Unexpected Truth

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Unexpected Truth Page 5

by Cecilia Fyre

  Shame that he hadn’t been prepared enough for the two of them.


  At long last Lea had managed to come to Canada. The snowstorm had raged all weekend, but by mid-week New York had settled down to more manageable winter weather. Flights had resumed, and it was business as usual at the hospital and for Ricco.

  Fortunately, Lea had had two weekends booked off in a row, and on Friday morning she’d set off to the airport. She was determined that they would enjoy their weekend, but she also wanted to discuss the big issue they were facing and she seemed unable to address.

  But that first night they just fell into bed, exhausted. Ricco’s meetings had overrun again, and once they were both home, all they wanted was dinner and an early night.

  Lea in particular was exhausted. She didn’t understand how Ricco did so much traveling all the time. The flight from Newark to Ottawa International Airport was really very short, and Ricco had insisted she fly business class, at his expense. It had been the most comfortable she’d ever been on a plane, yet Lea still felt hollowed out afterward. Maybe it had something to do with her present condition. Staying in for the night and snuggling up in front of the fireplace had been heaven.

  Ricco hadn’t fully recovered yet from the migraine attack. He’d given himself only seventy-two hours at her place before swinging into action again. Had the blizzard not brought the entire city to a standstill, he wouldn’t even have stayed that long.

  The pain was gone, but three days spent in show meetings had done nothing for the tired, pale look he seemed unable to shake. Hopefully this weekend would help him relax. He wanted to take her out on the bike, and Lea had agreed, ignoring the nerves.

  They spent the next morning out of doors, cruising around the neighborhood so Lea could get a feel for the place, and get used to being on the back of a bike. The beauty of the landscape made her leg cramps almost worth it.

  “You okay babe?” Ricco gave her a hand so she could get off the Harley.

  Lea swung her leg over the seat of the bike, staggering a little but then finding her balance. “Sure,” she said. “Just finding my sea legs.” She pulled her helmet off with a sigh of relief. Hopefully, riding with Ricco would soon be second nature, but right now she was glad to have both feet back on solid ground.

  “Hello stranger,” a man called from inside an SUV parked on the curb. With a huge grin he climbed from the vehicle.

  Ricco clambered from the bike and put the kickstand down. When he pulled his helmet off he was grinning. “Danny!” He caught the other man in a bear hug. “I had no idea you were back! Why’re you not in England?”

  “Susan and the kids finally came over for the big Canada adventure. You said on the phone you were coming up this weekend, so I thought I’d surprise you.”

  “I hope you haven’t waited out here long,” Ricco said. “We were out riding. I wanted to show Lea the place.”

  “Nah, I just got here five minutes ago. I was about to leave a message on your machine since nobody was answering the door.”

  “Well, here we are.” Ricco turned around. “Danny, this is Lea. Lea, Daniel Burke. He’s the star on Hell Riders.”

  Daniel scoffed. He shook Lea’s hand. She recognized him from the episodes she’d watched. He was even better looking in person. Tall and dark-haired, with kind blue eyes framed by laugh lines, he had shaved off the beard he sported on the show. Ricco had spoken highly of him, and she was curious to get to know him.

  “We both know who the star is, mate,” Daniel said. “Nice to meet you, Lea. Ricco’s mentioned you. You moved to the States from London, right?”

  “Yes. I lived in Clapham for eight years.”

  Ricco glanced around. "Let's go inside, guys before anyone sees us."

  Daniel threw Ricco a concerned look. “Have things calmed down since the knife thing at that convention?”

  “Yeah,” Ricco said absently, fiddling with the gate. “Let’s leave the bike. I’ll get it later.” They filed into the house. “Got time for a coffee?” Ricco asked Daniel.

  “Sure,” Daniel said. “Make mine an Americano, with just a splash of milk.”

  “Lea, latte with two shots?”

  “Yes please,” Lea said. Ricco squeezed her arm and headed for the kitchen. Lea led the way into the living room.

  “It’s a nice house.” Daniel surveyed the room. “I haven’t been here since he moved the furniture in. It’s a lot bigger than the old house. Ricco said he told you what happened at his old house?”

  Lea nodded. “He sent me the police report. It sounded scary.”

  Daniel moved to the patio doors. “This place is a lot more secure.” He indicated the fence that enclosed the entire property.” He gave her a smile. “Thank you for convincing him to get help for the trauma. He was in a bad way.”

  Lea was relieved to meet a friend of Ricco’s who seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. “I just hope it’ll work. He’s not told me much about what he and the therapist are doing.”

  “Talking about the shrink you found to fix my crazy head?” Ricco carried a tray with three mugs. He didn’t look like he minded Lea discussing the therapy. If only he’d tell her about it as readily.

  “I only said I hope it’s working.” She took a closer look at him. “Hey, are you okay? You’re really pale.”

  He shrugged and sat on the sofa. “I took a couple of pills. I’m pretty sure I caught it before it got going. And I promise not to puke on the carpet.”

  Daniel chuckled, and Lea rolled her eyes. If he could still joke he’d be okay. But it worried her that he hadn’t managed to shake the migraine entirely since the previous weekend.

  “How’s England?” Ricco asked Daniel. "Susan and the kids went home already?"

  “They have,” Daniel said. “I’m not in a hurry, though. Apparently it’s been raining buckets.”

  Lea laughed. “Oh, that I don’t miss at all.”

  Daniel grinned at her. “So you’re an A&E doctor? Where did you work in London?”

  “Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital,” Lea said. “And I did research at King’s.”

  “She’s clever, is my doc.” Ricco put his hand over Lea’s. She smiled at him. It still gave her butterflies every time he regarded her with that look full of affection.

  “I’m very glad fate has brought you over here,” Daniel said. His gaze was on Ricco, and the affection in it was the same Lea had seen on Jon’s face. Ricco was lucky to have such good friends.

  “You got no idea, man,” Ricco said quietly.

  “Oh, but I think I do.” Daniel gave Lea a wink, but then his expression turned serious again. He sipped coffee in silence, his gaze still on Ricco.

  Lea considered both men. Ricco was more relaxed around Daniel than she’d ever seen him. This was what they needed more of. Plenty of rest, time with friends, fresh air, and a chance to be with each other. Lea was determined to make sure it lasted as long as possible.

  That night, she was determined to tell him. Having Daniel around was like a tonic for Ricco. They ordered pizza and drank wine, Lea sticking with one glass of red. After hours of chatting and laughter, Daniel insisted that he had to go home. “I’ve got things to do and people to see,” he said as he kissed Lea on the cheek and hugged Ricco. “And if I let you talk me into staying the night none of it will happen.” But Lea had an inkling that he didn’t want to encroach on their time together.

  It hardly mattered. Ricco had barely closed the door behind Daniel when Ciaran called. Ricco took the call into the den while Lea carried the pizza boxes through to the kitchen.

  “Ciaran asks if he can come tomorrow,” Ricco said when she returned. He was still holding the phone and looked uncertain.

  “Course he can, why not?”

  “You sure?” he mouthed, covering the phone.

  “Yes, very sure!”

  Ricco beamed. When he’d finished the call, he came over to give Lea a big kiss. “You’re the best,” he said. “I was wo
rried you might be reluctant to have him interrupt our weekend.” He went around the room collecting glasses and the leftover napkins.

  “Not at all!” Lea insisted. “I’m looking forward to meeting your son.” She brought the last few used dishes and they went into the kitchen.

  “I hope he’ll behave,” Ricco said as he loaded the dishwasher. “Ciaran can be a pest.”

  “He’s a teenager, he’s allowed,” Lea said. Ricco still looked doubtful so she went to give him another kiss. “It’ll be fun.”

  She really was happy for Ciaran to join them. It didn’t seem like father and son spent much time together. And Lea was curious about the kid.

  But it meant that the talk she’d planned would have to be postponed. Ricco couldn’t deal with that and then focus on his son for several days. It wasn’t like she was bringing him happy news. They would have to make a potentially difficult decision together.

  If she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t sorry to postpone the big revelation. She would’ve never thought that just talking could be so hard. Lea pushed the thought aside. The right time would come soon.

  It was midnight when they got to bed. For a change Lea wasn't tired. Her body had decided to want to sleep on an entirely new schedule. She lay awake while Ricco soon slept heavily.

  So many changes in such a short time. Being with Ricco wasn't always easy, but she found that she really cared for him. And she was curious about his life and keen to find out more.

  If only that unwanted pregnancy hadn’t happened. She’d be so happy.


  “Morning, doc. How did you sleep?”

  Lea had barely cracked an eye. Mornings never were here thing, and right now waking up was a veritable battle. She was about to growl at Ricco to leave her alone, but when she saw his smiling, excited face she couldn’t help but give a little grin back.

  Ricco wasn’t usually a morning person either. He could make a passable go at it when he had to, provided there was coffee waiting. Lea glanced past him. Two steaming mugs stood on the bedside table. She sat up, stretching.

  “You’re chipper this morning.” She yawned.

  “I slept so well,” he said. “Totally dope feeling, not being tired.”

  “Good for you.” She leaned against the headboard next to Ricco, giving him a sideways look. “Are we just going to sit here, grinning at each other?”

  Ricco placed a flat box in Lea’s hands. She raised an eyebrow. He looked back with a slight frown. She didn’t want him to be anxious, but she hadn’t expected more presents. “What’s this?”

  “A gift.”

  “I gathered that,” she said. “What I mean is, what is it for? It’s not my birthday.”

  “But that was recently, right?”

  She shrugged. “It was just before we met.”

  “It’s to say thank you, actually.”

  She blushed. “There’s really no need—”

  “Just open it,” he said. “Make me happy?”

  Lea sighed. How could she argue with that? She pulled on the satin band.

  Inside the box was a necklace. It was beautiful. The word Love in delicate rose gold letters, studded with tiny stones, hung from a chain. Such an unusual pendant and it looked expensive.

  “Oh, Ricco, this is beautiful, but it’s too much!”

  “You like it?” He looked relieved. “You’re not just saying that?”

  “I do like it, how could I not?” Lea couldn’t be cross with him, he looked so happy. And it touched her deep inside that he’d given her a necklace that spelled Love.

  So it hadn't been the pain talking when he'd told her he loved her. She wouldn't have needed such expensive proof but seeing him happy that she liked his gift felt almost worth the price of some expensive jewelry.

  Lea fastened the chain around her neck. For a second the tiny letters were cold against her skin. She leaned forward, then hesitated.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I want to say thank you properly, but…” She lowered her voice. “We haven’t brush our teeth.”

  Ricco snorted. He grabbed her and flipped her onto her back. With his health often so precarious Lea had forgotten how strong he was when he was well. He pinned her hands on the pillow and leaned over her. “Baby girl, you’re mine now,” he growled. “I don’t give a fuck about morning breath.”

  He leaned down and kissed her long and deep, and his erection pressed into her side. Lea gave herself over to her passion. It looked like they would spend the morning in bed, and for once neither of them was sick or asleep.

  He wanted to make her feel good, make her sigh and writhe under his hands. He loved making people happy. And his doc was the most important person in his life. He’d do anything to satisfy her.

  But she wasn’t having it. When he tried to put his hand inside her panties she pulled back. “Just you this time,” she said. “You gave me a present, now I’ll give one to you.”

  She sat up and pushed him into the pillows. He trusted her. She was always so careful and gentle. He wanted her to do with him whatever she liked.

  She straddled him, and her gaze found his. She bore down, making small movements with her hips. Through two layers of fabric, the friction nearly made him come.

  She noticed and shimmied down, her hands gliding along his side, finally pushing up under his T-shirt, fingertips dancing along his ribs, and playing with the fuzz on his belly.

  Then those gentle, expert fingers moved down, cupping and stroking him through his boxer shorts.

  What was the matter with him? He’d had a lot of lovers; hands on his dick, even when they knew what they were doing, shouldn’t make him lose it. But when she slid her hands past his waistband, and tugged on his balls, a moan escaped him.

  He missed the moment when she freed him from the boxer shorts. Skin on skin brought him back to himself. She crouched next to his hips, and her gaze met his. Her eyes sparkled sapphire blue, and she smiled that smile that made his heart beat faster.

  “Lie back and relax,” she whispered.

  He did as told. The world ceased to exist when her mouth closed around him.

  He’d always wondered how girls knew how to do this. They had no idea what it felt like when a hot mouth closed around a throbbing dick. The truth was, most of them weren’t all that good at it. Maybe it was the same as for men. He’d given head many times, and he was pretty good at it now, even if he said so himself.

  However Lea had learned it, she was damn good, too. She knew just how hard to suck, where to lick, and where to nip with carefully placed teeth. The first time he gave a shudder, and she stopped. He cracked open one eye and gave a nod. With a triumphant grin, she returned to her task.

  Her perfect, certain hands which made him feel so safe also kept busy. She tugged his balls again until he trembled. And she managed to draw out the pleasure without being a tease. When he started to shake in earnest, no longer able to suppress moans of pleasure, the index finger of her free hand – he’d lost the sense of right and left, up and down a while ago, all he knew was that it felt so, so good – wandered between his buttocks and entered him.

  His back arched up as she pushed in further. It would be only seconds now before he came.

  He loved her, he really did. But there were some things he wasn’t ready for. He gently stopped her with a hand in her hair. “Don’t swallow.”

  She looked like she might argue, but something on his face must’ve convinced her that he had meant it. She nodded and pushed him back down.

  He tried to relax. Letting her make him feel good wasn’t easy. He didn’t like that it was all just about him.

  But he resisted the urge to stop her again. She wanted this, there was no doubt. This clever, independent, generous, and beautiful woman wanted to be with him just as he was, not as people wanted him to be. It was a great feeling.

  The finger in his ass crooked sharply and he gasped. Women didn’t usually know about this. He hadn’t told h
er that he’d slept with men as well as women, but maybe she’d read the rumors online. He couldn’t consider it now, because he was coming in hot, hard spurts.

  She sat up and held his erection as he rode the wave. When the climax began to abate he opened his eyes and focused on her.

  “There,” she said, smiling. “I hope you enjoyed that.”

  They lingered over breakfast – Danish, cereal, scrambled eggs, fruit, and freshly squeezed orange juice – enjoying each other's company. They flicked through the paper, but mostly they chatted, grinning at each other now and then with contentment.

  “Ciaran’s arriving at noon?” Lea asked when they’d finished. “Are we fetching him from the airport?”

  “I said I’ll meet him with the bike,” Ricco said. "When he used to come up here more he loved going for rides." He sounded wistful, and wouldn't meet Lea's eye. She took his hand and stroked his fingers briefly. He finally looked up and gave her a grateful smile. "Right, I better get going. It's an hour's drive, what with the weekend traffic. We get a lot of day-trippers around here."

  When he’d gone, Lea tidied away the breakfast things and then lazed around the house. She wasn’t good at doing nothing, but there was nothing to do. The house was still so new, and Ricco was a tidy guy. And a cleaning lady came twice a week.

  She considered a nap, but if she kept falling asleep in the middle of the day Ricco was bound to get suspicious. Maybe she could tell him about the baby tonight. After a nice day with his son he might be in the right mood. Bolstered by the thought, she got her research papers. They might help take her mind off things.

  When Ciaran and Ricco came back, they made lunch together. Apparently that was a father and son ritual too. The two guys were good in the kitchen, and the veggie and pasta bake they prepared was delicious.


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