The Syndicate's Journey

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The Syndicate's Journey Page 2

by Nicholas Bogucki

  The Caretaker's job is to make sure a transhuman continues to grow under the right conditions. There can be many ways that hinder the growth and health of a transhuman embryo. They make sure that twins do not form inside of the Shell. For many reasons, such as a Shell can only house one infant, and if it grew two or more, it would break. Thus, killing the transhuman children. The Caretaker's responsibility is to make sure no more than one child does not grow in a Shell. The Shells allow the growth of a transhuman to be easily done.

  Throughout the life cycle of the growing fetus, the two disks merge into one, and an artificial translucent womb appears to encapsulate the fetus. By having the Shell be the sole provider of nutrients to the unborn transhuman allows the fetus to grow faster than before.

  When the child is done growing in the Shell, the Encephalon will notify the Caretakers for transport. The Caretakers release the hose that is in the Encephalon and attaches it to a special kind of anesthesia called Stracolium that only works on fetuses produced in the Shell. The Caretakers move the hose towards the wall and plugs it inside. Each room has hose plugs that, when in use, produces Stracolium that allows the Shell to circulate it until the Shell has

  enough of the anesthetic inside of it. Exposing the fetuses to another type of anesthetic would expose the fetus to toxic gases. The Caretaker then scans their fingerprints on the sensor and presses detaches the hose from the wall.

  The Shell then detaches from the ground and levitates. The Caretaker then exit the room by pushing or pulling the Shell and walks into the medical bay and moving the Shell into the CAPS Depending on the condition of the child inside of the Shell depended upon which buttons the Caretakers would press. If a child were without error, the CAPS would then activate a stasis on the Shell while it operated on the newly grown transhuman to disable any movements from that child.

  While the child was under anesthetic from the Stracolium, the CAPS would operate and insert nanochip implants into the eyes, ears, wrists, ankles, and the brain of the child. Because of the fragility of a child, this procedure is best when they are newly grown. This procedure is done quickly, and the pain of getting the implants only feels like a pinch. The CAPS also allows the rapid healing of the transhuman child from the newly implanted nanochips.

  Each implant is beneficial to the transhuman’s livelihood. Rarely there are birth complications where a newly grown transhuman does not have all its limbs, and in these certain instances, the CAPS has robotic appendages that it can calibrate and install the missing limb to the transhumans’ body by attaching it to the nerve and muscle endings. The child will learn through the help of a Specialist how to move all their limbs as if they were born that way.

  The eye implant is located on each transhumans’ cornea, and every single transhuman can record audio and video, see their bodies' internal temperature, and be able to cool themselves down or to warm themselves if need be without becoming ill. They can also see other transhuman’s temperature around them, and they could check for any defects, see if anyone was ill and how long it has been since they had been sick and the likelihood of when they might become ill due to the internal temperature.

  The ear implant is implanted in the tragus part of the ear, and it allows each transhuman abilities, such as sensing bright lights around them and to counteract the lights by producing a signal by generating a hologram visor over their eyes.

  Each transhuman can change the color of the visor to whichever they so choose to. In some instances, such as a desert climate or traveling at fast speeds, the visors will cover the eyes like goggles for protection. The implant also heightens the ability for the transhumans to pick up on noises and sounds from far away distances.

  The primary brain implant is attached to the lateral frontal lobe on the brain, and on each side of the brain are secondary implants. The nanochips are connected via the central nervous system and the muscles inside of every transhuman. Due to the nanochip implants in their cerebrum, eyes, wrists, and ankles, these transhumans have been able to live life to the fullest. These implants are the most important ones, and without them, the transhuman could not function.

  The Caretakers remove the Shell from the CAPS, and then the Caretakers bring the Shell to the room from which it came from. The anesthesia wears off as soon as the Caretakers put the cord back in the Shell, which connects to the Encephalon. The Caretakers then press a button on the Shells labeled “transport,” then place their fingers on it to activate it.

  The Shells begin to change their appearance. The legs decompress into the Shell, and it begins to hover in the air as before. The Caretakers apply a little bit of pressure to the Shells, which can be moved quite effortlessly. The young Transhuman is much easier to see now that the artificial sac that the fetus was growing in has vanished. Their skin color does not differ from anyone else on the planet. Their pigment is a carnal brown color. Their eye color hasn’t changed in years; Transhumans' eyes are still blue, green, and brown. When a child opens their eyes, it is required that the Caretakers notify relocation for the new child right away.

  The Caretaker then brings the Shell to the medical bay and walk to the computer on the opposite side of it. The Caretakers grab the coil and attach it to the mainframe network. This network runs a diagnosis program that enables that particular transhuman to be released from the Sanatorium. This program will enable the Shell to be autonomous on its own and travel to its new destination, the Erudition for the Nurphan, which is also located in Skeedor.

  The Erudition for the Nurphan or the Nurphan’s Erudition is an area that is used for the next step to implement the transhumans for further growth. The Nurphan’s Erudition is multiple buildings that look somewhat identical to the Sanatoriums from the outside, but inside it is entirely different. These facilities can take care of the children better than the Sanatoriums could. There are three care centers within the Nurphan’s Erudition, where the transhumans are then taken to, which are dependent upon their eye color.

  The many types of care centers are based upon the pigment of the color of the eyes in the transhuman. The three centers are Red’s Caricility, where children with red eyes are taken to Blue’s Caricility, where children with blue eyes are taken to and Green’s Caricility, where children with green eyes are taken to.

  As the Shells reach their predetermined destination, they are allowed immediate access through the doors and into the medical bay. The Caregivers are notified and do the same procedure that the Caregivers had done at the Sanatoriums. The Caregivers move the Shell to a similar-looking mainframe network and hook up the hose to it. The network then registers that there is a new Shell in the Caricility and is allowed access. The Caregivers then move the Shells to the first floor to keep a watchful eye on them as they continue to grow. The first floor is only one room; the entire story is open to the new Shell arrivals from the Sanatorium. The Caregiver brings the Shell to a free space and grabs a hose and attaches it to the Encephalon as before in the middle of the room. This Encephalon is programmed to monitor that the growth of the transhuman continues at a faster rate than before.

  When the transhuman reaches the maturity level that is designated by Major General Lokhorst of the URC, the transhumans are to be disconnected from the Encephalon, and the Shell is brought to the second floor where the Specialists will take care of them. The Specialists look similar to the Caregivers, but they wear color-coded suits dependent upon which Caricility they are in. The Specialists enjoy the early stages of childhood and are guides to help the children become accustomed to their lives as transhuman. The Specialist then moves its hand on top of the Shell and opens the Shell through fingerprint access. The Specialist helps the transhuman out of the Shell and beings to teach the child to move all of its limbs.

  Fortunately, throughout months of being inside of the Shell, the implants in their bodies have been transmitting information back and forth all that time, which allows the motor functions of the transhuman to be known right as they leave the Shell. This is
the first step of transhumanism at work.

  When the transhuman child has progressed to the standard, they are brought up to the third floor, which is under the care of the Nurphan. The Nurphans dress in all white suits except for a stitched black circle around their neck, and the stitching travels down their arm sleeves to their hand. Starting at the waistline, the black stitching starts again and travels on the side of each pant leg.

  Much like the ground floor, the entire room is open. The walls are painted vibrant colors, hues of red, orange, yellow, and green. The floor is white with various colors in a polka dot fashion. On the right side of the floor are dozens of bunk beds stacked three high. On the left side of the floor is where the children interact with one another and the Specialists daily. The Specialists give the children colored clothing based on the color of the Caricility that they are living in.

  Each Nurphan has an implant on the left side of their head right above their ear that slightly protrudes out. The Cerebrum Control Module or the CCM allows the Nurphan extra processing power that can override a young transhuman. Only the Nurphan’s have the CCM attachment. If a transhuman child grows up without the aide and training of a Nurphan, a transhuman child would have a difficult time and could possibly harm itself.

  The Nurphan’s job is to train the transhuman child in using each one of their implants to the fullest by using their Internal Nano-processor Hologram or the INH for short. If the implants are not correctly calibrated, it may harm the child physically and mentally and could, in extreme cases, damage the implants in the child. The healthy growth of a transhuman child is the top priority for the Nurphan’s job. Without a Nurphan, a child may become a liability to the Syndicate.

  With a swipe of their hand, the Nurphan opens its INH, which only allows the user to see through their eye implants. The Nurphan swipes its hand toward the child, which then projects the hologram for both of them to see. An Analysis of biographical data of the transhuman child is projected. This is possible due to their eye implants, which transmit the text to their brain, which allows them to be able to read the hologram when it appears. Just the basics of projecting the hologram and visualizing it as it seems to take a lot of strain on an individual. This process usually takes weeks, if not months, to control themselves without harm.

  The Nurphans meet with the transhuman child two times a week for many years until they are eighteen years old. Their job is to teach the transhuman child how to function to their fullest abilities with the implants. During the meetings, the Nurphan teaches the child how to properly use their INH by guiding and teaching them how to safely manage their behavior, thoughts, and actions.

  As they turn twelve years of age, they are given a new outfit to wear, which is grey with matching color-coded stripes from which Caricility they are from. Three lines begin from their shoulder and go down to their wrists. Another three lines start on their waistline and go down their pantleg. The material is soft, comfortable, and elastic. These clothes are their everyday outfit.

  Through the years of training from the Nurphan, it is their responsibility to give the transhuman child the choice of which division that they want to enroll in when their eighteenth birthday arrives. By this point in their life, each transhuman knows how to function in the society mentally, physically, and emotionally through the help of the Nurphan.

  When the child turns eighteen, it is now an adult transhuman, according to the Syndicate. Their birthday is a considered a celebration because the transhuman can register in a life-long commitment to work in a division of the Syndicate.


  The sun was at its highest peak of the day, and the rays were shining down on the group of Snargde standing on the sand. In the distance, there were cacti scattered far away from one another. The land was deserted of any form of life. The air was still and resembled the waves of an ocean.

  M’leezenah was standing in front of several hundred Snargde surrounding her, all quiet and awaiting what she was about to say. M’leezenah was one of the rebel leaders of Snakardekus. She turned to the Snargde, back and forth as she began to give her speech in their native tongue, which sounded a lot like hisses and grunts. Her appearance was confident, and her coloring was brown with black patches all over her body.

  “We are the superior Snargde, unlike the other so-called Snargde. They make us look stupid and inferior amongst ourselves.” When she spoke, her forked tongue got in the way of her speech.

  M’leezenah walked and turned around as she continued talking; she moved her claws behind her back and held them there, almost barely noticeable were her black nails.

  “We believe that our energy comes from the sun. Throughout past generations, Snargde believed that as well. What do they not understand? There is not enough food to supply our appetite here.”

  M’leezenah stopped talking and looked at the Snargde.

  “Do you feel that?” She closed her mouth and stuck out a hand in front of her and raised one of her four fingers. Her mouth had begun to widen slowly, showing her pointed teeth. Some Snargde looked around at one another, and others just looked at her without uttering a word or moving.

  “That energy… that feeling…that warmth!” her voice became louder as she spoke. M’leezenah moved her head towards the sun. “How can you not feel that?! The time is now!” As M’leezenah raised both of her arms and extended her black claws up into the air, reaching towards the sun, she closed her eyes. “The sun influences. Our ancestors knew that the sun was not harmful. We need the sun for nourishment, energy, and our livelihood.”

  After saying these words, she opened her eyes and moved her arms behind her back. M’leezenah looked at the hundreds of Snargde gathered all around her. They appeared to be mere reflections of one another with their brown skin. Their faces looked as if they were confused.

  “Do I have to remind you?” she asked with her arms behind her back. “We are all born from the same mother, and we must not let our ancestors’ belief die in vain.”

  M’leezenah shook her head. “Do you not feel that tingling sensation coursing through your body?”

  The crowd looked at one another, and some looked down at their claws while others looked at M’leezenah. Their lips started to curl, and each one of them started to smile; their sharp fangs were noticeable.

  M’leezenah smiled at their expression. “You feel stronger. You feel smarter. You feel satisfied.” She looked at the crowd and held up her hands. “How could the others think this is sinful?”

  One of the Snargde in the crowd shouted. “The sun is too hot out here!”

  The crowd stopped murmuring. M’leezenah’s face turned sour. Her arms dropped to her sides, and she yelled into the crowd. “Who said that?”

  The crowd moved in all directions away from the Snargde that spoke out and let the Snargde stand by himself.

  “You,” M’leezenah pointed at the culprit. “You say it is too hot out, yes?”

  “I do! My feet are burning! We are not meant to be out here this long!”

  “And why is that exactly?” M’leezenah asked while walking towards him.

  The lonesome Snargde shouted at M’leezenah. “This is not strength; this is burning. The sun has warmed you so you cannot think properly. I am not letting the sun change me into becoming like you!” The Snargde looked around. “Am I the only one?”

  M’leezenah walked towards him and stopped a few feet in front of him and squinted her black beady eyes. “You think I am foolish, huh?”

  The Snargde nodded. “I do. I think you are conspiring with the other rebel group to kill us out here in the heat.”

  There were a few gasps and mutterings in the crowd. M’leezenah turned her head and looked at the group, and they became quiet.

  “I’m not afraid of you like they are.” The Snargde was motioning to the crowd. “What are you going to do? Kill me? I’m not afraid.”

  M’leezenah smiled wryly. “Good to know.” M’leezenah looked at the crowd to her left and
right and turned around and yelled. “See this Snargde right here? You see how he stands up to me?”

  Some of the Snargde in the crowd nodded and pointed at him in agreement.

  “What did you say your name was?” M’leezenah asked it.

  “I didn’t say.” The Snargde admitted. “My name does not matter; what matters is my belief.”

  “Your belief, huh?” M’leezenah walked closer towards the Snargde as her voice became a whisper. “I don’t care about that.”

  In a flash, M’leezenah moved her right arm and grabbed his throat, piercing his neck with her sharp nails. Black liquid oozed out of the four holes that M’leezenah made from its neck. The Snargde moved its right arm to claw at her, but she was faster than the Snargde was. M’leezenah stabbed its shoulder, severing the nerve endings, which caused extreme agonizing pain. The Snargde let out a sharp, excruciating howl. She looked right into the Snargde’s eyes as they were closing and seemed to watch as his soul exited his body. The black liquid ran down her right arm and the Snargde’s body onto the desert sand. M’leezenah dropped the lifeless body onto the pool of black sand.


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