The Bonds of Eternity

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The Bonds of Eternity Page 5

by Perry Rhodan

  Often when he was alone in his laboratory, working on his mysterious time experiments, he couldn't suppress a feeling that he was no longer by himself. He had a sensation that somebody was listening in, somebody whose presence was invisible and yet exercised an uncanny influence on his thoughts.

  He assumed that it had something to do with his experiments. After all he was experimenting with problems of time and he would not have been surprised if someday he were to encounter beings and objects from the past or the future. Nevertheless...

  Onot was a sober scientist and the most eminent of his race. He couldn't afford to lend credence to hallucinations of his brain. He wasn't ill! He couldn't allow himself to be sick.

  As he sat in his laboratory he was aware that the situation outside had reached a critical stage. The cleft in the universe which he had predicted some time ago had indeed occurred and thus access to another time-plane had been assured for some time. The alignment had persisted up to now and nobody, not even he, could foresee how much longer the present state would last.

  However this had presented a danger! Just as easily as the Druufs were able to transgress their boundaries, the inhabitants of the alien universe could invade the realm of the Druufs. And this was precisely what had happened.

  Onot smiled, derisively. There couldn't have been a more opportune time for him. His discovery was finished and tested. If necessary it could be converted into a weapon with the power to subdue whole galaxies. Besides the conventional fleet of the Druufs was strong enough to repulse all adversaries.

  He knew that at this very moment the heavy battleships of their fleet were assembled to ward off the blockading armada of robots at the cleft. Everything stood ready on Druufon to give any hostile enemies breaking through the barrier a warm reception.

  Onot was all smiles when he turned on the generator for the last time to activate the time-freezing field. Outwardly there was no sign of the energy flowing through the complicated apparatus and radiating from the dish at the ceiling. Only a portion of the laboratory was under the influence of the time-field, which was circular and had a diameter of nearly 10 meters.

  Onot reached into the pocket of his loose robe and pulled out his closed fist. He stepped forward and cautiously opened his hand to make sure that the little mikar, a harmless mouse-like animal, was still alive. The mikars were generally used for experimental purposes.

  "You won't get hurt," he tried to calm the trembling creature. "In a way you'll live almost forever because time will be a million-fold slower for you. You'd be immortal if I wouldn't switch off the time-field."

  He laughed thunderously but a human ear could neither have heard his roar or his words. "And now—have fun..."

  He raised his arm and threw the wriggling animal into the middle of the room, right into the invisible time-field. The mikar flew a distance—and then stopped in midair as though its movement were abruptly blocked by a magic word. It appeared to be dead because its limbs were instantly paralyzed. Without the slightest motion it was suspended in space as though frozen in a block of ice less than five meters from Onot.

  The chief physicist watched the animal with satisfaction but without astonishment. This was exactly what he had expected. The mikar now lived in another, artificially created time-plane. Before it would take another breath or sink to the floor, years would go by. It was completely helpless and thus at the mercy of the invisible Druuf. And every living being would suffer the same fate if it were caught in Onot's timefield. An entire world would come under his thrall as soon as he would build a generator adequate for this task.

  There was only one problem which Onot had not yet solved. How could he reach the defenseless foe without being trapped in the time-field himself? This was a dilemma that had to be tackled next.

  He walked over to a switch panel at the wall. Touching a few instrument controls he energized the shock conductor he had newly devised. Of course it would be useless to enter the time-field himself because he would be subjected to the same physical laws prevailing in that field and thereby face again a normal opponent. He had to try to kill the immobilized foe or at least put him out of action. Then the time-field could be deactivated again and the defeated world could be taken over after all resistance was eliminated.

  The mikar still hovered at the same spot when the observation screen registered the contact of the shock-rays. Onot kept the energy flowing for a period of almost 10 seconds before he shut it off again. With virtually uncontrollable excitement he returned to his former place and put his hand on the lever which turned off the time-freezer.

  The mikar dropped two meters to the floor as though it were suddenly released by an unseen hand. Onot darted forward, picked up the little creature and held it before his eyes. He could see that the pulsating little heart moved its skin. The animal was alive but unconscious.

  Onot happily sighed in relief. His experiment was a success.

  The shock-rays had been effectively neutralized so that they pierced the time-field with unchanged velocity. The result was that any object within the artificial field could be reached and dealt with without the necessity of entering the danger zone himself.

  The technical problem had been solved brilliantly and Onot felt triumphant. Now the next step was to persuade the Council to put the necessary means at his disposal for perfecting a field-generator and increasing its magnitude to deliver practical results. However he didn't consider this to be a very difficult task.

  When he had come to this point in his train of thoughts, he felt the boring pressure in his brain again. Maybe he was overly tired. He didn't want to worry about it and went to his private apartment, which adjoined the laboratory. Suddenly he felt very weak and exhausted.

  He probably had worked too hard. He was glad to reach his large bed. Without closing the door he stretched out on his bed and closed his four eyes, falling immediately asleep.

  • • •

  Other events took place at the same time.

  The Council of 66 assembled in the forum. This time the representatives of the people were admitted because the necessity of an immediate attack had to be debated. The foe from the other universe was to be not merely driven away but annihilated. A blockade of the aliens' time-plane would no longer be tolerated.

  All these steps were taken quickly and without opposition. The proposals of the wise men were unanimously adopted by the assembly. The attending fleet commanders were given instructions to mobilize their warships and to leave their subterranean hangars as soon as the orders were given.

  Druufon became a fortress bristling with weapons before half an hour was out. All over the planet the widely dispersed heavy guns emerged from their concealed underground positions and pointed toward the shining sky where the red and green twin suns created magic reflexes. The guns were loaded by gigantic energy sources and stood ready to unleash their incredible firepower at the push of a button.

  Druufon was prepared to strike against Arkon. It was purely a coincidence that the robot-fleet of the Regent received the order to attack the same minute.

  This could have brought total failure to Rhodan or certain victory. Nobody knew. Not even Ellert.


  At precisely 12 o'clock Terranian time, the tremendous spherical ship began to move and rapidly accelerated to the speed of light. There were no humans aboard the gigantic vessel, only fighter robots of the latest design. They were of the same type as those waiting in the transmitters of Hades for their deployment. The ship was steered by remote control and was considered expendable from the moment it started.

  Simultaneously the entire fleet of the Regent started a push against the rent in the universe to launch its diversionary attack. In the confusion of the thrust it was hoped that the robot transport could reach the home planet of the Druufs and discharge its cargo of death.

  Rhodan held the Drusus back of the frontline in order to intervene at the right moment. The radio transceiver was tuned in on the frequ
ency of the Druufs so that the connection could be established when the time came.

  However there was another contact to be made first. Rhodan had tried in vain to get in touch with Ellert by telepathy. Pucky's attempts were fruitless while Harno merely succeeded in catching a picture of Onot. However the Druuf physicist was occupied with an experiment and concentrated his mind so intensively that Ellert apparently had no opportunity to free himself.

  This could prove to be fatal as Ellert was supposed to turn on the transmitter receiving station in the computer center in one hour—or sooner—and to escape to safety in good time.

  Rhodan anxiously watched Harno He could clearly observe how Onot threw a tiny animal into the time-field, killed or stunned it with the help of anther instrument and then deactivated the field and retrieved the animal.

  Meanwhile Arkon's armada raced through the split into the universe of the Druufs where it clashed with the armed might of the alien adversaries in a tremendous space battle whose severity was unequaled in the annals of civilized races.

  Thousands of ships were thrown into the fight and thousands of energy-cannons spit fire and destruction, piercing defense shields and ripping to shreds the heaviest metallic armor plates. Large and small ships alike burst open, oozing away in space or melting into radioactive clouds.

  Rhodan paid little attention to the combat of the giants. He knew that all would be lost unless Ellert went into action. As he could see on Harno's exterior face, Onot had finished his experiment although he was unable to determine whether he had achieved success or not as the thought-impulses of the scientist didn't come through very clearly.

  Then Onot retreated to his private quarters and laid down. He seemed to have fallen asleep at once. Now is the time for Ellert to emerge again, Rhodan thought. His guess was quickly confirmed.

  Perry Rhodan! Can you hear me?

  "Holy smoke!" Perry exclaimed in relief. "It was about time, Ellert! What happened?"

  Onot was stronger than I—but this has changed now. I've won over his mind and taken possession of his body. Does Harno see me?


  Very good, then I can proceed. I'll go now to the transmitter station and set the receiver. How much time do I have left to seek safety? Onot's body must not be destroyed so that his exceptional mind will not be lost. Only he can reveal the ultra lightspeed propulsion system.

  "Why can't you acquire the necessary information from his brain?" Rhodan inquired, at a loss to understand why Ellert hadn't learned the technical data.

  It would be too strenuous for me. How much time do I have?

  "If you switch on the transmitter the same moment that the first fighter-robot sets foot on Druufon, you'll have exactly five minutes. That's when Lt. Potkin will activate the transmitter on Hades. It's all ready to go now. Only five minutes, Ellert!"

  That'll be enough. I'm going to wait till the first robots land on Druufon before I turn on the receiver. I'll have enough time to reach the surface, where I hope to be safe.

  "Can't you leave the computer center underground?"

  This is possible too. Do you consider it safer?

  "Certainly! Harno'll keep observing you. Aren't you afraid that Onot might gain the upper hand again?"

  No, not any more! I'll report again to you. Ellert dropped out.

  Bell, who had been present during the exchange, muttered: "These telepathic pictures without technical aids fascinate me. They won't burn out a tube." He glanced at the observation screen of the Drusus as the ship crossed the battle zone of the opposing formations under concentration of all available energy in its protective shield. It soon passed the most forward ships of Arkon's line-up. "I hope we don't catch up with the 5,000 robots before they land," Bell said.

  "Don't worry," Rhodan reassured him. "They must be approaching Druufon now for a landing. If everything goes well..."

  But everything was far from well.

  • • •

  All ships that the Druufs could muster had taken off and engaged in a mortal battle with the invaders. However this was only a part of the defense the Druufs could put up. The flak went into action as soon as the huge spherical intruder emerged on the horizon and turned into a landing path around the planet.

  At first they thought that it could be Rhodan's spaceship and they hesitated to open fire. But the High Command quickly received the information from a reconnaissance ship that Rhodan's vessel had been sighted behind the advancing fleet of their foes, then crossed the battle lines and now neared their planet.

  The High Command instantly gave orders to attack the foreign transgressor who apparently attempted to land on Druufon for some obscure purpose.

  The first salvos of the energy-cannons were deflected by the protective shield of the spherical colossus and flew off in all directions. But then they concentrated their fire on one spot which caused the protective shield to collapse. The energy-rays went through and found their target, the vulnerable hull of the attacker.

  Now a spectacle took place. The ship began to rain robots.

  The pre-programmed war-machines leaped from all hatches into the flaming depth. Each one was provided with an antigrav regulator and protective field projector. However these defense screens offered little protection and crumbled quickly under the massive energy-rays, although they were designed to withstand minor attacks without damage.

  Built-in power-drives reduced the orbital speed of the robots which were soon caught in the strong gravitation effect of Druufon. But the power-drives kept performing their job and steered the robots away from uninhabited areas so that they landed in the capital or near the capital, if they landed at all.

  The formidable defense machine of Druufon functioned faultlessly. One robot after the other was shot down and spun out of control until they plunged into the planet where they blew up in an atomic explosion. Others fell into the ocean and sank out of sight. Several moved around crazily. Their power drives no longer followed their programmed path and kept accelerating at fantastic speeds, hurling the robots out into space where they were pursued by torpedo-crafts and destroyed.

  The spherical ship kept circling around Druufon but it was obvious that it was no longer able to manoeuvre. It drifted on its path, balanced by gravitational and centrifugal forces and was easy prey for the pursuit ships which took quickly after it and turned it into a wreck. Thereby it became apparent that it was not even manned by robots.

  Yet in the meantime a few robots managed to touch down on Druufon. As soon as they had solid ground under their feet, their powerful weapon-rings went automatically into action. They began to fire in all directions and spread horrible devastation around themselves until they were silenced by the energy-cannons.

  It seemed that the ruse of the aggressors to incapacitate the inner defenses of Druufon on the ground had misfired and the Council of 66 felt happy—until the news of the disaster struck.

  • • •

  However, 10 seconds before the catastrophe took its toll an announcement was broadcast to all radio stations on Druufon by Rhodan's powerful sender. The stations recognized his signal and plugged in the translators, which made Rhodan's message intelligible.


  This was the text of the message received all over Druufon and it was immediately passed on to the central council. The Council of 66 was disconcerted for a few seconds but it had no time to deliberate any measures.

  As soon as they had grasped Rhodan's warning and wondered why it had come too late, a volcano erupted in the depth of their planet.

  • • •

  Onot awoke. He rubbed his four eyes and sat up.

  When did he fall asleep? Right, he had conducted his experiment and determined that it was perfectly feasible...

  Those disgusting headaches again. Maybe
they caused him to feel so terribly tired. He tried to ignore his pains as he had some very important business to finish. The Council had to be notified of the long awaited result.

  Or did they...?

  Suddenly it didn't seem to be quite that urgent. There was something else which required his attention even more. Over there at the transmitter station...

  He rose awkwardly and swayed a little on his heavy column-like legs with a feeling of insecurity.

  The electro-glider transported him through brightly illuminated and gleaming corridors to his destination. The matter-transmitter, an excellent test model, was located in the center of the Science Department, which was also the heart of the computer center itself.

  Onot slowly climbed out of the glider and began to walk. He didn't like to walk but he had no other choice. The station was situated at some distance from the main corridor and could only be reached by narrower passages.

  His headache bothered him considerably and he felt that it affected the accustomed clarity of his thinking. What was it that he wanted to do at the station?

  He didn't know and didn't care to think about it further. Why should he? Something...

  Another Druuf walked up to him and silently asked Onot: "Did you hear it, Onot? The aliens have taken the offense again. It's about time that they get a taste of your new weapon."

  "New weapon...? Oh, the time-freezer. Yes, you're right. But I've got to hurry... I don't have any time now..."

  The Druuf looked baffled at Onot. "No time? What do you want in my department anyway?"

  "I must..." Onot paused. Well, what did he have to do? If he could only remember!

  "You must do what?"

  "The transmitter! Is it ready for receiving..."

  "It's always ready. All you have to do is turn on the switch. What's on your mind? This is no time for experiments. I don't know if the sender is functioning too. The attack of the robots..."

  "Did the robots attack? Have they already landed?"


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