Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 100

by Dakota Willink

  “Penny,” Isa shouted and ran down the remainder of the stairs, her words to me forgotten.


  The two women embraced and chattered, most of which I couldn’t understand as they were switching between German and English without taking a breath. I hadn’t realized Penny knew German.

  Why was I surprised? She was a genius with a level of intelligence I’d only seen in one other person—her brother Adrian.

  “We have to speak English here. You know the rules. Whatever country we’re in, is the language we speak,” Isa said as she took Penny’s hands.

  The way Isa spoke English was unlike anything I expected—it was eloquent with a hint of a British accent. It was probably because of all the years she’d spent in the United Kingdom studying.

  Penny pursed her lips. “Come on. I haven’t been to Germany since you opened your first club.”

  “Rules are rules.” Isa shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not the one who made up the rules. You did.”

  “I’m your elder. You’re supposed to let me have my way.”

  “Has that line ever worked on anyone?”

  Penny shrugged. “It was worth a try. Come on, let’s get you in the car.”

  The women walked hand in hand to the car.

  Isa wasn’t kidding when she’d said she was friends with Penny.

  Hagen watched me with those eyes that had always seen too much. He’d spent most of his youth as a mob enforcer before going straight. Well, as straight as anyone in Vegas could go.

  We clasped hands as I approached him, and let him pull me into a hug.

  “It’s been a long time. So you married our Eloisa Wolff.”


  Isa turned and glanced at me as she stepped into the car, humor in her gaze before returning her attention to whatever Penny was saying.

  Well, that was what she’d been going to tell me. I should have figured that Isa would never let anyone know her family’s connections unless it was absolutely necessary.

  “Yes, I married her. She’s a Kohl now.”

  Hagen smirked. “If that’s the way we’re going to play it, I’ll go along.”

  Hagen had been one of the first to figure out neither Adrian nor I were normal college students. He’d kept our secrets, never asking who we actually worked for. Though Adrian had told him when he went to work for Hagen and his brothers, I had never revealed my ties.

  Nevertheless, I was positive he knew of my connection to Interpol and my family.

  “How’s Adrian?” I was looking forward to seeing the man who’d been my best friend for the past ten years.

  It had been a blow when he’d stepped down and severed all ties to me. But then again, he’d spent most of our friendship undercover as another man. He was CIA, and the only way to start over was to kill the life he’d lived, including all relationships. It was cleaner and safer that way.

  “Keeping Ana from overdoing it. Pregnancy has made her a bit impatient to finish projects before her due date and moody when we tell her to sit down. Adrian takes the brunt of her wrath.”

  The mention of Ana had me cringing inside. It was a risk bringing Isa here and having her find out I’d slept with one of her close friends, but it was a risk I was willing to take.

  Being around the Lykaios and Kipos families would keep her safer than any other place I could think of. They took protecting their loved ones to a level like nothing I’d seen outside of organized families.

  I’d sent word to Adrian that we needed to lay low, disappear in the world of Vegas. There were too many high-profile people here for anyone to notice two Germans.

  “Is everything arranged?”

  “Yes. Nothing will happen to her while you’re here. Your men arrived and are in place.”

  Which meant no one would know they were around unless they wanted to be seen. They were a mixture of Weber soldiers and members of security agencies who took on jobs between assignments.

  “I’ve set you up in the penthouse at Ida. It has a separate elevator system and entrance.”

  “I appreciate you accommodating us.”

  Hagen narrowed his gaze. “I know you helped save Ana when her assignment went south. You helped bring her home. That debt can never be repaid.”

  Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn’t going to question how he’d heard about the details of the assignment—that was information Adrian and Ana managed.

  “It isn’t a debt. Ana is Adrian’s, and that’s all that mattered.”

  “We’ll agree to disagree.” He turned. “Let’s get your lady settled.”



  As we pulled up to the curved drive of the Ida Casino and Resort, I was struck by the sheer size of the place. It was like an elegant sculpture of towers and buildings designed to stand out against the light of Vegas without looking gaudy.

  “It’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?” Penny asked, with a hint of pride in her voice. “You should see it from the main entrance. Then you’ll get a real feel for the place.”

  The hotels and casinos of Monte Carlo and Saint Tropez were elegant and had an aura of old-world money that made you feel inadequate to enter, but this one drew you in and made you want to explore.

  “I’ll take her around the hotel once we settle in,” Sebastian said, taking my hand as the door opened.

  Attendants immediately approached us, pulling the bags from the back of the SUV and carting them inside the hotel.

  “We will see you both for lunch tomorrow at my house,” Penny said. “Don’t keep her out too late, Sebastian.”

  “I make no promises.” Sebastian stepped out first before helping me onto my feet.

  I waved to Penny as the car drove away and tucked my arm into Sebastian’s. He guided me into the residential lobby, and I couldn’t help but gape at the extraordinary chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was a striking mixture of clear and reddish-gold glass and nearly took up the entire space of the ceiling.

  “Holy shit.” I tilted my head back to get a better look.

  “I thought you said you’ve been to Vegas before.”

  “I have, but under disguise and never as a guest at the hotel. I stayed at the tower apartment Ana had before she married Adrian. We tended to avoid any place the Lykaios brothers would catch sight of us.”

  “Then when did you meet them?”

  “At Sunday brunch. It’s a thing they do once a month. It was a lot of fun. I beat the brothers at poker when we played. I even beat Penny, and she’s ruthless. Though I lost every time to Henna. The woman is a card shark.”

  Sebastian stared at me as if I’d grown two heads.


  “You played poker against the Lykaioses?”

  “Why are you so surprised? They play cards after brunch when the younger kids are napping.”

  “And you beat them?”

  “All of them but Henna.”

  “Who taught you to play?”

  “Papa. He’s a great strategist. He always said I had to think ahead and keep my cool. So that’s what I did.”

  Sebastian tugged me toward him and kissed my head. “You’re one insane woman.”

  “Well, yeah. I’m with you.”

  Before he could retort, a tall, golden-tanned man approached us wearing the hotel uniform. “Mr. and Mrs. Kohl. I’m Eduardo, the desk manager. Welcome to the Ida Residence. Your personal elevator is over this way. If you would follow me.”

  We stopped in an alcove housing a single elevator.

  “Mr. Kipos programmed the code per your specific request for the elevator and penthouse. Please enjoy your stay.”

  Sebastian inclined his head in thanks and then set a hand on my lower back to guide me into the elevator. When the doors closed, I studied Sebastian’s reflection in the mirrors lining the cab walls.

  Damn, he was one hot man. Not just in looks, but in the way he carried himself. He had this dangerous aura that would make any woman want to get cl
oser. It was probably what drew me to him in the first place. If only I could trust this thing between us to be more than one sided. He’d gotten me to confess my feelings, but he’d never said the words to me.

  I needed the words. But then again, could I trust him if he said them?

  “What?” he asked, giving me a curious look.

  “I was admiring the man who belongs to me. You’re beautiful.”

  His lips curved as he held my gaze. “You’re the one who’s beautiful. Those eyes that grow to a deeper shade of blue when you’re aroused, the mouth that gives a man visions of lips wrapped around his cock, and a body meant for fucking.”

  He turned, grabbed hold of my waist, and backed me against the cab railing.

  “Then there’s your temper. The fire of it says the passion you unleash will be all consuming and uncontrollable.”

  “Baz,” I whispered and lifted my face, giving in to the seduction of his words and the desire to kiss him.

  Before our lips could touch, the elevator doors opened, breaking the trance we were under.

  I stepped into the penthouse and gasped.

  This was like nothing I’d seen before. The expanse of the place was unbelievable. The windows made up the outer walls of the space, giving views of every angle of Las Vegas and the desert surrounding it.

  There was a balcony off the living room that resembled a spa retreat with flowers and plants all around, more than likely designed to give the senses a break from the hustle and bustle of the busy city below.

  The kitchen was state of the art, and the furniture throughout was modern and clean, following the look of the rest of the resort.

  This was no ordinary rentable penthouse. This had to be the infamous penthouse Ana said had belonged to Hagen that she’d used before she moved into her house.

  “Impressive, isn’t it?” Sebastian came up to me, setting a hand on my back.

  “That’s an understatement.” I looked up at Sebastian. “This could rival our place in Berlin.”

  “But our view is better.”

  He was right. Our penthouse overlooked the river and had a calming effect on the senses. Views of the Strip could overwhelm the senses, especially for someone who spent a lot of time working in solitude.

  “Very true. I like the craziness of Las Vegas for the short term, but anything longer than a week or two at a time would be too much to handle.”

  “If you want a place in Vegas to visit for quick trips, I’m sure one of the Lykaioses has a property available.”

  “I’m good. Besides, if I were going to buy a place from any of the Lykaioses, it would be from Henna. The woman knows real estate.”

  Henna Anthony-Lykaios was Ana’s half sister and wife to Zack Lykaios. She’d been Zack’s rival when it came to property development. Then they fell in love and now they were on a mission to populate Nevada with their offspring. Rumor had it, Henna was pregnant with baby number six and it had barely been four months since she gave birth to her little girl.

  “Duly noted. What would you like to do tonight?”

  I wanted to say have multiple orgasms, since my body hadn’t come down from our airplane escapades. Instead, I answered with, “You decide.”

  “How about we check out Hagen’s club?”

  I smiled. “That’s a perfect idea.”

  “Holy shit. You’re gorgeous.”

  I beamed at Sebastian’s reaction as I stepped out into the living room of the penthouse an hour later.

  He walked up to me, offering his hand. I slid my palm over his, feeling a tingle of energy sizzle between us.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I let my gaze trail up and down his body.

  The correct word for the way he looked was hot. Fucking hot. With whipped cream and a cherry on top.

  This man epitomized sex appeal. His fitted black textured shirt and dark denim jeans accentuated his honed body and height. He’d pushed up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his tattooed arms.

  My libido was on overdrive and I wanted him on me, in me, any way I could get him.

  “How about we skip the club and get naked?”

  “Horny, baby?”

  I frowned. “You know very well I am. What are we waiting for? We just got married. We’re supposed to fuck like rabbits.”

  “It’s called delayed gratification.”

  “Delayed gratification, my ass.” I stalked to the elevator, dragging Sebastian behind me. “Come on, let’s burn off our frustrations.”

  Sebastian seemed unfazed and followed without a word.

  The moment we entered Nyx, the world-famous nightclub, my annoyance with my husband and my hormones was gone.

  The pictures I’d seen hadn’t done the place justice. The straight lines and neutral interior of the property flowed into here but there was a more sensual vibe. Splashes of reddish-gold were everywhere from the light fixtures to the statues.

  “Holy fuck. Those are real.” I pointed to a set of Greek figurines positioned in a wall alcove above the dance floor. “Those have to be worth ten million apiece.”

  “I guess you aren’t the only one who gets to claim they have original artwork in their clubs.”

  “It’s not something I advertise. I just thought it fit, and I happened to own the pieces.”

  “Come, let’s dance.”

  We made our way onto the dance floor, and immediately Sebastian pulled me against him.

  “The last time we danced together, I had to let you go. Tonight, I go home with you.”

  “Too bad sex doesn’t seem to be on the menu.”

  We rolled our hips and bodies to the rhythm of the music, completely in tune with each other.

  He danced like a man who knew what he was doing. His moves were commanding yet sensual, almost seducing.

  We stayed on the dance floor through three tracks, lost in the beat.

  Sebastian’s hands slid up the sides of my body and then one fisted the hair at the nape of my neck as the other settled on my back, drawing me flush against him.

  “You’re my every fantasy come to life.”

  He was aroused, and the hunger in his dark eyes had my breath unsteady and my sex growing slick with need.

  He’d left me hanging all day and I was desperate for release.

  “Baz, I want to go to bed.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I rubbed my pelvis against his thick, hard cock. “Absolutely.”

  “Then let’s go.” He picked up my hand and kissed my fingers before linking his with mine and leading me out of the club.



  “Are you still mad at me?” I asked Isa as we drove to Adrian and Ana’s estate where the Lykaios-Kipos clan were waiting for our arrival.

  “I’m not as mad but you’re not my favorite person right now. What you did was wrong on so many levels.”

  I almost laughed at the incredulous scowl Isa shot in my direction.

  Our night hadn’t ended the way she’d expected. Instead of tearing off her clothes and burying my cock deep in her as I wanted to, I’d helped her undress and tucked her into bed.

  I knew she was shocked and completely pissed off, but she’d complied, no doubt plotting some sort of revenge like the one she’d implemented on the jet.

  The fact she had fallen asleep within minutes of me turning off the light hadn’t mattered, she’d still woken up in a piss-poor mood, barely saying two words to me all morning.

  I knew I had to tread carefully, so I did the one thing I was positive would get her temper calmer. I’d taken her to a range, the very one where Adrian and I had met during training. The one run through joint agency cooperation under the guise of a private shooting club.

  The second Isa realized where we were, her frown disappeared, replaced by an eager calmness that was both unsettling and intriguing.

  For someone born to be a pampered princess, her fascination with guns confused the hell out of me. I wasn’t sure what kind of introduc
tion she’d received from Bri in firearms, but Isa was a fanatic. It was more about mastering a skill versus using her ability for a fight.

  Her ability was something I’d read about, but seeing it in person was beyond impressive. Watching her focus as she hit the bullseye of every single target she shot at was eerily arousing. If I’d told her this bit of news, she’d probably say I deserved it for torturing her.

  If she wasn’t my wife and I’d met her a few years earlier, I’d have recruited her for the agency.

  That was when I’d realized she already worked for one in particular, Solon. Now that I thought about it, I’d heard about an antiquities expert based out of Germany the Berlin office of Interpol would call in on various cases.

  It had to be Isa. We were definitely going to have a long conversation about her “clients.”

  Before I could even broach the subject, I was going to have to tell Isa the truth about Interpol and most of all about what had happened with Ana and Adrian on our last assignment.

  Pushing back the doom I knew was going to come sooner rather than later, I focused on the game I was playing with Isa.

  “I promise, the wait will be worth it.”

  She mumbled something under her breath as we pulled up to the front of a large two-story stucco and Spanish-tiled-roof house with a giant front lawn designed to blend in with the desert landscape.

  “Damn. I never get tired of seeing this place.” Isa scooted toward the car door as it opened.

  I stepped out first and offered her my hand so she could exit. When she took it, I tugged her toward me, bringing her in for a kiss.

  When I pulled back, the heat was back in her blue eyes. “Want me to build you something like this?”

  She shook her head. “No, our penthouse is perfect. I’m a city girl. Plus, I prefer gifts of deadly weapons versus mansions.”

  She patted her handbag, where she’d placed the pistol I’d bought her from a dealer near the range.

  “You’re definitely the perfect woman for me.”

  That got a smile to touch her lips.


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