Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 26

by Dakota Willink

  “Seems like your pussy remembers what I did to it.”

  “Fuck you,” she spat out and I gripped her chin, forcing her lips to mine.

  "I fucked you every night. I ran my tongue down this very twat and I reveled in the sound of your needy whimpers. You have no idea how good it sounded when you came in my mouth."

  Slowly I slipped the tip of the gun into her entrance, her lips quivering against mine. “Your body knows who it belongs to. That needy pussy craves me, even if you don’t.”

  She cried out as I began to fuck her along the barrel of the gun. The hard steel sliding smoothly in and out of her depths. I brushed my thumb against that hard pebble and she arched her back, her tits protruding sexily as they shook from fear and need.

  “You get off on being my whore, don’t you?”

  "Ohhh," she bit her lip as I continued to fuck her with the steel rod. Her hips tilted up and when she looked at me, anger shown in her eyes, anger, and traces of a lust so overwhelming it took me off guard.

  I flicked her clit once again, and her lips parted in a guttural, strangled breath. “You want to cum on my gun, don’t you? You like the feel of the cold steel in that tight little pussy.” I twisted the gun slightly and she whimpered. “I wonder what would happen if I pulled the trigger?”

  Her legs spread wider and I was amazed by her reaction. Leaning forward I captured her lips, trailing my tongue against her lower lip as I flicked her clit. Those damn whimpers poured out of her as the pleasure began to heighten.

  “I bet this pretty pussy would explode so good against my trigger.”

  “Ohhhh,” she moaned as I suckled on her breast.

  “Yes, sweet Rose. Cum for me. Cum all over my gun.”

  That's when I cocked it and her eyes widened, meeting my own. I wondered how beautiful she'd look if a bullet ricocheted inside of her. Her head falling back, her eyes falling closed as her life was taken while her orgasm lifted her. I waited for a second, watching the way her hips moved, riding her pussy back and forth on the hot steel barrel, and when my eyes met hers, I pulled the trigger.

  She screamed, her body squirming, the ropes ripping into her skin as the orgasm swept through her. A powerful pleasurable agony that made her sob in torment. Her pussy was probably tightening and squeezing along the stiff steel as she continued to ride it. Slowly, she came down out of her haze as I slid the long barrel out of her cunt. Holding it up, I smirked. It was covered in her cream, and she stared at me as I ran my tongue along the base of it.

  She was shaking so hard I was afraid she was going to go into shock, but in the end, I'd gotten what I wanted. Just one step closer to breaking her.

  I eventually needed to decide what I was going to with her. And the more I dug into that sensitive heart of hers, the more profound her demons arose, and the more obsessed I became.

  I lifted the barrel to her lips, coating them in her juices. “See, Rose. you’re not any better than I am. You’re just as twisted, maybe even more so. And do you know why?”

  She tried turning her head away but I held it in place, forcing her to look at me. “Because this monster you fear so much, excites you. Next time I have to pull that trigger on you, rest assured there will be a bullet.”

  I left her there, sobbing in the dark. There would be no escape for my pretty Rose because no escape existed for me. She'd taken my freedom and she now held it in the palm of her hands.

  I made my way towards the back room, opening my laptop an encrypted message popped up. I knew it was one of my contacts trying to reach me, so I quickly secured my location and opened the email.

  There’s a contract out for your head and that of the girl’s.

  I suggest you start making your move. It won’t be long before they reach you.

  There isn't just one button man, there are several eyes on you both.

  The crows are ready to strike if you don’t move out soon.

  I cursed, slamming the laptop closed. When a signal was placed out for a hired gunman, that meant there was an open contract and who knows what status and millions of dollars were at play to catch someone at my level of executions. And then there was the mark, Rose Blackthorne, she alone was worth ten million when I was given the contract. At this point, she was probably worth triple that amount.

  My contact was a trusted man who owed me a life debt. He was my eyes and ears when it came to the contracts, and when he chanced a message, encrypted or not, that meant I only had a window of opportunity to get out.

  I knew the only way to survive this was to kill Rose Blackthorne, but that was no longer an option. If they were going to go against me, then I was going to make sure that not one of them lived to tell their story.



  I awoke in a cold sweat, my arms hurt, my core aching from the abuse that it had gone through earlier that day. My eyes searched the room and they narrowed in on a dark form that sat in the corner of the bedroom.

  The lamp suddenly flipped on and he sat there, watching me. His dark eyes assessing m.

  “What are you doing in here?” My voice croaked out, dry and sore.

  “We have to go.”


  He nodded, his eyes still on me. “Where are we going?”

  “I’m still deciding that. I’m still trying to figure out why I don’t just kill you and get this shit over with.”

  I sat there quietly, afraid to instigate him even more. But tonight he wasn’t angry, he seemed confused.

  “Are you worth dying for, Rose Blackthorne?”

  He stood up and walked towards me. He swept a hand beneath my hair, tugging on it roughly, lifting my mouth to his. “Answer me.”

  “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “Funny. Neither do I.”

  He released me, my head falling back. His touch always held me captive, and it took me a second to gain my composure again. “If you let me go, I could run far away. No one would know. I could just disappear.”

  “You think it’s that easy? What would you say if I told you I didn’t want to let you go?”

  “I’d say you were crazy.”

  "Well, there's no doubting that."

  He suddenly leaned forward and untied the ropes, my arms falling limp at my sides. A slight groan escaped my lips as the pain ricocheted down to the tips of my fingers.

  “Don’t move.”

  I slowly got up, my body feeling as if a truck had hit it. From the twisting and the awkward way I’d been positioned, my wrists held red welts that permeated my skin. My knees held bruises from when I’d fallen and fought him, and there was that dull ache in my core where it was a cross between pain and a slight pressure that could almost be considered pleasure.

  When he came back into the room, he simply stood at the entrance staring at me. A wrinkle appeared on his brow while his eyes were trained on me. He was a large man, broad-shouldered, defined muscles that bulged against the thin material of his shirt. He had a tapered waist, but thick muscular thighs and a long frame. I sat there, really looking at the man who had held me captive for this long, and I realized that in any other circumstance, I'd be completely and utterly head over heels with someone like him.

  “Stop,” he ordered, as his eyes narrowed on mine.

  “I’m not doing anything.”

  “You’re scrutinizing me.”

  "Because you haven't done that to me, before?" Sarcasm dripped from my voice and I could tell it bothered him when I answer back.

  “I was doing my job.”

  “I didn’t realize rape was part of your duties. So, is that your thing? Fuck ‘em and kill ‘em.”

  I was the angry one now. He’d lied, and I felt tainted in his presence. I wanted to hurt him just as much as he’d hurt me. His black eyes met mine, that familiar intensity coursing through them as he slowly walked towards me. I backed up onto the bed as he leaned over me. I hated that he could control me in that way, my body involuntarily wanting his touch.

  I closed my eyes and felt his hot breath on my lips. I was expecting a blow, but what I received was more powerful. “I hate what they did to you. You don’t deserve this.”

  My eyes flew open, shock from his words reflected in them. “You were also a part of this. You did this to me.”

  “Believe it or not, I’m keeping you alive.”

  “What for? Are you saving me for later?”

  He gripped the side of my neck, gently sliding his thumb up and down my esophagus. “It’s so easy to kill, especially a delicate flower like yourself. All I would need to do is place a little pressure, right here,” his thumb pressed down at the indent at the base of my throat. “Cut the oxygen off and the body begins to jerk in desperation. It would take only seconds.”

  I swallowed hard, fear crawling up my spine from his menacing tone. The penetrating look in the depths of his eyes told me just how serious he was. I’d noticed that darkness in their depths before, only this time there were traces of something I couldn’t pinpoint. There was doubt, or maybe I was confusing it with something more. He growled, knowing what I was searching for, and he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me toward him. His face inches from mine.

  “If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you when I first laid eyes on you. Instead, I took sympathy on you, tasted you, I gave you pleasure, and I decided to keep you. Remember that. Your life is in my hands.”

  He released me, turning towards the doorway. The words slipped out of my mouth as I remembered what he’d said before. I was a burden, and he’d lost something because of me.

  "You may have my life, but I took your freedom. So, you might as well kill me because I will never give it back."

  His hands fisted at his sides and the tension running across his broad back. The silence was heavy, and I held my breath expecting the worst. But he didn’t say anything. Instead, he left me with my fear and my afflictions.

  We were sitting across from each other, eating dinner when he finally broke the silence.

  “Pack what you can, and make sure it’s warm.”

  I slowly lowered my spoon. “Why?”

  “Because I said so.”

  “That’s not a reason.”

  “You don’t need one, you just need to do what I tell you to do.”

  “And what if I don’t want to?”

  “Don’t make this harder than it’s already been,” he stated, staring down at the hot bowl of soup that sat untouched on the table in front of him. “We just need to move.”

  I followed his trail of vision which was now focused on the window behind him. The lake glimmered under the moon’s light. “We’ll leave tomorrow night. We can steal one of the boats out there. We’ll make it out of here by sunrise.”

  I kept quiet as I slurped on the hot soup. I needed to find a way to leave before he could take me any further away, to God knows where.

  I glanced over at the counter. I noticed he’d gotten rid of any sharp objects, preventing me from being able to pick any other locks. My only option was to wait until late tonight.

  After a few minutes, he gathered the plates and went into the kitchen. I sat there, quietly contemplating where the fuck I was going to go. I could easily go back into town and grab a bus towards my mother, but I didn't want her located. This was my problem and the last thing I wanted was for her life to be in danger.

  I heard him shuffling, opening cupboards and slamming doors, and then I felt his presence at my back. That intensity always crashing into me in waves. Looking up, I could see his reflection through the window, and his eyes slowly raised, meeting my own. A shudder ran through me as I remembered my dreams and the sounds I’d uttered while he feasted on me. I took those feelings of lust and unwanted desire and shoved them way deep down. He was evil. He was the monster I needed to run from. He was not someone I could trust. But as I stared back into his black eyes, I couldn’t shake the strong sensation that maybe that’s just what he needed someone to trust and believe in him.

  “Let’s go.”

  I did as he asked without hesitation. I didn’t want to argue or make it seem like I wouldn’t cooperate. I didn’t want to be tied up again. As I entered the bedroom, he grabbed me by the elbow and whirled me around. I gasped as his grip tightened on me, his chest barreling me against him.

  “Remember what I told you, Rose. If you leave, I will have no choice but to kill you.”

  His lips hovered over mine, and once again I felt ensnared. It was an odd feeling of need and fear that raised goosebumps beneath his fingertips. He frowned at me, and quickly walked off, leaving me alone once again.

  I sat at the edge of the bed and turned off the lamp. Now, all I needed to do was wait. Wait for the house to get quiet. Wait for him to fall asleep. And when the time was right, I was going to go find a way to escape.



  My eyes shot open as soon as the sound of the floorboard creaked. I leveled my breath, waiting for that second floorboard, the one notifying me that she’d entered my bedroom. I’d always been a light sleeper, my instincts kept me always on alert. With Rose in such close quarters, my whole body was aware of her.

  Sure enough, the door creaked quietly as she entered, and taking that one small step, that second floorboard creaked. I kept as still as possible, waiting to see what she'd do. How I wished she'd come into my bed and beg me to fuck her, but that was just a delusional dream. She would never come willingly, which is why I needed to take forcefully.

  Another couple steps and I could sense she was headed towards my bedroom door. To do that she'd have to walk right in front of me. My eyes remained shut as I felt her sweep past me. I had the urge to grab her, but I figured I'd give her a head start. As she neared the door, my eyes flew open and I stared at her petite frame. She stopped for a moment, almost hesitant, and when she glanced back I was already half off the bed.

  Her scream was full of fear, as she tore the door open, running out into the hallway. I ran out after her, my anger fueling me. I grabbed at her in the darkness, tugging on her hoodie but she was quick, pulling out of it. She headed towards the living room and I grabbed her by the waist. She raised herself, kicking and cursing as she tried to get out of my hold. I had to admit, it took courage to try to go against me, and she didn't think twice about it.

  I grunted as her teeth sank into my forearm and I dropped her for an instant, only to lunge at her again, this time taking us both down. I reacted quickly, leaping up and gripping her hair, dragging her back towards the bedroom. She tried squirming free, her nails scratching along the wood as I hauled her down the hallway.

  “No!” She cried out as I grabbed her, lifting her and throwing her onto my bed. She tried crawling off, but getting a tight hold on her ankle, I brought her back down. She fought me, screaming and scratching at me. She managed to push me off her, but I once again secured her, wrapping my arms around her, we struggled as I got her back down to the floor. Climbing over her, I slammed her wrists down onto the floorboards, her tits straining against her tank top. My eyes taking in her rosy cheeks and the fight in her eyes. I gripped her thighs open with my knees and placed my full weight on her. Leaning forward, I looked into those turbulent blue hues.


  She stopped for a second before her eyes widened. I shifted so she could feel my hardness on her. “I’m not letting you go tonight, so fight me, Rose. Fight, my sweet, Rose.”

  I licked at her lips, and she screamed while squirming beneath me. My cock throbbing as she lifted her hips, tears falling from her eyes.

  “Yes, Baby Girl. Yes,” I growled as I yanked her tank top off, her nails digging into my head, and I slammed them back onto the floor, latching onto one of her tits and pulling on it. I bit down on that sensitive tip, hard enough to cause her pain, and growled as she continued to fight me.

  I sucked on her, her breaths becoming labored as she shook for me. I lapped and teased her tit until I finally heard those sexual whimpers that gave
her neediness away. I sat up and leaned back, grabbing the lamp on the table beside me. She punched at me, yanking on my shirt, and I took the punishment for the moment. Wrapping the cord around one wrist, I did the same with the other and attached the cord to the bedpost above our heads.

  My hands finally free, I let them wander down her face and neck, massaging her tits and pulling on those dark tips until they puckered up for me obscenely. My hands wandered down her torso, loving how her tummy dipped and her body heated up at my touch. Her hips whirled from side to side trying to unseat me and I chuckled.

  Getting a handle on the waistband of the pants, she froze, her eyes on mine. “Let’s see that pretty pussy up close.”

  I ripped her pants off and I could hear the creaking of the bed frame as she tugged on her restraints, kicking up into the air. Gripping her thighs, I brought her legs up, forcing them down against her chest as I took in the sight of her bare pink pussy. Pressing my forearm against the back of her knees, I leaned down, taking a nice long whiff of her cunny. Her womanly scent made my desire spike. With the pads of my fingertips, I gently traced her soft velvety skin, delighting in how her thighs shook under my touch.

  “This pussy is mine, Rose. It’s been mine for a long time now. I know your scent, your taste, how it pulses on my tongue. Now I want you to feel it, sweet girl. You need to feel what it means to be devoured.”

  The cry she gave out was that of the purest of sinful symphonies as I dragged my tongue along the ridges of her cunt. She struggled, but the more she thrashed, the deeper I dug my tongue into her sweet depths. I gripped both her knees and forced them apart as I sucked on her clit. She screamed out, her hips were undulating as I lapped and stroked that delicate pearl. Oh, how she squealed as I dragged my teeth along it. Her legs giving out and spreading for me.


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