My Cheating Wife

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My Cheating Wife Page 4

by Jaime Thorne

  Of course, that still left me with plenty to experience, and I made sure to experience all of it multiple times so that I could gain a full understanding of it.

  Today was something new though, something I hadn't done before. Today I was going to venture into unexplored territory and I was hovering on the edge of excitement and interest just like every single other time.

  And I was nervous, which was almost funny to think of for me. I'd been in situations that required far more effort and far more danger. I'd been in situations that were far less secure than this. I mean I was sitting in the hotel bar of a very upscale place at this point, the chances of any harm coming to me were so low as to be nearly impossible.

  But still, I was more than a little apprehensive because there was something about the emotional minefield that I was stepping into that could threaten to absolutely decimate me.

  Being a bull had intrigued me when I'd first encountered it. The whole hotwife and cuckold sexual fetish had been absolutely fascinating to me because I just didn't understand it on so many levels.

  I mean even starting at the beginning I didn't understand getting married, choosing to spend your life with a single woman didn't make a damn bit of sense to me. But then going from there to choosing to cheat made a bit more sense, I could get behind that on a real biological level because we're not built to be monogamous at all. But then you come back around to the other side and it's about not cheating yourself but watching someone cheat instead. It's about watching someone else be with your wife and getting off on that and I just couldn't get it.

  I mean whatever floats your boat and all, but it just didn't work for me.

  I'm not the possessive sort. I've fucked around plenty in my time and I know most of the women that I've briefly dated haven't but I honestly wouldn't have cared if they did. Live and let live you know?

  So the cheating or sleeping around or whatever word you wanted to use to describe it, I understood that. It's the watching that I couldn't get.

  I'd tried it before, had a few girls fuck around in front of me in the midst of things and other events like that, and while it was always entertaining it never really crossed the line of amusement for me. A curiosity. An appetizer but not the full meal.

  I was going to give all of this a shot because I was on my journey of sexual discovery and as far as I could tell there really wasn't much different in terms of the activities from my perspective, but I was skeptical as all hell about pretty much everything to do with this.

  The guy walked in and I pegged him from the moment I entered, even without picking out the clothing indicators that he had told me to keep an eye out for. He was wearing the black suit with the blue tie and the red pocket square, but it was the shifty and nervous look in his eyes that gave him away.

  I raised my drink to him and nodded, drawing his attention and then tapping on my lapel just beneath the flower I'd set there as an indication that he had the right man. His eyes went wide and he crossed over to me nervously.

  He was older than I was, I'd probably peg him at late-fifties to early-sixties but that could be well over his actual age. He had that look of a man who ran himself ragged at the office, that sort of guarded and squirrely look of someone who had been putting year after year of time behind his desk. Years of compounded worry and effort without a single thought as to how that left him ragged and worn, how it aged him beyond his years.

  I tried not to judge the guy but I found that I did all the same.

  He looked weak and he looked soft. He looked like someone who was used to asking for things rather than demanding them, which surprised me so much because I could tell in an instant that this was a man who was in control of his own destiny.

  Jay, as he called himself, was obviously wealthy. It's something that you can see in the subtleties. The way the clothes are cut to fit him, the material they are made out of, the smart impeccability of his attire and his hair and everything else about him stood in stark contrast to the man that stood before me. He was too made up to have done that himself, he was made up enough to have a trained professional behind him paying for things.

  No, I'd guess that Jay probably owned his own company. He'd probably been successful in his industry enough to command respect implicitly without having to demand it. People understood how capable he was, and so they listened when he spoke even if he was quiet and unsure in his words and tone.

  But that gave me an advantage here, something to exploit.

  Men like this weren't any good when they were out of their element. When they weren't speaking on something they knew with authority they naturally bent to anyone who exerted even the slightest bit of pressure.

  That meant that I was in charge of what was happening here, which was exactly what I set out to do.

  Being in charge was the reason I'd shown up here early. Why I had chosen a corner booth and sat with my back to the whole space. Why I'd dressed to emphasize my size and my natural physical power. Why I'd taken a stance in my seat that was akin to a king on a throne.

  As he walked through the bar uncertain and unsure he was coming to me. He was bending before me. He was subjecting himself to my will.

  “Hello,” he practically mumbled nervously as he slipped into the booth, “I'm Jer- I'm Jay you must be B?”

  “Bruce,” I said, extending my hand and taking his and shaking it, “I don't mind if you know my name.”

  I made sure to look him in the eye, staring into those deep brown orbs of his and watching until his flickered away first. He quivered a bit in his seat, nervously jumping as the waitress arrived to take his order of a glass of sparkling water.

  I raised a single eyebrow at that, picking up my glass and downing my drink in a single gulp, “And another of these for me if you could dear.”

  Flashing my winningest smile at the waitress I saw her blush a little, enough to indicate her interest to me. She was cute in an innocent type of way, and if things didn't go well with Jay and his wife I figured I could probably convince her to spend the night with me in a room in this place, or at least I could take her into one of the emptier service hallways and hike up that skirt for a bit.

  “So,” Jay stumbled for his words, “Did you find the place alright?”

  “Let's cut the small talk,” I said to him, turning my attention back to him fully and being as blunt as I possibly could, “You want me to fuck your wife?”

  Jay blushed hard at that, struggling to contain himself as he stammered for the words to say.

  “I mean I can do that,” I told him, leaning back in my chair with a self-satisfied smile, “I think you can tell that I meet the physical requirements you set out in your ad, I've got the envelope with my test results here to show that I'm clean, and I like to think I'm 'charming and confident' just like you asked for. As far as I can tell there should be nothing standing in the way.”

  Jay reached out to grasp the envelope I'd set on the table between us, slipping it into his pocket quickly before anyone could see.

  In truth this was all a formality, a final yes before we headed upstairs. The arrangement for all of this had been set out in the specifics of our conversations before this meeting, this was all just the last step before we took that last step into everything enjoyable.

  I'd found out about this in a personals ad on a fetish website. Jay had put up the details and I had been looking for something to do so I'd gotten in touch with him. We'd chatted on and off over the last few weeks, exchanging details about ourselves and our past and pictures without identifying information to show that we were just what we had on offer.

  I'd given him nearly everything, keeping just enough hidden to maintain the mystery. He'd given me pictures of his wife from the neck down only, all of them fully clothed. I hadn't even gotten a picture of her in a bikini yet.

  It had all taken so long that I'd actually been about to abandon things and go to something else. He'd seemed so indecisive about the whole thing that I figured he was just draggi
ng me along and jerking it to our emails or something like that but in the end, I credit the actual mystery of those goddamn photos as the reason I stuck through it all.

  She had a good body, that much was certain. She looked real goddamn sexy in the outfits that I'd seen on her and I had to see what was beneath them. I really had to know.

  Now that I was here I was so close that I could taste it. I could feel the answer right there in front of me, and the only thing standing in the way was this little asshole with his indecisive nature.

  The cute waitress returned with our drinks and I thanked her politely and took a good long sip of mine before turning back to Jay with a final ultimatum.

  “So Jay I'm going to admit to you, my patience is wearing thin. You've got a decision to make, is this happening or is it off?”

  He gulped down a glug of his sparkling water and then nervously pulled out a cell phone. I could see him tapping away on it and then heard the ding of a response before he turned up to look at me.

  “The decision isn't up to me,” he said nervously, “I'm going to have to leave the final choice with her.”

  And with that, I noticed the presence gliding across the room and realized that there was someone else joining us at the table.



  When Jeremy had proposed all of this to me, well I was a bit overwhelmed by it all. I mean it just didn't make a bit of sense to me, and I just couldn't wrap my head around why he would want to do something like this.

  Our sex life had never been a problem with us. Jeremy had always seemed satisfied with me, he'd always felt like he was satisfied with everything that I did for him.

  And I knew him enough to know that he would tell me before it became a problem, before he went and did anything stupid like cheat on me. Our communication as a couple had been phenomenal, and we'd never hesitated to talk openly about what we wanted or what was bothering us.

  Or at least so I'd always thought.

  After he had told me everything that he had planned it became clear that Jeremy put a lot of thought into this. It was clear to me that he had been sitting on this idea for a long time, too long for it to be anything close to a spur of the moment impulse.

  I'd been gentle about it but I'd pressed and massaged the information out of him, finding out in the end that this was a fantasy of his since far before he'd ever met me.

  And the thought of that shocked me a bit.

  I'm not naive, even if I was maybe a bit naive when we first started dating. But you don't need to be around the world a thousand and one times to know how it works.

  Men have secrets, even from their wives. No that's not fair it isn't just men it's women as well. People have secrets, even from those they are closest to.

  That's the way that fetishes work, that is why they're fetishes. If they were something we could openly embrace I don't know that they would be nearly as exciting, and I suppose there was always the possibility somewhere in the back of my mind that something like this would come up some point in the future.

  I couldn't put my finger on how it scratched an itch, but I suppose that's just the way things go. Some people are wired one way and other people are wired entirely differently. It's not my place to judge, especially not to judge Jeremy.

  But I could judge this man, this man who had been introduced to me before today as B. This man that I was going to be having sex with tonight if I chose to go through with all of this. He was mine to judge.

  Jeremy I could get, I could understand. I could understand why he would want to have something like this happen, even maybe just a little understand the loss of power aspect of things. Jeremy didn't like to lose in his professional life, so maybe playing pretend at losing in his private life would give him a sort of outlet for an emotion that he hadn't felt in a long time.

  But what did B get out of this?

  I'd arrived at the bar plenty early, early enough that I was sure to beat anyone else there. Sitting there with an eye on the entrance I kept myself hidden into the shadows enough that I could get a full view of the place while still keeping an eye out and I sipped my sparkling water and I watched and I waited.

  Jeremy had tried to tell me what the signal was, what particular aspect of his outfit B had told Jeremy to keep an eye out for. He tried to tell me what that was but I shot him down. I wanted to play the guessing game instead.

  That meant that every single man who walked through the door of that bar was a potential candidate. Every single man that walked through the door of that bar just might be my mystery man and that fueled my fantasies to the point where my imagination took over.

  It had been a few weeks since that conversation in bed, and since that night the thoughts of what was going to happen had gestated and germinated in my mind. As I wandered about the city I found my thoughts drifting back time and again to the knowledge that this night was looming on the horizon, and a myriad of scenarios played out in stunning detail in my mind over and over again.

  Everything from good to bad. Everything from satisfying to unfulfilling. Everything from devastating to demanding.

  I dreamed of it all and while I did I used the people around me as players in the fantasy. Just like in the gym each man became a potential partner. I considered what the man standing next to me in the gallery would look like naked. What the man perusing books one aisle over in the library would feel like inside of me. I played out these scenarios in all places and all positions, and as I did my appetite for it started to grow.

  Tonight was no exception except for one thing. One of these potentials was the real deal.

  B was obvious right from the moment he walked in. The man stood a foot taller than every other person in here, not just in actual literal height but in command of his environment as well.

  In my time on this earth, I've met many serious people. Being on Jeremy's arm often means going to parties thrown and attended by diplomats and regents and other exceedingly wealthy and influential individuals. I've met so many people and if I've learned one thing it's that you can pick out a person who is a leader in a moment.

  Be it political or business, those people who are in the real upper echelons of their field have a gravitas to them that will immediately grasp your attention. They don't blow and bluster, relying instead on their presence that fills a room and draws your attention to them. It's as if they are on fire, sucking up and draining all of the oxygen out of a space until you're gasping and staring blindly at the source of this.

  B had that sort of presence. Even as young as he was there was this sort of simmering confidence that occupied the area when he walked in, and that would have been enough for most women to fall for him in a heartbeat.

  Frankly, the fact that he was staggeringly handsome was just icing on the cake.

  B had a jawline that could cut glass and eyes that could pierce your very soul. He had a body that struggled to be restrained beneath the layers of his finely tailored suit.

  The waitress was his in a moment. I saw her catch a glimpse of him from across the bar, freeze momentarily and then smile knowingly as she made her way over to him.

  She was a cute young thing, with short cropped blonde hair and a body that probably didn't have to try much to keep in shape. If I turned him down at least the man would have a good shot with her, and a man like B didn't look like the sort to not notice the attention of an interested younger woman.

  I watched him interact with her, pleased to see that he treated her with at least a modicum of respect. He checked her out still, but the fact that he didn't ogle or behave inappropriately to her gave me a sense of safety, like he would probably respect me just as much as he respected her.

  B was maybe halfway through his drink when Jeremy walked into the place, looking so nervous that for a moment I wanted to go to him to comfort him. I didn't though, I mean this whole thing was his idea why should it be me who has to comfort him?

  Our relationship had been more than a little ten
se in the last few weeks. I'd been cold to him and he'd been so nervous around me that he felt like a shadow of the man that I'd met. Jeremy had never been suave or debonair and I hadn't expected that from him, the fact that he'd been comfortable enough to joke around me had endeared me to him from the start.

  The man that he was felt weak to me, felt so unsure in a way that was so very unlike him, and nowhere was that more obvious than seeing him sitting in that booth next to B.

  I don't believe in auras or energy or any of that new age stuff, but watching the two of them interact was almost enough to make me a believer. B was so forceful and sure and Jeremy was so quiet and meek that I could feel it almost all the way across the bar. I didn't have to be a part of their conversation to know just how it was going.

  They ordered drinks and they talked for a bit, and then Jeremy pulled out his phone to text me and I typed my three letter response and hit send before I'd even received his.

  “Do you want to meet him?” had been his question.

  “Yes,” had been my response.

  I rose and collected my glass of water, walking over to join them at the table and choosing deliberately to slip into the other side of the table so that I was sitting opposite instead of beside Jeremy.

  As I made my way over I noticed B have his attention drawn away from my husband and to me, and with damn good reason. I knew how I looked.

  I'd chosen a crimson dress, one that was probably way too fancy for a place like this. One that made me seem far overdressed but one that would make me undeniably desirable as well.

  It was dark enough to let me blend into the shadows when I wanted to, but standing and crossing the bar I had and kept the attention of every single man that I passed.

  That included B, who was staring at me with open lust and hunger in his eyes. I noted with satisfaction as his gaze drifted down and then back up me, and though my composure never broke I smiled inwardly as I noted that he could not look away from me.


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