Vivid Avowed (The Evelyn Maynard Trilogy Book 3)

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Vivid Avowed (The Evelyn Maynard Trilogy Book 3) Page 13

by Kaydence Snow

  “But we’re not like that!” Dot sounded equally pleading and outraged. “Most Variants are normal, happy people trying to live our lives, just like humans. I’m not interested in blocking anyone from having a better life. I’m certainly not interested in killing little human babies.”

  “No, and most Variants would agree with you. But then you see more and more of them joining Variant Valor, and not shy about talking about it. You see people using the word Dime with abandon. It would be pretty hard not to feel attacked.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” Dot flopped back against the back of the booth.

  “Variant Valor aren’t the only ones getting louder,” Ethan grumbled. “I’m seeing more and more mentions of the Human Empowerment Network too.”

  “Yeah.” Kyo drew Dot to his side. “Both the boutique and that café had big posters in the windows—‘Human Safe Space’ in big bold letters with HEN’s branding all over it. They’re taking the safety-in-numbers approach, and they’re not being subtle about it.”

  “It’s just creating more division,” Ethan agreed.

  “The most frustrating thing”—I clenched my hands into fists—“is that none of these people, Variant or human, realize they’re pawns and playing right into that asshole’s hand. Davis is behind all of this. It’s no coincidence that this divisive rhetoric got more intense after he did his press conference. This is what he wants. He wants the Variants scared of the humans so they’ll spend all their money on his sick invention. He wants the humans scared so the division continues to breed.”

  “I wish we could just hunt him down and lock him in a dark hole where he can’t touch or hurt anyone,” Ethan muttered. He was such a sweetheart. Davis may have been my biological father, but I wanted him dead, not locked up.

  “Do that, and he becomes a martyr. Even harder to fight against a legacy than a man,” Kyo argued. “Toppling Dictatorships 101—discredit and besmirch the charismatic leader. Then take him out.”

  I wondered just how many governments Kyo and Alec’s team had been involved in tearing down, but I had a feeling even my new clearance level wouldn’t be high enough to gain me access to that information.

  “I. Hate. Him.” My voice was clear and level as my eyes narrowed on the table, not seeing our half-empty plates or the condiment bottles. Only his ugly face.

  My friends watched me warily.


  The late afternoon sun bathed the yard in a golden glow. I put in one earring and watched from my window as Ethan got out of the pool, his lean muscles effortlessly lifting his heavy frame out of the water.

  The mid-May weather still wasn’t warm enough for most of us. Other than that one blissfully hot day a few weeks back, it had been too cold for swimming. But Ethan never felt the cold. As he dried his hair off with a towel, all that muscle glistened in the sun, making me want to go down there and lick the water droplets off his smooth chest.

  I shook myself out of it and put my other earing in, then turned and paused.

  Josh was at my door, leaning on the frame and watching me as I’d been watching Ethan.

  “You are so beautiful,” he stated, his boyish face full of sincerity.

  “Thanks. This dress is stunning.” He was in sweats and a Queen T-shirt, and I was in eveningwear, my feet tucked into bright red heels. The strapless dress tapered in at the waist and stopped at about midcalf. Black tulle surrounded my legs, but a red lace top layer popped against the black. Dot had painstakingly braided my hair into a pattern almost as intricate as the bold design of the lace.

  The dress had appeared on my bed a few hours earlier when I emerged from the shower, just as I’d started to panic about what to wear.

  When Tyler had first told me about the event, I’d groaned. But he never asked me for anything, and after he explained why he needed the extra Light boost, I agreed quickly.

  The formal evening had been organized under a cloak of secrecy; it brought together security, law enforcement, and intelligence bigwigs from all over the world. The situation with Variant Valor and the Human Empowerment Network was continuing to escalate, and some leaders wanted to increase their efforts to work together, hoping more cooperation would help. They were holding a massive meeting, hosted by Melior Group, but it wouldn’t take place until the next day. This evening was a welcome cocktail event with a formal dress code. Because we couldn’t possibly solve the world’s problems in smart casual.

  I smiled as I walked toward Josh. “I’ll never get over your uncanny ability to choose a dress that’s perfect in every way, right down to the fit.”

  “Actually, Ethan helped this time. We went together.”

  “When did you two have time to go shopping?” Between our sessions at Melior Group, the continued training with Kane, studying for exams, and preparing for summer classes, we were all busy.

  “We invited you to go with us, remember?” Josh raised his brows. When I gave him a blank look, he rolled his eyes and smiled. “But of course, you had your head in a science book, so I should’ve realized you barely heard a word I said.”

  I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “It really is beautiful. Thank you. You guys spoil me.”

  “Actually we’re holding back. You don’t know what spoiled looks like. And I wasn’t talking about the dress. You are beautiful.”

  He squeezed my sides for emphasis and pulled me fully against his front. My breath hitched. I stared into Josh’s knowing green eyes, my smile falling away. It really hit me once more how much he thought about me, how in tune he was not just with the size of my body when buying me couture but with my thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs. I could’ve put it down to the Bond, but that wasn’t it. The level of attentiveness was uniquely Josh.

  “Josh.” My voice was low. I bit down on my bottom lip, suddenly a little nervous. The words were at the tip of my tongue, but a tightness squeezed the base of my throat, making it difficult to get them out.

  Of course, he knew what I was thinking.

  He smiled. His whole face lit up, and his eyes practically sparkled, just as Ethan’s had in the pool when I told him.

  “I love you too, Eve.” He beat me to it.

  “You stole my moment.” I slapped him lightly on the shoulder, my own matching grin already breaking out on my face.

  “I love you, Josh.” I said it anyway.

  “I know, but it’s really nice to hear it.” He pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss that definitely ruined my lipstick.

  We heard footsteps coming up the stairs but didn’t break apart. When I felt a hard, warm chest at my back, I knew it was Ethan and I was at risk of ruining more than just my lipstick.

  I broke the kiss, but Ethan’s lips were at my neck, his breath tickling my skin. “Don’t stop,” he whispered, breaking up his words with the occasional soft kiss. “I like seeing you all dolled up like this, kissing Josh when he doesn’t look even remotely in your league in his ratty clothes.”

  As Josh started kissing the other side of my neck, all I could do was hum in acknowledgment, although it came out more like a moan.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Josh whispered before licking a particularly sensitive spot.

  “Nothing,” Ethan answered, “but it’s such a contrast to what she’s wearing that I can’t stop thinking about . . . ruining that dress.”

  I moaned again. I was just about to ask them to show me exactly how they planned to ruin it when I was suddenly yanked away. Strong, calloused hands pulled me out from between Ethan and Josh so swiftly the two of them nearly bumped into each other. Ethan caught himself on the doorway, and Josh leaned a hand against Ethan’s bare abs.

  I looked between them, then up and around to Alec, cocking one eyebrow to show my disapproval.

  “We’re going to be late if you start that now. You two need to make yourselves scarce.” He kept my back against his chest, his hands on my bare shoulders.

  Josh sighed and hung his head, and Ethan immediat
ely lifted his free hand to the back of Josh’s neck. It was a reflex, a comforting gesture, but standing so close, with their hands on each other and Ethan shirtless, they almost looked like . . . lovers.

  Their eyes locked for the briefest of moments before they pulled away. As Josh walked past, there was no mistaking the little smirk on his face. Ethan looked more confused, but curiosity definitely gleamed in his eyes too as he headed for his room.

  “Why are you always cockblocking me?” I sighed, leaning back against Alec.

  “Because we really are going to be late.” He ran his hands down my arms slowly and pushed his hips forward, pressing his erection into my ass. “And because I want to ruin that dress myself later.”

  When he kissed one side of my neck, then the other, I shivered, my lips parting on a heavy exhale.

  “Now hurry up.” He pulled away, smacked me on the ass, and thumped down the stairs.

  Fucking tease. I rolled my eyes before fixing my lipstick and grabbing my clutch off the bed.

  Tyler’s left hand rested on my leg, playing absentmindedly with the tulle, while his other scrolled through messages on his phone. Alec had a firm, unmoving hand on my other leg as he looked out the car window at the dusky sky.

  Apparently taking a limo for just the three of us was overkill, but we couldn’t possibly drive ourselves, so we were on our way to Manhattan in an Aston Martin town car driven by the same driver who had taken us to the gala. His name was Joe.

  Important people were flying in from all over the world—we couldn’t not throw a fancy event for them, although this would be much more low-key than the gala. Only about 150 guests were expected.

  “So how come they’re all coming here?” I asked. “Why aren’t we flying off to Geneva or something?”

  “It’s New York,” they both answered at the same time, as if it were obvious. Joe’s shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  “Americans . . .” I sighed. “You know there are cities just as vibrant and just as important as New York. And probably more convenient to get to for most of these people.”

  “I’d like to remind you that you’re also American.” Alec turned to face me. “And there’s nowhere in the world like New York.”

  Tyler gave me a more serious answer. “Melior Group is hosting the event. Our HQ is here. It made sense. Plus, it gives us the chance to make sure it’s well protected, allows us some control over who’s invited, and puts us in a leadership position before any of the conversations have even started.”

  He stuffed his phone into his jacket pocket and smiled in a way that reminded me of our study sessions, when he was waiting for me to understand something complex, already believing without a doubt I’d get it.

  I nodded. The choice of New York wasn’t just arrogance—making everyone come to them; it was strategic. I should’ve known.

  Joe pulled the car into an alley and then . . . stopped. I frowned, craning my neck to look out the windshield. It was just a dark and dingy alley, complete with trash cans and back entrances.

  But the guys both got out of the car. Tyler held his hand out to me, and I let him help me out, still confused.

  “Stay close, Joe,” Tyler said to our driver as Alec went to a nearby recess in the wall. It was so dark I couldn’t tell if a door or a vampire was in the shadows. “It’ll be at least two hours before we can leave, but we may want to leave early.”

  I had no idea why Tyler would want to leave early when we were here to gauge the other leaders, but I’m sure it was part of his master plan.

  “Yes, sir.” Joe nodded and drove off toward the other side of the alleyway.

  “Uh, where exactly are we?” I finally asked.

  “Dammit.” Tyler huffed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a hundred-dollar bill. He handed it to a smug, smirking Alec, who promptly pocketed it.

  I just got more confused and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I bet that you would hold yourself back from asking any questions until we were in the building.” Tyler sighed.

  “I bet that you’d crack before we made it inside. I won!” Alec looked a little too pleased with himself.

  I rolled my eyes at them both. Betting money on me. The nerve.

  As another set of headlights illuminated the dirty alley, Tyler guided me toward the dark recess in the wall, his hand at the small of my back. Alec pulled a heavy steel door open, and we all walked into a brightly lit corridor.

  A team of agents stood on the other side, in suits but fully armed. They nodded to Alec and Tyler and waved us past.

  Alec took the lead, stopping at a set of elevators and pressing a button. The fabric of his perfectly tailored suit stretched over his muscular shoulders. He was in all black, as usual, but the simple suit and shirt—no tie—fit him perfectly. I was pretty sure it was the same one he’d worn to the gala.

  Tyler, on the other hand, was in a beautiful gunmetal gray three-piece suit, the crisp white of his shirt providing a contrast to the dark, smooth fabric. A pale blue tie and pocket square finished off the polished look. The colors went together seamlessly and made his gray eyes pop. Even his messy hair was in a somewhat neat style, held in place by product. I couldn’t stop looking at him.

  “Well?” I asked again as we waited. I couldn’t help myself. I hated not knowing things.

  They both chuckled before Tyler took pity on me. “This isn’t like the gala. The point isn’t to be seen and make a spectacle. This is a private, secure event. It’s being held in an event space at the top of an office building with no ties to Melior Group. There are three separate access points through which guests will arrive. Each has a team posted. Plainclothes officers on the street are keeping an eye on it as well.”

  I nodded as we entered the service elevator.

  As we rode up in silence, the butterflies returned. Did I really have any business being here? I was a nineteen-year-old science nerd—what the hell did I have to talk about with leaders of militias and heads of state? I blew out a big breath and straightened the front of my dress.

  Alec wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and Tyler took my hand and squeezed.

  “You’ll be fine, and you look beautiful.” Tyler smiled.

  “Just let Gabe do the talking,” Alec added, “and give him some Light when he signals you. Smile and be polite and don’t drink your weight in Dom Perignon like last time.”

  I glared at him. “That would be my volume, not my weight, as champagne is a liquid. And that’s rich coming from you, considering you were the cause of my drinking that night.”

  Alec groaned and removed his comforting arm. But before we could really get into it, the elevator doors opened, and the distant sound of chatter and clinking glasses reached us.

  “We’ve gone over this. You’ve got this. And Alec will never be far. He’s your personal security detail tonight.”

  We followed the sounds of people down the plain corridor, then crossed an open foyer area into a stunning, sleek, modern event space that felt as if it were floating above the city.

  Along one entire wall, floor-to-ceiling windows jutted out at an angle, making it feel as if you could just walk right off the edge. The furniture was all sharp angles and shiny surfaces. Candles in geometric holders sat on the bar and on the edge of the stage, where a blonde bombshell sang a slow, sultry tune in front of a small band.

  I was pretty sure I was the only one in the room with a teen on the end of my age. It made me feel even more awkward and self-conscious.

  Tyler placed my hand in the crook of his elbow, like a real gentleman, and led me into the room through the dead center of the double doors. He was making an entrance. I wanted to make sure I looked the part, so I plastered a smile on my face and hoped like hell no one saw the slight twitch in my lip. Alec fell back, blending into the crowd while still staying close.

  Tyler walked up to a man in an expensive suit and turban. He introduced me as his Vital and then spent a few moments in conversation—mostly jus
t pleasantries. I stood there and nodded and hummed a few times before it was time to move away.

  He repeated that process with a handful of other people—all men, most of them middle-aged or older, and each with a beautiful woman on his arm.

  “Can we get a drink?” I blurted out before we could get into another conversation with another boring person.

  “Sure.” Tyler smiled and started to lead the way toward the bar, but halfway there we were intercepted.

  Victor Flint stepped into our path.

  “Miss Maynard.” He nodded and I managed a smile. “Tyler. How’s everything going?”

  “All to plan so far, Victor. You’ll know if there are any issues.”

  “Good.” He flashed us that toothy grin, and I did my best to keep a pleasant, neutral look on my face. I wasn’t sure if it was his no-nonsense, borderline rude way of speaking or the fact that I felt he always had an ulterior motive, but I wanted to get away from him. I had to play my part though—be the good little Vital.

  “Alec.” Victor shifted his gaze to somewhere behind us. “You don’t usually attend these events, do you?”

  Alec’s voice was flat, his face emotionless. “I’m on duty, sir. Protection detail.”

  Victor’s eyes met mine just as Karen joined our group.

  “Evelyn.” She beamed, and I gave her a greeting and a smile much more genuine than the one I’d given Victor.

  “I didn’t know you were going to be here, Karen.” I was beyond happy to see a familiar face.

  “Oh, it was last minute. Lucian wasn’t able to attend, and the other board members asked me to step in. I don’t usually deal with this side of the organization.” She smoothed the front of her blue velvet gown, looking almost as uncertain as I felt.


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