My Cheating Wife

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by Jaime Thorne

  My Cheating Wife

  A HotWife Dark Romance

  Jaime Thorne

  Copyright © 2019 by Jaime Thorne

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, whether by electronic or mechanical means, without direct written permission from the author except in the case of a brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.

  Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  This book is meant for sale to adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and language which may be considered offensive. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen (18) years of age or older.

  Table of Contents































  ABOUT “My Cheating Wife”

  It was my dream, my secret fantasy. I'd harbored it for years, holding it close to me and keeping it my secret.

  With twenty years of marriage behind us I was committed to my wife and she to me. We both knew that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives, and everything that happened next was an inevitability.

  I can't believe he wants me to do this. I can't believe he wants to see me with another man. I can't believe this is his fantasy, but I don't know how I could possibly deny him this.

  As far as fantasies go it was odd but rather innocuous. I wasn't thrilled about the idea of being with someone who was not my husband, but after twenty years this was all he wanted as an anniversary gift. How could I say no?

  It's almost perfect, the two of them together. It's almost everything that I've ever wanted and that night was more than I deserve. But I'm still not satisfied. I'm still craving more.

  Ever since she gave me what I wanted I can't get the images of that night out of my head. I can't forget about the sight of her and that handsome stranger together. I can't stop thinking about it and wanting to experience it again.

  I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to find a connection with that man. I didn't mean to meet him again when my husband wasn't around.

  I just can't help myself.

  I can't stop thinking about him. Can't forget about his hard body and the way he made me feel. Can't stop falling for this man who is anything but my husband, who is new and exciting and strong and hard. Who can make me feel again after all these years.

  I'm cheating on my husband, and I don't know how to stop.

  This dark story contains infidelity, cuckolding, and a happily ever after that is anything but simple. If you are uncomfortable or offended by cheating spouses then this book may be too much for you.


  My heart was pounding, but if anyone could give me a run for my money on heart rate it was probably Avril. I could tell she was nervous, and I could almost read a bit of excitement bubbling beneath the surface there as well. She was turned to the side as he came in close to her, and I could see both of them as they stared at each other.

  He had hunger and an edge of hardness in his vision, but she was nearly breathless with nerves. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyes big and wide and open. Her head was ducked back a bit and her fingers nervously played with the material of her dress as he stepped up to her and reached out for her for the first time.

  Bruce pulled her in, pulled her close so that her body was pressed against his, so that his strong arms were holding her tight in his grip. They never broke eye contact during this time, and I think all of us held our breath as he drew closer and closer to her, as his lips parted slightly and his eyes began to close.

  I watched, unable to tear my vision away from it as his lips brushed lightly against hers before she turned away. It was a whisper of a touch, and when he pressed on he wound up kissing her cheek while she was turned to face me.

  Avril locked eyes with me, watching me as I watched them. He kissed her cheek and then down to her jaw, down to her neck as his hands slipped around from her waist to the small of her back and it happened.

  The tiniest of the most imperceptible of changes, a slight shift in the way she held herself. A relaxation of her body as she melted into his arms and his intention.

  She let Bruce take control and he did, sliding his hands up her back to her shoulder blades and beyond. Letting him slip the straps of her dress over her shoulders and letting him tug down.

  It was a loose fitting dress, a nearly sheer material that hugged her body and showed it off when she walked but loose enough that with the slightest touch it would slide off of her and puddle to the ground around her feet with graceful ease.

  She seemed nervous, seemed uncertain. She was quivering a bit as he stepped away from her and took in the sight of her.

  She looked amazing, clad in a lacy red pair of panties and bra. She may have been wearing something, but all of her was on full display.

  He could see her just as well as I could, could see the lines of toned muscle in her body and the soft swell of her curves. He could see the tan and smooth skin, her flawless body laid out in plain view for him as he moved her with steady and in control hands over to and then down on the bed.

  It was clear that she was nervous, that she was uncertain. It was clear that he had every intention of showing her the truth of what he could offer. That Bruce was taking control to make sure that she wouldn't have a moment's regret.

  He lay her on the bed and her hands moved up to cover her face. I could see a flush in her cheeks as she pressed her palms into her eyes, and my heart reached out for her but I knew that I couldn't stop anything. I was too invested in this moment to stop it, and I had a feeling that she was in the exact same place as I was.

  Bruce moved down beneath her feet as she pulled her legs up towards her body. He caught them, gently but firmly guiding them apart as his head ducked between them.

  And he kissed her, a gentle and teasing kiss on the inside of her thigh that made her hiss with delight and surprise. He pressed on before she had even a moment to register with it, moving in and down and over to the other side.

  His kisses moved steadily but slowly down between her legs. Light at first but building in force and deliberate intention. He pressed on as her body responded to that, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to contain her breath.

  I watched her hands move from her eyes, her eyes that stayed firmly shut, to clench and grab the sheets between her fingers. I watched as she trembled and then drew still, quieter and quieter the closer he got to his final destination.

  And then he found it, dipping down between her and kissing her deeply through her panties.

; From my seat in the corner, I couldn't see everything, her leg and his head was in the way, but I could see her responding to him. I could see her body rising up to meet him, warming to him as the blush in her cheeks found a home on her breasts and she started to move out of her own control.

  I watched her back arch, her grip on the sheets tighten. I watched her hips move to buck against his face as his fingers dipped between her thighs right alongside his lips and tongue and when she moaned I knew that he was tasting her.



  “And to my beautiful wife Emily, I say thank you. Thank you for the life we've spent together and the confidence of your company. Thank you for your support and your loving attendance. Thank you for your companionship over these last twenty years of blissful wedded union, and here is to a lifetime more spent together. I love you, my dear.”

  I watched as my business partner raised his glass to his wife of twenty years, as the ring on his finger glinted in the light and sent a shimmer through me and it broke me out of my illusion entirely. For a moment there I could have almost believed his words, but I knew better than to trust the truths of one Jacob Wilson.

  Especially when it came to the women in his life.

  I know that it is unusual for someone in my line of work, but I don't really enjoy lying or having people lie around me. It gets my back up, makes me want to disappear into the crowd when I know that someone is blatantly speaking mistruths.

  But disappearing here isn't an option. In spite of the fact that with this black tie affair I was dressed identically to every other person in this room, I still needed to be right up here near the front. Jacob needed to see me and so did his wife and all of the other business partners and associates who had been invited to their twentieth-anniversary celebration.

  One must always keep up appearances.

  And besides, my wife didn't want to go anywhere.

  Avril was right by my side, looking just as beautiful as the day that I had first met her. And in spite of the fact that she was around fifteen years younger than myself, Jacob, or his wife Emily, Avril and had I still only been married only a few months less than the two of them.

  From the moment I first saw her Avril had all of my attention. She was strikingly beautiful, statuesque and elegant with model high cheekbones, big and bright green eyes, and a long sweep of raven black hair. Her lips were almost always plump and pursed and the red lipstick she wore today matched the red of her slim dress perfectly.

  But Avril could look good in a paper bag, her body just as tight and trim and curvaceous as it always had been. I knew what lay beneath that red fabric, the curves of her tan and toned body, her small but high breasts and her ass that was surprisingly firm and full for her body.

  Avril was everything I needed, and that was why she had always been enough for me.

  “Isn't that sweet?” she asked me as we watched Jacob and Emily embrace and kiss politely, “They always look so good together.”

  I felt Avril press her body against me and that gave me a little thrill in spite of the exposure of the party and the knowledge that nothing could happen here. She never failed to get me excited.

  But sadness followed nearly immediately afterward. Sadness at the way that she saw the two of them and the world around us.

  Infidelity was almost a given in the circles that I ran in. It was an accepted cost of doing business, and often accepted on both sides of the equation.

  Don't get me wrong it was usually far more common for husbands to stray than wives, but I knew for a fact that it happened both ways. Husbands with their secretaries and mistresses. Wives with their personal trainers and boy toys. All happening nearly out in the open. A blind eye turned to the inevitable.

  Jacob had at least two mistresses that I knew about, and countless other encounters with other women over the last twenty years of his marriage. Emily had a rumored affair with her personal trainer, one that had been going on for at least half a decade.

  For his part Jacob was open with his affairs, at least with me. He had no qualms about keeping it from me, from the man he was supposed to trust above all others. He had no hesitation about telling me every single detail of it even though I didn't want to know it.

  I raised my glass to the two of them when I saw they looked my way, nervously taking a swig of the bubbly afterward to try to still the parched tension in my mouth. My heart was pounding and I needed some air but I persisted until the crowd started to shift and disperse and return to what they were doing before the speech.

  Avril and I walked over to Jacob and Emily, with Avril being the first to break the silence.

  “That was a lovely speech Jacob,” she said, “I'm so happy for the two of you. Twenty years is quite the milestone.”

  Emily smiled politely, if a little tight-lipped. I don't think that she and Avril had ever really gotten along and I secretly suspected that cause was that Emily was a little irked about the age difference between the two of them.

  “Well if anyone would know it would be you two,” she said, “Your anniversary is coming up, is it not?”

  I replied, nodding, “Indeed it is. Only a few months away.”

  “Well, then you must be right in the midst of planning. This party was an absolute monstrosity to put together, I'd love to hear what you have in mind.”

  Emily stepped forward eagerly, and Avril sort of clung to me a little knowing what would inevitably come next.

  “Oh I haven't really given much thought to it yet,” she replied.

  “Well then I'd love to give some advice,” Emily spoke quickly, reaching forward to lock her arm with Avril and peel her away from me, “If you'll have it.”

  They took a step away and Emily continued to speak, “Come on, Avril. Let's leave the boys with their silly business talk and we can get a drink.”

  Jacob chuckled as we watched them walk away, then turned to me.

  “So do you have any business you want to talk about?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “God no. I get enough of that at the office.”

  Jacob laughed and clapped an arm around my shoulder, “Come on let's head to my study. I've got a bottle set aside in there that is leagues better than anything behind the bar.”

  I nodded, letting him lead me out of the party and glad to go, even if I knew where this was leading.

  Jacob and I had known each other for decades. Hell, we'd even been business partners for the better part of a decade before the ladies even entered the picture so I knew when he pulled me away from the crowd and into someplace private it was because he wanted to brag about a personal and intimate conquest.

  This sort of braggadocios personality had been with him for as long as I'd ever known him, and that length of time led all the way back to college, back when we'd both been asshole frat boys who thought we were the biggest men on campus. We'd sort of bonded over that and other similar outlooks on life, a handy means to bridge the gap between the two of us since we couldn't have come from more different backgrounds.

  Jacob came from money and from a storied family of influence. He was a legacy in the frat, though he undoubtedly could have gotten in on his own merits if he wanted. I found that to be the case with long-standing families, or at least the case with some of them. Wealth bred confidence and that bred an approach to life that bordered on cocky swagger with the means and influence to back it up.

  When you knew you had a family name and the power that came with it, you were far more likely to take chances because you knew there was something to fall back on.

  On the other hand, I came from decidedly different roots. While I didn't come from outright poverty, not having grown up on the streets or anything like that, my family didn't have any influence or power. I was one son out of many living in an apartment that was too small for us. I'd had to fight for every scrap that I could get and that had given me a different approach to the same end.

  What was the point in being cautious? Boldness wa
s where the profit lay. Only through courage could you attain greatness.

  I'd gotten into school on merit. Had gotten into the frat on merit. Had earned my grades and my status in the school through merit.

  Merit was important to me and equally important was the respect that came with it and yes that even extended to acknowledging it. There was no sense in being coy about it, propriety had no place in business.

  That may sound a bit ruthless, but it's a philosophy that has served me well over the years and one that I've always found to have in common with my peers.

  Of course, that isn't to say that there is not a line.

  That line marks the difference between myself and the wolves. It is the reason I can go home to a woman live Avril content in the fact that while I may have taken questionable steps, I'd at least tried to be a good man. Or at least a good man to her.

  As far as Jacob was concerned there was no line. That bold cockiness applied in all parts of his life. He was all about the conquest, about winning no matter the cost or who is hurt in the process.

  And whether she knew it or not Emily was often the one that was hurt.

  Jacob had a lovely home, one that was frankly a mansion and put my sizable brownstone to shame. For the love of god he had a yard with a high fence around it, that alone was unprecedented in this town.

  That was because this house had been inherited by him. It had been in his family for generations, with each brick laid with a story behind it and nowhere was that more apparent than in his study.

  You know those rooms with the dark and ornately carved wooden bookshelves. The stone fireplace and the leather high backed chairs that are worn with age that makes them look distinguished. The sort of room with the big and heavily imposing desk at one end of it, with portraits on the walls of old men looking angry that they'd had to take time out of their busy schedule to sit for the frivolity of an artist while secretly relishing the fact that all of this was yet another sign of respect and power.


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