The Hero

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The Hero Page 18

by Amelia Shea

  What the hell?

  “Night.” He moved past her to leave, but she grasped his thick arm, holding him in place.

  “This is my room?”

  “Yeah.” He glanced around the room. “You don’t like it?”

  “No, I like it, but it’s…” She smirked. “It doesn’t fit. Whose room is this usually?”


  She raised her brows. “And you cleaned it out?”

  “Had my sister and my niece help.”

  He’d had the room cleaned out just for her?

  “For me?” She stared up at him and his gaze locked with hers. His face was hard, making it impossible to read. Had he really done all this just for her? “Rourke?”

  “Night.” He turned to leave, but she didn’t let up on her hold.


  “Had my sister clean it out, get some shit in here that wasn’t fucked up. The flowers bullshit is all her, I just said comfortable.”

  She smiled when he refused to look at her. His eyes were mainly glancing around the room, almost as though he didn’t recognize it.

  She stepped closer. “I like it.”

  “Good. Night.”


  He sighed loudly. “I’m fucking beat, Macy, so unless you wanna invite me into the pristine white fucking angel room, I think you better fucking let go.”

  She immediately released him and scowled. “Why do you do shit like this?”

  He sighed in aggravation. “Do what?”

  “This.” She spread out her arms, noting the room. “You do something sweet and then act like a dick, like it’s no big deal.”

  “It isn’t a big deal. Fuck, go to bed.” He turned, and she heard his footsteps storm down the hall. She watched his back. He was so large he barely fit through the doorway, leaving little room on either side. He slammed his beer down on the counter and continued through to his room, disappearing inside. The trailer was small. There may have been two separate bedrooms, but for two people, it was close quarters. She had lived in shoebox apartments before, but this was the smallest space she’d ever lived in, and certainly the first time living with a virtual stranger.

  He emerged from the room again. His jeans were unsnapped, and he lost his shirt showing off his muscled chest. God, he was gorgeous in the most scary and unconventional way. His head shot up as if he could feel her gaze and stopped in mid-step. There wouldn’t be an invitation into his bed anytime soon. She had the feeling his offer to stay with him was merely done from guilt and pity for her situation.

  He stared back at her silently. She was so damn pathetic. She turned and closed the door behind, resting her head back. She slid her body down to the floor.

  She sat there for a few moments wondering why she didn’t just go home with Chey. True, her man was not Macy’s biggest fan, but at least she wouldn’t be with Rourke. And that’s where the truth lay, she wanted to be with him.

  God, I’m an idiot. How could a woman want to be with a man who outright treated her like she wasn’t anything special except for a few sparse times? Her eyes popped open at the sound of the door coming from the trailer. Footsteps were light, and the door closed behind.

  “Is she here?” The voice was soft, with a hint of excitement. That’s weird.

  “In her room,” Rourke said, though it sounded muffled through the door.

  “Is she sleeping?”


  What? He knew damn well she wasn’t asleep. She had just closed the door a minute ago. Macy scrambled on the floor, getting to her feet and pressing her ear to the door. Who was this woman? Did he call some random woman over while she was there? Her face heated, and her skin prickled. She could admit, outside the bedroom, she didn’t know him well. But she doubted he’d have another girl come over while she was staying there.

  All she could hear was shuffling of what sounded like papers and a few more steps. What were they doing?

  “Does she like the room?”

  “Who cares? It’s a place to sleep.”

  Macy pulled her head away from the door and glared at the wood. It seemed to come to her like a slap in the face. It was Trini. Macy glanced over to the desk in the corner with the flowers, and then her gaze scanned the room again and smiled. If she had to bet, she’d say Trini put a lot of work into fixing it up for her. Now Rourke was playing it off like she didn’t like it or even care? What the fuck?

  She grasped the handle and pulled open the door. A little harder than she intended, it swung back, knocking into the dresser. The bang echoed through the room. She jumped back in surprise, but gathered herself and stomped into the main room, stopping near the counter with Rourke’s sister staring at her. Macy kept her focus on Rourke, and she squinted. Hopefully, he could read her mind. Stop being an asshole.

  The same menacing scowl which usually put her on edge was no match for her anger. Macy shook her head, which got a small reaction from Rourke. His jaw set tight. She turned her head to Trini. Her wide eyes were an indication Macy’s entrance did not go unnoticed and was just as dramatic as she thought. Macy drew in a breath and smiled. This was Rourke’s sister.

  It was all in the eyes. Dark and almond shaped. The only part of him she’d ever seen softness in was staring back at her with raised brows and an amused grin.

  “I love the room. Thanks for taking the time and fixing it up.”

  Trini snickered, giving her brother a side glance and stepped forward. “Awesome. You should have seen it before.” She giggled. “Like a frickin’ war zone of crap. Don’t tell anyone, but I think my brother is a hoarder.”

  “I got a lot of shit, where the hell am I supposed to put it?” Rourke snapped.

  Macy burst out laughing. This was not what she expected. Brother and sister banter with Rourke was refreshing. It made him appear almost human, with a heart.

  His sister rolled her eyes. “I’m Trini, by the way since Rourke seemed to forget his manners of introductions.”

  “I’m Macy.”

  She grinned and glanced back at Rourke, who was sitting on the couch, appearing less than thrilled. “Oh, I know.”

  Macy watched the internal conversation between them. Trini was highly amused, and Rourke looked as though he was ready to throw her ass out the door. But he didn’t.

  “So, listen, I’m guessing Rourke doesn’t have any real food in the house, come by in the morning and I’ll make breakfast. My husband is on the road, and it’s just me and Em.”

  Rourke snorted in disgust. “On the road, is that what you call it?’

  Trini whipped her head. There was no denying her anger, but there was also something deeper in her eyes, a sadness. All the playful banter was gone, and Macy thought for a minute tears might be coming. God, why was this man such a dick, even to his sister?

  “I would love to, thanks so much.”

  Trini glanced back at her and gave a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “And thank Emme for the flowers on the desk. They’re beautiful.”

  Trini’s face broke out in a smile, and she gave a short laugh. “She was so excited to hear Uncle Rourke was having a girl stay over, she insisted we pick flowers for your room.”

  “Well, tell her they’re perfect, it makes me feel right at home.” It was a stretch, and Trini gave her a look that said she knew it but didn’t say anything.

  “See you guys tomorrow.” She walked out the door and closed it behind her. Macy decided on ten seconds. She counted silently watching the door until she got to ten, then jerked her body to the couch.

  “What the fuck is your problem? Is that how you treat family who helps you? God, you are such an asshole.”

  His lips tightened, and his eyes darkened. He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees. “My family is none of your fucking business, you got me?”

  Macy stepped forward. “No, I don’t get you. You hurt her feelings. Did you see her eyes when you made the comment about her husband? Why would you do that w
hen she obviously helped you?”

  His jaw locked. “You don’t know shit.” His tone was menacing, almost a warning.

  She folded her arms. “I know you’re an asshole.”

  Rourke ground his teeth, seemingly regaining his restraint. She was pushing him, but he deserved it. His nostrils flared while his hands formed tight fists showing his white knuckles. The smart move would be to go back into the bedroom. He was right, she had no place talking about his family, but there was a part of her that couldn’t let it go.

  The silence was giving her the urge to squirm. She held her ground, not budging an inch. His face was so tense she could see his temple pulse. She had to give him credit, he was holding it together when it seemed like he wanted to throw her ass out.

  “The last time her man was on the road, I found him at a titty bar in Duncan getting a lap dance.”

  Macy’s face paled. “Did you tell her?”

  “Yeah, I fucking told her after I beat the piss out of him. Wanna know what Trini said? All men cheat.” Rourke ran his hand over his head, pulling at the edge of his hair. “Wanna know where she got that from?”

  Macy didn’t answer.

  “My old man. That’s what the son of a bitch taught her to expect. A man to cheat. So, she takes it ’cause he comes home and treats her good, ’cause he’s nice to his kid and takes care of her. Fucking takes it, no matter how much I tell her she deserves more, she fucking takes that shit from that asshole.” He cocked his brow. “Her husband? The fucker knocked some bitch up.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. Poor Trini.

  “Oh.” Macy never understood cheating, nor did she tolerate it. She’d been cheated on before, but never took the guy back. Once the trust was gone, there wasn’t much left.

  “Yeah, ‘oh.’” His tone was mocking, and he sat back against the couch. “So, don’t stand there and tell me how to treat my sister when you don’t know half the shit going down around here.”

  Being spoken to the way Rourke was talking to her might have pissed some women off. On the surface, she was angered, but when she watched him and really listened, she understood it. Of course, he was pissed at Macy now. He was trying to get his sister to open her eyes and get rid of her husband. Macy was virtually taking Trini’s back, and in the process, taking up for her husband.

  He was watching out for his sister, which seemed to dissipate her own anger. It was sweet, for Rourke. Talking about how Trini deserved better was also the sign of a man who loved his sister and wanted what was best for her. His delivery may have sucked, but his heart was in the right place.

  It may be the worst possible timing, but she was suddenly drawn to him in a strong pull. This is the Rourke I fell for.

  Macy moved slowly to the couch with Rourke watching her like a hawk. She skimmed past the table to stand in front of him. His brows furrowed. She raised her knee to the couch on the side of his thigh and gripped his shoulders as she brought the other one to the opposite side. He sank deeper into the couch, completely caught off guard.

  She straddled his lap and inched closer with her hips. His face was comical. He had no idea what was happening. She leaned closer, stroking his shoulders up to his neck with the pads of her fingers.

  “You’re right, I don’t know the whole story, and yeah, it’s none of my business. I’m sorry.”

  She moved forward, brushing her lips across his. Her body was braced for him to possibly shove her off his lap. Rourke was unpredictable, always doing the opposite of what she expected. A little kiss wasn’t going to change it. She swept her tongue across his bottom lip and felt his hips jut forward. The seam of her jeans dug into her core, causing a shiver from the friction against her clit. His mouth took over, opening and sliding his tongue into her mouth while his hands grasped her ass, pulling her against his cock. God, I missed him. She angled her head, pressing her breasts against his chest. It wasn’t just his body she missed. It was being close to him.

  She broke away from the kiss but stayed an inch from his face. Her thumbs stroked over the cords of his neck. “Just be nicer to her, Rourke, please.”

  His finger dug in her ass, and his body froze. Bad timing.

  His eyes opened slowly, and the dark pupils appeared black. Yep, bad fucking timing. He didn’t move like she expected, he just glared. “I am fucking nice. Want me to list all the nice fucking shit I do for her ass?”

  “Rourke,” she pleaded.

  He pulled away. “Is this what you’re doing, gonna fuck me, so I’ll be nicer to my sister?”

  Macy flinched back. “No.”

  “Really ’cause that’s what it looks like.” He was seething but not letting her up even when she tried to straighten. “You wanna fuck, we’ll fuck, but don’t think you got any say on anything in my life just because I like your pussy.”

  Macy gasped and pushed away from his chest, but the grip on her butt was firmly keeping her seated on his lap.

  “God, I can’t believe I ever liked you.”

  “Yeah, well your track record on men is shit, so don’t be too surprised.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Go ahead, I ain’t moving.”

  She gripped his shoulder, digging her nails into his bare skin. He didn’t even flinch. The corner of his mouth curled. He knew he was getting to her. She struggled to get up, slapping against his chest and pushing her hands so hard, when he let go, she fell back onto the floor.

  He shifted forward. She scrambled on the floor and shot up to her feet. “I really despise you sometimes.”

  He raised his eyebrows completely unfazed by her anger.

  “I make one mistake.” She held up her finger. “One frickin’ mistake.”

  He snorted. “Should have never climbed in my bed.”

  Macy turned back to him. “I was referring to Bryant.” Her breath labored. “Never thought of you as a mistake, Rourke.” She caught the flicker in his eyes, and he straightened on the couch. Macy shook her head. “I’ll have Chey come get me after breakfast and stay with her.” She turned her back and headed to the room without losing stride.

  In the room, she dropped to the bed, not even bothering to change. The sooner she fell asleep, the sooner it would be morning, and she’d be out of there and rid of Rourke forever.


  His arm was thrown over his eyes as he lay in bed, half asleep. He slept like shit. If not for the weed settling him down, he probably would have been up the night. It took every ounce of control to let her walk away last night. If she had just kept her mouth shut about his sister, he’d have slept like a baby from fucking her all night. Maybe he would have gotten up to taste her this morning. They could have spent the day in his bed, his mouth on her and hers on him, in the shower, against the wall. Hell, he even wanted her on the kitchen counter.

  “Fuck.” He mumbled.

  “Bad word, Uncle Rourke.”

  His body froze from the little voice. He slowly moved his hand, dragging it down his chest and prying one eye open.

  Emme was the quietest five-year-old ever created. She reminded him of a cat. She was standing at the foot of the bed with a tiny smirk on her face. She was the spitting image of Trini at her age. Rourke sighed and glanced up at the ceiling.

  “Get my wallet on the table by the TV.” He smiled at the sound she made. The only time he could hear her coming and going was when she was running for his wallet. It was supposed to curb his cursing. A dollar for each curse word. All it was doing was making a major dent in her future college fund. The kid saved every penny she got.

  The bed shook as she jumped up and made her way to him. She handed him his wallet and sat on her knees with her hands on her thighs. He chuckled at her excited smile. He didn’t have many soft spots, but Emme was one of them.

  He opened his wallet and pulled out a five, lifting it in front of her face. “This means I get how many more?”

  Her brows scrunched together in thought, and she lifted her hand and spread her fingers w
ide. Covering her thumb with her other hand, she counted the remaining fingers. “One, two, three, four.” She gazed up, holding her hand and wiggling her fingers. “You get four.”

  “Got a feeling I’m gonna need them.”

  “Macy is with Mommy. She said I should come get you for waffles.”

  Rourke reached out scratching Emme’s head. “I’ll be there in ten. Go watch TV until I come out.” Emme scooted off the bed, pulling the door closed behind her. When he heard the TV, he threw off the covers. He got dressed opting to take a shower later. He grabbed his phone and wallet and headed out. Taking Emme’s hand, they started out the door and down the steps.

  Trini’s trailer was two down and across the road. It was a frequent occurrence Emme would come over. He hated her walking alone, but everyone knew who she was, and knew better than to even look her way while she was alone. He hadn’t checked the time, but it had to be early, the sun not even fully risen.

  “Is Macy your girlfriend?”

  Girlfriend. It was trivial when defining what Macy meant to him.


  “Do you want her to be?”

  “No.” I want her to be my old lady.

  Emme stopped, pulling on his hand and forcing him to halt. “How come?”

  Giving a five-year-old an honest answer was out of the question.

  “She’s too fancy for me.” It was partly true. Macy was not the type of girl to hop on the back of his bike and do a two-day run. Or was she? Either way, it didn’t matter. He just wanted her.

  “I’m fancy too. See.” She pointed to the top of her head. There was a band with sparkling little colored crystals. Emme was all girl.

  “Come on before they eat all the waffles.” He reached down, picking Emme up and carrying her up the deck and into the house. The laughter abruptly ended the minute he locked eyes with Macy. She was sitting at the small table off the kitchen. Trini’s trailer was bigger than his with more space to move around.

  “Hi!” Emme said, wiggling down out of his arms.


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