed her arms and looked out the window with a frown.

  Excellent. Xander smiled.

  Just as we said it would be, Michael reminded him.

  Gregory turned into a driveway, backed out into the road, and headed back toward Bethel.

  “I just like to drive fast. That doesn’t make me a bad person.” His tone was wheedling.

  No, driving fast does not make you a bad person, but perhaps being the offspring of the Son of Perdition might qualify you for the appellation. You are referred to as the Dark Prince. Xander’s thoughts were edged with sarcasm.

  “I’m not saying you’re a bad person, but I won’t get back in a car with you again if you’re going to be driving it.” She was firm. “You shouldn’t have a sports car. You could kill yourself.”

  He laughed. “That’s not likely.”

  They rode in silence for a few moments.

  “El,” he began. “I wanted to tell you something today.”

  “Oh, so your sole purpose in coming to Bethel wasn’t to scare me to death?” She looked at him and arched one eyebrow.

  “No, actually I’ve been very concerned for you since yesterday.” Gregory injected just the right amount of sincerity into his voice.

  Xander spoke into her mind. He is the Father of Lies. Do not believe him.

  “I can’t imagine why,” she returned.

  “You seem to have become quite close to Xander Darcy in a very short time,” he said quietly.

  “Yes, Xander and I are becoming friends. I like him.” Elizabeth looked straight ahead.

  “Maybe it isn’t wise to trust anyone on such a short acquaintance,” said Gregory.

  “Xander has been a perfect gentleman, and he hasn’t tried to kill me yet.”

  “I haven’t tried to kill you either. You’re being a little melodramatic, don’t you think? At any rate, I’ve known him for many years, and you’ve known him a few weeks.” Gregory let the statement hang in the air.

  “What do you have to accuse him of? I would dearly like to know,” Elizabeth said, a little angrily.

  “What do you really know of him? Has he talked about his family? Have you met any of his friends?”

  Michael, this is getting out of hand. Xander looked the other two angels.

  Patience, Xander, cautioned Michael.

  “Well, no, but we will talk about those things, I’m sure.” Her voice took on a slight hesitation.

  “I would love to be a fly on the wall when you do.”

  By that time, Gregory was pulling into Elizabeth’s driveway. She did not think to ask him how he knew where she lived when he had never been there before.

  As she opened the door to get out of the car, he leaned over and put his hand on her arm. The trio of powerful angels stood around the open door.

  He is touching her again! Xander scowled.

  “El, I really care for you, and I would hate to see you hurt in any way. You don’t know what he is.”

  He has planted doubt in her mind. It will grow from that insidious seed. Xander spat the words.

  It is what he does best, answered Gabriel calmly.

  Elizabeth looked back at Gregory and could see the concern in his eyes. It moved her heart.

  “Remember that I’ll always be here for you if you ever need me,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Thank you, Gregory. I won’t forget it.” She smiled at him. Then she got out of the car and walked to the door. As he backed out of the driveway, he glanced at her. She was standing there with her hand on the knob, looking at him with a faraway expression. She raised her hand to wave goodbye at him, and then opened the door and went inside. Her guardians walked through the closed door, following closely behind her.

  Gregory turned the stereo sound system up until the car vibrated and sped away, an evil smile disfiguring his perfect face.

  Chapter 6

  “Bless the Lord, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!”

  Psalm 103:20

  Immediately after he left Elizabeth’s house, Gregory summoned the dark beings of the southeastern dominions to a meeting in the vacant strip mall. As the demons quickly assembled and bowed on their knees before him, the Dark Son stood straight and tall, commanding their attention with his rich, persuasive voice. His expression was haughty as he spoke.

  “Look at me.”

  The dark ones raised their faces to behold their master, and
he held their complete attention with his hypnotic eyes.

  “Cassandra, come stand before me.”

  She obeyed instantly. “Yes, my lord?”

  “You are having a problem establishing a relationship with Elizabeth Bennet.” There was no question in Gregory’s tone.

  Cassandra inclined her head. “Yes, my lord.”

  The son of Lucifer looked at her with understanding. “Elizabeth is never alone. She is surrounded by Xander, Michael, and Gabriel, as well as her family and her best friend, Charlotte Lucas. I knew that your assignment was difficult; however, Cassandra, you will not be expected to accomplish your task alone.” Gregory spoke gently, and Cassandra looked up at him in surprised adulation.

  “Ryu, Tala, approach me.” Gregory’s voice held an edge of irritation.

  The underprince and his captain bowed before the Dark Prince.

  Their master spoke coldly and quietly. “I begin to question my own judgment in choosing you to lead this dominion nearly two years ago. However, I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourselves. In order to ruin Elizabeth Bennet, Cassandra and I must have more access to her. We cannot influence her if she is constantly insulated from us by those around her. We are not likely to defeat the three who are guarding her, but we can remove the human element of protection. I want Charlotte Lucas to be eliminated from the equation.” His voice rose in pitch and force, and his eyes flashed. “I do not desire for her merely to be discredited; I command that you use any means necessary to keep her from Elizabeth. Jolon, one of my guards, is nearly as good with his darts as was Keegan. Use him – tonight! The guardians assigned to the Lucas family should not pose the formidable problems of those guarding the Bennets; neither do archangels guard Chance and Janna Bingley. Attack those two, and Lynne and David Bennet will fly to their aid taking Roark and Niall with them. Elizabeth and Michael will be alone until Xander and Gabriel hear of it. We must be ever more devious and cunning. Am I understood?”

  Without raising his head, Ryu answered, “All that you have commanded shall be done immediately, my prince.”

  “Go now!” Gregory thundered. He flew so abruptly from the room that his guards were left behind, scrambling to catch up to him.


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