The Hero

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The Hero Page 25

by Amelia Shea

  She winced as if she’d been slapped. Struck by the same words she used when she asked him not to kill or hurt Bryant.

  His delivery sucked, but this was the real Rourke. She realized quickly asking him to go against his true protective nature was eating at him inside. But he did it. For me. It must have taken everything he had not to beat the hell out of Bryant, but he didn’t. For me.

  She slowly walked around the couch, stopping in front of him. She had no doubt he thought she would continue arguing. She dropped her knee to the couch and straddled his lap. He eyed her suspiciously. She leaned in, kissing his lips softly and pulling away slowly.

  “Thank you.”

  His jaw clenched, but his hands gripped her hips, tugging her closer until she fell against his chest. “I need that,” he repeated.

  She nodded with tears threatening. She would give him whatever he needed. This man, with all his flaws, was perfect. She could put the past with Bryant behind her because of Rourke. She’d never have to worry about Bryant again, all thanks to this man who protected her but still kept his promise. If she hadn’t already fallen for him, she would have fallen in love with Rourke at this very moment. Her nose burned, and she was overcome with emotion.

  “Hey,” he whispered, cupping her jaw, and she moved into his touch.

  “You did that for me?” Her eyes welled.


  “You kept your promise to me.” She paused. “And you forced a man to leave his job, his house, basically his entire life. All to keep me safe.” She sniffled. “No man has ever loved me the way you do.” It was an assumption on her part. He’d never actually said he loved her, but she felt it.

  “And no other ever will.”

  His confirmation.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. “You’re everything,” she whispered.

  He snorted. “Treating me like some kind of hero, Macy, and I ain’t. Just did what I had to do.”

  She tilted her head, gazing back at him. Then she nodded.

  His gaze darkened, and his lids lowered. “Not a hero, babe.”

  She leaned closer. “Maybe not to everyone else. But to me?” She pressed her lips against his and whispered, “You are, Rourke.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Macy was making Rourke’s bed when she heard the knock from the front door. She tossed the comforter down and walked out into the living room. It was rare to have guests when he wasn’t home. When Trini stopped in, she always texted her and then walked in. And Emme just barreled through the door without even a warning.

  She peeked out of the side curtain and furrowed her brows before letting it fall into place. A mismatched couple were standing, staring the door. The woman couldn’t be more than ten years older than her, but the man appeared old enough to her dad. She opened the door to the strangers and smiled.


  The man, who appeared to be in his fifties, seemed caught off guard and he stepped back from the door glancing at Rourke’s truck parked in the space. When he turned back around, he smiled.

  “This is Rourke’s place, ain’t it?”

  “Yup.” Macy nodded, eyeing the man. “He’s not here right now. Is there something I can help ya with?”

  His lip hitched and his face pinched. “Well, who the hell are you?”

  Macy flinched and widened her eyes. Who the hell was she? Who the fuck was he?

  The woman laughed and playfully slapped the mouthy asshole on the arm. “Jesus, Al, where the hell are your manners?” She laughed again, turning toward Macy. She reached out her hand. “Ignore him. He’s all sorts of cagey. It’s like he doesn’t remember how to act on the outside. I’m Gillian.”

  Macy flicked her gaze between the man and woman and slowly extended her hand.


  Gillian tilted her head. “Always loved that name. Ya know, I had a friend back in Carlstadt, where I grew up, and her name was Macy.” She rested her hand on her chest. “She was the sweetest. So, anyway, how do ya know Rourke?”

  What the fuck is happening?

  “I’m his girlfriend.”

  Gillian screeched, and Macy jumped to the side. She was clapping her hands like a four-year-old who just won a prize at the town fair. She lunged forward, and before Macy could move, she was in a full bear hug from Gillian.

  “Christ, girl, ya gonna scare the hell outta her, let her go, Gilly.”

  Thankfully, she listened and stepped back but held onto Macy’s hand. “I’m sorry, I’m just excited. Our family just continues to grow.” She grasped Macy’s hand tightly. “Here, I thought I was meeting just Rourke, Trini, and little Emme, but now you’re here.” She grinned. “Al, we are gonna need a bigger table for Christmas dinner.”

  It was surreal, and Macy almost glanced around waiting to catch a camera crew filming this shit show.

  Macy gave a shaky laugh. “Um, I don’t mean to come off rude or anything but—” she glanced between Gillian and the man. “Who the hell are you people?”

  Gillian barked out a laugh. “We’re your family, girl.”

  Macy’s jaw dropped, and she drew in a breath. Oh my God. It took her a minute to fully grasp what was happening, but when it clicked, she was struck silent. Her chest rose, prepared to emit her own chuckle. This would be a story she’d share later on in life and laugh her butt off as she told it. She shifted her gaze from Al to Gillian and then back to Al, who was sporting a smile as though he could read her mind.

  “You’re Rourke’s father.”

  He spread his arms out wide. “Guilty.”

  Oh My God. Rourke is going to lose his shit.

  The next hour was a blur. They explained they stopped by Trini’s place first but didn’t get an answer. Apparently, Gillian and Al thought it would be a fantastic idea to surprise Trini and Rourke by just popping in without telling them. Gillian bought the story, but Macy didn’t. She knew damn well, Rourke would not be happy to see his father. And Al had to know it too.

  Macy decided the best way to handle things was with courtesy. She invited them inside, got them drinks, and then listened to Gillian tell her how they met. An inmate dating website. How Macy kept from bursting out laughing would remain one of life’s greatest mysteries.

  In the course of the hour, she’d sent several texts to Rourke which he had yet to answer. Where the hell was he?

  “How many rooms ya got in this place, honey?”

  She glanced over at Al. “Um, two.”

  Gillian clapped her hands. “Perfect. We’re gonna stay at a motel, but since you got an extra, we’ll just stay here.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Thank you so much, Macy.”


  Macy shook her head and clamped her lips, unsure of how to respond. She had no doubt Rourke would be fuming to see them, let alone sharing his house with them.

  Her phone rang, and she jumped off the chair and backed up to his bedroom. “I’m just gonna take this. Excuse me.” She rushed through the door and closed it, hurrying into the small bathroom off his bedroom and she closed the door dropping her back against the wall.

  “Where are you?” she whispered sharply.

  “I’m at the shop, had two repairs come in last minute.”

  She huffed. “And you couldn’t answer one of my fifty texts?” she snapped in a hushed tone.

  “Why the fuck are you whispering?”

  She snorted. “Because I don’t want your guests to hear me.”


  “Your dad and Gillian are here.”

  “Oh, fucking hell, you gotta be shittin’ me right now.”

  “Nope.” Macy gazed up at the ceiling. “He said he tried Trini’s place but got no answer.” She blew out an exasperated breath. “Babe, have you met her? He’s gotta be twenty years older. And strange, especially her.” Macy lowered her voice. “She hugged me, like out of nowhere. Super weird.”

  “Fuck me, son of a bitch.”

  “And then somehow, they invited themselves to st
ay here for the night but I…” She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

  “He’s not fucking staying at my place.”

  “I know.” She glanced around the room. “But you gotta handle it ’cause me in the middle of this is super awkward.” She twisted her lips. “Oh, and Gillian invited us for Christmas dinner.” She laughed in hopes of lightening the mood.

  It didn’t.

  “Fuck,” he snarled. “I’ll fix this. Go tell him to find another place to hang out.”

  She gasped. “There’s no way I’m kicking your dad outta your house, Rourke.”

  “Tell him I said to get the fuck out.”

  “No.” She snapped. “I know there’s a bad history with you and your dad, but I can’t walk out there and tell him to leave.”

  “Macy, I said…”

  “Don’t get mad at me. I’m on your side, Rourke.”

  “This is what he fucking does. Shows up and everything good in my life turns to shit.”

  His statement struck her. Everything good in his life? Did he mean her?

  “Okay, I’ll kick him out.”

  A soft chuckle from the other line made her smile. “No, I’ll handle it. Just hang tight.” He hung up, and Macy started back toward the living room. She drew in a deep breath before opening the door.

  “That was Rourke. He says hi.”

  Gillian smiled, but she noticed his dad smirk as he raised his brows. He knew she was full of shit.

  “So, Macy, tell me about yourself. Where do ya work?”

  “Okay. I work in marketing at Fields and Smith downtown.”

  “Damn, a smart girl, huh? Must make good money.”

  “I do all right.”

  Al finished off his beer and set the bottle on the table before settling into the couch. “That’s good. My boy needs a smart woman. Maybe you’ll be the influence he needs to finally cut ties with that gang.” Al shook his head in disgust. “All trash, those guys. Not a good one in the bunch.”

  Macy folded her arms and clenched her jaw tight. Who the hell was he to talk about the club? Besides Trini and Emme, the club was Rourke’s family. Those who had been there for him through everything. And this man had the nerve to talk about them like they were thugs. She felt a strange protectiveness over the club which she couldn’t quite explain. They may not be the gold standard of society, but when shit went down with her, they were there.

  Who was this man to pass judgment on anyone?

  The door burst open, and Macy jerked her head. Trini bolted through the door and tripped over her own feet. Macy reached out, grabbing her arm to keep her from falling.

  Trini seemed completely unhinged. Her face was flushed, and she was out of breath. Even from the small hold, she had on her arm, she could feel Trini shaking.

  “You okay?”

  Trini whipped around and smiled. A big smile. Too big, and obviously forced.

  “Yeah, I’m great.” She leaned into Macy’s ear. “I’m sorry.”

  Before Macy could respond, Trini spun around and was greeting Al and Gillian. Macy watched as Rourke’s sister gave a good performance as the dutiful daughter. Even when Al hugged her, Trini didn’t fully commit to it, but she moved through the motions. It was uncomfortable to watch Gillian and Al act as though this was a beautiful family reunion and catching the dread flash across Trini’s face.

  Rourke must have called her as soon as they hung up.

  “Why don’t you guys come over to my place? I’ll whip up some dinner.”

  “That would be so great. I’m starving.” Gillian glanced up at Macy. “You’re coming too, right?”

  Macy hesitated, and Trini answered for her. “Macy’s gonna come by later with Rourke.”

  Macy didn’t say a word but wondered if what Trini said was bullshit. From the sound of Rourke on the phone, he had no desire to be anywhere near his dad.

  “Oh, okay.” Gillian smiled and pulled Macy in for a hug before walking through the door Trini was holding. She only got a chin lift from Al. It was better that way. The more his dad spoke, the more she felt compelled to jab her stiletto in his throat.

  This was a whole lot of family drama for a new relationship. She expected Trini to walk out behind them, but instead, she stepped back inside and closed the door, turning to Macy with an anxious smile.

  “I’m so sorry you had to deal with them.”

  Macy shook her head. “It’s fine. Gillian seemed nice enough, a little wacky though so be prepared.” Macy laughed. “I just didn’t know what to do. Rourke has only mentioned your dad in passing.” She refrained from elaborating on what Rourke really said about their dad.

  Trini dragged her hand over her face, obviously distraught with the whole scene. She glanced up again, and Macy was struck by her anguish. “He messes everything up.”

  “Trini.” Macy pulled her in for a hug.

  She sighed and released Macy. “This is what he does, he comes in and fucks shit up, and then slithers away like a cockroach.” She peeked up through her lashes. “And now, you had to deal with him. God, Rourke was off the rails when he called.”

  Macy grasped her hand. “Girl, stop stressing. He wasn’t so bad, and seriously, I didn’t mind.” It was a lie, but she’d fake it if it took a little bit of stress off Trini’s shoulders. Macy smirked. “And I’m not kidding, your soon to be stepmom is kind of a hot mess. It was entertaining when she wasn’t freaking me out.” Macy smirked. “It’s not every day you get to hear a love story start out with…‘So we met on a prison dating site’.”

  Trini burst out laughing, and Macy joined in. One day they would look back at this and laugh. But for now, they all just had to survive it.

  “Thanks, Mace. I’ll see ya later.” She shuffled down the steps and waved her hand in the air.


  Rourke arrived at his place and pulled in front of his trailer. One look down at Trini’s, and he saw the unfamiliar car parked in her spot. Son of a bitch. He knew the day was coming.

  He walked up his stairs and pulled open the door to find Macy in the center of his living room with candles and oils littering the floor. She perked up, and he could tell she was braced for his wrath.

  “I’ll clean it up, I swear. Cheyenne is doing a double shift so I said I’d fill the orders. I know it looks like a disaster zone, but I can have it all cleared out in ten minutes.” She scrambled to her feet and started tossing candles into boxes.

  He slammed his bag down on the counter. “Calm the fuck down.”

  She jolted up and stared at him with wide eyes.

  “Get over here.”

  She flickered her gaze around the room and slowly moved toward him. She was a foot away when he reached out and yanked her body against his. He only needed one thing right now, and he was gonna take it. His mouth came down on hers so quick she had no time to react, but she did. She gripped his biceps and turned her head, giving him the perfect angle he needed to deepen the kiss.

  This was all he needed before everything blew to shit as he knew it would. Her soft lips slid over his, slowing down the kiss. Her tongue stroked against his as she tightened her grip on his arms and pressed her breasts against his chest. If she kept rubbing her body against his, he’d be tempted to ditch Trini’s house and get Macy in his bed, keeping her there.

  He gripped her hips, lifting her up to plant her ass on the counter. Her legs immediately spread, and he stepped in pressing his already hard cock into her pussy. They had too many fucking clothes on. He gripped the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. The two-second break was all she got from their kiss before he grasped her neck and took her lips again. His hands spread over her upper chest and dropped down, kneading her breasts. He could feel the points from her beaded nipples through the thin material.

  He needed her right here, right now. She was the only person to help him forget his reality. Her nails dug into his skin, and he growled against her mouth.

  “Oh shit.” Macy ripped her mouth from his and pushe
d his body in front of her. What the fuck? He was about to say the words when he realized the door was open and standing in his doorway was Emme. Fuck me.


  He caught his breath and angled his head. Emme smiled with her doll tucked up her arm.

  “Hey. You walk over by yourself?”

  She stepped into the room and nodded. He watched as she tilted her head. No doubt she was trying to get a better look at Macy who had just knocked into his back. He couldn’t see her but assumed she was struggling to get her top back on without causing too much commotion.

  “Is that Macy?”

  He opened his mouth, but Macy dropped down to the ground, with her shirt back on and wrapped her hands around his waist. Her nails bit into hip. He had a feeling she was doing it purposefully.

  “Hi, Emme.”

  His niece’s face lit up, and she rushed toward them, stopping just a foot in front of them.

  “Mommy said to come over for dinner.” Emme grinned and jerked her chin downward. “Now.”

  Every other time Emme had come to call him for dinner, it had always come with a timeframe. A half hour. Twenty minutes. Ten minutes. But never the insistence of right away. Rourke balled his fists, and his chest tightened.

  “Well, then let’s head on over,” Macy said, grasping Emme’s hand and walking out the door.

  They walked in silence, and he took notice, even Emme, who was notorious for talking a lot, remained quiet. Macy pulled opened the door to Trini’s place and ushered Emme inside then turned to him, pressing her hand against his chest.

  “He’s the asshole. Not you.” She reached on her toes for a quick kiss. “Don’t forget that.”

  She walked through the door, and he followed.

  He spent the next half hour growing increasingly angry with every word coming out of his dad’s mouth. Their greeting was awkward. His introduction to Gillian was even stranger. She may have been five years older than him, but she seemed more on the level of Emme. She was almost childlike, which continuously annoyed the fuck out of him. His father had obviously fed her a bullshit past where his kids loved and adored him. It was a lie Rourke refused to play into.


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