Betting it All on the Earl

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Betting it All on the Earl Page 3

by Emma Brady

  “No, you stay. Enjoy the party and keep an eye on the other players. I want to make sure we have the edge in tomorrow night’s game.”

  She reached up to give him a peck on the cheek and he patted her on the hand before releasing her at the bottom of the stairs.

  The accommodations she was given in the house were splendid. The room boasted a large, comfortable bed and a window with a view of the gardens. The expensive rug on the floor matched the expensive blue silk wallpaper on the walls. It was made to put guests with good taste at ease.

  The townhome she had lived in with Patrick and her husband was nice, but small. They had no need for a large space and they only required two rooms. They only had one housekeeper, who was especially discreet and never questioned the sleeping arrangements. Kitty cringed at the thought of having to let her go if this plan of their failed. There was no telling if she would let secrets slip.

  “I wondered how long I was going to have to wait up here.”

  Kitty froze inside her room, her face towards the door and her hand still on the knob. She could run if she needed to, but that would cause a scene.

  “Don’t you remember me, Kitty?”

  Slowly, she turned to see who spoke and her stomach dropped. She did remember him. Lord Christopher Hampton stood near the bed, one hand wrapped around one of the four posters. He hadn’t changed a bit since the last time they met, but she no longer felt the same. Instead of flutter of excitement at seeing him, she felt like she might be sick.

  “How could I forget the coward that ruined my life?”

  “Ouch, that hurts.” Nothing in his expression showed the slightest remorse. “I’m hardly the only one to blame for what happened. You should have been more cautious.”

  “I trusted you because I loved you. I thought you loved me as well.”

  “I never said that I did.”

  “No, but you said everything else a girl wants to hear. You even said you were going to marry me.”

  “I said we could run off together and we did.”

  “You left me penniless and stranded at a roadside inn, after taking my virtue.”

  “Let’s be honest, I took nothing. You gave yourself to me, which shows you have poor judgement.”

  Crying out, Kitty reached for the closest thing she could, which happened to be a small but expensive looking vase of flowers and threw it at him. The glass shattered loudly as it fell at his feet.

  “Get out of this room right now!” She yelled at him.

  People might hear them and come running, so he needed to leave quickly.

  He grabbed her and covered her mouth with his hand. There was a wild anger in his eyes and a fierce look on his face. Kitty stilled. She had never seen him like this before.

  “I’m going to release your mouth, but if you scream another hateful word I will choke you into silence.”

  Christopher had always been gentle and polite with her. Even when he left her stranded, there had been no violence involved. He snuck away in the night. Now he looked like he would hurt her and feel no remorse for it. She nodded her compliance and he slowly pulled his hand away from her face.

  “That wasn’t a nice way to greet a potential protector.” He said, keeping one arm still wrapped around her waist stopping her from moving away. “Considering the dire circumstances you are in, you should be more accommodating to those who might be willing to help.”

  “I have never been willing to be any man’s mistress.” She hissed, this time keeping her voice down.

  “I remember, which is why I had to deceive you to get what I wanted. But now you don’t have many other options.”

  “I’m no longer an innocent farm girl. You made sure of that.”

  “No, you are an actress who married a man with many secrets and empty pockets. That makes you a penniless widow with a shady past.” Christopher laughed. “What kind of future could you possibly hope for without taking a lover?”

  Kitty felt her mouth drop open. No one was supposed to know about her life in theater.

  “Surprised I know so much? I like to keep track of my conquests, especially when they suddenly appear in the same ballrooms as me.”

  Kitty didn’t remember ever seeing Christopher on her rare nights out, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. That’s the trouble with London, too many faces in the crowd.

  “I would never accept you as my lover. I would rather beg in the streets.” She said.

  “Once you lose your status and privilege, I won’t need your permission. There are a lot of terrible things that happen to women in the streets.”

  He pulled her tighter against his body where she could feel his repulsive erection and she struggled against him. That seemed to only excite him more and he smiled in a sick way at her. A knock at the door made him stop.

  “Kitty, are you alright? I heard a noise.”

  It was Patrick coming to check on her.

  Christopher got a mean look in his eye and pressed a finger to his lips. If Patrick knew the kind of trouble she was in, he might attempt to save her and get hurt. He was hardly the heroic type.

  “I was being clumsy and dropped something. I hope the host won’t be upset with me.”

  She lied to protect her dear friend. Christopher’s expression was smug.

  “If we win the purse, I imagine we can replace the item easy enough.” She could hear Patrick chuckle. “Possibly buy them something nicer as a token of appreciation. Just keep thinking about that beautiful prize.”

  “I will, thank you.”

  Christopher waited until Patrick moved away from the door and down the hallway before releasing her. He bent over, laughing so hard his entire body shook. Kitty knew better than to think it was light-hearted. She began inching away from him.

  “Is that your plan? You think you will win the purse this weekend and be able to support yourself and that ridiculous old man with it?” Christopher was finally able to speak again, while wiping the tears of laughter from his face. “I didn’t think you even knew how to play cards.”

  “I didn’t, but it is one of the many things I learned after we parted. My husband even taught me a few tricks.”

  “He was a decent player, but he couldn’t win this game. I doubt he could have taught you to play better than he did.”

  “I have a natural skill for it.”

  By this time, Kitty had managed to move close enough to reach the items on her vanity, including a sharp pair of scissors. If he attempted to attack her again, this time she would be ready. Defending herself was another lesson her husband had insisted she learn.

  “I remember there were many things that you were naturally skilled at.” A smug, sick smile spread across his lips. “I look forward to seeing if you have learned any new tricks in that area as well. You must have done something special in order to marry a gentleman with the kind of past you had.”

  “A past you forced me into.”

  Christopher shrugged. “You would have ended up there without me; I just hurried it along.”

  The tears in her eyes stung and Kitty swallowed the sob in her throat. She wished she had been experienced enough when she met Christopher to know what a terrible man he was. Instead, she had been young and easily impressed by his charming behavior and sweet words. There is nothing as vile as a man who steals a girl’s innocence with lies.

  “Please leave.” Kitty asked, this time picking up the pair of scissors and pointing them at him. “I wouldn’t want to have to make a mess in this lovely room.”

  A flash of pure hatred flickered in his expression before it relaxed.

  “Of course. Wouldn’t want you to be too exhausted to play tomorrow. I’m going to enjoy watching you lose and being there to offer you my help. I know you will be much more agreeable once it becomes your only hope.”

  Kitty stood rigid, weapon in hand, until after the door had closed. She rushed at it to make sure it was locked and then slid into a heap of tears upon the floor.

apter 6

  Henry moved through the crowds in the manor’s garden the next day and the release of tension from the end of the first round was palpable. There was plenty of food and drink to be had and a wealth of company to choose from. Henry only had one person in mind this evening. He was worried she might stay hidden away in her room and that would ruin his mood.

  “On the hunt again?”

  There was the sweet voice of the person he was looking for. He grinned before he turned around to see her. Her appearance was still a pleasant surprise for him.

  Henry had noticed how much shorter she was than most other women, and she didn’t even reach his shoulders with the top of her head. Today she wore a day dress in a dark blue color with a hand sewn pattern of roses across the skirt and a large bustle in the back built from a lighter blue fabric. The color made her blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

  They way her curly hair was pulled up, with a few stray strands falling along her neck were perfect chaos. For a brief moment he imagined burying his hands into them. He forced them into his pockets.

  “I never caught my prey the first time. I’m not one to give up easily.”

  Her eyes danced when she tried not to smile.

  “Where is your partner?” Henry asked. He noticed the old man was missing.

  “He found a few ladies that appreciated his company. I thought it best not to crowd him in those situations.”

  “Romantic trysts happen at these things all the time.”

  “I know. My husband told me about it.”

  Henry almost choked. “Your husband told you he was unfaithful?”

  This time she didn’t hide the giggle that escaped. “No, but he told me about other people who were indiscreet.”

  “A gossip then. I thought only women enjoyed that hobby.”

  “My husband was unique in many ways.”

  The humor slipped from her face, shadowed by sadness. He chastised himself for bringing up her husband again, when it clearly caused her pain. That wasn’t feelings he hoped to inspire in her. Perhaps he could start a different conversation.

  “What would you do when your husband was off playing cards? I haven’t heard you mention any children.”

  “We were unable to conceive during the short time we were married.”

  If her husband was the same age as his partner that wouldn’t be a surprise. Although many men could still sire children in old age, not all of them could.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Henry genuinely was. “You are still young; perhaps if you remarry you may get the chance again.”

  She laughed, but the emotion didn’t reach her eyes. “I have no plans to marry again. Once was enough.”

  A shame for such a beautiful and young woman to give up on love for the rest of her life. Rory often accused Henry of being too much of a romantic, but he couldn’t help it. He had always been one to believe in the tender side of life.

  “What do you plan to do after your mourning is over? Travel the world?” He didn’t want her to think he was too insistent about the marriage question.

  “I might. Patrick has agreed to be my companion for as long as I like. We might see more of the world.”

  “Patrick seems like a decent fellow. Have you known him long?”

  “He practically raised me. He became my guardian when I was a young girl and he was the one who introduced me to my husband.”

  “Were they good friends?”

  “Yes, they were close.”

  He could hear in the tone of her voice that she chose her words carefully. Henry sensed the tingle of a secret but he couldn’t imagine what it could be. From what he knew of her, her life was simple and plain. Perhaps even boring. Yet, underneath the surface of the refined lady he saw, he suspected there was an entirely different creature.

  “You are lucky. When both of my parents were still alive, I rarely got to see them. They spend most of their time in London, where my father liked to be involved in politics and my mother hosted social events. Neither of them showed much interest in their children’s lives.”

  “You seem close to your sister.”

  “Yes, I was lucky with that. Rory and I have always been on our own, but together.”

  “I wished I had siblings.”

  “They keep things interesting.”

  She nodded and there was a comfortable silence they fell into. Henry allowed himself to admire her as the sun caressed her pretty face. For once she appeared at ease and she appeared so innocent like that.

  “What do you plan to do with the money if you win?” He asked when he had his fill of looking at her. “You don’t appear to be lacking in funds.”

  “Appearances can be deceiving. My husband’s sudden death has been difficult and such a large sum would help allow me and Patrick to continue living in a comfortable lifestyle.”

  “And if you lose?”

  There was a hint of panic in her voice. “Then we will have to find smaller lodgings. Nothing dire, but a bit unpleasant.”

  He could feel her hiding the truth again.

  “I must admit, your determination is a bit intimidating.”

  She laughed, creating a sweet and bubbly sound that tickled his ears. “I have never been described as intimidating before. Usually my small size puts people at ease.”

  “I’m not so easily fooled.”

  Her eyes flickered away for a moment.

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Rory approached them with a drink in one hand and some sort of pastry in the other.

  His sister often ate to excess when she felt nervous.

  “Just getting to know the competition.” Henry said, taking a step back from Kitty to make it less intimate.

  “You always were the charmer.”

  Henry watched as the two women greeted each other in a rigidly formal manner. Both were cunning and intelligent, not to mention competitive. They were well matched.

  “I believe we will be at the table with you tonight.” Said Rory, pushing the last of her pastry into her mouth. “I hear you and your partner are very good.”

  “We haven’t had the chance to play often, so I’m surprised you have heard anything about us.”

  “You played well last night. Had no trouble getting past the first round.”

  “Beginners luck.”

  Rory’s eyes narrowed. There was no way she believed that. “Let’s see if it continues then.”

  Kitty smiled politely and excused herself to find her partner. No sooner was she out of hearing than he felt a smack on his arm and turned to find that his sister glaring at him.

  “Are you letting your desires get the better of you?” She accused him, with a hand on her hip.

  “What do mean?” Henry brushed off the crumbs left behind by her hand on the arm of his jacket.

  “That woman has bewitched you. I can see the fascination on your face. Are you going to be able to beat her at the table while trying to woo her?”

  “I’m not going to throw the game, if that is what you are asking. I wouldn’t let her win the purse to gain her favor.”

  “Perhaps not intentionally, but I worry it will affect your ability to play against her. You tend to be too soft when there is a damsel in distress.”

  “She is hardly in distress. She’s in mourning but coming out of it soon.”

  “That woman cannot be trusted. She has an air of secrecy about her. Especially when her husband is mentioned.”

  Rory had the look on her face that he knew from childhood. It was the look she got when she worked on a puzzle.

  “Are you suggesting she killed the man? There were a dozen witnesses at the gaming hell that will swear they saw him succumb to a heart attack.”

  Rory shook her head. “No, I don’t think she’s a murderer, but she has a secret. I don’t trust people with secrets.”

  “You have secrets.”

  “I wouldn’t trust me.”

  Henry chuckled at his sister’s dry humor. �
�You don’t have to worry about me. I plan to win.”

  “Unless she is a better player than you.”

  Chapter 7

  The rest of the day Kitty attempted to forget the reason she was there and all the worries she had waiting for her in London. She enjoyed the planned festivities and the company of surrounding her.

  The only thing she couldn’t forget about was the feeling of Christopher watching her. He was always there, across the room, keeping an eye on her. He never approached, but remained close enough that she couldn’t ignore him. Even as they took their seats to play, him at one table and her at another, she felt his presence.

  “Ladies and gentleman.” The host spoke to the crowd now. “It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the second night of play. We are down to four pairs and it should be an exciting evening.”

  The crowd cheered and Kitty felt the excitement racing across her nerves. It was the same feeling she used to get when she would step on stage. An unwelcome thrill that she attempted to get past.

  At first the two teams played in silence. Henry was to her left and Rory was on the right. Patrick sat across from her, with his carefree expression hiding the cunning player that he was. Kitty furrowed her brow as she tried to calculate the best cards to play. Her husband used to tease her that her face would develop wrinkles if she kept doing that. The audience was split, half the crowd watching her table and the other half watching the table that Christopher played at.

  “Seems your beginners luck continues.” Henry was the first one to speak and break the silence.

  “Beginners luck?” Patrick appeared confused.

  “Yes, Lady Woolard claims that was what helped her win the round yesterday, but she seems to be playing well tonight too.”

  Patrick laughed. “This might be the first competition she has played in, but she has been beating me at this game for years.”


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