Inked (The Ink Keepers Book 1)

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Inked (The Ink Keepers Book 1) Page 4

by N. I. Rojas

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, Mackenzie whistled a long, hard swish and extended his hand to grab hers. Kyra ignored the gesture and started walking to her classroom. The short pink dress was dancing around her hips, swaying with the wind, moving defiantly from side to side, and Kyra’s frail body felt sick and naked not for the first time.

  “Ok, you’re welcome. That’s a hot Fairy Girl.” -For the first time, it was funny to Kyra. So funny that she laughed although her eyes were puffy because so many tears. At the entrance of the classroom, Kyra borrowed a leather jacket she saw dangling on a chair and covered her upper body.

  Mackenzie watched Kyra giving her report, recording every word, every move. A knock on the door distracted the students from the next presentation. Miss Rose entered the classroom and went straight to the professor. After a few seconds, Mackenzie was sent to the Principal’s office and Kyra was left in the classroom, waiting in agony and thinking of a reason Mackenzie could be in trouble.

  The bell rang and Mackenzie didn’t come back. Kyra went to the office to see if Mackenzie was still there. But she could only find the big blonde muscular boy.

  “Your boyfriend is cleaning the cafeteria. You look better with dress than with your usual military uniform.” -Irving, the muscular bully, flirted. Kyra made him a gesture of aversion before walking away.

  Kyra went to the cafeteria and to her surprise she found Mackenzie sitting in a chair in a gleaming clean cafeteria.

  “What’s happening in here?” -She asked in disbelief. If he had had his shadow, it would have detached from his body once again. The rest of him was glued to the chair, petrified.

  “Nothing.” -He answered trying to act as natural as possible. - “I am just serving my sentence.”

  “What sentence, Mackenzie?”

  “To clean the cafeteria for being a bully.” -Mackenzie answered, avoiding looking at her.

  “But you didn’t…” -Kyra tried to say. It was all clear now. Why he was sent to the Principal’s office and why Irving was there, bragging about his victory. - “You were just defending me…”

  “I know, but they didn’t believe me. Is just my word vs. the soccer star’s. I got a warning card and a week of after class detention because of “ mocking and humiliation ”. As if those words meant something in a teen’s dictionary.”

  “I’m sorry you got into trouble for helping me. I’m really sorry.” -Kyra apologized again and again. - “I must do something about it. They must hear me. I must tell my version.”

  “Is useless. I already told them, but they refused to call you. You know what’s the funny thing? I thought I’ll regret it, but I don’t. I’ll do it again anytime.” -Mackenzie confessed, looking at the floor. For the first time Mackenzie had said something sweet and all grown up! He walked a few steps away from Kyra and took a mop from the floor. He faked cleaning the already clean place. Every word was left buried under many ink-less words floating around and around in her mind. Soon, a baby tooth started to hurt, one of the fine threads that keep the precious white pearl in place was cut loose, but pain was something Mackenzie would hide perfectly.

  “What are you doing?” - Mackenzie asked when saw Kyra grabbing another mop.

  “Helping you.” -She answered smiling at him.

  “You can stop. I’ll do it on my own. I don’t need a girl’s help to clean. I used to clean my own house alone.” -Mackenzie protested. His gaze was furious and mystified.

  “It’s okay, weirdo. I won’t go anywhere. You defended me and I owe you. Maybe after school I can take you to a little field trip, unless you have something better to do.”

  Those words made him feel better somehow. Spend some quality time with the Fairy Girl? That sounded like a plan, or maybe a date. No, no, no. Just a plan. Dates are for people who like each other, not for people who feel pity and offer a tour as reward. Even so, Mackenzie accepted the deal with a stupid grin on his face. He had never seen himself so mesmerized by a girl before, not even in Alter Land listening to Sirina telling stories about the brilliant sand and the colorful fishes from the Whirlwind Underground Cave. Not even the first time he saw the bird girl.

  The last period didn’t pass as fast as Mackenzie would have wanted. His eyes were fixed in the clock and despite not knowing how to read it, he knew it was taking more than usual to be 3’oclock.

  Kyra hit him a few times. Her bony elbow hurt as if pirates were sinking the tip of their blunt sword into his ribs, but Mackenzie didn’t feel upset for it. He felt a little alive now. Every time he turned to look at Kyra, a little smile was drawn in her face, so perfect, so well made, that Mackenzie thought Kyra too was coming from another story, just like he was.

  The bell rang at last. Had it not been so, Mackenzie would have drooled all over, mesmerized by Kyra’s flowery scent. The harder he tried to resist the spell of her scent, the faster he fell for it. Mackenzie followed Kyra outside the school, obedient, without asking questions or making noises, trying to avoid Kyra’s mood swings. Kyra, on the other hand, started to question herself if she was doing the right thing. Mackenzie was a strange guy she had barely known for one single day and there she was, thinking on taking him to where she loves to spend most of her free time.

  But he had protected her. He didn’t think or doubted for a second. He just stood up and faced everything for her. No one has ever done something like that for her, not even in all the year she had been bullied by the same idiotic boy. Mackenzie came and in just one day changed her story forever.

  She owed him that. A little time. Some sort of friendship. Some gratitude. But what if he doesn’t want to be her friend? Kyra didn’t feel right for love as she has planned her life in advance to be a single, un-sexy, professional history writer.

  Kyra shook her head trying to cast out every thought. She was doing the right thing. She was befriending Mackenzie, as he was as alone as her in school. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had Ash, but she was sick and resting in bed for more than a week. That reminded Kyra she hadn’t called or stopped by Ash’s home to see how she was doing. She made a mental note to do one of the two things before returning home tonight.

  Mackenzie felt as a lunatic following this Fairy Girl, as in his imagination Kyra will always be that. But he cannot stop now. The wind was blowing her essence in his face and he could only think about Pixies and giant butterflies and in the sweetest waters his lips had tasted. He found himself transported to Alter Land again, to the underground cave where he once found the origin of the rivers and waterfalls. That tiny, shiny crystal glistened in thousands of colors casting dancing shadows in the darkness of the cave. The wind blew sweet scents there too, and Mackenzie stood there for days, until his hungry belly forced him to move and the spell of dumbness was broken. Now, the spell Kyra had over him was somewhat stronger, different, making him feel a powerful sensation tingling deep into his skin. It itched, hurt, soothed, and all together gave goose bumps to his never-aging body.

  When Mackenzie dared to open his eyes back was because the smells had changed. It was something nutty, creamy and cold. A great smell, Mackenzie cannot say otherwise, but it wasn’t as fancy and sassy as Kyra’s flowery smell. From this moment on, Mackenzie swore Kyra’s smell will be his favorite perfume in the entire universe.

  Kyra was holding two ice creams in front of him and he almost crashed his face with the delicious treat. Each ice cream had three balls of different flavors. Chocolate. Vanilla. Strawberry. The cone was sugary too, and Mackenzie felt grateful for this as he lost all his lunch food during the exchange with muscular-dumb-soccer star. He took one of the two cones and started nibbling the frozen gift. The bites melted in his tongue and it was a new experience for Mackenzie because he was accustomed to eating fresh fruits and fishes braised in a bonfire. The Indian tribe taught him to fish and to make snares, but he never stood close waiting for an animal to fall to it and eventually he and his friends, the Lost Boys, felt into his own trap.

  A current ran from hi
s tongue to his brain to the tip of the toes and he couldn’t avoid laughing. While he enjoyed this new sensation, Kyra guided him to a park in front of the tall building she was intended to visit today. Both places were her favorite. The park was full of life and laughter and love. Mothers came by with their babies and Kyra liked to think that she was one of those babies being cherished by lovely mothers. That was a longing they both shared. The building was her other favorite place- maybe her first favorite place in the entire world.

  The library, home of fairy tales and love stories, was to Kyra the home of the whole world’s History. There she could find the origins and every little detail that truly happened in this world. The strangeness of the humans, the craziness of some governments, the kindness of the Wises. The pain was written too. The blood, shed by many innocents, was engraved in letters, and Kyra could almost taste it, feel it spilling from her own veins. The throbbing sensations lived for every generation was there, making its way, to last forever in fair consciences like her own.

  They both sat under a lush green tree to finish their ice creams. The afternoon was warm and the soft breeze of air caressed their skins as butterfly wings. In silence both tried surreptitiously to take glances at each other. Knowing how to read minds would be a great gift but none of them fancied such treasure. A desire was building inside Mackenzie, a need so urgent he stood up, throwing the remaining of the melting ice cream in the floor. After taking off his shoes, Mackenzie forced Kyra to do the same. She agreed after watching Mackenzie’s determination. He wasn’t going to take a no for answer, that stubborn he was! He ran aimlessly over the soft green grass tugging Kyra firmly by the hand. Mackenzie laughed noisily as only the happiest child in the world would do. At this moment Mackenzie felt just that way. As a kid playing, enjoying, growing.

  “I need some rest.” -Kyra demanded with red hot cheeks. - “I need to stop.”

  “Come on. Don’t be so lazy.” -Mackenzie protested. - “Are you that weak?”

  “I’m not weak. The day is just too hot.” -She tried to sound suffocated, but she knew better. This has never been her kind of fun. Outdoors and Kyra were antonyms.

  “I know it is, but I bet you have never run like an Indian escaping from a pirate’s chase. I surrender my plastic gift cards if you prove that girls like you know how to have fun.” -Mackenzie said, teasingly.

  “I do have fun. Just in my particular way. Your idea of fun is kind of different to mine. I like to be indoors. The best company is a good book of History, reading about Indians and conquerors and facts about dinosaurs. The smell of every page can transport me to the place and... it’s fascinating to learn real things.”

  “I think you have had too much of that. How many Hysteric’s books you said you have read?” -Mackenzie asked mocking Kyra.

  “None of those.” -She answered peppering Mackenzie with her piercing gaze. - “History is the best way to know the world.”

  Kyra felt so proud of her knowledge, she could recite a whole book about Pilgrims or the invention of flying but, as her friend Ash used to say, she will never know the real world until falling deep into a fairy tale.

  “What about invention and imagination? The experience is what teaches you the real world.” -Mackenzie said, confused about Kyra’s lack of adventurous spirit.

  “What about that? I prefer reality.”

  “So, you prefer your history to be already written… Confusing. I’ll choose a story which can take its own life, to decide its own way, to develop according to the situation. So, you have it all figured out then?” -Mackenzie stated.

  “Like what you mean?” -Kyra asked doubtful about the question.

  “About life.” -Mackenzie answered.

  “Well, yes. I have a plan. A big plan for my future.” -Kyra answered proudly.

  “A plan? And what’s this plan about if I’m allowed to ask?” -Mack asked teasingly.

  “I’ll study History to be a journalist. I’ll get a job, write real stuff, buy a nice sweet home and live happily ever after.”

  “A house to live with who?” -Mackenzie asked amused.

  “Oh, just me.” -She said after a long pause, not that she was considering the question. It’s just that the answer was kind of sad, but she knew that a future full of so many goals and success would be lonely in the end.

  “That’s kind of boring.” -Mackenzie said letting the pity be evident in his face. - “If you’re going to spend your whole future being a boring adult, maybe you should get some fun now, don’t you think?”

  Mackenzie looked at her, extending his long hand for her to take. Kyra hesitated. She felt that this boy was being very intrusive. Too close to her. Not physically, anyway. But he was getting closer to her soul, a place forbidden to those strangers that always want to take decisions for her. Forbidden also to those known people who always wanted to make of her a secretary or assistant. She was very protective of her dreams and aspirations, and Mackenzie was trying to push her to a deep edge she didn’t want to visit.

  “See you at the lake. The last to arrive will be bait for the crocodile!” -Mackenzie yelled after he started running. Kyra remained there, giving Mackenzie not just a great advantage, but also a lot to think about her.

  She took her shoes from the floor and started walking towards the only place she could feel herself. Among old hardcovers she always felt safe.

  Chapter 6: Gamers


  Mackenzie’s neck hurt worse than if he had slept over the bark of the most callous tree. After all, the vending machine and the metal bars surrounding it were the worst pillow the un-aging boy had used in decades. His stomach growled as he stood up from the floor. His feet didn’t want to obey him while he walked wobbling to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.

  Taking a clean tray, Mackenzie stood in line behind some guys that were talking about objects Mackenzie didn’t know. They said it was a game for grown-ups and Mackenzie couldn’t stop standing in tip toes to see the object of discussion.

  “It’s magic in my pocket.” -One of the boys boasted. His harsh voice was in perfect synchronization with his looks. A small black device, a portable console, elongated and TV-like rested in the boy’s hand. A small rectangular screen displayed moving images that made Mackenzie thought this object was in fact full of witchcraft and magic. Instantly, Mackenzie knew he needed it.

  “How can I get one of those?” -Mackenzie found himself pushing forward to where the boys were now sitting. They looked at each other and laughed hard. Mackenzie didn’t get the joke and for the guys it was reason enough to laugh harder. The fact that there was one single boy in school or maybe in town that didn’t own a video game was reason enough to be the derision of all the boys.

  “In PlayTime store, dude. You find the best games there. If you look for best prices, then go to Walwort.” -Scorned the one that seemed to be the leader of that group.

  “Wait.” -Another teen boy interrupted the first one. - “You are the one that made a fool out of Irving, right?”

  “Who’s Irving?” -Mackenzie asked.

  “The one that threw the food all over your girlfriend.” -Answered the leader.

  “Oh, the muscular troll? Yes, I was.” -Mackenzie answered proudly. He didn’t even though about the girlfriend part, but Kyra won’t be happy when rumors get to her.

  “In that case, I sell you my PCS for half the price. Just two hundred dollars because it’s you we are talking ‘bout, bro.”

  Mackenzie considered the offer, but he didn’t know exactly what to answer. He didn’t even know how much money it was and how he could pay for it. It was better to ask for help. Kyra surely would tell him how he could pay that money.

  “I’ll let you know. Can you accept a gift card as payment? Because that’s the most I can find. My… guardian doesn’t give me cash, just prepaid plastic cards.” -Mackenzie informed.

  “I guess I can work with it, but don’t take long. Offer expires at lunch time.” -The boy proposed back.
Mackenzie felt frenzied not wanting to lose the opportunity to own that magical object.

  When Kyra arrived, the ringing of the bell echoed through all the hallway. Mackenzie ran to her as if he had missed her too much from the previous day.

  “You have to help me.” -Mackenzie stated without even caring to say hello. The authority in his voice was three levels higher than what Kyra would allow any other day, but today she just felt full of pain and with no desires to fight back.

  “I’m okay. Thanks for asking.” -Kyra responded to an unasked question, and her tone of voice was like slapping him in the face.

  “Come on! Someone is stinky like coal; don't be grumpy like a troll.” -Mackenzie declaimed as if reading funny poetry for kids. For obvious reasons, that didn’t change Kyra’s animosity.

  “See, have you ever woken from the wrong side of the bed? Because I’m in those days today.” -Kyra declared but Mackenzie didn’t understand what she was talking about. He just shrugged, as if not understanding or not interested, or a little bit of both.


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