The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 45

by Robin M Helm

  I wish he would, thought Michael. There was a rumbling chorus of agreement from the warriors present.

  Mark eagerly accepted his offer. “Are you serious? You don’t know me, but you would let me stay here with you? I’m taking you up on your invitation before you have a chance to change your mind.”

  The others laughed.

  “Xander is nearly always serious, Mark,” said Elizabeth, leaning out a little to look past Xander at the newsman.

  Xander took her hand, saying, “Elizabeth, would you like to go with Mark and me to his apartment after rehearsal to pick up whatever he will need for the rest of the week?”

  Excellent plan, Xander. That would give us four angels: you, Michael, Custodio, and me, should Dark Spirit choose to make an early appearance, thought Gabriel.

  I like the idea as well, although I feel certain that he will wait for the cover of darkness before he crawls from whatever rock he is under, said Michael. I will leave two warriors there tonight, though I am sure that Lucifer’s spies will already have reported Mark’s decision. I would love to be there when the unholy trinity hears that they lost their spokesman. I suppose they will have to choose another.

  “Of course,” answered Elizabeth. “We can go after rehearsal. Mark, do you want to come with us to the arena? You can call your workplace and tell them that you are covering the rally tonight. It would make a good story, don’t you think?”

  Mark’s eyes brightened. “That is a wonderful suggestion, El. The station should have someone covering the conference, and since I broke the big story yesterday, I can join it with everything happening at the rallies. I can do live interviews with the security personnel and some of the people who were there last night. I’ll call for a crew to meet me at the arena this evening. By then, I’ll have all my background work prepared. The station manager will love it!” He stopped for a moment, thinking. “Is that all right with you, Jonathan?” he asked, looking at the evangelist.

  “It’s more than all right. I think it’s providential. The man that was chosen by Lucifer to be his spokesman will be doing stories for SoulFire Ministries instead. I love the irony. Perhaps we might talk later in the week about the possibility of your joining us for the rest of the summer tour. Don’t give me an answer now. Just think about it.” Jonathan, as well as everyone else in the room, was smiling broadly.

  “I don’t have to think about anything,” answered Mark quickly. “If you still want me by the end of the week, I’m on your team for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Xander, you have never lived with a human before. This should be interesting, chuckled Michael, as the humans continued to converse, unaware of the angelic conversation taking place around them.

  I just hope he does not snore, replied Xander.

  I wish for the same thing, said Gabriel. It is bad enough to listen to you all night. Stereo would be much worse.

  I do not snore! Xander was highly insulted.

  He cannot take a joke, commented Michael.

  And it is unfortunate, because I am becoming quite adept at humor, added Gabriel, with great gravity.

  Michael snorted.

  Xander refrained from rolling his eyes only by using all of his self control.

  Even the warriors smiled.

  The more interesting thing is that Xander talks in his sleep, said Gabriel with total sincerity.

  Keeping a shocked expression from crossing his face took a truly Herculean effort on Xander’s part. Please tell me that you are joking. This is not funny.

  It was not intended to be, answered Gabriel.

  Why have you not told me before? queried Xander.

  We have not mentioned it because we always knew what you were thinking and dreaming. That you said it aloud while sleeping never revealed anything which we did not already know. There was no reason to disturb you with the information, answered Michael.

  Gabriel, you must awaken me if I start talking while Mark is not asleep. Xander’s thoughts were desperate. This is too embarrassing. What if I talk of Elizabeth? And I could talk about being an angel. That is even worse. I must never sleep around Elizabeth until she knows.

  You may rely on me, my brother, said Gabriel gravely. Let us hope that Mark is a sound sleeper. Otherwise, I will be rousing you every half hour.

  I talk that much? Xander was having difficulty hiding his agitation.

  It appears that while you are reticent when awake and in control, you become quite garrulous as you relinquish that aspect of your personality in sleep. Most of the time you mutter rather than talk. Do not worry yourself, brother. Custodio will speak peace to Mark’s mind, and he will sleep deeply. All will be well. Michael’s voice was soothing.

  Custodio nodded at Xander, indicating that he understood the responsibilities of his position.

  No one was smiling when the conversation ended.

  Elizabeth touched Xander’s arm, and he startled. She laughed a little at his expression. “My, you have been lost in thought,” she whispered as she leaned toward him.

  He forced himself to relax and smile, and then lowered his voice to reply into her ear, “I think I am just a little preoccupied with all that has been happening.”

  “Is everything truly all right, Xander? You really were a million miles away.” She betrayed her anxiety with the small wrinkle which appeared between her brows.

  Unable to stop himself, he smoothed the spot with his finger, using the same gesture she had employed with him so many times. “As long as you love me, Elizabeth, all is right with me.”

  She glanced around at the others to make certain that no one was watching them, and then she quietly replied, “If that is your main criterion for happiness, I believe that I can say with confidence that you should be a happy man for a very long time.”

  His world was back in balance and the skies were blue again.

  Chapter 15

  “And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance. Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were bewildered, because they were each one hearing them speak in his own language.”

  Acts 2:2-6

  Rehearsals for the Tuesday night rally took the entire morning. After practicing all of their own music, Xander and Elizabeth broke for lunch with everyone else, and then spent a couple of hours working with Thorncrown, their opening band, to prepare for the commitment time. Because Thorncrown used only contemporary Christian rock for the pre-rally music, Xander and Elizabeth listened to some of their more reflective numbers and made suggestions as to the selection and style of their choices. The less experienced band was glad to have their input as well as the opportunity to have feedback from two of the best known artists in Christian and classical music circles. The couple had invited several bands to audition during the past spring for the summer tour, and the band members of Thorncrown had been excited to be chosen to travel with SoulFire Ministries.

  Mark had phoned his station manager from the arena, explaining his ideas for a series of stories, and had been promised a camera crew for the rally that night. After receiving the “go ahead,” the young newsman had stayed busy on his phone, using the contact cards filled out by those who had come forward the previous evening to set up interviews. He had managed to secure both Bobby and Frank, along with several of the EMT personnel and arena security staff. Mark had remained within view of Xander or Jonathan at all times, unwilling to be alone after his horrifying experience the previous night at his apartment. He tried to keep his mind occupied so that he could not dwell on the terror he had felt just a few hours before. Instead, he made a concerted effort to think of his salvation, God’s promises, a
nd the protection He had provided through the SoulFire team.

  Xander had noticed during rehearsals that both Jonathan and Charlotte, with Lexus and Edward standing behind them and the two warriors back against the wall, had out their laptops, busily working away at a table in one of the private rooms with large windows bordering the arena. Listening to their thoughts, he heard Jonathan developing his messages for the week, adding to the outlines he had already prepared, and Charlotte reading a chapter for an online course she was taking during the summer. Eventually, Jonathan was satisfied with his preparations, and he began to glance at Charlotte occasionally, attempting unsuccessfully to concentrate on checking his e-mail. When she felt his eyes on her, she looked over at him, smiled, and then turned back to her work. Jonathan flushed at being caught watching her and studiously kept his eyes on his computer screen.

  Interesting, mused Xander. Perhaps I was not really the One who thought of bringing Charlotte to travel with us.

  They would make a good couple, thought Gabriel.

  Michael nodded his agreement.

  Xander had driven his Escalade, bringing Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Mark with him, so that they could take Mark back to his apartment when they broke for the afternoon. Elizabeth’s parents had decided to spend the day at the hotel, resting from their long drive. As soon as Xander and Elizabeth were finished practicing with Thorncrown, Xander texted the young man, telling him they were finished rehearsing and could leave anytime. Elizabeth sent a message to Charlotte at the same time.

  Within a few minutes, Mark, Jonathan, and Charlotte joined Xander and Elizabeth in front of the stage, surrounded by their guardians and warriors.

  “Are you ready to go?” asked Xander, looking at Mark and Charlotte.

  Jonathan cleared his throat. “I would be happy to give Charlotte a ride back to the hotel if she still has work to do. You and Elizabeth could take Mark to his apartment.”

  The man is actually blushing, thought Xander. He casts out demons without flinching, but he cannot talk to Charlotte directly about her wishes? She causes him to be nervous?

  You have to ask that? questioned Michael, vastly amused.

  It was not so long ago that you could hardly form a coherent sentence around Elizabeth, Gabriel interjected.

  I still have trouble with that at times, admitted Xander, sheepishly.

  Elizabeth looked at her friend quizzically. “Char?”

  “I am a little tired. I think I’ll take Jonathan up on his kind offer,” answered Charlotte, smiling at Jonathan with just a hint of teasing in her brown eyes.

  Jonathan’s face lit up as he reached for her laptop case. “Wonderful! Let me help you with that.”

  “I’ll see you back at the hotel, roomie,” Charlotte said over her shoulder to Elizabeth with a wink as they walked away.

  “I’ll meet you guys at the car. I forgot to get my laptop.” Mark, followed by Custodio, hurried away.

  Elizabeth bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop her smile as she watched Jonathan and Charlotte walk across the arena together, but she could not stop her dimples from making an appearance, and Xander could not stop himself from giving them a quick kiss.

  “That’s where the angels kissed me, you know,” she said looking up at him, her eyes sparkling with good humor.

  “I know. Just before they sent you down to me,” he replied quietly.

  “I thought you were the angel.” Elizabeth took his hand as they started walking to the exit.

  “Well, yes, but I was already here waiting for you. Sending babies was never in my job description.” He could not stop himself.

  This is a dangerous conversation, thought Michael.

  “Angels have job descriptions? What is yours?” she asked.

  Be careful, cautioned Gabriel.

  “You cannot tell? I am your guardian angel, Elizabeth.” She looked up at him and stopped walking, surprised at his serious tone.

  The smile left her face as she considered his words. She thought of how he had been there several times recently when she had needed him and of her feelings of complete safety whenever he was with her. He always thinks of me first.

  “A guardian angel. That fits you perfectly, Xander. You are my own personal guardian angel.” She smiled up at him, a beautiful, heartbreaking smile. “Will you always be my protector?”

  “Always. You will never be alone, and I will always keep you safe,” he said, his voice husky as he pulled her into the relative privacy of the hallway leading to the exits. “I will love you for eternity. God made us for each other and put us together.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her fiercely, as if joining with her could keep all of the demons at bay. Xander wanted her to understand; he wanted her to know what he was. He could not bear the thought that she might think he had deceived her and be angry with him.

  The passion of his kiss surprised her. He is always so gentle with me. Why is he reacting this way? Does he fear losing me?

  Xander, what are you doing? Think. Gabriel’s mental nudge was quiet.

  Xander broke the kiss, whispering, “I am sorry, Elizabeth. I did not mean to frighten you.”

  She pulled his face back down to hers and looked into his eyes. “Do not apologize for loving me. I could never be afraid of you, Xander. I love it when you are gentle, but I also like to see this side of you.”

  Xander smiled at her admission. He drew her closer to him and rested his cheek against her hair. “I look forward to a time when I will not have to be so careful with you. Sometimes, it is … difficult to regulate myself when I kiss you. Do not ever think that my self-control means that I do not want you. However, I respect you in every way, and I would not risk compromising your reputation or damaging your testimony.” Xander closed his eyes, and a shadow of pain passed across his face. When he opened his eyes again, his expression was calm. He released her and took her hand.

  “Mark is waiting. We had better go,” he said with regret.

  “I know.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him quickly before she took his hand. “We don’t have much time alone, do we?”

  As they began to walk together to the exit, he replied ruefully, “That is probably a good thing.”

  I agree, thought Michael soberly.

  She laughed, and he chuckled with her in spite of himself.

  After they were gone, a demonic spy stepped from the shadows and flew through the ceiling.


  After Mark unlocked the door to his apartment, Xander touched his arm. “Let me go in first.”

  Elizabeth waited in the hallway, behind the men.

  Mark stepped back to allow Xander to go past him. The room was empty, but Xander, Gabriel, and Michael could smell the lingering, putrid odor of the demons who had been there recently, as well as Gregory’s distinct halfling scent. Custodio noticed the difference and looked at the other angels with a question in his eyes.

  Gregory has been here. He is Nephilim. Michael spoke tersely.

  Custodio was, of course, aware of Gregory and his origins, but he had never smelled Nephilim before. He wrinkled his nose with distaste at the stench.

  Mark and Elizabeth followed Xander into the apartment and stood just inside the door, both of them looking around in amazement. The living room was destroyed, as if a giant child had thrown a temper tantrum and broken everything within reach. The carpet was soaked, and more water seemed to be flooding in by the minute. Mark stared in astonishment as he looked around him at the shambles of everything he owned. As they walked from room to room, they discovered that the destruction and water damage worsened. The kitchen appliances and the bathroom fixtures had been demolished, along with furniture, lighting fixtures, his clothing, the television, and all of his personal belongings. Mark had lost everything from his apartment except the clothes he was wearing. Nothing was salvageable.

  I guess it is safe to assume that Gregory, Dark Spirit, and Lucifer know that Mark is with us now. Michael’s remark was curt. They must have do
ne this while he was at the hotel or the arena this morning.

  I am just glad that he was not here when they came. They do not take rejection well, stated Gabriel.

  Elizabeth touched Mark’s arm. “Mark, you should call your landlord or apartment manager. They need to come see this and call the police.”

  Mark nodded numbly, taking out his cell phone and calling the manager. “My apartment has been vandalized. Could you call the police and come immediately?” After he finished his call, he looked at Xander. “Did that snake have anything to do with this? Could this have been the work of the devil?”

  “Yes, demons have been here. I can sense it,” Xander answered. “Mark, you belong to God now. Satan can destroy your belongings, but God is sovereign. He will protect you.”

  Mark nodded. He so much wanted to believe what Xander said.

  The next two hours were spent filing a police report and cataloguing the damage. There were no fingerprints except for Mark’s in the apartment, and there was no evidence indicating a forced entry. Fortunately, Mark had renter’s insurance and could recoup most of his losses. He also remembered that he had left some of his clothing at his parent’s house a short distance away.

  Mark told the apartment manager that he no longer felt safe there and wanted to break the lease. Under the circumstances, the manager agreed, though he refused to return Mark’s deposit. Too tired and dispirited to argue with the man, Mark decided to shut the door on his past life in Atlanta, and he left with Xander and Elizabeth. He had called his mother while the police were dusting for prints in his apartment to tell her about the break-in, and she had offered to gather his clothes together for him and have them ready for him to pick up on the way back to the hotel. He had gratefully accepted her offer, and Xander and Elizabeth had agreed to stop by his mother’s house with him. Though the clothes were not his best, at least he would have a few things to wear until he could find the time to go shopping.


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