The Syndicate's Journey

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The Syndicate's Journey Page 41

by Nicholas Bogucki

  “Every General is tasked with trying to get to Snakardekus and extract the Azuard for proper evaluation and research. When a new General is in control, that transhuman has all the documents from the previous Generals. It is a mission that has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.”

  Lieutenant General dee Veyra moved her hands in the air in confusion. “So, if all of that is true, what happens now?”

  General Deschner chuckled and smiled widely, “I’m glad you asked. What happens now depends on how well this mission will turn out. You must realize that Nuwurth is running out of resources, and soon we will be completely empty of them. If we don’t act on it, future generations of transhumans will be no longer. Right now is the perfect time to find a suitable planet to expand the transhuman population on. Snakardekus is that planet. The mission has been to make contact with the Snargde and to find a suitable resource to use if water ever became unavailable, and well, as you now know, we have a close alternative on Snakardekus.”

  “In the previous Syndicates, the Generals’ research allowed us to not pursue Varenok as an alternative water source. Why you might ask? Well, we know that Varenok is roughly ninety-nine percent covered in water, but that water has some elements that without proper filtration and breathing apparatus can instantly kill transhumans. There are multiple logs of how to create some sort of purifier to treat Varenok’s water, but that cost is tremendous, and right now, we cannot afford it. The Generals have Varenok as a long-term assignment. Snakardekus is a short-term one that itself took thousands of years.”

  General Deschner walked back and forth, pacing as he continued talking.

  “The Frochen are highly skilled warriors, that we would not stand a chance against them on their own territory. We don’t know how to traverse down to meet the Frochen, which is another reason why the previous Generals did not pursue taking Varenok’s resources. Luckily for us, Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst have received a shell from the Frochen King to interact with him at any time. They already sent me the scans of the shell, so the Syndicate can figure out how it works. We will be using the shell in the future to contact the Froach.” General Deschner admitted.

  “The only reason that you sent Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst was to interact with the Frochen and communicate with them?” Lieutenant General Armitage accused.

  “Well, of course! Don’t you know that the OBA has been used for countless years? The reason why the Major Generals survived is because of prior knowledge of Varenok. Without those logs, they would have died the moment they jumped in the water. Without the use of the OBA, how do you think the Major Generals were able to communicate so effectively? We don’t know their language, but the previous Syndicates used it and were able to decipher their languages. Each General adds more information until one day it will be perfect.”

  General Deschner sat down in his chair and continued talking.

  “I’m still surprised they met the Frochen. You know, they are the first transhumans to make contact in a while. Whatever they did to receive the shell from the King will help further the research for the future Generals in the Syndicate. Enough about Varenok, though. We cannot pursue that until we capture Snakardekus. You see these Kradnaks here on the screen?”

  General Deschner pointed at them. “Those Kradnaks are filled many various elements in it, you do realize that, yes?”

  They shook their heads in unison. Lieutenant General Armitage spoke, “No, I don’t. I can’t imagine it is good, though.”

  “Good? Oh no, Armitage, it is great. actually! The coordinates I gave to Brigadier General Tomeoni will allow the Kradnaks to be transported right next to the Azuard. All I have to do now is to enable Project G.E.N.E.S.I.S., and then Snakardekus will go through its predestined plan of becoming a new habitable place for Transhumans.”

  “Are you talking about imploding the planet?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “Quite the opposite, really. You see what those Kradnaks have inside of them will essentially terraform Snakardekus and make it habitable for future Transhumans to live on. Just think two planets we can rule over, twice as many Transhumans to live while we rule.”

  “That is the most outlandish thing I have ever heard from you, General!” Lieutenant General Armitage exclaimed.

  “Oh, don’t be so blind to the truth, Armitage. You know as much as I do that Nuwurth isn’t what it is supposed to be. We have a chance at a new beginning - a new genesis!”

  “How exactly will it do that? There is only a small amount of Azuard on Snakardekus, right?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “That is where you are wrong, underneath Snakardekus are various tunnel systems which all connect to one another. Each one has Azuard running through it. When the explosion from the Kradnaks goes off, it will go throughout the entire planet.”

  General Deschner stopped talking, and his eyes darted at the screens above the table and noticed that the Brigadier Generals were together and standing on the balcony overlooking the two Kradnaks. Brigadier General Tomeoni swiped his hand and then tapped on “Files,” then tapped on “Receive Files.” The file appeared “Snakardekus Coordinates,” and then he tapped on it and then tapped “Download and Receive.” Brigadier General Tomeoni then pointed his finger at the two Kradnaks, and a message appeared that read “Send To.” The coordinates that he had just downloaded appeared before his eyes, and he tapped on it.

  The ETD started pulsating a green hue that surrounded the Kradnaks, and it soon rose up and reached the height of them. The color became dark green, almost blending into the surrounding forest. The light then moved over the Kradnaks and soon engulfed them. In a flash, the Kradnaks were gone. The screens were bouncing up and down, due to the excitement of the Brigadier Generals because of the success of the ETD. The screens showed the Brigadier Generals hugging and high fiving one another.

  “D-did that just happen?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra said, surprised, “I can’t believe it!”

  “There’s no way... The ETD’s transport distance could not have been that much, was it?” Lieutenant General Armitage asked.

  “Yes, the Kradnak’s are on Snakardekus.” General Deschner admitted, and he swiped away the screens of the Brigadier Generals. “As I told you before, I only tell you two so much information. There is a lot more than you realize.”

  “B-but how?” Lieutenant General Armitage asked, “That doesn’t make sense, I saw the code myself they could not have transported that far! Unless you made modifications, but even then, I still don’t believe it!”

  “You don’t? Fine, let’s see if they are truly there or not.” General Deschner stated as he tapped “Call,” and then scrolled down and tapped on “Major General Solbrig, Cade.” In a moment, Major General Solbrig appeared on the screen.

  “Hey, General!” Major General Solbrig greeted him.

  “Hello, Major General, how are you?”

  “I am doing well... a little confused, though.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Well, for one General, Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst arrived here.” Major General Solbrig asked, “They said you couldn’t get ahold of us?”

  “Well, yes.” General Deschner moved his hand to his chin and looked to his left, making up a story as he spoke. “When you called me last time after briefing me on what you found on Snakardekus about J’uhleesa and the Azuard, I tried to call you again, but nothing went through, so I became worried.”

  “Really? Did you try Major General Reingle? The Drakdel?”

  “Yes, Major General, I tried them all.”

  “That is odd, I wonder what happened.”

  “Not a clue, I was worried, I thought it was a malfunction I figured I would try to get ahold of Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst to see if they could check up on you two.”

  “Well, that is kind of you, General. Always looking out for us, speaking of which these HAFR’s is pretty awesome! Thanks again!”

Deschner smiled, “No problem.”

  Major General Solbrig’s eyes looked away, and he stood up from the desk. “Uh, General? Did you teleport something here? Wait, is that a Kradnak?”

  “That is true! They have arrived.”


  “Yes, we sent hundreds of Transhumans in those Kradnaks armed with HAFR’s.” General Deschner explained.

  “Wait, why?”

  “Well, you and Major General Reingle talked highly about the Azuard, so I figured I would send in reinforcements to extract it and bring it back.”

  “I won’t let you do that, General! The Azuard belongs to J’uhleesa!” Major General Reingle raised his voice off-screen.

  “Was that Major General Reingle?”

  “Yes, General.”

  “Let me see him.”

  Major General Solbrig moved his hand and flicked it, and the General was on the computer screen instead of his INH.

  “That’s better. Major General Reingle, I am glad you are now a part of this conversation. Although you lack etiquette.”

  “General Deschner, J’uhleesa has worked hard to become the leader, you can’t just take it away from him!”

  “I cannot? Who said I cannot?” General Deschner asked, “Where is J’uhleesa now?”

  “He is uh...” Major General Reingle stood up from his chair and walked to the window and walked back. “J’uhleesa is standing in front of the Kradnaks with his followers behind him. He looks like he is waiting for something.”

  “Oh? That’s good, he better stay there.”

  “Why is that? Are you going to come here and talk to him?” Major General Reingle asked.

  “Yeah, I will definitely speak to him.” General Deschner smiled. “Make sure you don’t go anywhere either. Oh, and please let Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst know that it was just a malfunction on my part and to stay on Snakardekus until I arrive?”

  “Will do, General. Can’t wait to see you here.” Major General Reingle uttered.

  “You’ll see something real soon! Goodbye!”

  “Goodbye, General.” Major General Solbrig nodded.

  General Deschner tapped “End Call” on his INH and spoke out loud. “I am not going to Snakardekus, I have the best view of the entire solar system right here.”

  “What do you mean by that, General?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “Let me show you. Watch Snakardekus right there.” General Deschner closed one eye and pointed at the red planet in the distance. General Deschner swiped his hand and tapped on “Files” then “Classified Actions” then “Project G.E.N.E.S.I.S.” There was one file inside that was labeled “Activate.” A countdown appeared on his INH after pressing “Activate.” The Timer started at thirty seconds. General Deschner sat back in his chair and propped his feet on the table. The timer was projected above the table, so the Lieutenant Generals could see it as well.


  “What is the timer for?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “You’ll see, don’t spoil the surprise.”


  “Wait… is it?!” Lieutenant General Armitage asked.

  “Shh. Just watch.”


  “Wait, General! What about the Major Generals! And the Transpeople and the Snargde?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra shouted.

  General Deschner spoke calmly, “Just watch.”



  “I promise you won’t want to miss it!”


  General Deschner and the Lieutenant Generals looked through the window at Snakardekus as the planet became extremely bright with white light and then faded. Snakardekus no longer appeared to be red anymore, it was more of a yellow hue.

  “What happened?!” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “Don’t you get it? Those Kradnaks were equipped with self-detonating explosives. Remember those heat-seeking missiles you had installed? I installed a special code that allowed them to explode inside of the Kradnak, causing a chain reaction followed by the Antimatter that is powering them. No one knew about it, because no one had access to it besides me.”

  “How could you, General!?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra shrieked. “You’ll pay for this!

  “I don’t even know what to say! Lieutenant General Armitage shouted as he felt tears falling from his eyes, “I don’t believe it!”

  General Deschner shook his head and moved his hand back and brushed his hair. “dee Veyra, who is going to stop me? There is a much bigger plan that can go on without you, and I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t need you anymore, Armitage.” General Deschner moved his left arm into his right breast pocket inside of his blue uniform and pulled out a weapon.

  “What are you thinking of doing with that, General?” Lieutenant General dee Veyra asked.

  “What does it look like? Now that you two know what the plan is, you are a liability, and I cannot have that.” General Deschner raised his arm and pointed it at Lieutenant General Armitage. “You won’t feel a thing, Armitage. I made Brigadier General Maruo send me a HAFR just in case I would need one, and it looks like I do.” General Deschner shook his head and continued speaking. “Looks like I was wrong about you Armitage, I don’t see myself in you, and that is just sad. Too bad it has to be this way.” General Deschner pulled the trigger, and Lieutenant General Armitage fell to the ground on his right side in the chair.

  Did General Deschner accidentally miss?

  Lieutenant General Armitage turned over and got on his knees, underneath the table, and noticed that Lieutenant General dee Veyra was gone alongside her chair.

  Did he shoot her instead of me? No, can’t be! She must have sacrificed herself for mine, but why?

  The sound of General Deschner walking towards him was getting louder. He walked to his right, the side nearest to where Lieutenant General dee Veyra sat before, and Lieutenant General Armitage crawled around the opposite of General Deschner towards his chair. Lieutenant General Armitage had to hurry and figure out a plan. He saw General Deschner’s feet move underneath the table, and as he stopped in front of where Lieutenant General dee Veyra was, he spoke. “dee Veyra, you weren’t supposed to do that. Nonetheless, you knew the risks. Armitage, where are you?”

  Lieutenant General Armitage slowly crawled behind General Deschner, and he stood up and grabbed him as they fell to the ground. The HAFR fell from his grasp onto the ground and slid across the floor. The men were rolling around the floor, trying to throw punches at each other anywhere that they could.

  General Deschner punched Lieutenant General Armitage in his jaw, and he shook his head slightly confused. He hit him again and again as Lieutenant General Armitage walked backward and fell on General Deschner’s chair. Half of his body laid on it as General Deschner stood over him. “Armitage, why are you fighting? You are going to lose; don’t you know that? This entire mission was for everyone to fail except me.”

  Lieutenant General Armitage turned his head to his left and coughed up blood. He watched as General Deschner walked towards him, and then he grabbed onto the arms of the chair and rolled it over him. Lieutenant General Armitage stood up and pushed the chair at General Deschner, grunting while using all his might and pinning General Deschner against the conference rooms wall.

  “You can’t win, Armitage!”

  Lieutenant General Armitage looked to his left and noticed the HAFR on the ground at the end of the table. This was his only chance. Lieutenant General Armitage pushed General Deschner again against the wall, using whatever energy he had left, and then he let go of the chair and ran towards the HAFR, sliding towards it on his stomach. The sound of the chair falling on the ground signaled to Lieutenant General Armitage that General Deschner was coming towards him.

  “You are only delaying the inevitable, Armitage.” General Deschner continued speaking as he walked towards him. “When I get over there, you’ll wish dee Veyra didn’t sa
crifice herself for you.”

  Lieutenant General Armitage flipped over onto his back, holding the HAFR in his hands and pointing it at General Deschner from the ground. “Oh, I will, huh?”

  General Deschner stopped walking and slowly moved his arms up. “Now, now Armitage, I didn’t actually mean that...”

  “Oh no, you’re right, just like how you didn’t actually mean to blow up Snakardekus, right?”

  “You know what I had to do Armitage, I had to follow orders as the don’t even know what that is like.”

  “You’re wrong, I know exactly what that is like, General.”


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