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Exile Page 1

by Rayann Marse

  PNR Press Presents


  Menin Warriors

  Book 3


  Rayann Marse

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  Copyright 2018 Steamy eReads

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter One

  Aurora had never been carried like this, flung over the shoulder of a huge man like she weighed nothing. The sensation thrilled her, and she laughed as she was carried off through a doorway and down a corridor.

  In a moment, there was a commotion in the hall they had come from. The other women and the other alien males were getting into some kind of scuffle, a disagreement. Aurora could only shake her head. What were the idiots doing? Didn't they know this was their place, to be dominated and owned? She was pretty sure that all women harbored the desire, deep down, to surrender all power. Even Sybil must have that desire, hidden inside her.

  The only thing that separated her from them was the fact that she was honest with herself.

  The male wasted no more time than was absolutely necessary. He got her away from the all the fuss in the main hall, carried her into a deserted little corridor, and set her down. He grabbed her by the back of the neck, huge fingers easily meeting and overlapping over her throat, and shoved her hard into the wall. Aurora let out an involuntary moan as he grabbed the hem of her pants and tore them away in one swipe, tossing the ruined cloth to the floor.

  She wasn't wearing any underwear, and she was already soaked. The male touched the slippery moisture on her thighs as he slid his hands between them and up to cup her crotch. He then forced her legs apart with almost violent strength, though she did not defy him at all.

  Already, she was drooling. Her entire body tingled. She felt relaxed and almost hypnotized, as though she'd just had the best massage of her life. Her knees shook, knocking together as he pushed his finger into the cleft of her labia and began sliding it up and down.

  He bent down to smell her and let out a deep and bestial growl that made Aurora almost dizzy with desire.

  She was ready.

  The other women probably knew it, but Aurora had been very promiscuous during their training period. She had always been promiscuous, really, because she always knew she could find someone it a little bit better than whoever she was currently sleeping with. But this had reached epic proportions during those days spent bunking together, leading up to the start of their voyage.

  She sought out men with the largest endowments and let them fuck her as violently and aggressively as they wanted. Often, she let them have her ten minutes after meeting them. It was all very fun, but it was really just a warmup for what was happening now.

  Aurora had never wanted something more than this. When he slid into her, she screamed and felt for a moment as though she had exploded or caught on fire. The male silenced her, pushing her head into the wall hard. She felt blood trickling down her forehead, rolling around the outer rim of her eye. There was pain at her hairline, sharp and wet, and she came then, pushing her body back into her mate. She was surprised to feel her ass touch his skin, to feel the heavy weight of his balls knocking against her clitoris. She had taken every inch of him.

  He seemed equally surprised by this and orgasmed a moment later. First, she felt his balls tightening up, drawing against her. Then she felt herself filling like a water balloon, a delicious pressure building inside as his cock pulsed strongly, held tight in the vice of her womanhood.

  It was the start of something wonderful. It was the beginning of the rest of her life. As the male carried her away again, she realized that she had finally found her home.


  He really wasn't one for talking, or tenderness, or long romantic walks or bubble baths or any of the things a self-respecting woman might ask for from a male partner.

  He was about fucking. He was about doing his best to keep Aurora full of seed and constantly aroused, ready for him whenever he chose. And he did that last part easily, simply by walking into the room they now shared or doing something as simple as picking an item off the floor. When he scratched himself, in the stomach or the leg, and she saw his shaft swinging like a pendulum under whatever clothing he wore, if any, it was all over. Aurora would pounce on him then, riding him like some beast of burden until he pumped yet another load of his thick, sweet semen into her.

  That was what he was about. Luckily for him, he did it all so well that none of his limitations mattered. Not to Aurora. She felt like there must be other layers to him, different parts of his personality and passions that she had yet to see. And she was looking forward to discovering them.

  But for now, this would do. She loved it when he woke her by sliding into her, still wet and open from previous rounds. She loved when he would surprise her with a new position, especially when it was a position that would have been impossible with a human mate. She was tall and well filled-out, a towering statue of a woman, and she had never met a man who could lift her clear off the ground and throw her around. She had sometimes been jealous of smaller women, especially when she woke one night during training and caught a glimpse of a stealthy round of sex between Stella and a handsome but not overly tall military man she'd brought into her bed.

  But now she had met her true mate, and he could do everything a human could do and so much more. So very, very much more.


  A few days into her new life, she and her unnamed mate had just finished a particularly energetic session. He stood above her, sweating and panting, when the door opened and a female of his race came trotting in like she owned the place. Aurora watched her suspiciously, expecting her mate to tell her to get lost, barking in that sexy, deep voice of his. But he just stood there as she knelt at his feet and opened her mouth, catching a string of semen that dripped from him.

  Aurora would have liked to have had a mirror, just to see what her face looked like at that time. She was suddenly, violently jealous.

  She had rarely been jealous in the past, because being jealous would have meant she was a terrible hypocrite. But she had an idea now that she had finally found the partner she would gladly spend the rest of her days with. To see him with anyone besides her was an agony.

  He saw the look on Aurora's face. He grunted, grabbing the kneeling female by the hair and pulling her away. She scurried to her feet and out of the room, casting a worried and confused look over her shoulder as she left.

  Aurora stood up, still trembling from the very athletic sex she had just had, and wrapped her arms around the sweaty male in front of her.

  "Mine," she said.

  He didn't understand, but he did put his arms around her and held her there for a time.

  From that, Aurora learned that he had other females. Concubines. But she kept him thoroughly occupied. She used up all his energy, and he had nothing left over for the others. She had no idea what he and the concubines were getting up to outside this room, beyond her sight, but she felt confident that it wasn't anything serious. Because he always came to her raging with lust, like a starving man descending on a hot, delicious meal. And he spent most of his time with her. He seemed to have no problem with this arrangement; she doubted very much that he missed the atte
ntions of the other females.

  A few days later, perhaps after he accepted that Aurora was here to stay, he came into the room with one of those translator things. And they had their first conversation. It was weird to have her first words with someone after she had already been fucking him like crazy for several days straight, but better late than never.

  First were introductions. She told him her name, and he repeated it slowly, tasting the syllables and finding them to his liking. He already knew the word Aurora from hearing it before, but until now he hadn't known it was her name.

  His name was Ignu. It seemed fitting, a powerful name that got straight to the point. And it felt pleasant in her mouth, rolling along her tongue.

  She asked him about his people. His society. He thought for a moment, then tossed her questions right back at her without answering. So, she spoke of humankind. Being a history professor, she felt she was qualified to give an accurate and unbiased rundown of the story of her race.

  "Individual people are generally quite sane, fair-minded, and often charitable," she finally said, as Ignu nodded along. "We love to help other people out. Generally speaking, our deepest desire is to see the continuation of our species. I mean, that's just evolution. There's a reason why everyone loves sex. It's a trick by nature to make us breed more. But damn, am I glad for it. So, you have a bunch of people who want to fuck each other constantly. That's what people think about most of the time; it's the basis for most decisions anyone makes, no matter what they think.”

  Ignu moved to his bed, throwing himself down onto it. He laid the translator next to him and agreed, “Sex is good.”

  "It's all about sex. Women think about fucking men. Straight women, anyway, but they also think about how good other women are at fucking their men. Men want to fuck just about every woman they see, whether they admit it or not. When a man is bored, the first thing his mind goes to is sex. But he also thinks about other men, whether jealously or curiously. These things are true. And, in my own opinion, if people were more honest and open about these things, it would remove a lot of pain and conflict from our lives.

  "But sex isn't the only thing, just the main thing. People also like helping each other. They want to see their fellow humans doing well, and when that happens we get a nice, warm, and fuzzy feeling inside. But you wouldn't know it by looking at the action of societies.”

  Ignu propped himself up in bed on his elbows. “Societies?”

  She sat on the bed next to him, running her palm up his gigantic, muscular thigh. "Societies and civilizations as a whole, or political parties, are groups of people. They're so large, and often so disconnected from the objects of their decisions and policies, that they attain a certain schizophrenic and radical component. When you look at human desire through the lens of such large groups, it suddenly becomes all about power rather than sex. Some people say that sex is power, a way to exert your strength over someone else in whatever way, but I say that's bullshit. Sex is pleasure and companionship, for the most part. For most sane people, anyway.”

  “But not for all?” Ignu asked, a contemplative look on his brow.

  "Power is different. In essence, it's survival. You want to control what other people can do, to give yourself some advantage. The search for power has always been a driving force, even before the invention of money..."

  "Money?" Ignu asked.

  "Yes, it's just... whatever, little pieces of metal or paper or anything that we decide has value. Of course, it has to be backed by some actual value, somewhere, but that's beside the point. Money is what we use to get things from other people."

  "We have duels," Ignu said through the machine.

  "We used to have duels," Aurora replied, "but not anymore. They're hardly a cornerstone of society. The action of societies, or rather the governing sectors of societies, is the hunt for power. Unlike sex, money is power. A physical manifestation of it. Money is a natural occurrence. An inevitable thing. Its invention was a move toward balance. If you put all the metaphorical and literal ideas of power into it, suddenly you have a way to gain what you want and make people do things without having to resort to violence. It is a more peaceful means by which the powerful people of the world alter the course of history. There is evil in money, but it's still better, in my opinion, than grabbing a mastodon bone off the ground and clobbering someone over the head with it.”

  “Sounds more reasonable to me,” Ignu said.

  Aurora let out a little laugh. To some, a mastodon bone would be a much more simple answer. "The competitions of battle and life were replaced by competitions of status, employment and such abstract metrics as 'happiness' and 'success'. It's all a kind of lie, a self-delusion, but a necessary step forward in the quest for self-preservation. It's natural for people to compare themselves to others, to either feel defeated or victorious. No one is ever really happy, because evolution has never favored creatures who are content and stagnant... it favors those who are constantly striving for something better, constantly growing and never being left behind.”

  Aurora grazed her hand up Ignu’s thigh further, brushing against his heavy balls, the embodiment of her own quest for something bigger and better.

  "But of course, you still have war and... well, it's all very complicated. Or maybe it's just embarrassingly simple, a bunch of apes freaking out on a green and blue planet, just smart enough to realize how stupid they are and no more. And that's just humankind in a nutshell. With enough time and luck, we can achieve anything, despite the fact that we can't help shooting ourselves in the foot constantly."

  Ignu listened to all this like a scholar, his head tilted slightly to the side, chin resting in his hand. When she finished speaking, out of breath and red in the cheeks, he reached over to tug playfully at a loose lock of blond hair.

  Then he bent forward, sliding both hands underneath to cup her buttocks. He lifted her into his lap, where his erection was already growing. They fucked for the third time that day, Aurora bucking in his lap and moaning louder and louder as the orgasm grew and finally overtook her.

  She never thought she could grow tired of sex. Not mentally. And so far, she was right. But physically, it was a different story. He was so large, and went so deep, and needed her so often, that she was beginning to feel a bit worn out. There was a lovely ache inside her, but it threatened to become uncomfortable if she kept going. She assumed this was like any new, strenuous activity. At first, her body would reject it, filling with new aches and pains, but eventually she would adapt and would be fine. But until that happened, she didn't want to risk damaging herself.

  So, after her first orgasm, she pushed herself off and taught Ignu the wonders of the blowjob. Aurora knew she was a master at them — she could take a man from flaccid to coming down her throat in less than a minute, on a good day — but Ignu was the ultimate test of her skill. He was just so damn big, she barely knew what to do with him.

  Luckily, he didn't seem to have much experience having his cock sucked. He enjoyed every second of it. She could tell that it was giving him immense pleasure, because he soon became violent. Oftentimes during sex, he was like an animal who didn't know what to do with himself. He needed an outlet for the intense, explosive desire and hunger inside him, and he did this by pulling her hair, throwing her to the floor, hitting and slapping her. It was never enough to hurt her beyond the point her latent masochism would allow; she loved it when he got like that.

  Now, as she took the head of his cock into her mouth, he struck her on the cheek with an open palm. She saw stars and knew there would be a bruise, but it made her nipples and clitoris harden and engorge.

  She felt her jaw pop and knew that she had reached capacity; now all she could do was work him with her tongue.

  Ignu's stamina was incredible. She knew it had something to do with the fact that they had sex so often — he was probably slightly desensitized by it — but she also thought he was just genetically predetermined to be the perfect sex machine. But he also k
new his own body well enough that he could bring himself to finish whenever he wanted, and he decided that now was the time.

  He grabbed her by her ponytail and started working her up and down, grabbing her chin with his other hand and rotating her mouth around his cock. It didn't take long for him to come. Aurora tried to swallow all of it, sucking greedily, but it was hard to do with her mouth open so wide. Most of it streamed and flooded down his shaft, making a hell of a sticky mess on the bed.

  Pulling her head away, she bent low and licked Ignu clean, from balls to tip. He watched her with burning hunger in his eyes. His cock slowly deflated, until it rested warm and soft on her leg. She rubbed it gently for a while, bending to kiss and worship it.

  If anything, their sex was getting better and better each time. Ignu seemed to be an infinite well of lust. It never ran out. Aurora was relieved at this; for the longest time, she had been afraid that she would never find a male who could match her desire, let alone one who surpassed it. She had no use for anyone else, now. It was all Ignu, all the time, forever and ever.

  Chapter Two

  Stella hoped, against all reason, that the other women were faring better than her. Because she was stuck in an unending nightmare, a horror beyond all her worst expectations.

  The male, huge and brutish and covered in scars, shoved her roughly into a room. He pushed her so hard that she stumbled and fell, scraping her knees on the hard floor. She turned, flipping onto her back, and started kicking at the air. An attempt to ward him off. He approached, smiling nastily, and grabbed both her ankles in one hand. She tried to kick again now, but he held her fast; she couldn't move her feet.

  With his other hand, he pushed his armored trousers down. His huge member came into view, twitching and pulsing, rising a little. To Stella it might as well have been a cobra lifting its head to watch her with a solitary eye. It was her death, full of threat and venom.


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