The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 38

by Robin M Helm

  Xander backed out of the driveway, and they were on their way, being led by a GPS and escorted by two archangels.


  After Xander and Elizabeth had been driving for a couple of hours, her stomach began to grumble.

  “Feed me! Feed me! Feed me! Feed me, Seymour! Feed me all night long,” she began singing gruffly, mimicking the voice of Audrey II from The Little Shop of Horrors.

  Xander laughed, pulling back his hand as she began to nibble on his fingers.

  “I already have the Cadillac, so you do not have to get me that, but ‘I would like a Harley machine, toolin’ around like I was James Dean, makin’ all the guys on the corner turn green.’” She giggled in delight at his portrayal of Seymour. “Where would you like to eat, my little carnivore?”

  “Any place is okay with me. How about a cheeseburger and fries? There are places all up and down the interstate.” She looked longingly at a sign advertising a fast food restaurant on the next exit.

  Xander grimaced. “Elizabeth, I would do nearly anything for you, but the idea of eating in any restaurant of that sort makes me slightly queasy. There are just too many people handling money that also handle the food in those places for my comfort level. Money is filthy, and, besides that, the idea of greasy burgers and fries never has appealed to me.”

  Elizabeth laughed at him. “Xander, I wouldn’t be as fastidious as you are for a million dollars.”

  “Make fun of me if you will, but I will not have e coli, food poisoning, high cholesterol, or anything else caused by a virus, parasite, or improper handling of the food. Eating at those places is so unhealthy that it is insupportable. Our bodies are temples of God, you know.” He fell silent for a few minutes.

  Since Niall is not here to roll his eyes, I will do it for him, interjected Michael, looking skyward as promised.

  Xander may be a bit stiff, but he is correct, thought Gabriel with total sincerity.

  A bit stiff? He makes Herod the Great look positively cuddly! exclaimed Michael.

  Do not go there, warned Xander. I know you too well, Michael. I was there when you contended with Lucifer for the body of Moses, and I remember when you fought him for twenty-one days to deliver the answer to Daniel’s prayer. The incidents are recorded in Jude, verse nine, and in Daniel, chapter ten, if you need to refresh your memory. You were right in both instances, but you do not back down either. Standing for what is right is admirable. The food that I eat may not be as important an issue as the ownership of Moses’ body or the answer to Daniel’s prayer, but the principle is the same. And do not forget that Daniel also refused to eat food that was unhealthy in the first chapter of Daniel. I was his guardian, and I well recall that you cheered his decision because it honored God. Will you not support me?

  Michael was quiet for a moment, and then replied, You are right, my brother, to consider Jehovah Elohim’s desires for you in all things. I will always stand with you when you do what pleases Him. I apologize.

  It was not often that the warrior displayed such humility, except to his Master. Xander was moved.

  I accept your apology, and I am grateful to know that you are with me, even in small things.

  Excellent! Hine ma Tov u’ma nayim sheveth ah-iym gamy a-hadh, beamed Gabriel quoting Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”

  During Xander’s silence, Elizabeth had been listening to their CD and thinking about what Xander had said.

  After reflecting on his words, she turned her head toward him. He was looking straight through the windshield as if he was concentrating on something.

  “Xander, are you upset with me?” she asked tentatively, reaching over to brush his hair back from his forehead and stroke his cheek.

  He turned his face to kiss her fingers and glanced at her with a smile before returning his eyes to the road. She massaged his neck. “Elizabeth, I have never been angry with you. You have elicited many emotions in me, but never that one.”

  She tilted her head, trying to look at his face with an impish smile. “Now, you know that I can’t resist that. Which emotions do I rouse in you?” She brought her hand back to her lap.

  “This will have to be a two-way street, Elizabeth. If I must bare my soul for you, I will expect something in return.” His voice was gentle and lyrical.

  “My spirit always rises with every attempt to intimidate me, as you well know. To quote what you once said to me, ‘I am not afraid of you.’” Her tone was playful. She loved any sort of banter, and Xander did not usually disappoint her in verbal swordplay; however, in this instance he chose to surrender before the battle even started.

  “All right. I have never loved anyone else the way I love you, and I have never loved any other woman at all. After God, I love you more than anything or anyone else. Are you certain you want to have this conversation while we are driving down the interstate?” His blue eyes were intense as he glanced at her.

  “I’m not sure.” She bit her lip, and then grinned. “Maybe it is better to have this conversation while your hands and eyes are busy. You don’t intimidate me – that is certainly true, but sometimes I scare myself. While your attention is partially turned away from me, I think I can say something to you that I haven’t said before. Do you want to continue this while you’re driving?”

  His heart turned over and his breath caught in his chest. Could she truly love me enough to tell me rather than just think it? Do I want to hear her actually say those words aloud while I am occupied and cannot respond to her?

  Maybe she is wise, Xander, thought Gabriel.

  Or perhaps she is afraid of your response, Michael amended. Just be careful not to frighten her.

  Xander reached for her hand and wove his fingers through hers.

  “Yes, I want to hear whatever you have to say, although I would rather see your beautiful face while you say it.”

  “Then pull off at the next exit. We just passed a sign that advertised an Olive Garden restaurant a mile from here. Is that sufficiently healthy for you?” Her voice held a teasing note.

  “Of course, as you well know since I have taken you to the Olive Garden in Spartanburg several times. I see it up ahead.”

  He changed lanes and took the exit to the right, following the directions to the restaurant. After he parked, he turned to her as much as was possible within the confines of the bucket seats. Because it was summer, it was still light outside even though it was evening. Xander took a deep breath and waited for her to speak.

  His blue eyes fringed with long dark lashes were totally fixed on her, and she lowered her eyes. He is so intense. He is like my sun, and I orbit him.

  No, Elizabeth, my love. You have it backwards. My every move is calculated by what you do and what you think.

  Elizabeth freed her hand to pick up the CD case that was in the console. A wonderful picture of the two of them graced the front. Xander sat on the granite bench in Hatcher Garden with Elizabeth behind him and slightly to his left, her right hand resting lightly on his shoulder. The trees and bushes were in full bloom, and they were both smiling in obvious contentment. She flipped it over to another picture of them on the back – a black and white shot featuring the two of them playing a duet at a Steinway grand. The picture was taken from slightly above them and displayed the couple in a three-quarter profile. Elizabeth was nearest the camera, playing the treble keys, and Xander’s height allowed his neck and head to show above her as he played the bass. They laughed in easy camaraderie.

  She traced his face in the picture with her index finger.

  She is so lovely in every way. Thank you, Lord, for letting me love her and be with her. He held his breath and waited for her to speak.

  Elizabeth looked up at him through her lashes, and her brown eyes were serious. She touched the two of them in the picture as it rested in her left hand. “Do you know what this is?” she asked, lifting her face to his.

  He waited, silent and motionless, for her to
answer her own question.

  “This is love frozen in time.” Her voice was quiet and full of emotion.

  She laid the CD back in her lap and reached for his face with both of her hands. He leaned over to meet her, letting his hands rest at her waist.

  The sun was setting, and it was growing darker.

  Holding his face between her hands, she looked directly into his eyes in the fading light. “I love you, Xander. I have never loved anyone else the way that I love you, either. I thought I was in love before, but it was nothing compared to the way I feel about you.”

  His heart rejoiced and sang. He thought of verses from the Song of Solomon and spoke them to her. “How beautiful and how delightful you are, my love, with all your charms! Put me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, jealousy is as severe as Sheol; its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. Many waters cannot quench love, nor will rivers overflow it. If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, it would be utterly despised.”

  Elizabeth recognized the verses and leaned even nearer to him. She initiated the kiss, and he followed her lead. When she indicated she wanted to be closer to him, he drew her into an embrace. She parted her lips, and he responded in kind, tasting her softly.

  Michael, from beside the car, cleared his throat.

  Gabriel, by Michael’s side, thought, Perhaps this is not the best place for a display of affection, Xander.

  Though he did not like it, Xander realized they were right. It was the public parking lot of a family restaurant. We will be together for the next two months. He comforted himself with the thought.

  She broke the kiss to breathe, and he spoke quietly, almost reverently, “Elizabeth, my love, should we not go in to eat now? We must get to Atlanta to meet Jonathan and the others. I would gladly stay here like this with you for hours, but I can still hear your stomach saying, ‘Feed me. Feed me.’”

  She sighed, still holding his face close, and nuzzled his nose with hers. Pecking his lips quickly, she drew back and replied, “Yes, Seymour, it’s time to feed me. And we have ‘miles to go before we sleep.’”


  Xander pulled up to the hotel around ten o’clock that night. He left Elizabeth in the car, texting her mother that they had arrived safely, while he went to the front desk to check in. Jonathan had the rooms reserved, and a bellhop came out to the car with a cart to get their luggage.

  After their bags had been stacked on the cart, Elizabeth and Xander followed the bellhop to the elevator, and Xander texted Jonathan to let him know that they had arrived safely. The evangelist met them in the hallway when they got off the elevator, smiling and extending his hand. Lexus was behind him and exchanged greetings with Michael and Gabriel.

  As they walked to their rooms which were beside each other, Jonathan talked excitedly. “I’m so glad to see you both again. We have all the rooms on this floor, so it’s fairly private. The crew members, techs, and other musicians are already here, and we’ll set up at the stadium first thing in the morning. It will probably take most of the day to make certain that everything is ready for tomorrow night. I want to run through everything several times to work all the bugs out. Would you like to meet for breakfast in the morning around eight?” he asked.

  Xander looked at Elizabeth for her answer. “It sounds good to me,” she said.

  “Here in the hotel restaurant?” asked Xander.

  “Yes, they have a breakfast buffet. I’ve stayed here before, and it’s really good. So eight is okay with you two?”

  They both nodded. “Eight it is,” replied Xander.

  Jonathan, followed by Lexus, headed for his room, calling a quick, “Good night!” over his shoulder.

  When his door closed, Xander pulled Elizabeth to him for a fast kiss. “Elizabeth, I have a surprise for you tomorrow.”

  “Really? I love surprises. Give me a hint.”

  “If you guess correctly, it will not be a surprise anymore. Good night, Elizabeth. I love you,” he said, smiling and kissing her again. “I will be saying that every night for the next two months. I am a happy man.”

  She opened her door and stood just inside her room. Looking at him with mischief in her eyes, she exclaimed, “Yes, but I love you more!” She laughed, reverting to the childhood game she had played with her parents, rapidly closing the door before he could reply.

  He smiled broadly. Good night, Michael. Be ready to meet Elizabeth tomorrow. I have met her family; now she needs to meet some of mine, he thought as he walked to his door, opened it, and went in.

  What are you babbling about, Xander? I cannot meet her. I do not know what to wear or what to say. Michael’s thoughts had a distinct edge of nervousness. Xander grinned.

  It will be nothing, Michael. Think of the things that Xander has worn and copy him. It will be simple, Gabriel replied reassuringly.

  I am glad that you think so, Gabriel, because you, my brother, will be meeting Elizabeth as well. Xander chuckled.

  Is that truly necessary? asked Gabriel.

  Of course it is. I cannot continue to be a man with no past. Gregory has already planted a seed of doubt in her mind concerning my family. You can just casually drop by the arena tomorrow, meet her, and be on your way. I do not wish for you to stay long. Say that you have business in Atlanta and took the opportunity to drop by and see me. I will introduce you to her. Chat a few minutes, say that you can tell that we are busy, and leave. That way, she will know you if I ever need for you to be present in human form, answered Xander.

  Gabriel considered his words. I do not particularly like it, but I see your logic. It is sound. We will do it. Will we not, Michael?

  Do not bother me further. I am occupied in selecting my wardrobe for tomorrow, and you know that I have nothing to wear. Good night, Xander and Gabriel, returned the warrior from inside Elizabeth’s room.

  Tomorrow night will begin the unfolding of the Master’s plan. Gabriel’s normally calm tone was edged with excitement.

  Where there are so many gathered to worship, and the possibility of thousands becoming believers, there will always be evil ready to attack, thought Xander.

  That has already been taken care of. Michael’s voice was confident.

  You are looking forward to it? asked Gabriel.

  Absolutely, replied Michael.

  Xander was busy getting ready for bed. He wanted to sleep so that he could dream of a lovely dark-haired girl telling him what his heart had longed to hear from her lips. He did not worry about the next day. As Jesus Himself had said in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


  In an empty department store located in a rough section of Atlanta, Lucifer called an evil assembly to order in the middle of the night. He and Gregory stood before most of the demons of the southeastern dominion.

  The Lord of the Demons, his eyes bright red and hard as rubies, issued terse commands to his bowed servants in a voice that would not brook failure while Dark Spirit coiled at his feet.

  “The battle begins anew tonight. We have ruled this city for many decades, and we will not lose it this week. Use every resource available. Wake the people you rule if they are asleep; possess them body and soul. SoulFire, indeed! They are playing with fire, and they have no idea of the repercussions. If Jehovah wants flames, we will oblige Him.”

  “Rouse everyone who does your bidding – all of those under your influence – and target the churches and homes of the few believers in the area,” added Gregory. “We will show them that there is a price for defying us. That territory is ours, and we will not relinquish it.” His eyes glowed crimson as his anger flared.

  The demons jumped to their feet and cheered the words of the Dark Lord and his son. They screamed and howled and worked themselves into a writhing mass of frenzy at the thought of Jonathan Edwards, Xander, and Elizabeth taking p
eople whom they had controlled for many years and leading them to Elohim. Atlanta was theirs, and they certainly would not give it up without a fight.

  And the darkness grew and swelled; the anger and hatred crept from the abandoned store and sought destruction. The demons blanketed the area following the commands of their masters, waking the people of south Atlanta and filling their minds with evil. Lucifer’s dark forces filled them with wicked desires and urged them to act. Murder and mayhem broke out in that section of the city, and the riot police were called in to quell the burning and looting.

  After nearly one hundred fifty years, Atlanta was burning again.

  Chapter 10

  “But if I say, ‘I will not remember Him or speak any more in His name,’ then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it. But the Lord is with me like a dread champion; therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, with an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten.”

  Jeremiah 20:9,11

  Xander was awakened from a sound sleep by Michael shaking his shoulders and calling his name.

  Xander! You must get up now. The southern part of the city is burning. We must leave immediately. There is no time to sleep now. Michael’s voice was commanding and urgent.

  Xander sat up, trying to remember why he was in a strange room. In a few seconds, he realized that Michael was in full warrior mode.

  What time is it? asked Xander, rising from the bed.

  It is four in the morning, not that it matters. We must leave this instant. I have already summoned one thousand of the host, and they are even now engaging the enemy, protecting churches as well as believers and their homes. Change into angelic form.


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