Red Flag (FSCU Pitbulls Book 2)

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Red Flag (FSCU Pitbulls Book 2) Page 2

by Stella Marie Alden

  Without saying a word I head back to the dorms. God, I hate them but it’s only for two weeks. At the end of band camp, me and Kira will be renting our own damn apartment where I can feel sorry for myself without anyone but my two best friends watching.

  Upstairs, I paste on a grin for my roomie and I sit down on her bed.

  She’s still pouting. “Can you believe they pushed me into the pool?”

  “I tried to warn you.”

  “But it isn’t right.”

  “A whole lot of shit isn’t right.”

  “What if the ex-coach Bradley goes to another school and fondles women there? Huh? Someone needs to do something.”

  I pat her fidgeting hands. “Listen, we can ask around tomorrow, see what we can find out.”

  Then, I laugh. “You are going to be one fine investigative journalist.”

  “You think so?”


  After, we catch up on our summers. She spent hers the same as always.

  I spent mine learning how to live.

  Chapter 3


  By the time I get my shit unpacked, the dorm room is smaller than ever. At least, being an upper classman, I get a place of my own, as does Ryan. Quest and Matt room together. Russ is stuck with a freshman.

  I think back on last night and the friggin’ pink-haired mermaid. Like our first year, she wanted a kiss but this time she hesitated.

  I guess, with a body that hot, she’s got some boyfriend back at home. I had my chance years ago and blew it.

  At the time, we were both too young for the electricity sparking through us. I was more experienced about sex but she grew up sheltered, a small town girl from New England. Shit, I bet my kiss, if not her first, was damn close to it. I had to let her go and grow up. If it was meant to be, it would be.

  Hell, I should never have let her go.

  For three long years, I watched her blossom and other than a curt hello, she avoided me like the plague. This year is my last chance to win her back.

  “Ready for movie night?” Ryan breaks my thoughts as he peeks in my door and throws a football.

  I catch it and hurl it back. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What? No way. You goin’?”

  “Yeah, bro. What of it?” He flinches at the ferocity of my throw or maybe it’s something else.

  Shit. Of course. The redhead must’ve gotten under his skin.

  “I didn’t say nothin’.” Grinning hard, I search for clean underwear, t-shirt and khakis.

  According to our team’s statistics, this is the luckiest night of the year. After the movie, we’ll break a few girls away from the herd and take them dancing.

  In the past, almost any of the band camp groupies would do but tonight, there’s only one woman on my mind. If everything goes smoothly, tonight, my bed will be warm and my pillow covered in soft pink hair.

  We allow the underclassman to walk with us across campus while we explain the rules to the freshman. “Shout out the lines but don’t fuck them up and embarrass us. Got it?”

  The new kid nods. “But I’ve only watched The Big Lebowski once.”

  “Then don’t say shit.” Quest grins and winks at me as we approach the amphitheater.

  There’s a few empty cement steps directly behind Ryan’s girl so he makes a beeline to score them.

  “I’ll get us some popcorn.” I point upfront where my heart’s desire stands in line.

  Blue eyes narrow with an air of defiance as she orders some candy.

  I stare back, brows raised.

  Yeah, I swam away but it was for your own good. My cock was so hard, it would’ve scared the shit out of you.

  My bucket filled with white carbs, I pump on some butter and follow. Star’s hair is on top of her head in a messy bun, the back of her long, kissable neck on display.

  Damn. My junk grows uncomfortable and I squirm.

  Against my best judgement, I lean over, and shove the carton in her face. “Want some?”

  “Sure.” She swivels in her seat, chewing on gummy bears.

  Her smile would melt the polar caps as she reaches her pink tipped nails into my bucket. Then, she plucks out one kernel, kisses it and pops it into her mouth.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  “Thanks.” She turns back around as if she did nothing seductive.

  The sexy move deserves retaliation but not yet because the movie starts and as a senior, I got almost every line memorized.

  One half of the audience shouts out. “How was your meeting Mr. Lebowski?”

  Me and a lot of others respond, “The old man told me to take any rug in the house.”

  While everyone laughs, I lean over, and drop popcorn down the front of Pinky’s very low cut shirt.

  When it touches down between two beautiful globes, she turns and glares. “Really Farnsworth?”

  I grin and shrug.

  “Why, thank you.” With blue eyes holding mine captive, she delves two fingers down her shirt, locates the intruder, and slowly sucks.

  I glance around, wondering if any witnessed this flagrant defensive move but my teammates are too busy reciting the movie.

  She’s purposely trying to distract me from the game. It’s an undocumented contest but everyone knows the rules. It’s the band, flag girls, and cheerleaders versus the football team.

  Somewhere in the middle of the movie, my pal follows his obsession to the back of the amphitheater. Damn, he’s fast on his feet. I’ve barely gotten started.

  Star glances back, brows creased but she doesn’t have to worry. Unlike me, Ryan’s a boy scout.

  “Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.” Star and I shout in unison.

  First down! She turns and gives me a big sexy grin.

  Both sides always claim victory at the movie’s end and tonight is no different.

  The last line ends, the applause dies down, and my best friend taps his redhead on the shoulder. “You girls want to go out line dancing?”

  I high five my pal with my eyes. Damn smooth move, dude.

  As Kira hops in the front seat with Ryan, I expect Star to jump in the back with me but she follows Quest who starts laughing his ass off.

  That leaves me and Matt in the back of Ryan’s Corvette.


  Once we get to Haley’s Hole, I walk up to the bar, not waiting for the rest. She teased me all night, then goes off with Quest?

  What the hell is up with her?

  I watch them dance, her all cute and sexy. She’s got on a flowy skirt and it swirls as she shakes her ass. Her pretty boobs move real nice, too.

  When the band stops, she motions to the lead guitarist and whispers in his ear. Nodding, he grins and says something to their drummer who smiles, stands, and offers her a seat at his kit.

  “Uh, two, three, four.” She smacks the sticks together over her head, the guy on bass starts a familiar riff, and the band’s percussionist grabs a cow bell.

  “Another one bites the dust!” Her pretty voice sings out with the rest of the band as she kicks ass, slams cymbals, and whacks the snare drum.

  Everyone, even the waitresses, take two steps forward, sidesteps, dips, and back-kicks. The whole fucking place line dances, shouts, and turns together to face the side wall.

  When the song finishes, Star takes a bow, and kisses a guy of about forty, on the cheek. I’m still considering whether or not to punch his lights out when she comes up to me.


  Huh? She’s got my brain all messed up.

  Just yesterday, I decided I was no damn good for her and was going to do some damn noble thing like keep my hands to myself.

  Hell, I’m only human and she’s been the star of my every wet dream since freshman year, even while dating other girls.

  She’s hot and I’m bothered.

  There’s only one way tonight will end and we’re both more than willing. The band plays a slow song, one where a guy cries in his beer about being an asshole
and losing his woman. I let her lead me to the middle of the dance floor, her small hand in mine. We turn into each other, I put my hands on her waist, and wham.

  These gorgeous, clear blue eyes stare up at mine and pink lips smile.

  I take her a little closer, so she can feel what she’s doing to me.

  Blond brows raise, her nostrils move, and her mouth forms a little ‘O’. Then, her arms wrap around my back and in these crazy high heels, she’s tall enough to rest her chin in the crook of my neck.

  I’ve danced with many women but no one has ever made my knees weak and my mind go blank. If there was a bed nearby, we’d be in it. Instead, we’re surrounded by people who haven’t got a clue. When one of her legs steps between mine and brushes against my hard-on, I hiss out my breath.

  “Darlin’, you keep that up, I’ll be taking you for a ride.”

  “Promises, promises.” Her breathy voice tickles my ear as my cock strains against my jockeys.

  Damn, I need to get her alone. I usually don’t mind being a poor boy from Tallahassee but tonight, not having a car totally blows. My buddy Ryan would do me a solid but he’s all into the redhead he dumped into the pool. Quest, however, seems to have struck out.

  I tap him on the arm. “Keys?”

  Shaking his head, he grins at me, then her, and dangles them over my open palm. “Be back by midnight, Cinderella.”

  I lace my fingers through hers and lead her into the dark parking lot. Inside, the music starts up, the crowd gets rowdy, and I kiss her to make sure I didn’t read her signals wrong.

  When her hands slip to the back of my neck, fucking chills run down my spine. I moan into her mouth, press her into the bricks, and loop a lock of pink around my palm.

  Her sexy tongue enters my mouth and holy hell, I’m toast. So, I kiss her until I’m on the verge of unmanning myself. Peeling off from her, my heart pounds, and I pant like a dog in heat.

  If she says no, I’ll need to break into the locker room and find an ice bath.

  “Ready?” Her pink lips purse, all swollen from my kisses and for a moment, I get lost in her eyes, the color of a Florida ocean on a blue-sky day.

  “You sure?”

  “What do you think?” She grabs the car keys from me and shoots for Quest’s car, giggling.

  I go after her because no way she’s driving. Faster than anyone on my team, she doesn’t have a chance, especially in those heels but I think that’s the point.

  Scooping her into my arms, I lower my mouth to her laughing lips, and kiss her once again. One handedly, I open the door to the convertible then place her inside. My right hand slips over her breast and slides down her shirt.

  Her eyes close and she arches up, giving me more access but damn, we’re still in a parking lot. With more willpower than I thought possible, I pull my hand away, slam the car door, and trot around the car. Running more lights than I ever have in my life, I manage to get her back to the college.

  At the dorm, I jump out, throw her over my shoulder cave-man-like, and dash up the stairs.

  She’s laughing hysterically by the time I set her down inside the lobby.

  “I’m on the second floor.” I pause and give her another chance to say no.

  She’s so damn beautiful, I can’t believe she wants to be with me. “Star. How much did you have to drink tonight?”

  “Oh, my God? You going all noble on me?” Her hand caresses my beard, eyes locked to mine.

  “Fuck. Just answer the question.” I shut my lids, the negative of her face burning into my brain.

  “Two. Far below my legal limit.” She slides those perfect breasts across my chest and even with two shirts and a bra between us, I can tell her nipples are hard.

  No way am I waiting for her to wobble up the stairs so I lean over, pull off her heels, and hold them over her head. “Come and get them.”

  “Hey, those are Prada’s.”

  The name must mean something important because she runs up three flights like I got her firstborn which is exactly what I was hoping for. Once I get her in my room, I kick the door shut, and lock it.

  For a moment, I worry about my pigsty. Despite high hopes, I wasn’t really expecting to bring her back tonight and I got clothes strewn all over the place.

  She seems unconcerned with my lack of housekeeping. Her eyes are on my mouth, exactly where I want them.

  Stepping into her open arms, I press her against my door, and grind my want into her lower half as my mouth crashes down on her lips.

  I’ll be damned. She’s strong for such a tiny thing. Her thighs squeeze the breath out of me as she wraps her legs around my waist.

  My God, I want her and she wants me. We’re two consenting adults in need of some first class sex.

  “Second thoughts?” She senses my hesitation when I pause for a breath.

  “No, I was just wondering…” I tug my shirt over my head.

  “What’s that?” She does the same, reaches back, and unsnaps her bra.

  Question forgotten, my mouth goes dry because stunning, white breasts tumble onto her chest, nipples at attention. My lust throbs as I take one of those beauties in each hand, the tips tickling the center of my palms.

  Whatever she was going to say is caught up in a sweet moan of desire that goes straight below the border. I unbutton my shorts and unzip my fly to release the pressure.

  Staring down at the strain on my underwear, her hands slip to my front and free me. Then, because both my hands are busy, I let her slide my whiteys and my khaki shorts past my ass. When they slide down my thighs, I step out.

  I pinch and play in this fucking toy store of flesh while she licks her lips. My cock reaches and meets bare skin. Imagining her mouth around me, I almost lose my mind.

  I let go of her breasts in order to pull down her stretchy skirt. A thong travels along for the ride. Naked, we stand in front of each other, staring, touching, kissing and setting off a five-alarm fire.

  I back her to my bed until her knees buckle on my mattress. Between her legs, I kneel, spread her thighs, and pause to enjoy the view.

  Covered in slick liquid, her glistening lips quiver between a hairless mound. I kiss up her thigh and rub my beard into her flesh. She squirms, opens further, and I can’t resist tasting.

  My tongue laps her length and I suck at her rising nub.

  Her hands sink into my hair and she pulls hard but I give no ground.

  “Cum li’l darlin’. Do it now.” I slide one finger into her, then two, and unlock her with a twist.

  “Fuck!” She screams as she falls apart in my mouth and it’s so damn erotic I almost blow my cork.

  I throw her legs over my shoulder and as I’m about to slide fully into her, I curse.

  “Holy shit, that was close.” Jumping up, I grab a foil package from my dresser.

  With shaking hands, I cover myself while she watches wide-eyed. As I come back to the bed, she lifts her legs and wraps them around my waist. I position myself at her opening, and slide in fully. Shaved skin caresses my core.

  I moan.

  It takes all my control to move out and in, accelerating when her nails dig into my butt.

  I’m so damn close but I want her cumming again with me.

  “Open your eyes, Star. I need to see you as I fuck you higher.”

  Her thick blond lashes lift, revealing a gaze full of desire. It’s so damn hot, my spine coils, my balls fill, and I thrust until the tip of me crushes into to the back of her.

  Her inner muscles spasm, I spurt my juices, and shout. After I cum, my knees go weak, and I fall onto her chest with my heart about to explode.

  We rest for a few, I remember the condom and pull out. She sighs from the loss and I get it. Holy shit, this wasn’t just a good fuck. What we had here was life-changing, mind-altering, sex.

  I had no idea it could be like this and I’ll never be the same.

  As I come back to the bed, she’s wearing the same astounded look I witnessed on me in the bathroom m

  “What the hell was that?” Her hand cups my cheek but I got no answer because I’m just as confused.

  Sure, I’ve lusted for her since freshman year but it doesn’t explain the connection between us. Lying beside her, I rest my hand under me, not trusting it to go exploring, at least for a few minutes.

  My cock didn’t get the memo because it’s twitching for the second quarter even though it scored amazingly in the first.

  One corner of her lips turn up when my length taps her thigh. “Seriously?”

  “What can I say, he has a mind of his own.”

  My phone vibrates on the floor beside the bed and although I’d like to ignore it, I decide with all the shit going on in my life I’d better take it.

  The caller ID says it’s my cousin. “Egan, you okay?”

  “Yeah, you don’t always have to ask.”

  I heave out a sigh of relief, glad it’s not a repeat of last summer. “Did you get my package?”

  “Thanks, but how?”

  “Tell you later. I’m a little busy right now.” I glance down at Star, snoring slightly.

  “Oh shit, sorry. Is there a woman in your bed? You sure move fast.”

  “Old flame.” With some kind of lighter fluid.

  “I’ll leave you to her, just wanted to say thanks.”

  “No problem. Call you tomorrow.” I want to add, no more rationing insulin but I already drilled that into him.

  Sixteen and all, he doesn’t want to hear any more of my lectures, and frankly, I’m not in the mood.

  Star stirs. “Shit. What time is it? I need to get back to my dorm. Mr. Miller said practice starts at eight. Can you believe him?”

  “You’re lucky. Ours starts at six.”

  “AM? Does that time exist in our universe?” She takes my pillow and covers my overly-interested cock. “Tell your wide receiver to stand down.”

  I chuckle and crawl between her legs. “No chance.”

  After we make luv again, I walk her home, then check a shitload of text messages. There’s twelve from the collection agency and forty from the loan shark.

  I text the most important one back.


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