Be Your Savior: The Be Yours Trilogy #2

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Be Your Savior: The Be Yours Trilogy #2 Page 6

by Fox, Lizzie

  I snorted, giving him a brotherly slap in the arm. “I’ll follow you, old man.”

  “Thanks. Talk tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Twenty minutes later, Anthony and Shane were safely back at their home in Independence Point, and for the second time in two months, I carried my drunk fiancée into the house, stripped her down until she was comfortable, and set her in bed.

  I stripped down to boxers myself and slid in beside her, smiling lightly when she rolled over and snuck an arm over my waist before I could even lie all the way down. She sighed quietly as I brushed her wild hair out of her face and back over the pillow. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at me with a lazy smile.

  “Are you feeling okay?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “I am now.” She shifted until her head rested on my lap. I breathed in deeply, feeling an overwhelming tightening of my chest. This time it wasn’t panic or PTSD from a storm causing it… it was absolute love and adoration. I smiled gently at her.

  “You still mad at me?” I questioned cautiously, and she shook her head, a bit exaggeratedly.

  “Nope. Shane and I have it all figured out,” she said, patting my chest and grinning widely.

  “Oh?” I raised an expectant brow at her, and she nodded. “What did you figure out?”

  “If you aren’t going to give it up,” she said, poking me playfully in the chest with each word, and I stifled my laugh at her seriousness, “then I’ll just use Shane’s.”

  I blinked at her, confused. “Shane’s…what?”

  “Baby making stuff.”

  My eyes widened, and I nearly choked. “Say what now? But… Shane is gay. And… you’re engaged.”

  “Oh, I know. That’s what the turkey baster is for,” she said, grinning like it was the best idea in the world.

  I slapped my hand over my face, not sure whether to be disgusted, angry, or amused. Maybe a mix of all three. “Okay, I officially think that Shane is off limits to you.”

  She gave me a light shove. “You can’t do that. You don’t own me… even though you are pretty cute,” she slurred slightly as she reached up and awkwardly stroked the side of my face.

  “You’re right,” I said, clutching her hand in mine. “I can’t do that. But…I don’t think that’s how it works, honey.”

  She sat up suddenly, jerking her arm away and glaring at me. “What else am I supposed to do, huh? Wait around for you until it’s too late?” Immediately, her eyes filled with tears and my heart sank as I reached for her.

  “I just said I needed a little time. Okay?” I pleaded gently. “Can we just get through the wedding and Florida first? I’m already shitting enough bricks over that.”

  She nodded slowly and allowed me to pull her back down into me. “Sorry I’m just… scared.”

  “Of?” I asked, even though I was pretty sure of what as I stroked her hair mindlessly down the bare skin of her back.

  “Being too late.” Her voice was barely over a whisper, and when I gazed down at her, I noticed her eyes were heavy and she seemed to be drifting off.

  “I’m scared too,” I replied gently, but she was already asleep. I shifted until I was completely laying down, not wanting to admit that I was scared for a completely different reason.



  This is why I stopped drinking. The pounding headache and nausea I felt the next day were just…awful.

  “Maybe this will help?” Seth, like the dutiful fiancé he was, sat beside me on the bed the next day and handed me a plate, with a strawberry-cream cheese bagel and a bottle of ginger ale. I reached for the drink first, eager to get that cotton-mouth taste out.

  “Yes, it does,” I said, with an uneasy smile, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty. Especially seeing his gorgeously sexy face looking at me pleadingly. His hazel eyes were concerned, brow knit with worry, and he smiled hesitantly. Normally I’d be instantly turned on feeling him next to me, shirtless, and in only boxer briefs that hugged everything below quite nicely. I reached out and brushed my fingers over his thigh. “I don’t deserve you, I don’t think. This is the second time you’ve had to deal with me drunk.”

  Seth was absentmindedly tonguing his lip piercing when he grinned. “I don’t mind, you’re actually adorable…except for the turkey baster…thing. That I am going to pretend I didn’t hear.”

  I slapped my hand over my face, groaning. “Wow, I told you that? That’s… horrible.”

  He laughed, nodding vigorously. “It was a bit. So… since you feel bad, maybe you can do something for me?”

  Taking a small bite of the bagel to see how it would go down, I looked at him expectantly. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Uh, well…since Quin is going to be taking the next few weeks off from the band for… well you know,” he said, obviously skirting around the word “baby.” “So, Wes is coming down to fill in. Now, Shane can’t stand him—” I snorted and Seth chuckled in agreement, “—yeah. And the Mitchells don’t really have a lot of room, and he doesn’t really want to—”

  “You want to know if he can stay here?” I asked, and he nodded.

  “Do you mind? I know he kinda was a bit… boorish last time you saw him, but I’ll keep him in line. He’ll just be here tonight through Thursday, and then maybe next week again. So we can get in some practice before Saturday.”

  I shrugged. “This is your place too. As long as he doesn’t peep on me or make snide comments or too much noise I don’t care.”

  “Good,” he replied. “I figured he can stay downstairs. That way he doesn’t hear any…you know.” Seth’s flirty wink was obvious, and I chuckled. “Besides, he’s already on his way.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, laughing.

  “I don’t really mind. Just…I’m confused. I thought he was a guitarist?”

  “Well he is. Ian will be drumming for Quin, and Wes will be lead guitar until he comes back,” Seth explained. Then he laughed shortly. “He probably won’t even be here much, I’m sure he’ll find some poor woman and one-night stand her like he usually does.”

  “Just so long as that one-night stand doesn’t come here, I don’t care.”

  “Duly noted,” he said. “Besides, we’re in Minneapolis this week anyhow, he’ll just stay at his place then.”

  “Where you guys going to be playing?” I inquired, taking a long drink of the ginger ale.

  “First Avenue?” He replied, and I nearly choked.

  “No. Really? That’s…impressive, holy crap! All the greatest artists come through there eventually!” I exclaimed. “Just remember us little people when you’re up at the top.”

  “Hey, don’t say that. Where I go, you go too, right?” Seth prompted, and I nodded in agreement. “Besides…honestly I don’t think I want to go that route.”

  “What route?”

  “I like being Indie. I make whatever music I like, work when I want, there’s no contracts, no rules… not to mention that much attention I’m not sure about,” Seth said with a frown.

  I was about to inquire at his sudden surly disposition when his phone rang from the nightstand. He grumbled as he reached for it. “Probably Wes.” He swiped the screen to answer and set it by his ear. “Hello? Yes…this is.” Seth appeared confused for a moment and then suddenly his eyes widened, and mouth dropped. “You—no. How did you—” He placed his hand over the mic and said quietly, “It’s Miles Madison.”

  Now it was my turn to act surprised. Holy shit, I mouthed, and he nodded rapidly. He put a finger to his lips, indicating that I should be quiet, and he hit the speaker phone button while keeping it nearby him so he could be heard easily.

  “So your publicist, Shane Flannery,” we rolled our eyes at that one; Shane would call himself that, “informed us that you will be coming to perform in Florida at the festival? Is that true?”

  “Yeah, it’s true. Thanks for having us, really,” Seth replied. He was shaking gently and I knew he was a little overwhelmed and
trying to be composed.

  “Are you kidding? It’s my honor, man. Which brings me to why I’m calling, I wanted to personally ask you something,” Miles said, and I watched Seth’s eyes get wider. “I’m working on a solo album, and I’ve been finding up and coming artists to perform with me. I’m doing some original work and some covers, and I was hoping I could persuade you, while you’re in town, to record with me.”

  Seth nearly dropped the phone. “Oh shit,” he said, catching it with his other hand, and I giggled.

  “Archer? Everything okay?” Miles inquired.

  “Yeah, everything is fine,” Seth insisted quickly. “The band will be—”

  “—oh sorry for the miscommunication, I meant just you. Is that okay?” He asked. “I know you’re close to those guys, and they’re great but let’s face it. You’re the real force behind them.”

  Seth frowned, scrubbing a hand over his face, giving me a worried look.

  “If you’re worried about them, Shane assured me that the band was fine with you doing this on your own so no worries, man,” Miles continued.

  “I…uh… wow. I don’t know what to say,” Seth said uncertainly, even though I nodded.

  “You should do it,” I mouthed to him and he winced, shrugging.

  “What would be involved?” He asked.

  “Oh just a few days in studio. If there’s time, I’d love to shoot video but…all in all about a week aside from the festival,” Miles said. “How does that sound?”

  My heart sank, and I knew Seth watched me frown.

  “It sounds great, but I actually had other plans around that time,” Seth explained.

  “Plans? Change ‘em up, man! I’d hate for you to miss out; you could be really fucking big, you know that?” Miles insisted, and Seth sighed.

  “Well actually my fiancée and I were planning on getting married while we were down there,” Seth explained hesitantly.

  “Oh really? Well shit man. Are you sure? I mean…single artists sell better than attached ones. It’s all part of the rockstar persona,” Miles said, and now I felt my frown deepen.

  Seth snorted gently. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll never be one of…those artists,” he assured, pressing his mouth into a frown.

  “Well… hell I admire your devotion. Maybe it’ll work in your favor if you start out attached, that way there is no surprise,” Miles said thoughtfully. “Not many people would turn down a chance to work with a respected artist to get married.”

  I rolled my eyes. Good thing he’s not cocky or anything. Seth must have gotten my intent, and he grinned widely.

  “Priorities, man,” Seth replied, with a careful laugh.

  “Well then…here. Where do you live again? Milwaukee?” He asked.

  “It’s about an hour away,” Seth supplied. “We’re closer to a place called Eau Claire.”

  “Ah, I see. Well… here I’ll tell you what. I’ll send over the piece I’d like for you to do with me. There’s two, actually, one is something new, the other is a cover of ‘Dust in the Wind’. Always been a favorite of mine. I’d love to punch it up and give it your edge,” he said. “If you like it, give me a call and when we’re in Milwaukee, we have a three-day break between shows. We can record it then if it all works out. It’d be in…hmm…about a week before the festival? I’ll comp you and your girl’s stay there, all expenses paid.”

  “Wow that…well that’d be great. Thank you,” Seth replied, face flushing. He reached out and grabbed my hand tightly. He still trembled nervously.

  “No problem. I’d hate for you to miss out, really. Especially since I’m just springing this on you,” Miles said. “Actually—where are you getting married? In Florida?”

  “Not sure, Shane was working on it. He had the perfect place he said,” Seth said with a laugh.

  “Right on, right on,” Miles said. “Well. I wish you the best of luck, and I’ll get that sent over. Let me know in say, a week if you like it?”

  “Sure. That’s really great, thank you,” Seth said.

  “Cool. All right, Archer man—it’s good to finally chat. I’ll be in touch.” Before Seth had a chance to respond, he disconnected the call, and Seth sat there, wide eyed and stunned.

  “Baby?” I asked. Reaching forward, I slid my hand over his jawline, my thumb rubbing his cheekbone.

  He gripped my hand, turning to kiss my palm. “I’m fine just…wow.”

  “That’s a pretty big deal. I can’t believe you almost said no,” I said in amazement.

  Seth gave me a look. “Really? I’m not letting shit get between us, honey. If he’s not patient enough to wait then fuck him, I don’t care how many Grammys he has.”

  I felt myself swoon. “Aww…” Suddenly I felt extremely guilty for the…turkey baster joke that wasn’t actually a joke. I jerked him over to me with the arm of the hand he was clutching, until his lips were just a breath from mine, intending to kiss him with all the desire I felt, but thought the better of it when I realized I was still hungover, smelled funny, probably looked awful, and had terrible breath. His lower lip stuck out in an easy pout when I bypassed his mouth and angled in towards his neck.

  “Ouch. Denied,” Seth quipped, and I laughed.

  “Not denied. Postponed. Until I get a shower and some mouthwash,” I said grimacing into his shoulder, nuzzling my cheek against his smooth skin, and sighed. “I’m sorry about last night. I… haven’t been fair about…well…things. You know.”

  “No, you’ve been more than fair,” Seth said, turning until his forehead was bent against mine, and I stared into those dreamy, sultry honey-colored eyes.

  “So, what are you saying?” I inquired, trying to keep all the hope out of my voice.

  “Just…that you’ve been fair. I’m trying to work some stuff out so I can give you what you want, I just need some time. Just a little,” he said softly, and I nodded gently. Basically, it was the same thing he said last night, and the night before… so nothing had changed.

  I wasn’t sure if I had the time to give him, but… the man had volunteered to give up working with a famous artist that could probably turn him into a huge success, so I needed to be patient. I did. Really.

  I just hope my body agreed with me and it wasn’t too late by the time he was ready.

  “I’m…going to go take a shower, finally,” I said, forcing a smile, and I moved to slide groggily out of bed but caught an eyeful of his pleading expression. For what, I didn’t know… I knew he felt bad. I grazed my fingers through his shorter hair and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be back.” He held on to my hand, giving me a pleading puppy-dog look as I walked—reluctantly—away and into the bathroom.

  I cringed upon seeing my rumpled reflection in the mirror. I looked about ten years older, with bags under my bloodshot eyes, blotchy skin, my hair was a rat’s nest and even I was aware I smelled like Vodka. “Good god…” I quickly brushed my teeth to get the rotten booze taste out. How Seth did not vomit upon seeing me, I’d never know.

  After that I stripped off my underwear—I always appreciated how Seth managed to conveniently strip me down mostly naked both times I’d gotten drunk now—and tossed them aside, started the shower, and reveled in how the hot spray washed the stink and the sore muscles away. Didn’t do much for my headache, but that’d have to wait for coffee and ibuprofen later.

  When I was finished washing my hair, I leaned against the cool, sweaty tile for a bit, and just let the water pour over the top of me, hoping it’d wash away my worries.

  You have to get over the baby thing, Jess. You have to. It’s not fair to Seth to be demanding like this…

  …but it’s also not fair to me. But nothing is, that’s just the way it is. Babies aren’t good being born in old bodies…and you’re getting up there, Jess…

  I sighed heavily, trying to push the thoughts away. You still have time…you still have plenty of time… maybe if I kept telling myself this, my body would finally believe me and shut down the obn
oxious noise of my internal, biological clock that just wouldn’t stop.

  I was so consumed with my thoughts I didn’t notice the shower stall open, or the gorgeous, black-haired man step in before he wrapped his arms around my waist, and pressed himself against me.

  “I hoped you wouldn’t mind a little company?” Seth asked, brushing my hair aside, revealing my bare shoulders and neck for him to gently lick a path from my shoulder blade up my neck, kissing the soft spot just under my ear, sending warm shockwaves down my spine.

  “As long as it’s you, I don’t mind,” I replied lowly, my eyes becoming heavy and not just because of the hangover. He let out a little rumbling, devious chuckle and gently nipped at my earlobe.

  “What about Shane with a turkey baster?” He quipped right into my ear. I spun around in his arms, and slapped at his chest.

  “Not funny,” I scolded, narrowing my eyes.

  “No?” He feigned innocence, but his hazel eyes darkened, indicating that he was feeling anything but.

  “Nope,” I said, shaking my head, dragging my fingers down his chest and landing on the gentle ridging of his waist.

  “Well…I’ll have to make it up to you, then.” His normal baritone timbre was even lower now as he slid his hands under my chin, his sexed-up eyes taking in my mouth. He drew my face upward and our lips connected, carefully at first until a hand slid behind my neck, urging me forward and his lips parted for me. I moaned into him, arching my back until there was nothing between us but the slick of the water as it poured down from the shower-head above. He slid his tongue inside, tangling with mine, and I grinned into the kiss when my hand dared to venture south, finding his rock-hard cock completely at attention and ready to go. He broke the kiss only for his head to roll back onto his shoulders and let out a low groan before he pushed me gently, until I backed into the shower wall.

  “Nope. I said I was going to make it up to you. And that’s what I’m gonna do,” Seth said, his teeth dragging over his bottom lip until the piercing caught and held there. I loved when he did that, he knew it, and when I tried to reach for him, he caught my hand in his, placing it on his chest. His heart slammed into his ribcage and my breath caught in my throat, anticipating his next move when he lowered himself to his knees—oh goddammit—his hands dragging down my breasts, kneading quickly before grazing over my stomach, reaching around and tightly gripping my ass.


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