Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11)

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Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11) Page 21

by Amy Sumida

  “Since Darc can breathe underwater, I think I'll just sing and not bother with the potion,” I said to Declan. “We shouldn't be too long.”

  “So, you will call on them to assist?” Zhavage asked as if he wanted to be certain that he'd be meeting a sea faerie.

  “I'm going to invite them to the meeting,” I clarified. “This fight isn't theirs; it doesn't concern their world. But since we have an alliance I'm hoping they'll want to help regardless.”

  “Leave your sea fairies be,” Finshen said with an arrogant wave of his hand. “We have thousands of Lóng warriors. If we cannot defeat Poseidon's army with those numbers, no amount of water fey will help us.”

  Zhavage gave his brother a disgruntled look.

  I lifted my brows and looked at my men for some input.

  “He has a point,” Darc grudgingly admitted, his deep voice washing over me like hot water in a bath; steaming my skin and reminding me that love makes attraction ten times hotter. “Allies are important, but perhaps we should wait until they're truly needed before we call upon them.”

  “I suppose you're right,” I agreed. “I have that Ryū diamond that Emperor Junje gave me as well but, hopefully, he will already be inclined to help his people on Earth.”

  “You have a Ryu diamond?” Verin leaned forward in his seat, his head cocking in disbelief.

  “It was given to me when I sang their god to sleep,” I said stiffly.

  The Dragon Kings shared an impressed look. Verin grunted grudgingly.

  “So, those rumors are true as well,” Finshen murmured.

  “It was much easier to sing an imprisoned god back to sleep than it was to kill a god's uninhabited body,” I admitted.

  “One moment.” Zhavage lifted his hand, palm facing me. “What do you mean; uninhabited? Gargo attacked us; the body was definitely inhabited.”

  I glanced around the table. Everyone there wore the same expression; one of confusion. I hadn't mentioned my conclusions about Gargo to anyone. It just hadn't occurred to me after everything was done and part of me assumed they would have figured it out on their own. Never assume.

  “That wasn't Gargo,” I announced. “Didn't any of you notice how he never used magic? The Gargoyle God has the ultimate power over stone; he could have brought the entire Zone down around our ears while he shielded himself. But he didn't.”

  “I did think that was strange,” Slate murmured, his glinting stare slicing to me.

  “And when he looked at me, there was no recognition in his eyes,” I added. “Gargo hates me passionately. He holds me responsible for the failed attempt to free him. When I was his prisoner, he enjoyed taunting me, telling me what he was going to do to the people I loved before he bled me dry. If he had returned to his body, he would, at the very least, have shown some hint of recognition when he spotted me.”

  “So, all of that was just... what? Muscle reaction?” Banning asked in horror.

  “Something like that,” Darc concluded in wonder. “A god's body is magical, even without magic or a soul inhabiting it. It's a piece of immortality and as such, it functions under different laws than a mortal body. We threatened its existence, and it reacted to save itself. But it did so in primitive ways, without any intelligence guiding it.”

  “If that was merely a god's body defending itself, I'm relieved that we won't have to face Gargo at his full strength,” Cerberus said.

  “You and me both,” Slate muttered.

  “Remember how impossible it was to fight Lucifer when he had Elaria,” Torin said grimly. “And we had Darc on our side. If Elaria hadn't swayed Lucifer, we could have easily lost that battle.”

  “Lucifer,” I murmured.

  Verin narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Why the hell—pun intended—did you have to mention his name?” Declan asked Torin.

  “Who is this Lucifer?” Verin growled, earning a shocked look from the other dragon kings. “Another consort?”

  “You really gonna start that shit again?” Cerberus snarled at Verin.

  Verin ignored Cerberus, and I ignored Verin.

  “It just reminded me of the prophecy, that's all,” I reassured my men.

  “Prophecy?” King Zhavage asked with keen interest. “Dragons love prophecies.”

  “Both my stone and Elaria's have warned us about something wicked rising and coming for Elaria,” Torin explained. “Obviously, that wicked thing is Gargo.”

  “But the stones also foretold that Lucifer would help,” I added. “What was it that Onyx said?” I asked Torin.

  “The Morning Star will shine his light upon the Wicked,” Torin grimaced as he spoke.

  “How poetic,” Zhavage noted with glee.

  Shine his light upon the Wicked, Kyanite repeated meaningfully.

  “His light!” I exclaimed in epiphany. “Maybe that's what will free Poseidon.” Inside my head, I added, Thanks, Ky,

  Anytime, my love.

  What are you thanking him for? RS huffed. He could have simply told you that Lucifer's light is what will free Poseidon. He could have told you ages ago.

  No, I couldn't, Kyanite protested. I relate the prophecy as I'm given it. I have to puzzle through it too.

  “You have the same light, Elaria,” Darc reminded me gently.

  “No. I have light magic, but it's not exactly like Lucifer's,” I denied. “And my magic isn't at its full power.”

  “It's growing,” Darc countered.

  “But far from what it was,” I said firmly.

  “Lucifer's isn't complete either,” Torin reminded me. “Not after you cut out his devil.”

  One of Verin's dark brows rose. All of the Dragon Kings watched us intently.

  “His light is,” I insisted. “The Devil was Luke's evil nature; it's possible that losing him made Lucifer's light stronger.”

  “Strong or not, he still went tumbling ass over teakettle when Gargo lifted the seabed on us,” Cerberus pointed out smugly.

  “Gargo did what?” King Finshen asked.

  “As I mentioned, Gargo has power over stone,” I explained. “He lifted chunks of rock from the ocean floor and tossed them at our army. But that was only a distraction to capture me and several other soldiers. He never intended to stay and fight.”

  “Which leads us to the question; what can he do when he does mean to fight?” Gage asked grimly.

  “In the body he inhabits, he will be limited,” Darc said. “For awhile.”

  “What does that mean?” Cerberus asked.

  “Now that his godly body is dead, his magic will start to alter Poseidon's body,” I whispered in revelation. “Like my magic changed my body into a truly immortal vessel.”

  “Exactly,” Darc declared. “The process will have undoubtedly started the second we killed his original shell. The best we can hope for is that Gargo hasn't realized it or deduced what it means.”

  “And the worst outcome?” King Verin growled.

  “Gargo gains his God immortality, taking Poseidon's body permanently, and attacks us with the full strength of his magic as well as Poseidon's,” Darc answered grimly. “Magic that could level the world and destroy the seas.”

  “Fuck me,” Cerberus muttered.

  “Perhaps you should go and see your faeries, after all, Your Majesty,” Finshen grudgingly admitted.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Darcraxis and I stood on the shores of the Sgàthan Sea in the Alexandrite Kingdom, both of us in our Beneather wet suits. I had a new set of charms around my neck, hung on a gold chain that also held my enchanted stone. I was as ready as I could get to dive into the Fey Sea, but I hesitated. Faenestra's magic had once been imprisoned in the Coral Court, kept in an orb of Darkness within their treasure room. I had stolen it unknowingly, my soul drawn to its other half. That theft had set into motion my reunion with Darcraxis and the release of my Goddess magic. It seemed as if it had been forever since I had sung to the Water Fey and called upon our alliance for the first time. Perhaps because s
o much had happened since then.

  “What is it?” Darc asked softly.

  Sunlight gleamed in his raven hair, casting shadows over a face literally formed by the hand of God. My heart shivered just to see him looking at me like that; with love warming his deep-sea eyes. And that jawline; I could stare at it forever, letting it lead me to his sexy lips. Lips that I suddenly wanted to kiss. Images of pressing my naked body against Darc's exploded in my mind. Him beneath me, the curves of his muscles pushing aggressively into my giving body. Those strong hand gripping me, pulling me down on his hard length. The thrusting and... Holy fuck!

  What the hell was happening to me? Not that I didn't fantasize about my husband, but that had been abrupt and graphic. Maybe I wasn't going crazy. Maybe I just needed a vacation. I was so stressed that my brain kept resorting to sex as an outlet! That had to be it. Relief flooded me as my behavior began to make sense. Who needs a therapist? All you have to do is know yourself, right?

  “My fire?” Darc's expression dipped into panic.

  “I'm fine.” I smiled brilliantly at him. Damn, it was good to know that there was nothing wrong with me. I wasn't a sex-crazed lunatic, only a stressed spellsinger. “It just occurred to me that we might not be welcome at the Coral Court. After all we did, I don't know how the Water Fey feel about us.”

  “At least we never attacked them,” he offered with a small smile. “And we gave them the power of telepathy, my fire. They'll be able to see into our minds if we allow it. They'll read our good intentions there.”


  You won't know until you try, RS said in a sassy tone.

  I hate to say this, but she's right, my love, Kyanite added.

  Well, of course, I'll try, I huffed at them. We're already here, I'm not about to turn around and leave just because I'm uncertain. I was just expressing my unease.

  Then get on with it, RS dared me.

  Her tone struck me as odd, and another option suddenly occurred to me; an explanation for my strange behavior.

  R... S..., I drew out the name, do you happen to know why I'm feeling so... randy lately?


  “El?” Darc started to look worried again.

  “Give me a minute, sweetheart,” I said to Darc. “I'm having a discussion with the voices in my head.”

  Darc chuckled and nodded. “Take your time, my fire.”

  RS! Ky snapped. Have you done something to Elaria?

  I plead the fifth.

  You can't plead the fifth, I growled. I am the law in my mind. Now, answer me.

  Your power is growing and so is Darc's, she said petulantly.

  And? I prompted.

  And that means that I grow with you. When I grow...

  Fuck me, I whispered, even though I was speaking in my mind and only two other entities could hear me.

  Yes, exactly! She brightened. We need more men to fuck you!

  No, we do not! Kyanite roared.

  What he said, I added. I won't do it, RS. I promised them that they were it for me. I don't even want... I trailed off as my stomach clenched and shivers spread inside my chest.

  I did want more, but was that really me or had the Rooster Spell been manipulating my desire again? Memories rolled through my mind; the way I responded to Lucifer despite knowing that I didn't want him. He'd been getting further with me lately, seeping past barriers that I'd thought were infallible. Then there was Rath; I've always appreciated his beauty but it's never affected me as it had on that beach when I saw him standing beside Lucifer. And last but not least were all of my insane reactions to Verin. He obviously didn't like me, and I didn't like him. Still, there were moments when I caught him staring at me with raw desire, and I know I returned his looks. It was a lot like things had been between Slate and me; back when RS had nudged us together. And by nudge, I mean; magically manipulated.

  It's already begun, RS added smugly. You can't stop love.

  You can, and you will! You will stop it right now, RS! I screeched. I won't be able to trust anything I feel if you keep fucking with me.

  I'm just giving you a little push; upping your attraction to men who you already like, she huffed. You need to prepare yourself, Elaria. I don't know how long we can sustain ourselves with two God magics rising.

  Why does Darc's magic even matter to you? I snarled.

  Because we're joined, she snapped. Every time I unite all of you, I touch Darc's magic on an intimate level, and it affects me.

  I went still. All of those times we had united to protect ourselves, we'd actually been doing the opposite.

  It's not damaging, RS grumbled. We're becoming stronger, El. That's a good thing.

  Not if she must find another man to love! Love such as she deserves is not easy to come by! Kyanite shouted. You will cease your manipulations, foul succubus!

  RS snorted. Really? Succubus? You've been watching too much TV.

  He's right, RS, I said firmly. I can't take more lovers; it will hurt the men I already love, and I refuse to do that.

  Then we will die, RS whispered.

  Not if you stay as you are, I argued.

  And how will I do that? Are you going to find a way to suppress your magic again? She scoffed.

  I didn't say anything.

  Elaria, you can't! RS screeched.

  I will do whatever I have to do to protect my family, I vowed. Even if it means giving up my magic. I've given it up for them before, I can do it again.

  That's insane! RS argued. You'd run the risk of killing me and destroying the bond you have with the very men you want to protect so badly. Have you considered that?

  Shivers coasted over my skin.

  My love, we will find a way, Kyanite said gently. For now, try not to unite with them.

  We're about to go to war, I said bleakly.

  If you must, do so, but only if it's absolutely necessary, he implored.

  I have to tell them, I said.

  Wait awhile, Kyanite urged. If you tell them now, they'll be distracted during the war.

  You're right. Okay, I'll wait till the war is over.

  You're both being silly, RS whined. El should be picking a new man as soon as possible to ensure that we have as much power as we can get for the war.



  Shut the fuck up and stop fucking with me or I swear that I will use my growing Goddess magic to rid myself of you, no matter the cost.

  RS was silent for ten seconds. Then she whispered, Okay, El, whatever you want.

  “Okay, we're done,” I said brightly to Darc.

  He frowned at me a little. “You are certain that everything is all right, my fire?”

  “Beyond going to war with a god who has possessed my great-grandfather? Sure, everything's fine.”

  Darc pulled me into an embrace and kissed my forehead. “We will endure; I promise you. No one will hurt our family.”

  “I love you, Darcraxis,” I whispered and snuggled in against his broad chest. “More than all the magic in all the Realms.”

  Darc went still then eased back enough to look into my eyes. “As I do you. I'd strip every ounce of magic from my soul for you, my fire.”

  I smiled, serenity pouring into me as his words met their twins in my heart. When you hold love higher than everything else, even if your world crumbles, your love will still survive.

  “I'm glad we're on the same page.” I kissed his cheek.

  Darc grinned. “Ready to go swimming?”


  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The gentle chords of Emeli Sandé's “Breathing Underwater” rose in the air around us. I rolled right into the lyrics, staring at Darcraxis as I sang. The song was about conquering all the fears of life; things like loneliness, self-doubt, and dependence. It's about finding strength in the journey and feeling the joy of standing on your own. The freedom of it. We all have our fears and our battles to fight, and I had fought so many to be standing there on that sh
ore beside that man. We both had. Now, we stood on the cusp of yet another battle, and we would face this one as we had all the others; together.

  Magic shivered over me, rising up my throat and then sweeping back to cover me and sink into my skin. Air started to thin in my lungs as if I stood on an icy mountaintop. I gasped, and Darc's eyes widened. I held up a hand to let him know I was fine then dove into the water. As soon as the water covered me, I forced myself—against the protest of my mind that insisted we should not be breathing water—to let the water into my lungs. As it entered my throat, my body relaxed. I breathed in and the saltwater filled me like a breath of fresh air. Darc swam up beside me and took my hand with a relieved smile. I nodded to him and then projected my voice into the sea to summon Tell.


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