The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 40

by Robin M Helm

  Isaiah 43:1-3

  The next morning, Xander knocked on Elizabeth’s door fifteen minutes before the appointed time they were to be at breakfast.

  “Just a minute!” he heard her call, so he leaned on the wall by her door, resting as he waited.

  True to her word, Elizabeth opened her door and peeked out at him with a tired smile.

  “Hello, Xander. Are you as sleepy as I am this morning?” she asked as she came out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  Xander saw the dark circles under her eyes and was tempted to tell her to go to back to bed. However, he knew that Elizabeth would not appreciate being told what to do; therefore, he held his tongue.

  “I am indeed in need of more rest. Did you hear about the fires in south Atlanta last night?” he queried, though he already knew that Gabriel had awakened her to pray about the situation.

  “Yes, I was up about half the night watching the TV news and praying. I woke up with such a strong impression that I needed to pray that I could not sleep. How did you know about it?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Much the same thing happened to me. I, too, was awakened in the night because of the fires. According to this morning’s news, torrential rains that were not forecast earlier put out the blazes, and the area is relatively quiet now. Order has been restored, though many people are now homeless and in need. Most of the businesses in that section were burned out or looted, and those businessmen are hurting, as well.”

  I wish we had caught Gregory, thought Michael. He is still free to wreak havoc on another unsuspecting community. He will probably follow us all summer as we travel across the country.

  That sounded dangerously close to a whine. Someone must have been up all night. I think Michael needs a nap. Gabriel deadpanned from beside Xander.

  Michael groaned. If you must make jokes, at least they should be good ones.

  Xander reached for Elizabeth’s hand as they walked toward the elevator. She was quiet and thoughtful as she pushed the button.

  Be grumpy now if you like, but you had better put on your happy face when you meet Elizabeth later today, Mikey, thought Xander.

  Mikey? That will not do! replied Michael, affronted.

  ‘Mike’ is much more modern, answered Xander.

  Gabriel laughed at Michael.

  Do not laugh at your brother’s expense, Gabe, warned Xander.

  Gabe? I sort of like it. Gabriel smiled.

  I thought not, answered Xander.

  May I at least have a surname of dignity? queried Michael, a bit testily.

  You are my adopted brothers. Your surname is ‘Darcy,’ he replied with satisfaction.

  I suppose it must be so, grumbled Michael.

  “You are very quiet this morning, Mr. Darcy,” said Elizabeth as the elevator doors opened.

  “Not at all, Miss Bennet. I am meditating on the very great pleasure I have received from seeing your fine eyes so early in the day, and I am looking forward to a summer spent with you in ministry. Two of my brothers are in the area today, and I told them to come by the arena later to meet you. Would you like that?” he asked as they walked to the smaller dining area used for breakfast, followed by a scowling Michael and a smiling Gabriel.

  “Really?” Her eyes sparkled. “I’m going to meet some of the mysterious Darcy clan? Do I look all right?” She looked down at her outfit – skinny jeans with a turquoise sleeveless top and sandals – with a small frown. “I know I must look exhausted, and I wish I had dressed up a little more. Maybe I can go back to my room and change after breakfast.”

  “You are beautiful as always, Elizabeth. There is no need to dress to impress my family. They will certainly love you just as you are.” In fact, they already love you.

  Jonathan saw them as they entered the dining area and stood to get their attention. Lexus loomed behind his weary charge, actively examining the room.

  Xander and Elizabeth saw him and went to the table he had reserved for them; Dave Branard was already seated there, and Dave’s guardian, Hector, was beside Lexus.

  Five of the largest, most powerful angels ever created are here. Jehovah has provided great protection for this team, thought Xander. He looked around at the guardians with the musicians, back-up singers, and crew, noting that there were many of the middle and upper ranks among them as well. He also noticed with trepidation that a few crew members had no protectors. Dave, Jonathan’s manager, had not hired all of the crew personally, and this was the first time that he, Xander, and the others had seen some of them. Dave had interviewed the crew leaders and allowed them to choose who would work on their teams.

  Lucifer has an inroad with these few people. We will have to watch them carefully. Xander telepathed so that all angels present could hear.

  Michael, Gabriel, Lexus, and Hector had also noticed that some members of the crew were not believers. We will be vigilant, said Michael as the others nodded solemnly in agreement.

  Perhaps they will accept Jehovah-Yasha during these camp meetings, offered Gabriel, the hope evident in his voice.

  It is possible, replied Lexus. Jonathan is strong in the Spirit. He has not yet realized himself the power that has been given to him by the Almighty, but I have seen it.

  The same is true of Elizabeth, said Michael.

  After wishing Xander and Elizabeth a good morning, Jonathan suggested that they get their food from the buffet and return to begin the day together with devotions. They led the way to the serving line, and the rest of the large party followed them, talking about the events of the night before.

  Once they were again seated, Jonathan led his table in thanking God for the food as well as praying for the troubled area of the city, and they began to eat.

  Xander was facing the television which was tuned to a cable news channel. The sound was muted, but as he noticed the footage of looting and burning, he paid closer attention and was interested when he read the scroll across the bottom of the screen.

  “Jonathan, look at the news.” Xander nodded toward the screen. “I could tell from your prayer that you already know a large portion of south Atlanta burned last night.” Xander kept his eyes on the images as the others at his table turned to the monitor. The entire room quieted as all heads turned to the riveting video feed from the night before of people thronging the streets, breaking into stores, and carrying away merchandise. Riot police dressed in black uniforms and black helmets were shown patrolling the area, arresting looters, and trying to restore order. Several people had died in the confusion. According to the news, the area was still considered to be unstable, though the fires had been put out by the unexpected thunderstorms and the looting had stopped. The police presence had remained to maintain the peace.

  Lucifer and Gregory are trying to stop SoulFire by using physical fire and violence, Xander, thought Michael. They will not be successful.

  “How far is that from the arena? Will we be able to continue with our nightly rallies?” asked Elizabeth.

  Jonathan was quiet for a moment, and then answered, “I don’t think we are close enough to that area of Atlanta for it to affect us; I am more concerned about the kids doing mission work in the city. I need to make a few phone calls to the camp leaders at each college and to my contact at the arena. Please excuse me. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Jonathan left the room, already pulling up numbers on his cell phone as Lexus walked beside him.

  The others ate in silence, watching the news and waiting for Jonathan’s return.

  “I’ve just thought of something,” said Elizabeth after she had finished her breakfast. “I need to text Mom and tell her and Dad that we’re okay. I’m sure this news is spreading quickly, and I don’t want them to worry.” She took her cell phone from her pocket and sent a text message to her mother.

  After Jonathan had been gone about half an hour, Xander took Jonathan’s Bible from the table by his plate and opened it to the passage he had studied in his own quiet time that morning.
He stood with Gabriel behind him, held the open Bible in his left hand, and began to speak. Xander was friendly, but was known to be a man of few words. He had not yet spoken in any sort of evangelistic meeting except to introduce the music. Upon hearing his rich, deep voice, every head turned in his direction, curious to hear what the imposing young man had to say.

  “In preparing for these weeks of ministry in SoulFire, I began to search the Scriptures for references to fire, and I found that there are a great many. This morning, I focused on Deuteronomy 4:23 and 24, ‘So watch yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the Lord your God has commanded you. For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.’ We are not to put anything in our lives before our relationship with God. Whatever stands between us and the Father becomes an idol, and often, God will remove it. Search your hearts. Is anything standing between you and God? Before we begin this summer of reaching people, make sure that God is first in your own life.

  “Now, think of what has taken place here in Atlanta over the past few hours. As a teacher I know would say, God was not shocked off His throne this morning by the news of the riots in south Atlanta. Nothing that is happening here has surprised Him. Fire can certainly be destructive, but it is also cleansing. Fire purifies and sanctifies. The people who live in the affected area need to be ministered to at this time. They need our prayers, and they need the message that we have – that God loves them and He wants to draw them to Himself. They need to know that their lives are not hopeless, and this is a time when they will be open to listen. Rather than backing away from our purpose, we should put our shoulders to the grindstone and work even harder. This is an opportunity for us to turn this city around for God. As Joseph said to his brothers who had sold him into slavery in Genesis 50:20, ‘And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.’ Do not allow Satan to have the victory here. You can be certain that he caused these riots to try to stop us, but God can use it for good. He can take this tragedy and turn it into a victory. Hearts that were hardened in south Atlanta yesterday are tender today from grief and suffering. People who were not reachable for the Lord before the fires are now looking for something to believe in. They are seeking answers to their questions. Let us not grow weary in the work that God has laid out for us.”

  Xander bowed his head and prayed for strength of purpose for those in the room and for everyone else involved in SoulFire throughout Atlanta. He prayed that God would show them what to do and give them the words to say. As he continued to pray, Jonathan returned and paused in the entrance to the room, bowing his head with the others. Already he had been aware of a depth of spirituality in Xander and had been waiting for it to be expressed more openly, apart from his music. Rather than feeling threatened by Xander’s leadership, he rejoiced that God had sent him another partner in addition to Elizabeth.

  When Xander had finished praying, Jonathan walked to his side smiling broadly. Lexus and Gabriel stood behind them.

  “I have good news,” said Jonathan. “All of our leaders here in Atlanta feel that we should continue as planned. As soon as it is safe, we will send youth teams into the burned-out area to help with the cleanup. This afternoon, those of us who want to go will have a police escort into the area. We will have bottled water and food to hand out, and we will assess the needs of the people who live there. We will also send buses to the area each evening to pick up anyone who wants to come to the evening rallies. Several area churches are already opening their doors to be shelters to those whose homes were burned, and money is being collected to take the people shopping for clothes and toiletries. The Red Cross and other agencies will be on the ground there as well. SoulFire Ministries will spread the word of what is needed for those people throughout the country as we travel. One night during each week this summer, we will take up an offering for the people of Atlanta, and they will know that God is showing His love for them through the generosity of His people. There will be no triumph for Satan here. The rest of you get loaded up to go to the arena and set up. I’ll just grab a bite, and we’ll head out of here in about fifteen minutes.”

  As the others scattered to gather what they needed for the day, Jonathan went back through the buffet line for hot food. Elizabeth, Xander, and Dave remained at the table with him while he ate, ironing out some last minute details connected with the afternoon trip into the burned-out area. Michael, Gabriel, Hector, and Lexus stood at the four corners of the table, forming a protective shield around their charges.


  The trailers and vans carrying the equipment were already at the arena when Jonathan, Dave, Xander, and Elizabeth arrived, shadowed by their guardians. Crews were busily unloading the transporting vehicles and setting up the stage area, the sound equipment, and the video screens. It was a hive of activity.

  Now would probably be the best time for your appearance, Michael and Gabriel. Keep it short and sweet. Remember that you are in Atlanta on family business, and you have a schedule to keep. That is the truth. And remember that humans shake hands. No angel salutes, thought Xander as he and Elizabeth stood near the stage area, occasionally directing members of the crew concerning the placement of the instruments. Jonathan and Dave stood close by.

  We are Xander’s ‘brothers’ and need to meet the future sister-in-law, Michael explained to the amazed Lexus and Hector.

  You are choosing to appear in human form before all these people without an emergency of any sort? asked Lexus, his surprise evident.

  Yes, answered Gabriel. We are Xander’s family. Elizabeth will have to see us from time to time in order for things to appear normal. It is in the Master’s plan. Watch them for a moment. We will return in a minute or so.

  Lexus and Hector nodded. They knew that Elohim had chosen to make Xander a duality in order that he might love and marry Elizabeth.

  Michael and Gabriel flew at flash speed into an empty men’s room, changed into human form, and walked across the arena and up to Xander and Elizabeth.

  Xander saw them approaching and nudged Elizabeth, looking toward them and nodding. “There come my brothers now.”

  One by one, the crew members and technicians stopped to stare at the regal men striding toward the group of ministers.

  Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open, and she closed it quickly. “What did your father feed you guys? One of your brothers is even taller than you are, and the other is your same size. And, though they don’t have your coloring, they certainly resemble you in masculine beauty. Char would love to be here.” I wish that I had asked her to come. She would have loved it, and I would have enjoyed having her with us this summer. We could have shared a room. I always have two double beds or a king-sized one. I should have thought of this earlier.

  That is an excellent idea, Elizabeth. I would like to have Charlotte here, as well, so that we could make certain she is protected, thought Xander.

  Michael and Gabriel smiled, hearing Elizabeth’s thoughts even while they were halfway across the arena.

  Jonathan, with Lexus, walked up beside Xander. “Who are those young men?” he asked.

  “Two of my brothers. We were all adopted by the same Father,” Xander explained.

  Jonathan stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Interesting. You aren’t related by blood?”

  “No. We just had the good fortune to be loved by the same wonderful Person. Actually, we are closer than most biological brothers, I think.”

  By that time, Gabriel and Michael were within a few feet of the group. Xander went to Michael and embraced him with a huge smile; then turned to Gabriel and hugged him as well.

  Love the clothes. You both very much look the part of successful young businessmen. The short hair is better, too.

  Thank you. I can pick out a suit and hairstyle with the best of them. I have helped you shop and go
ne with you to the stylist, you know, answered Gabriel. His honey-blond hair shone in the lights, and his deep blue eyes twinkled merrily.

  Does this outfit make me look fat? asked Michael, grinning.

  Xander turned to Elizabeth and Jonathan with a dimple-popping smile. “Elizabeth, Jonathan, I want to introduce my brothers, Mike and Gabe Darcy. Mike is the tall fellow.”

  “I have looked forward to meeting both of you for quite some time now. I was beginning to think that Xander had just imagined you,” Elizabeth said, smiling as she extended her hand first to Michael and then to Gabriel.

  “We are quite real, as you can see,” said Michael, winking at Xander.

  “We were starting to think that he was exaggerating your beauty, Elizabeth, but I am relieved to know that our brother is truthful. I am so pleased to meet you at last.” Gabriel was as gallant as he was handsome.

  “Will you be staying in the area long? We would love to have you at our rallies this week,” interjected Jonathan.

  “No, I am afraid that we must be off in a few minutes. We are on family business for our Father and can stay only a few minutes,” Michael replied, his green eyes becoming serious for a few seconds.

  Elizabeth had been watching them closely. “Are you musically talented like Xander? He is amazing.”

  “We hum rather well,” answered Gabriel, smiling at her as Michael and Xander laughed aloud.

  You finally told a good joke! Impressive! thought Michael.

  “You know,” said Elizabeth, looking at the brothers thoughtfully while the laughter had died down, “you seem to be more of a ‘Gabriel’ than a ‘Gabe,’ and you are more like a ‘Michael’ than a ‘Mike.’”

  Michael raised an eyebrow. “Very astute of you, Elizabeth. I actually prefer to be called Michael, but most people seem to shorten my name automatically.”

  “Michael it is then. How about you, Gabe?” she asked.

  “Like Michael, I prefer the old-fashioned form of my name as well. You may call me Gabriel if it pleases you.”


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