* Wilde's real reason for refusing to collaborate with Zola was Zola's refusal to sign a French petition on behalf of Wilde at the time of his conviction. Zola, who lived as a respectable bourgeois, had been disgusted by what the trials revealed about Wilde; Robert Sherard, author of a biography of Zola, described Zola's attitude as that of an "editor of a religious magazine, or the writer of moral textbooks." Wilde could never accept the moralizing of the Dreyfusards.
Apart from those listed under General, which are ranged in order of interest, books follow the chronological sequence of the text in each chapter.
Colin Jones, Paris: Biography of a City (London, 2004)
Andrew Hussey, Paris: The Secret History (Paris, 2006)
Alistair Home, Seven Ages of Paris: Portrait of a City (London, 2003)
Friend or Foe: An Anglo-Saxon History of France (London, 2004)
R. P. Tombs and Isabelle Tombs, That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present (London, 2006)
Jean Favier, Paris (Paris, 1999)
Jacques Hillairet, Dictionnaire historique des rues de Paris, 2 vols. (Paris, 1985)
Ian Littlewood, Paris: A Literary Companion (London, 1987)
Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project (trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin, Cambridge, Mass., 2002)
Louis Chevalier, Lapos;Assassinat de Paris (Paris, 1977)
David H. Pinkney, Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris (Princeton, NJ, 1958)
Jacques Godechot, The Taking of the Bastille (trans. Jean Stewart, London, 1970)
Simon Schama, Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Révolution (New York, 1989)
Michel Foucault, Surveiller et punir (Paris, 1975); Discipline and Punish (trans. Alan Sheridan, New York, 1977)
Louis Chevalier, Classes laborieuses et classes dangereuses à Paris pendant la premiere moitié du XIXe siècle (Paris, 1958); Labouring Classes and Dangerous Classes in Paris During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (trans. Frank Jellinek, Princeton, NJ, 1973)
Marie-France Arnold, Paris, catacombes.. .où, quand, comment, pourquoi? (Paris, 1993)
Patrick Saletta, A la découverte des souterrains de Paris (Paris, 1990)
René Suttel, Catacombes et carrières de Paris (Paris, 1986)
Philippe Ariés, L'Homme devant la mort, 2 vols. (Paris, 1985); Western Attitudes Towards Death From the Middle Ages to the Present (trans. P. M. Ranum, 1976)
André Dodin, De Monsieur Depaul à Saint Vincent de Paul (Paris, 1985)
—Initiation à Saint Vincent de Paul (Paris, 1993)
Fanny Faÿ-Sallois, Nourrices a Paris au XIXe siècle (Paris, 1980)
Danielle Laplaige, Sans famille à Paris: orphelins et enfants ahandonnés de la Siène (Paris, 1980)
Patrick Süskind, Perfume: A Story of Murder (trans. John E. Woods, London, 1986)
Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich (London, 1970)
E.James Lieberman, Acts of Will: The Life and Works of Otto Rank (New York, 1985)
Otto Rank, The Trauma of Birth (New York, 1999)
—Art and the Artist: Creative Urge and Personality Development (Foreword by Anaïs Nin, New York, 1989)
Jacques Van Rillaer, Didier Pleux, Jean Cottraux and Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, Le Livre noir de lapsychanalyse: vivre, penser et alter mieux sans Freud (Paris, 2005)
Anaïs Nin, Fire: From A Journal of Love": The Unexpurgated Diary, 1934-1937(New York, 1996)
Jean-Paul Crespelle, La Vie quotidienne à Montparnasse à la Grande Époque 1905-1930 (Paris, 1976)
Jean-Marie Drot and Dominique Polad-Hardouin, Les Heures chaudes de Montparnasse (Paris, 1999)
Sylvia Beach, Shakespeare if Company (New York, 1956)
Gaston Varenne, Bourdelle par luimeme (Paris, 1937)
Ionel Jianou and Michel Dufet, Bourdelle (Paris, 1970)
Émile-Antoine Bourdelle, CEuvresgraphiques (Montauban, 2001)
Véronique Gautherin, Centaures, centauresses: le my the du centaure vupar Antoine Bourdelle (Paris, 1995)
—L'CEilet la main: Bourdelle et la photographic (Paris, 2000)
Philippe Monsel and Juliette Laffon, Antoine Bourdelle (Paris, 2004)
Modris Eksteins, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age (New York, 1989)
Pavilion des Arts, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 1945-1950 (Paris, 1989)
Boris Vian, Manuel de Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Paris, 1974)
Jean-Paul Sartre, L'Être etle ne'ant: essai d'ontologie phénoménologique (Paris, 1943); Being and Nothingness (trans. Hazel E. Barnes, New York, 1957)
—Situations, III: lendemains de guerre (Paris, 1949)
—Lettres au Castor et à quelques autres, 1940-1963 (Paris, 1983)
—Modern Times: Selected Non-Fiction (trans. Robin Buss, ed. Geoffrey Wall, Harmondsworth, 2000)
Annie Cohen-Solal, Sartre 1905-1980 (Paris, 1999)
Herbert Lottman, The Left Bank: Writers, Artists and Politics from the Popular Front to the Cold War (Chicago, 111., 1998)
H. Stuart Hughes, The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Tears of Desperation 1930-1960 (New Brunswick, NJ, 2002)
William Barrett, Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy (New York, 1962)
Gabriel Marcel, The Existential Background of Human Dignity (Cambridge, Mass., 1963)
Gérard Streiff, Procès stalinien à Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Paris, 1999)
Hazel Rowley Tête-à-Tête: Simone de Beauvoir and jean-Paul Sartre (New York, 2005)
Norman Davies, Europe: A History (London, 1997)
Chris Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages: Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (Oxford, 2005)
Julia M. H. Smith, Europe after Rome: A New Cultural History, 500-1000 (Oxford, 2005)
Grégoire de Tours, Histoire des Francs (Paris, 1995); History of the Franks (trans. L. Thorpe, Harmondsworth, 1974)
Michel Rouche, Clovis (Paris, 1996)
Dominique Jamet, Clovis ou le baptême de I'ére (Paris, 1996)
Pierre Chaunu and Eric Mension-Rigau, Baptême de Clovis, baptême de la France: de la religion d'État à la laÏ cité d'État (Paris, 1996)
Joël Schmidt, Le Baptême de la France: Clovis, Clotilde, Geneviève (Paris, 1996)
ÉmileZola, Le Ventre de Paris (Paris, 1964); The Fat and the Thin: The Belly of Paris (trans. Ernest Alfred Vizetelly London, 2007)
—Carnets d'enquêtes: une ethnographie inédite de la France (ed. Henri Mitterand, Paris, 1986)
Henri Mitterand, Zola, 3 vols. (Paris, 1999-2002)
COPRAS, Étude d'opinion auprès des leaders [sic] de participation à I'aménagement des Halles (Paris, 1968)
8. PORTE DE LA VILLETTE Donald Dresden, The Marquis de Morés : Emperor of the Bad Lands (Norman, Okla., 1970)
Charles Droulers, Le Marquis de Morès (Paris, 1932)
Alain Sanders, Le Marquis de Morès: un aventurier tricolore, 1858-1896 (Paris, 1999)
Gordon Wright, "The Marquis de Morès," in Notable or Notorious: Gallery of Parisians (Cambridge, Mass., 1991)
Marie-François Goron, Les Mémoires de Monsieur Goron, ancien Chefde la Sûreté, 2 vols. (Paris, n.d., c. 1900)
Zeev Sternhell, La Droite ré'volutionnaire: les origines francaises dufascisme 1885-1914 (Paris, 1978)
Gregor Dallas, At the Heart of a Tiger: Clemenceau and His World, 1842-1929 (London, 1993)
Claude Debussy, Correspondance (1872-1918) (ed. Francois Lesure and Denis Herlin, Paris, 2005)
Edward Lockspeiser, Debussy: His Life and Mind, 2 vols. (London, 1962-65)
Roger Nichols, The Life of Debussy (Cambridge, 2003)
Léon Vallas, Achille-Claude Debussy (Paris, 19
Simon Trezise (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Debussy (Cambridge, 2005)
André Boucourechliev, Debussy: la revolution subtile (Paris, 1998)
English National Opera, Royal Opera, Pelléas and Mélisande by Claude Debussy (Opera Guide Series) (London, 2004)
Robin Holloway Debussy and Wagner (Eulenberg, 1979)
W D. Halls, Maurice Maeterlinck: A Study of His Life and'Thought (Oxford, 1960)
Mary Garden and Louis Biancolli, Mary Garden's Story (New York, 1951)
Evelyne Lever, Philippe Égalité(Paris, 1996)
Russell T Barnhart, Gambling in Revolutionary Paris: The Palais-Royal, 1789-1838 (New York, 1990)
Grace Dalrymple Elliot, Journal of My Life During the French Révolution (London, 1955)
Jules Michelet, Histoire de la Révolution française, 2 vols. (Paris, 1979); History of the French Révolution (trans. Charles Cocks, ed. Gordon Wright, Chicago, 111., 1967)
Thomas Carlyle, The French Révolution, 3 vols. (London, 1989)
Simon Schama, Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Révolution (New York, 1989)
Norman Hampson, A Social History of the French Révolution (London, 1963)
John Hardman, Louis XVI (New Haven, Conn., 1993)
Jacques Godechot, The Taking of the Bastille (trans. Jean Stewart, London, 1970)
Claude Quétel, L'Histoire veritable de la Bastille (Paris, 2006)
Alain Landurant, Montgommery le ré'gicide (Paris, 1988)
Ivan Cloulas, Catherine de Médicis (Paris, 1979)
Jean Orieux, Catherine de Médicis ou la reine noire (Paris, 1986)
Leonie Frieda, Catherine de Medici (London, 2003)
Christopher Hibbert, The Virgin Queen:A Portrait of Elizabeth I (London, 1990)
Maria Perry, Elizabeth I: The Word of a Prince (London, 1990)
Mack P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion 1562-1629 (Cambridge, 1995)
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, L'Etat royal, 1460-1610 (Paris, 1987)
Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens. A Study of the Play Element in Culture (Boston, 1955)
Oscar Wilde
Richard Ellmann, Oscar Wilde (London, 1987)
Lionel Lambourne, The Aesthetic Movement (London, 1996)
Oscar Wilde, De Profundis and Other Writings (includes "The Decay of Lying") (London, 1954)
—The Letters of Oscar Wilde (ed. Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1962)
Alan Sheridan, André Gide: A Life in the Present (London, 1998)
André Gide, Journal, 2 vols. (Paris, 1997)
—Oscar Wilde: In Memoriam (souvenirs) if le "De Profundis" (Paris, 1939) Kazimierz Brandys, Hotel d"Alsace etautres adresses (trans. Jean-Yves Erhel, Paris, 1991)
J. Robert Maguire, "Oscar Wilde and the Dreyfus Affair," Victorian Studies, 41:1 (Autumn 1997)
The Dreyfus Affair
Jean-Denis Bredin, L'Ajfaire (Paris, 1983); The Affair: The Case of Alfred Dreyfus (New York, 1986)
Joseph Reinach, Histoire de I'Affaire Dreyfus, 7 vols. (Paris, 1901-11)
Michael Burns, Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789-1945 (New York, 1991)
Guy Chapman, The Dreyfus Case: A Reassessment (London, 1959)
Alfred Dreyfus, Cinq années de ma vie (Paris, 1982); Five Tears of My Life: The Diary of Captain Alfred Dreyfus (London, 2001)
—The Letters of Captain Alfred Dreyfus to His Wife (London, 2005)
Charles Peguy Notre jeunesse (Paris, 1993)
Émile Zola, L'Ajfaire Dreyfus: la vérité en Marché (Paris, 1969); The Dreyfus Affair: J'accuse and Other Writings (London, 1997)
Robert Gauthier, Dreyfusards (Paris, 1965)
Marcel Thomas, L'Affaire sans Dreyfus (Paris, 1961)
—Esterhazy ou I'envers de I'affaire Dreyfus (Paris, 1989)
Henri Guillemin, L'Énigme Esterhazy (Paris, 1962)
Count M. C. F. Walsin-Esterhazy, Les Dessous de I'affaire Dreyfus (Paris, 1898)
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