Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection Page 116

by Dakota Willink

  “No,” I repeat, the phone shaking violently in my hand. “I won’t deceive him like that.”

  A gun to my head suggests otherwise.

  “Oh honey, you can, and you will. And then you have 24 hours to get me that diamond. Now call the fucking man now before I really lose my temper.”

  My mind and body revolts with opposition as I pull up the number he’d programmed into my contacts before I left. With an arid mouth, I swallow, cringing at how I will possibly make this sound convincing. And praying that Dorian is dead wrong about the way he’ll respond.

  He answers on the second ring, and the sound of his voice nearly sends me to my knees.

  “Hello, Gemma. Are you calling with good news, I hope?”




  “Gem? Everything okay, little girl?”

  The use of nickname stabs me in the heart and makes me feel sick to my stomach for what I have to do.

  “No. It’s not good news.”


  After the call ends, and the tears begin flowing down my cheeks, Dorian stands and wipes off her palms, a victorious grin covering her face.

  “Darling, it was bound to happen. I’m saving you from the harsh reality of what would inevitably come later.”

  I hate her more than anyone I’ve ever hated in my life. Because Faron proved Dorian right.

  He responded in the exact way she said he would.

  He betrayed me. Manipulated me into thinking he cared about me, when in the end, he was only using me to get his fucking precious gem. I was simply a means to an end.

  Even after I gave him everything. I think my love for him hurt worse than his betrayal.

  Dorian interrupts my mini-pity party. “Clive here will stay with you, so don’t get any hairbrained ideas about leaving. I’ll pay you another visit tomorrow, shall we say seven p.m.?”

  She glances down at her diamond-encrusted timepiece wristwatch and flutters a hand in the air. “Okay then. Now, I’m off to the Met. I haven’t seen an opera in ages. Ciao, darling.”

  Dorian actually has the gall to lean in and press a European-style kiss on both my cheeks. The very one she just slapped in anger and that is now damp from the tears that have fallen.

  This woman is crazy insane. I honestly don’t know how the hell I’m going to get myself out of this mess. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, and once again, I’m being held a prisoner against my will.

  My only hope is to find this goddamn gem that’s so precious to everyone involved, and with any luck, gain my freedom back.

  Even if the price of my freedom is betrayal.

  After she leaves, I remain on the couch, my head buried between my hands, my body racked with sobs, as the two men take care of Dempsey’s dead body. I don’t even bother trying to make a run for it while they are in dispose. Even if I could manage to escape, I have nowhere to go and no one left to turn to.

  I’m alone in this world. The world I wanted so badly to escape and gain my freedom.

  Laying my head down on the cushion, I tuck my feet under my butt and bring my knees to my chest and fall asleep.

  I find the diamond in the second place I looked.

  After falling asleep for a good three hours, a sound of a door opening and closing and the whispered grunts of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb wake me up. I lift my head, searching the room to find that Dempsey’s dead body is now gone, and the blood stain has actually been removed.


  Using the bathroom to wash up, I’m praying the splash of cold water on my face might revive me enough so I can regain momentum and make some headway on locating the jewel. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I barely recognize myself with the messy bun and tear stains down my cheeks. Why do I look whole, when the heartache feels like a huge hole punched through my chest? I can’t stand to remember what Faron said to me and the unnecessary cruelty he administered over the phone.

  When I told him what Dorian forced me to say, he grew agitated and his breathing accelerated. While I couldn’t see him, I knew his face was screwed tight, his jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed in that menacing glare of his.

  The problem, however, was that I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. And his words…oh my god, his words slashed and obliterated everything we’d shared together like lacerations to my soul.

  “No, it’s not good news,” I say, my heart pounding so loud I was sure it would wake the dead. “I believe you’re familiar with a woman named Dorian.”

  There’s a long silence and I can hear the cap of his pen clicking in the background.

  Click, click, click.

  “Yes, we’re acquainted. What does she have to do with this?”

  I want to scream at him for his choice of words. Acquainted made it sound like they met at a party in passing. Or at a gemstone conference in Switzerland. Not that he had carnal knowledge of her fucking pussy.

  But I refrain from any of those remarks, because no matter what, I want to move on. And I want him safe.

  My eyes flick to Dorian, who looks like she’s about to come out of her skin with excitement, her face triumphant over my distress.

  “Well, as it happens, my father had originally made the deal to sell her the diamond but reneged when he got your offer. And I believe in fulfilling promises, which means once I locate it, I’m selling it to her.”

  “Gemma, listen to me. You have no right to do that. We had an agreement. I thought we were in this together?”

  I huff out a haughty response. “In this together? How can we be in it together if you walk away with everything and I am left with nothing?”

  His voice descends a notch to barely a whisper. “Gemma, come on. Be reasonable.”

  I use this moment to twist the knife and see what he’ll do. Will he fight for me or let me go?

  “Faron, I think you’ve been using me this entire time. You held me against my will. Made me an accomplice for documents that didn’t belong to you. And you’ve shared me with your brothers. Who the fuck does that? You don’t care about me. I’m just an innocent girl in your precious, sick game. We’re done, Faron. Don’t bother trying to contact me again.”

  When I hit end, my hand shook so hard the phone just fell to the floor, and I balled up onto the couch the minute Dorian left where I stayed until it grew dark.

  I’d begun my search through the house, in the attic in my dad’s closet, the boards behind the furnace, and the wall behind the stove, but everywhere turned up empty. I even searched the fridge, where I knew he’d hidden money from time to time, but that came up empty, too.

  That’s when I went out back, the Big Thug following closely behind, watching my every move.

  “Hey, come on. At least make yourself useful,” I say, removing chopped wood from the pile, and handing him them one by one. That’s when I find it.

  It was a hollowed-out log, like one of those electric fireplace log inserts, and I immediately knew I’d find it in there. I had to make a decision. With the Big Thug Clive standing right behind me I have to create a distraction and sleight of hand if I want to remove it from its present location. Or, I wait and retrieve it some other time.

  The only problem is that the clock is ticking and if I have nothing to give Dorian tomorrow night, it could very well be the end for me. And I’ll never get to make amends with Faron.

  “Dammit,” I grunt, picking up a huge armful of logs and setting them down next to the other discarded pile. “We need a shovel. I’m pretty sure it’s buried underneath.”

  I glance over my shoulder to the shed, tilting my head as Clive follows my gaze. “Would you mind grabbing me one from in there?”

  He eyes me suspiciously, rightfully so, but heads off to the shed, while I, in turn, quickly unearth the fake log and remove the jewel pouch. I slip it in my bra and adjust my shirt as Clive returns, shovel in hand.

  We dig for over an hour, and of course we find nothing. Plopping down on my as
s, I dust off all the dirt from my hands and my knees, acting disappointed and troubled.

  “I thought for sure it would be here. I don’t know where else to look.”

  It’s getting late, well past ten by now, and although the jet lag isn’t so bad returning to Jersey, I’m still hungry and tired. I push up to my feet and plant my hands on my hips.

  “I think I’m done for now. I need to eat, shower and get some sleep. In that order.”

  He just shrugs his shoulders, neither concerned over or critical of my decision to stop for the night.

  With nothing to eat in the house, and since I don’t have a phone at my disposal, I ask Clive to place an order for a pizza while I go shower.

  I strip down as the water warms up, carefully removing the diamond from my cleavage and holding the stone up to the light in my hand, examining its flawless beauty. The gem isn’t as large as the Star of Africa, which I’d heard is the biggest diamond in the world, weighing over a pound before it was cut into smaller portions.

  But this one is definitely beautiful, the light from overhead reflecting against its tiny grains, shining like a small disco ball, shooting its brilliant light across the room. Based on Faron’s explanation of the gem, he had said it was roughly estimated at over 100-carats and could be worth anywhere from ten to twenty-million dollars.

  Yeah, I get why all the cloak-and-dagger is necessary and maybe even why Mudd did what he did. That, I guess, I’ll never know.

  What I do know is that there is no way in hell I’m ever letting Dorian get her hands on this.

  Some way, somehow, I’m going to make sure Faron gets what he was promised.


  After taking the longest, most needed shower in my life, I get dressed and hide the pouch between my legs, just like I’d done before first meeting Faron, before turning out my bedroom light and getting into bed.

  I fall into a fitful sleep thinking of him and wondering when I’ll ever get to see him again.

  I’m woken with a start.

  My lids burst open as a hand seals over my mouth. It’s too dark to see anything and my eyes haven’t adjusted yet, so my panic skyrockets as I squirm to get away.

  But the voice is my savior.


  “How many are there in the house?” he whispers close to me ear, his hot breath soothing me from the panic that spiked through my veins when he woke me.

  I hold up one finger and he nods. Removing his hand, he places his index finger to his lips and then a palm out for me to stay put.

  I want to hug him and kiss him and drag him down on top of my body to thank him for coming to my rescue. I don’t know how he knew I was in trouble, but he’s here now and I’ll find a way to make it up to him when I get a chance.

  He points to the doorway, and then removes a pair of plastic ties, throwing them on the bed next to me. The same type he’d used on me originally in Antwerp. He mouths for me to wait and that when the time comes, he’d need my help.

  I give him the thumbs up sign and slip out of bed to find my flannel shirt to cover myself. Faron quietly opens the door, holds his post for a moment before peering down the hallway. And then he’s gone.

  I think I hold my breath for an eternity as I wait for what’s to come. I didn’t notice a gun, but maybe it’s hidden underneath the dark shirt he wears.

  The silence is deafening, until I hear a weird gasp, and then thunderous groans and the bodily clamor and struggle of a man being choked to death.

  I stay put, but worry claws at my very being, crippling me to the point where I begin to hyperventilate.

  More scuffling, the sound of breaking glass, something heavy landing on the floor, a screech of pain and a loud curse. Banging thuds, one, two three. And then nothing.

  I swallow, the sound loud to my ears, and tiptoe to the door to poke my head out, my voice coming out in a dry rasp. “Faron?”

  I’m not even sure if the sound registers. I take a step out the door and try again a little louder this time.


  I lurch around the corner and flip the light switch on to find Faron laying on his side, holding his stomach with blood seeping out like a river flowing through his fingers.

  Flying over to the floor, I land on my knees next to him. “Oh my god, baby. Are you okay?”

  There is a large piece of glass sticking out of his belly, his sweater stained a bright red, his breathing labored and measured.

  “Go find something to clean it up,” he pants, pushing me away with his free arm.

  My adrenaline kicks in now as I rush to the kitchen, grabbing the first bottle of alcohol I can find and several clean dish towels. Returning to the living room, Faron has scooched up against the back of the couch but is still slouched over and sweating profusely.

  “You’re going to have to help me.” But his attention goes to Clive on the floor. I follow his gaze and see the guy twitching slightly. “First, tie his wrists together with the binders.”

  I do as he requests, fumbling as I loop them around his slippery hands, oily with blood. I watch for signs of consciousness, but he lays limp and nearly lifeless.

  “Is he dead?” Faron asks, his head bobbing to the side, his eyes rolling back into his head.

  I was never very good at playing doctor but I know the signs of a concussion.

  “I don’t know, and don’t care. We need to get you taken care of. Is this your only injury?”

  I poke and prod, looking for any other wounds or bleeding, but he’s just bruised and sore around his knuckles and face. As I focus on the task of cleaning him up, I give him a swig of the vodka and get to work, rummaging in the bathroom for bandages and thread and needles, in the event I need to stitch.

  Thankfully, in the end, the laceration proves not to be that deep as I remove his shirt to clean the wound, apply pressure and bandage him up around his belly and waist.

  Satisfied that things are stable, I help him up onto the couch, careful to avoid jostling him too much, and I sit down next to him.

  “Did you really feel I used you? That I don’t care about you?”

  My heart plummets to my feet, the guilt of having said those lies burning like acid in my stomach.

  I take his hand, bringing it to my lips and kissing his knuckles one by one.

  “No, it was all lies. I’m sorry. She made me say all that. She harbored some pretty deep-seated resentment toward you, and this was her way of getting back at you.”

  He groans, clutching at his side as he shifts on his hip to face me.

  “I knew you didn’t mean any of it, Gem. You sent a distress signal and I heard it through every word you spoke. That’s why I hopped the first flight out. I knew you were in trouble. It was also pretty clear when I didn’t hear back from Dempsey.”

  Oh God, how could I have forgotten?

  “I’m so sorry, Faron. They killed him. I watched as they shot Dempsey and then disposed of his body. She said if I didn’t want the same thing to happen to you, I’d do as she demanded.”

  Faron strokes my face gently, tucking my wild hair behind my ear and kissing the side of my cheek.

  “There was nothing you could have done. I’m just glad you’re okay and they didn’t hurt you.”

  “What do we do about Dorian now? She’s planning on returning tomorrow night.”

  He laces his fingers through mine, settling back against the couch and closing his eyes, wincing with every breath he takes.

  “We’ll be long gone by then. Plus, there’s nothing here for her to claim. You didn’t find the diamond.”

  Tugging my hand free from his, I slip it inside my shorts, the move gaining Faron’s attention as he cracks a lid open to see what I’m doing.

  Giggling when he arches a sexy brow, I reach down and nab the pouch out of my panties, wiggling my hips in a slow, sexy maneuver. When I pull it out, I slide the loop through my finger and dangle it in from of him, an enticing offering just for him.

  “I think you m
ay have been looking for something like this,” I say in a seductive tone, swinging it in front of him. “So, what’s it worth to you?”

  He chuckles and tries snatching it away, his reaction time delayed and slow due to his injury and I hold it just out of his reach.

  Faron slowly moves to his knees, his hand still pressed into his abdomen, hovering and moving over me, and crushes his mouth to mine. I part my mouth and moan as he slides his tongue inside, savoring my taste and exploring every inch of my mouth.

  When he pulls back, I’m panting and restless.

  “There’s no diamond in this world as precious or as priceless to me as the Gem I’m staring at right now.”

  My heart floods with happiness, as I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle into his intoxicating scent.

  “I’ll give you everything and more if you say you love me.”

  I smile into his neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”

  The End


  Thank you to Dakota Willink and Dragonfly Ink for inviting me to write in the Leave Me Breathless: The Black Rose Collection. I’ve learned so much in the past six months and this group of authors worked so well together, sharing information and supporting one another during the writing process. Dakota, you are seriously one of the most (if not the most) organized person I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Thank you for running the show and making it a success!

  To Arti Nihalani – my Bollywood dancing, Zumba queen and Precious Treasures jewelry store owner extraordinaire friend. Your schedule was crazy and packed with travel all over the world, but I appreciate you taking the time to share your insights with me on the jewelry and gemstone wholesale business. It was fascinating to learn about the process, and even though I only used a small portion of the research notes, it fueled my imagination to help craft this story. Thank you!


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