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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 33

by Robin M Helm


  The following morning, Xander was surprised to see Elizabeth and Lynne, Michael and Niall flying above the car, driving up to Converse without Charlotte. He, accompanied by Gabriel, had waited for them near Lynne’s faculty parking space, and he was looking forward to seeing Elizabeth at school and spending the afternoon with her shopping in Spartanburg. As soon as Lynne stopped the car, Xander walked over to open Elizabeth’s door.

  His book bag was over his left shoulder, and he reached for her book bag, throwing the strap over his right shoulder while he waited for her to step out of the car.

  “Hello, Mrs. Bennet. How are you today?” he asked Lynne courteously.

  “Fine, thank you, Xander. Sorry I can’t stay to chat. I’m in a little bit of a hurry this morning,” Lynne replied with a smile. Looking at her daughter, she added, “You can call me later to let me know what you decide to do. ‘Bye!” Lynne nodded at Xander before she and Niall walked quickly down the sidewalk.

  Michael and Gabriel stood on either side of Xander. Where is Charlotte? Xander asked.

  Michael replied solemnly, She is sick this morning. She is still in bed.

  Elizabeth had gathered the rest of her things while Xander and her mother exchanged greetings. “‘Bye, Mom!” she called to her mother’s retreating back as she climbed out of the car.

  “Good morning, Elizabeth. You are beautiful this morning, as always. Did you have a pleasant evening?” asked Xander, thinking of her ride with Gregory the day before.

  “Good morning to you, too, and thanks for the compliment. My evening was… unusual.” Her reply was strained.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked, his blue eyes reflecting his worry.

  “No, I hope not anyway.” She avoided looking at him. “Let’s get to class.”

  Xander walked quietly beside her. Did she sleep well? Was she dreaming of Gregory?

  She did not dream of Gregory, but of you. However, her sleep was not restful, and her dreams were chaotic. He disturbed her with what he said about you, Michael answered.

  “Where is Charlotte this morning? I hope she is well.”

  “She was sick all night and didn’t feel up to coming to school this morning. It’s probably just a bug. It’s January. The flu is going around,” Elizabeth said, looking straight ahead.

  “Oh. Perhaps it is not too serious, then,” he replied, concerned. He well remembered all the times that Elizabeth had been sick. As he thought about her childhood illnesses, a memory of her chicken pox episode was triggered. Do you think that Charlotte was attacked? Could this have been a dart?

  I do not know. Edward did not mention it, but it is difficult to detect a dart if the demon is well-practiced in the skill. It is possible, Michael mused.

  Gregory may have broadened his targeting to include those who stop him and Cassandra from getting too close to Elizabeth, added Gabriel.

  Xander was pensive. That sounds like a plan he would hatch.

  I will send extra warriors to surround the Bennets, as well as Chance and Janna Bingley, this very moment, Michael said, issuing the command with a thought as Captain of the Host.

  “Do you still want to go shopping after school today?” Xander asked.

  Elizabeth stopped walking and looked up at him. “I think we need to talk, Xander,” she said calmly.

  “Certainly, if you wish it. Right now?” Xander struggled to keep the anxiety from his face. How will I answer her questions?

  All that you say must be the truth, but you cannot tell her everything yet, counseled Michael.

  “We don’t have time now. We’ll be late for class if we don’t hurry. Can we go somewhere for lunch today? We can go Dutch.” She started walking again, and Xander was close beside her.

  “I will take you anywhere you want to go, Elizabeth. You know that. However, I must ask that you do not talk of ‘going Dutch,’ please,” he said softly.

  “How about the Converse Deli and Coffee Bar on Main Street?” she replied, smiling tentatively up at him.

  Finally! A smile. It was a small one, but it was definitely a smile, thought Xander with relief.

  “I have been there several times, and I really like it,” replied Xander. “Your mother can go as well, if she would like to.” If Lynne is there, Elizabeth will not be able to ask personal questions.

  “No, I think I would like for us to talk alone. I have some questions. You wouldn’t be avoiding that, would you, Xander?” she asked archly.

  She is far from being stupid, Xander, Michael reminded him.

  “No, Elizabeth. I am eager to be interrogated by such a lovely inquisitor. Will I be able to ask questions as well? This would be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better.” A good offense is the best defense, or so I have heard.

  Good idea, said Gabriel.

  “Of course. I’ll text Mom and let her know our plans,” Elizabeth replied, climbing the steps to their classroom building.

  “Be sure to ask her what she would like to eat. We can bring lunch back for her.” Xander opened the door and held it for her.

  “You know, you are a very thoughtful person, Xander. Mom would love that.”

  “I try, Elizabeth,” he said with a broad, dimpled smile.

  I think I’ll enjoy looking at that smile during lunch. Gregory can’t be right about him, she thought as they arrived at the open door to their classroom.

  Xander stood back to allow Elizabeth to enter ahead of him, following her in and taking a seat beside her to her right. Michael and Gabriel stood on either side of Elizabeth. Gregory was already seated to her left, and his two guards were stationed close to him.

  Elizabeth glanced at Gregory as she wriggled out of her coat. “Good morning, Gregory.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “Hi, El. Sleep well?”

  “As always. Did you have a good evening?”

  “I had a better late afternoon. How about lunch today?” he asked.

  “Actually, I asked Xander to take me to lunch. We’re going to have that talk you suggested,” she answered, looking directly into his eyes.

  He never faltered. “Excellent. I expect that we’ll have more time together if he answers you honestly.”

  Xander had overheard every word. He turned his head and fixed his eyes stonily on Gregory’s face. “I would never be anything other than honest with Elizabeth. You certainly cannot say the same.”

  Elizabeth sighed with relief as the professor called the class to order. One of them is lying. How will I know which one? Dear Father, please guide me at lunch today and give me discernment to know what is true and what is false.

  And please guide her questions, Father, so that I can answer her. Please give me the right words to say to her, Xander prayed fervently.

  ‘The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much,’ thought Gabriel, quoting James 5:16.


  Xander was anxious throughout the long morning, thinking through every possible question he could imagine while trying to formulate plausible, truthful answers. Michael assisted him by telling him the things of which she had thought and dreamed after he had left for the night with Gabriel.

  He was so focused on listening to her mind during those hours that he actually failed to hear a professor call on him in one of their classes. Gabriel, hearing his mental confusion, repeated the question for him, and Xander quickly answered aloud.

  Finally, their last class before lunch drew to an agonizingly slow close. Xander glanced at Elizabeth with a careful smile.

  “Shall we go? I think I am ready for some ham and cheese quiche with the soup of the day,” he said, standing, pulling his knee-length, black cashmere coat on over his charcoal, long-sleeved T shirt, slinging his book bag over one shoulder, and then reaching for hers and looping it over his other shoulder.

  “Yes, I’m starving. I haven’t been chewing my lip all morning like you have, and I skipped breakfast,” she said with a laugh, rising and taking her navy
pea-coat off the back of her desk. Somehow, even with both of their book bags over his shoulders, Xander still managed to take her coat and hold it for her. After she had turned her back to him and shrugged into the coat, she faced him, looking up to see his expression as he replied to her.

  “Chewing my lip? Have you been watching me? And, you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should always have breakfast.” He wore a small frown, worried that she was not resting well or eating as she should because of him.

  I would love to smooth that wrinkle between your brows. My gut is telling me that you’re the good guy here. You won’t lie to me. Impulsively, she reached up and touched the tiny crease on his face with her index finger. He held his breath, not wanting to move lest he cause her to pull away.

  Gregory walked by and sneered at the tender scene. “Enjoy your lunch, Xander,” he threw over his shoulder, laughing as he exited the room.

  I really, truly do not like him. Xander sighed. However, I am the one that she touched willingly, because she wanted to do so. He smiled, caught in the beams of light coming through the window.

  Elizabeth saw the sunlight illuminating his face and causing his hair to shine. He looks otherworldly, as if he’s a glowing being of light, she thought in wonder.


  Xander walked Elizabeth to the parking lot and paused before opening the car door for her. “I know that we could walk to the restaurant, but I have a surprise for you in here.”

  After Xander and Elizabeth were settled in his BMW with their seatbelts on and book bags stowed in the backseat, Xander started the car, and it was filled with the sounds of beautiful piano music. Elizabeth listened for a moment, and then looked at him in surprise.

  “Is that me playing on that CD?” she asked, looking at him incredulously.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered, a hint of a smile beginning to play around his lips.

  “Where did you get that?” she demanded. “I’ve never cut a CD, and that sounds professional.”

  He reached into the backseat, picked up a CD, and handed it to her. “It is professional. I hired the technicians at your concert in Toronto and at several other performances in the last few months. Remember, I was a fan of yours before we ever met. If you like it, you own the rights to it. You can sell it on Amazon. The photograph on the cover is done by a professional I hired to be at those same concerts. I can show you others if you do not like that one. I have several copies for you today, and no one else has a copy but me. If you do not like it, I will destroy all the copies except for mine. I would ask that you let me keep this one.”

  She stared at him in wonder. “You are unbelievable.”

  “Is that good or bad?” he asked somberly, gazing back at her.

  “That’s very good. I should have thought of this myself, but I would have been nervous had I known that I was being professionally recorded. This is wonderful!” She settled back to enjoy her music.

  “You do not think it is creepy?” He looked over at her with a question in his eyes.

  He is adorable. He looks just like a small boy who has been caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

  “Not creepy to me. Had you done this and not told me, yes, creepy. However, since you have told me about the photos and recordings, and you have not released them without my permission, it is totally not creepy. By the way, I want the photos,” she chuckled.

  “Of course, but I would like to keep copies of some of them. They are all beautiful, like you, Elizabeth.”

  “Xander, you are incorrigible.” She reached over and smoothed his hair, which had been tousled by the wind.

  Her touch was electrifying to Xander, but he managed to keep a calm demeanor. If she had the slightest idea what that small gesture meant to me, she would probably stop immediately. And I really do not want her to cease touching me.

  “If you keep rewarding me like that, I will learn to be incorrigible more often.” He laughed lightly as he turned to look behind the car, checked the mirrors, and backed out of the parking space; Michael and Gabriel flew overhead.

  Elizabeth enjoyed the music during the short drive to the restaurant, talking very little, though she kept playing with his hair for a few minutes, finally resting her hand on his arm which was on the console between their seats. Xander would have been unable to speak in any case. Her touch was so comfortable – so absolutely right. The sensation he felt when she stroked his hair or touched his arm was unlike anything he had ever known before. He felt himself shiver, but caught himself, hoping she did not notice. I cannot describe this feeling. It is exquisite torture. He wanted to keep driving forever.

  She twirled her own curls around the fingers of her other hand. He held his breath, intensely aware of her smallest movements. Her hand is so small compared to mine. How can so simple an act give me such pleasure?

  Xander drove carefully, focusing with an iron will, and was rewarded by observing the contrast between her behavior with him and the way she had acted with Gregory on the previous day. She was relaxed, humming along with her CD, watching the city streets, and smiling a secret smile.

  This is good, thought Gabriel.

  This is very good, added Michael, smiling.

  Once they arrived at the restaurant, Xander parked, got out of the car, and came around to open her door. He reached for her hand to help her out of the low-slung sports coupe.

  “Thank you, Xander. You always treat me like a lady. You’re going to spoil me,” she said, smiling with her dark brown eyes and taking his hand.

  “No one deserves it more than you do, Elizabeth. You are a very special lady.” He kept her hand in his as they walked into the restaurant and waited to be seated. Her hand is so warm, so soft.

  Michael and Gabriel stood beside their charges.

  After the hostess tried unsuccessfully to hide her shock at seeing what appeared to be a film star in Spartanburg, she lead them to a table and a waiter took their orders. Once they were again alone, Elizabeth looked at Xander with serious eyes.

  “Are you ready to talk?”

  “Are you?” Xander asked reaching across the table to stroke her fingers gently.

  She put her hands in her lap and leaned forward. “I can’t think straight when you’re doing that.”

  Xander chuckled. I have not been thinking clearly since we got in the car. It is only by His grace that we arrived in one piece. Interesting and gratifying, however, that I affect her in such a way. “Then please give me both of your hands. I do not enjoy talking about myself. Holding your hands can serve two purposes. First, I am calmer when I touch you. Second, you will not be as pointed with your questions if you are a bit confused. If I must answer questions, you should allow me the comfort of touching you.” His blue eyes were sincere.

  Elizabeth sighed and pursed her lips. “You win, but you are forcing me to use all my powers of concentration.” Her hands met his in the center of the table.

  They were quiet for a moment as the waiter brought their drinks.

  Michael and Gabriel smiled at each other from behind Elizabeth and Xander.

  “Gregory said some things about you yesterday that made me realize how little I really know about you,” she began.

  He refrained from making any reply. Being critical of Gregory would make her defend him.

  “Where are you from? Do you have any family?” she asked.

  “I have lived in many places during my life, and I have brothers who live near here. I suppose that Spartanburg is my home for now. I am not a felon, nor am I being sought for any crime.”

  She laughed. “I should hope not. What about your parents?”

  “Actually, I have no real parents. I was adopted into a large family, and it is my great joy to hear my Father refer to me as His son. I see my Father often, but He prefers to manage His business from afar. He does not live near here, but He is always available whenever I need Him. He has never married. All of His children are adopted, and He cares deeply for us al

  Impressive, commented Michael.

  And the absolute truth, added Gabriel.

  “You have no mother? That is rather unorthodox.”

  Xander tilted his head and smiled. “There are all sorts of families, Elizabeth. Many people are adopted. I have been loved all of my life, and I am blessed.”

  “Do you ever see your brothers?”

  He laughed lightly. “Quite often. We are very close.”

  Gabriel put his hands on Xander’s shoulders as Michael smiled at him from across the table.

  “Will I ever meet them?”

  “It is possible. However, they do not live in Spartanburg as I do, and they travel a great deal.”

  “Are they… like you?” She smiled shyly.

  “Do you mean is there a family resemblance? I am adopted, remember?” He was puzzled.

  “No, I mean are they as big as you are? Are they as handsome? Are they as talented and intelligent?” She looked at their hands, entwined on the table.

  Xander grinned. “I suppose all of us like to stay in good shape. We are about the same height, though our coloring is different. You might think they are more handsome than I am. As for talent and intelligence, you will have to decide that for yourself, if you ever meet them.”

  Michael laughed, and Gabriel hit the back of Xander’s head lightly, chuckling. I am taller than you are, and Gabriel is far better looking, thought Michael.

  She looked at him, trying to be objective, but she was distracted by the power of his beauty. She thought about what Gregory had said. You don’t know what he is.

  Elizabeth looked into his kind eyes and saw no malice. She had spent time with him, and she knew that he was godly and compassionate. He was all that was considerate and gentlemanly. Suddenly, she realized that she cared for him because he was good, honest, loyal, and worthy of love.

  “Gregory is wrong. I do know what you are, Xander. You are an angel,” she said tenderly.

  He opened his eyes wide in surprise.

  She does not mean that literally, Xander, thought Michael.

  “I suppose that I should not argue with a lady.” Thank you, Father. I may speak the absolute truth to her. Xander’s heart was joyful, and his face reflected that joy. “You are right. I am an angel.”


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