The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 49

by Robin M Helm

  Xander lay belly-down on the floor in the living area of Elizabeth’s suite still dressed in his workout clothes, though barefooted, appreciating Elizabeth’s vigorous attention to his back. She had put a small pillow on the floor for him, and he had his head turned, resting on the pillow with his eyes closed, thinking contently about the paradox of the slight pain of her hands kneading his sore muscles being such a pleasure. She straddled his back and sang Martina McBride’s “Valentine” to him as she worked the knots out of his muscles.

  Her beautiful voice singing words of love washed over him like a gentle wave, and he was totally relaxed. Xander had nearly fallen asleep when she stopped singing, and he heard her thoughts. Unable to resist, he kept his eyes closed.

  Finally, he’s asleep. I can stop singing because he does not hear my thoughts while he sleeps. I knew when I started this massage and felt his muscles under my hands that I would give myself away if I didn’t find a way to hide what was in my mind.

  He really wanted to keep listening, but he remembered his promise to her. Opening his eyes, he smiled and said, “Elizabeth, I am not asleep.”

  “Great! Now I’m embarrassed.” She moved off his back to the floor by his side, covering her face with her hands.

  He turned on his side, bending his elbow, resting his dark head in his left hand, and looked at her with a tender expression. Reaching up, he gently pulled her hands down with his right hand and held them.

  “I thought you were singing that song to me because you love me. Imagine how I feel knowing that you were doing it only to hide from me.” He smiled, teasing her.

  “Oh, I meant every word of the song, and I love you so much that I’m afraid of it. I love you in every way possible.”

  He drew his brows together. “Afraid? Why? I love you to distraction, and you know it.”

  She looked away. “You could leave me.”

  Xander sat up facing her, cross-legged, still holding her hands. “Elizabeth, I promise you that I will never leave you.” He reached out to turn her face toward his with two fingers and held her brown eyes with his. “I will never love anyone else the way I love you. You cannot understand what you mean to me.” She was quiet, but her thoughts were not. “Do you fear something else? You just said, ‘I love you in every way possible.’ Are you afraid of your physical attraction for me?” He stroked her cheek gently with his hand.

  Her eyes filled with tears, but with great effort, she held them. “You already know how much I am attracted to you. It’s as if you are a magnet, and I am iron. You have heard my thoughts over and over, yet you have never tried to do anything the least bit inappropriate. I do appreciate your respect, but I wonder if perhaps my attraction for you is greater than yours is for me.”

  Xander moved his hand to cover hers and sighed. He looked at the floor, and then peeked from under his lashes at her face. “It is perhaps a very good thing that you cannot read my mind, love. I have struggled against my physical responses to you from the earliest moments of our acquaintance.”

  “Then why does it seem so easy for you to resist me?” One tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and looked at him, hoping that he had not seen it.

  Xander saw her rapid movement and was pierced to the heart. He pulled her onto his lap and held her close, burying his face in her hair. “If you think that, then I truly deserve an Oscar. Te amo, te quiero, te necessito, y te deseo, mi querida.” He laughed quietly. “I am a fool for you, Elizabeth. What am I thinking, speaking words of love in Spanish to a woman who has the gift of tongues? Did you even know I was speaking Spanish?” Xander put his hand under her chin and lifted her face so that he could see her eyes. There was an unmistakable sparkle there.

  “Since I am fluent in Spanish, I did recognize it. I suppose if you had spoken in a language unfamiliar to me, I would have heard it in English. I’m not sure exactly how this ‘gift’ works all the time. At any rate, I understood your meaning.”

  He bent his head and met her lips in a kiss, enveloping her with his arms.

  Michael coughed.

  Anyone looking in the window would think we were unchaperoned. They would be very wrong, thought Xander impatiently. However, Gabriel, I do have an idea about that gift you could give me for my birthday. Some privacy possibly?

  I am sorry, but I think not at this time. You have made your point to Elizabeth. Perhaps it is time to move on? suggested Gabriel calmly.

  On my wedding night, you will both turn your backs and remain silent. Xander’s thoughts were loud.

  Agreed. After you are married, replied Michael.

  Xander broke the kiss and stood to his feet effortlessly, holding Elizabeth cradled in his arms, her head on his shoulder. He walked over to the couch and set her at one end of it, picking up the remote control from the end table and handing it to her.

  “I believe you promised to hold my head in your lap while you watch a movie and I take a nap. And there was something else – stroking my hair? I am claiming my present.”

  Elizabeth turned on the television and flipped through the channels while he padded to the window and closed the curtains so that he could sleep in the semi-darkness. As he pulled the drapes closed, he noticed a demonic spy on the roof of a neighboring building, watching them through the window. No surprise there, he thought.

  He has been there the entire time, commented Gabriel.

  Elizabeth soon found a movie on HBO, The Bourne Ultimatum, and snuggled down in the cushions to watch it. Xander walked back and stretched out on the couch as much as he could; his calves were propped on the arm of the sofa while his feet hung off the end. He turned on his side with his head in her lap, trying to find a comfortable position.

  Elizabeth frowned slightly. “You can’t sleep like that, Xander. This is a sofa bed. Get up and help me pull it out.”

  Michael glared at Xander. Gabriel frowned at Michael.

  “Elizabeth, I do not think that is a good idea.” I am not made of stone.

  “I promise I will not try to seduce you,” she teased. “Your virtue is safe with me.”

  “I am not worried about you.”

  She wound her fingers through his hair. “Well, I have no reason not to trust you. You have an iron will and supernatural self-control.”

  “I have never been with you before…in such a position.” He hesitated, keeping his face averted from hers.

  She leaned forward so that she could see him. “Why, Xander Darcy! I do believe that you are blushing. I should not have said this is a sofa bed. It isn’t. It’s a large, flat couch. Now get up so that we can pull it out. I’d hate to have to use some of my new moves on you and possibly hurt you.” She punched his arm lightly for emphasis.

  Sighing, he rolled off the couch and stood, holding out his hands to her to pull her upright. Together they opened the couch, and she was pleased to see that it was made up with sheets and a blanket tucked around the mattress.

  Elizabeth hopped up on the mattress, putting cushions at her back and patting her lap, smiling encouragingly at him. He lay diagonally with his head in her lap. “Isn’t this better?” she crooned, gently rubbing his forehead and playing with his hair. “Now you have room to stretch out and sleep.”

  Yes, go to sleep. Now, thought Michael.

  Michael, he has not done anything wrong, and this was your charge’s idea. Gabriel’s voice sounded mildly irritated.

  Xander yawned in spite of himself, and then smiled up at her self-consciously. “Sorry. I guess I do need a nap, but please wake me when the movie ends. I need a shower before we go out, and we have reservations.” You must wake me if I talk in my sleep, Gabriel.

  Do not be anxious. I will rouse you if your dreams cause you to become talkative, answered Gabriel.

  Elizabeth watched him as his beautiful face relaxed, and his dark lashes rested on his cheeks; his breathing gradually became steady and deeper while his chest rose and fell rhythmically. She leaned down and lightly kissed the lips of he
r angel, and afterwards she looked at Matt Damon on the television screen. There was no comparison. Elizabeth rested her head on the back of the couch, and, lulled by the noise from the television, fell asleep.

  She slept so deeply that she did not hear when Xander murmured her name.


  Xander, rejuvenated by his nap, had a spring in his step as he walked to Elizabeth’s door and rapped on it. Charlotte opened the door, smiled, and invited him in. Holy moly! Happy birthday, El! she thought, admiring the fit of his beige Irish linen suit and black V-necked T.

  Gabriel smiled at Xander’s discomfort and nodded at Edward who returned his greeting.

  As he walked to the living room, Xander spoke quickly to prevent Charlotte from thinking any further. “Hello, Charlotte. Is Elizabeth ready?”

  “Almost. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know.” She laughed lightly.

  Xander spotted sunflowers, her favorite flowers, on the table by the couch. Surely not from Gregory. Following his line of sight and noticing the small frown between his eyes, Charlotte said, “The Bennets sent El flowers for her birthday. Beautiful, aren’t they?” Xander rewarded her with a fully dimpled smile.

  He heard the bedroom door open and close, and turning, he silently admired the vision that was Elizabeth. The summer dress she wore was cobalt blue with thin straps and a flirty skirt featuring a layered hem that flared a few inches above her knees. Her taupe high-heeled sandals, he noted with satisfaction, were perfect for dancing, and her hair was loose, hanging in curls down her back. She twirled before him, modeling her outfit. Michael stood beside her.

  Do you approve, birthday boy?

  Oh, yes. Definitely. I think there are few men who would not approve, love. You are beautiful.

  Charlotte watched the exchange curiously. “Why do I always feel that you two are having a private conversation that no one else can hear?”

  Edward tried unsuccessfully not to smile.

  “We’re just on the same wavelength, Char. How was your afternoon – your entire six hours of free time – with Jonathan?” asked Elizabeth innocently.

  “Point taken. I’ll just shuffle on into the bedroom and mind my own business now,” Charlotte answered. “I have a dinner engagement to dress for. You two aren’t the only ones who can have a night out occasionally, you know,” she said airily over her shoulder as she left the room.

  “I really like, Charlotte,” said Xander. “She knows when to gracefully exit a room.” Unlike some friends of mine.

  Just doing my job, answered Michael.

  You will not even know that we are with you, thought Gabriel.

  Now that would be a wonderful birthday present. Xander smiled at the idea.

  He reached for her, and she came to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, looking up at him with her luminous dark eyes. Xander bent his head to her face and kissed her, almost reverently.

  As he drew back a few inches, she smiled sweetly and said, “I wish we could just stay here and cuddle. We never do that – at least not for very long.”

  She has no idea how tempting she is. She would not ask for that if she knew how difficult it is for me. He kissed her dimple. “I promise you that one day, we will cuddle all day and night if you want to do so. But right now, we have birthday plans.”

  She made a little moue, and then quickly replaced it with a smile for him. “Let the celebrations begin. Lead the way.”


  Xander had engaged a car and driver for the night so that he would not have to worry about parking, and their first stop was at Grant Park for SummerDance where people were dressed in everything from shorts and T shirts to dinner attire. He left his jacket in the car because the night was warm.

  While planning for her birthday in May before they left on tour, Xander had Googled nighttime entertainment for weekends in Chicago. After looking at the schedule, much to Gabriel’s amusement, Xander had bought instructional DVD’s and taught himself to do the Latin dances being featured that particular weekend. Elizabeth was amazed and pleasantly surprised when he was able to teach her to salsa and meringue. There was a featured instructor, but the park was too crowded to see him or the video screens well, and a group formed around the beautiful couple, following the handsome Xander for the hour-long lesson. He had grown more comfortable in crowds during the SoulFire tour, and he had determined in himself that he would not limit Elizabeth’s enjoyment of her birthday to avoid the stares he invariably attracted. He willed himself to dance, looking only at Elizabeth, and not worrying about the throngs of people.

  “You’ve been holding out on me,” she said breathlessly. “I didn’t know you could dance.”

  “You never asked me,” he replied, winking at her.

  “What other hidden talents are you hiding, Mr. Xander?” she asked saucily.

  “You will just have to stay with me to find out the answer to that question,” he answered, teasing her in return.

  Michael and Gabriel hovered above them, constantly scanning the moving crowd.

  The car was back promptly to pick them up and deliver them to the Everest restaurant on the fortieth floor of the Chicago Stock Exchange on time for their dinner reservations. Their view of western Chicago at night was magical, and the wonderful art and sculpture displayed added to the ambiance.

  Gabriel and Michael took their places behind their charges after Xander had seated Elizabeth.

  Knowing her preferences, he had pre-ordered for them both, and as soon as they were seated, their waiter brought them their drinks and Maine crab, followed by salads with apples and walnuts, Maine lobster, and steak. For dessert, he had chosen the selection of five chocolate tastes.

  They took their time, conversing quietly and holding hands over the table between courses.

  When they were finished, Xander leaned over to Elizabeth and whispered, “I must agree with the Chicago Tribune concerning this restaurant.”

  She raised an eyebrow delicately in question.

  “This is indeed Chicago’s most romantic restaurant,” he answered. His eyes said more to her. If you already knew everything about me, love, I would be asking you to marry me now, he thought privately.

  “As in most things, my opinion matches yours. I love you, Xander.”

  “And I love you.” One day very soon you will know just how much. Just four more weeks. He fervently hoped that they would be husband and wife by the next summer.

  Chapter 18

  “The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”

  II Timothy 4:18

  At breakfast the following morning, Xander learned that one of the crew members, Lance Miller, had gone to the ER during the night with severe stomach pain and gastrointestinal problems. He had eaten at a street festival and had developed food poisoning. After treatment, the young man was doing much better and would be returning to the hotel soon, but the incident had made Xander consider several possible scenarios which he needed to discuss with Jonathan and Elizabeth; he had already made the necessary arrangements with Asim, Michael, and Gabriel through telepathy. His brothers agreed that the possibility of a demonic attack or illness might make it necessary for them to appear in human form, and there had to be a reasonable explanation for how such an event could occur.

  After they were seated, their guardians behind each of them, Xander addressed them. “Jonathan, Elizabeth, I think there is a matter which we need to address. After hearing that Lance was taken to the hospital last night, I realized that we need to exchange personal information with each other. Jonathan, you have the applications of everyone hired to go on this tour, and you have the information for Elizabeth and Dave. Elizabeth, you know all of Charlotte’s family and could contact them if we needed to do so. And, Jonathan, Dave probably has the numbers for your parents, correct?”

  Elizabeth nodded, looking puzzled.

  “Yes, Xander. What am I missing?” J
onathan smiled, amused at his supremely organized friend.

  “Who would you call if I became ill or was injured? No one here could check me into a hospital, and none of you know how to contact my family. I have written my land line number for my townhouse in Spartanburg on a card for you as well as one for Elizabeth. Call there if the need arises and leave a message. Knowing that we are touring, my brothers check the voicemail constantly, and they would get the message. I have also included their cell phone numbers, though you would probably have a difficult time reaching them. Just leave messages. Mike and Gabe are usually traveling, and cell service is unavailable on flights. They could be wherever we are very quickly.” Xander handed the cards to Jonathan and Elizabeth, and she put the card in her purse, frowning a little at the thought of anything bad happening to him.

  Jonathan looked at him quizzically. “We are driving all over the United States right now. How could you guarantee that your brothers would find us in time? Perhaps you should sign a medical power of attorney over to me or Elizabeth.”

  “I would not wish to burden either of you with possibly serious decisions concerning my welfare. I have not mentioned it before, but in my family, all of us fly, and we have our own means of transportation.”

  Awareness dawned in Jonathan’s eyes as well as Elizabeth’s. She asked, “You all fly? You are all pilots? My, my. Yet another surprise. And you have your own means of transportation. A family jet, I suppose?”

  Xander remained silent, looking at his plate and allowing them to draw their own conclusions.

  Jonathan mistook his silence for embarrassment, pocketed the card he had been holding, and spoke quickly. “Thank you, Xander. I will be sure to keep the card in my wallet in case we ever need it.”

  Xander looked up at him gratefully. “If I am injured and you do not have your card, there is another one in my own wallet, and all of the numbers are programmed into my cell phone. Elizabeth has my password.”


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