The Van Wilden Chronicles Box Set Books 1-3

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The Van Wilden Chronicles Box Set Books 1-3 Page 34

by Jessica Gleave

  Alastor put his palms up. “All right, no need to get feisty.”

  Morgana rolled her eyes. “If you two are going to bicker the whole time, I want to swap teams.” Her eyes shone with amusement, and her lips twitched.

  Gareth and Alastor snickered behind their hands.

  She turned back to the vampire. “Quick, let’s go. He’s on the move.” She leaped up and began to trail after the vampire, who was dragging the young girl’s body with him.

  “Where are we going?” Gareth asked, keeping his voice low as they followed the vampire. “This way doesn’t head toward the forest?”

  “No.” Morgana agreed, whispering back, “He seems to be heading toward the quiet part of town. You know the area that’s to be developed next?”

  “You don’t think…”

  “Out here there are plenty of empty houses waiting to be demolished. No humans live in them, perfect for a vampire clan to squat in.”

  As if on cue, the vampire they were following disappeared into one of the abandoned houses.

  Morgana studied this new ‘modern’ lair. There was no lawn surrounding the property, only a large patch of dirt. The house itself was made of terracotta bricks. The roof was quite angular in design with gray shingles, one or two missing here or there.

  Curtains were drawn in the front room windows, so they couldn’t see inside.

  It was certainly not the type of place Morgana pictured Ragnorok choosing to reside in.

  It was too suburban.

  Too human.

  “Jaysus, so they’ve been here in town? Under our noses?”

  “It would appear so,” Morgana muttered dryly. “What are you up to, Ragnorok?”

  “Question of the year.”

  Morgana turned toward Gareth and Alastor, feeling the presence of several vampires approaching. “Do you feel that?”

  They both nodded, eyes wide with large grins on their faces.

  “Weapons at the ready, boys. We’re about to have some company.”


  Gareth couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. Finally, he was going to get some action. He hadn’t been in a proper fight since he killed Randalf where he mostly took a beating. But if he could kill a Primus, then he could handle this lot. He was also better trained now—not as skilled as Morgana but enough to hold his own.

  He stood at the ready, two stakes in hand. Vampires walked at a human pace from around the sides of the building. Another, a tall, lean guy with a shaved head wearing a white tank top, black cargo pants, and combat boots, jumped down from the roof. He bared his teeth, showing metal. Gareth tilted his head at him. A human-turned gang member perhaps? All the approaching vampires’ eyes were blazing with hate, fangs bared and snarling.

  Jesus, why do vampires always snarl? No wonder humans saw them as monsters.

  He shared a glance with Alastor who grinned wide. The Irish vampire was itching for a fight as well.

  The roof-jumper hissed and pointed at Morgana. “Ragnorok’s got great plans for you, missy.”

  Morgana rolled her eyes. “Let him try and get me.”

  “Take her alive, boys.”

  Gareth found the comment a bit rude, considering there were female vampires in the group advancing toward them as well.

  The Forest Clan vampires leaped toward them.

  Gareth growled, tightening his grip on his stakes. There was no way they were taking his girlfriend. Not when he’d gotten her back. He took no time in smacking a vampire in the mouth. Not the most practical with the stake in his hand, but the dude was trying to bite his face off.

  The vampire stumbled backward, and he took the opportunity to stab him.

  One down, only a shit-load more to go.

  There wasn’t time to think. Vampires were attacking all three of them at once. He moved like he was on autopilot. Stabbed one vampire, then punched or kicked another. He flipped a vampire off his back, and then stabbed him as he lay on the ground. It was like he could see himself doing the movements at the same time as he was doing them—stab, punch, kick, and stab again.

  When no vampires were immediately attacking him, he took the precious seconds for a breather, looking around him. He’d been feeling thrills of joy vibrating through the bond the whole time. Does Morgana always feel like this during a fight?

  Spotting her, he stopped to watch her in action. He knew he shouldn’t get distracted, but he couldn’t help it. She was quite beautiful in the way she fought. Christ, he was getting turned on by watching her.

  “Will ye stop ogling yer woman and get back to the fight?” Alastor bellowed at him.

  Gareth shook his head, trying to focus on his attackers. One of the Forest Clan had taken advantage of his spaced-out state and was now breathing down his neck. The hiss of a bolt flying passed his ear made him jerk. The vampire behind him grunted, the arrow had pierced his shoulder.

  “Feck, I missed,” Alastor growled.

  “I told you it was tricky to use.” Morgana swung her right arm back, throwing a stake into the vampire’s heart, and he slumped to the ground.

  “Aye, thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Morgana grinned. “Geez, I didn’t realize how much fun it was fighting with friends.” She punched a female vampire in the mouth with the back of her fist as she spoke.

  Alastor exchanged a look with Gareth before ducking. “She’s yer woman,” he whispered out of the corner of his mouth as he dropped the crossbow and began using his fists to fight.

  Gareth smiled to himself, and his chest swelled as he stabbed a vampire in the heart.

  Yes, she was.


  The battle didn’t last too long. These vampires must have been newly-turned. Their defenses were weak. Dead vampire bodies littered the ground.

  “We need to light these stakes,” Morgana huffed to the others, squatting over one dead vampire, setting the wood protruding from his chest on fire.

  Gareth nodded, running to light another.

  “There’s more incoming,” Alastor told them.

  “How many did Ragnorok recruit?”

  “He must have been recruiting out of town as well.” Morgana lit the end of another stake protruding from a vampire’s chest.

  “We’ll keep setting these vampires on fire, then try to light stakes as you go.”

  “What about what you did back in the forest when you rescued me, throwing flaming stakes?”

  “Will you boys be able to handle a burning stake in your hands?”

  “It doesn’t seem to affect you?”

  “I’m like a chef who’s accustomed to handling hot panhandles,” she bragged, winking at them. “You lose sensitivity over the years. Same with a burning stake.”

  “We can handle it.” Gareth crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Good.” Morgana stood, lighting the ends of the stakes in her hand.

  “Aye, let’s light these feckin’ bastards up,” Alastor crowed.

  Morgana twirled on her feet, stakes in both hands, facing two incoming vampires. She lit the ends of two of her stakes, then crouched down, flinging both stakes toward them, embedding them into their chests. Their bodies immediately burst into flames.

  She could feel a vampire bending over her while she crouched. Quickly whipping out a stake, she pierced the vampire by swinging under her left armpit.

  The vampire groaned and stepped back, giving her time to stand up and turn around.

  Damn, she missed the heart.

  Pulling the stake back out, the vampire’s pale blue eyes widened in surprise before she plunged the bloodied weapon back into his heart and lit the end while he was still standing.

  Morgana looked around to find her next victim. She spied a frightened vampire near the steps of the house.

  “Argh!” the vampire screamed, running up the five steps to the small entry porch.

  She chased after him as he slammed into the door before fumbling with the handle and letting himself inside as she reached him
. She tried to race through the open doorway but slammed into an invisible wall.

  She wasn’t invited inside.

  “What the fuck?” She slapped her palm against the invisible barrier. These houses were meant to be empty.

  The vampire, now seeing she couldn’t come after him, grinned and slammed the door in her face.

  Morgana growled before turning around and rushing down the stairs. “There must be a human living there,” she said, answering Gareth and Alastor’s silent questioning looks.

  “Who the bloody hell wants to live with vampires?” Gareth asked.

  “I can think of one such lady,” Alastor snapped.

  “Shit, sorry, buddy. I forget Ava isn’t one of us yet.”

  Morgana shook her head. “It would likely be humans who are being primed to be turned like Ragnorok once was.” She looked around at the dying embers of the vampires littering the ground.

  “There’s no one left outside,” Gareth told her. “They’re all dead.”

  A wind kicked up, and the piles of ashes scattered.

  “But there has to be more. This can’t be the entire clan.”

  “No, I don’t think it is. Ragnorok isn’t here, and neither is Svetlana.”

  “Then we need to go search for them.”

  “He could be anywhere.”

  Morgana pulled her phone out of her pocket, dialing her father. “Seen our little friend on your travels?” she asked when he answered.

  “No, and we’ve scoured every inch of this forest. Again.” He didn’t sound too happy, either.

  “He might not be in the forest. He could very well be in town.”

  Oscar sighed. “Ah yes, this would explain his absence. We’re heading in your direction now.”

  Morgana ended the call.

  “What do we do about this mess?” Gareth asked, the last flicker of a flame extinguishing as he spoke.

  Morgana’s mouth curved in a mischievous grin. “We leave it here as a message for Ragnorok.”

  Gareth and Alastor chuckled.

  “If I weren’t so fucking in love with you before, I would have totally fallen for you now.” Gareth strode up to her. There was a heat in his eyes, the same desire she was experiencing herself. Her body was thrumming with adrenaline after the fight. “You’re such a badass.”

  He leaned over, capturing her mouth with his. His arms moved down her waist, lifting her, so she had to tilt her head down to kiss him. Her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Feckin hell, do I need to stay at Ava’s tonight?”

  They broke apart and turned to look at him, responding at the same time, “Yes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Alastor let himself into Ava’s apartment. The adrenaline from the fight with the Forest Clan was still pumping through his veins. He couldn’t contain the hard-on he had. He may have given shit to Gareth and Morgana for acting like horny teenagers, but he was experiencing the same.

  He needed Ava, and he needed her now.

  Alastor found her still awake, sitting up on her bed, her calves exposed, only wearing what she called pajamas—a set of shorts and a tank top. She didn’t look up when he entered, focused on whatever she was reading on the screen.

  Alastor shook his head, his lips twitching. He’d told her countless times to sit at her desk located in the small corner of the room, but she always insisted when she was feeling creative, she preferred to write sitting on her bed.

  He leaned against the doorframe watching her. Finally, she looked up. “Sorry, I received an important email from Dad. He wants me to meet him in the morning. How did your recon mission go?”

  Alastor pushed off from the frame and sauntered over to her, taking the laptop off her and placing it gently onto the bedside table—he wasn’t a monster—and crawled onto her between her open legs, hoping to get some lovin’.

  Only Ava crinkled her nose, gazing over him. “What’s with the ash on your clothes?” She gasped, then her hand flew to her mouth. “And blood? I’m not having sex with you looking like that. You need a shower.”

  “Care to join me, love?” He grinned and pressed his erection into her core.

  Ava mewled. “You’re really hard.”

  “Aye, love, and I need to be inside ye.” He pressed deeper, her breath catching.

  “In the shower?” Her voice came out breathless. She bit her lip, her hazel eyes darkening. “Against the wall?”

  “Aye, love.”

  Ava groaned. “You know how much I love you fucking me against the wall.”

  He lifted himself off the bed, taking her with him. They were in the small bathroom off to the side of her bedroom within seconds.

  Alastor peeled off his clothes as Ava did the same.

  She looked down at the clothes falling to the bathroom floor. “Don’t put those in the hamper. You’re better off burning them.”

  Alastor chuckled. “Aye, love.” He kicked his clothes aside with his foot as he stalked toward her.

  No matter how many years he saw her naked body, it still stole his breath away how exquisite of a beauty she was. She may complain she’d put on weight over the last five years, but to him, she was still as sexy as sin. He would have her any way he could take her. As long as they were together, he didn’t care if she wanted to wait to be turned. All that mattered was she loved him, and he loved her back. There was to be no one else for him in this long life.

  Pushing sentimental feelings aside, though, tonight he wanted to fuck. He’d make love to her in the morning.

  Ava bit her lips, her chest heaving as she turned on the taps, stepping into the streaming water, tossing him a look over her shoulder.

  Her expression of desire was all he needed before he was lifting her and twisting her around to face him. She squealed and giggled, her legs wrapping around his torso. Beads of water glistened on her skin. His cock nudged her wet center.

  Goddamn perfect.

  She smiled and, captured his mouth, her hands fisting his hair.

  They knew the dance. They had done this a thousand times before, but it never ceased to amaze him how well they fit together. Over the years, he had to slowly decrease his speed, so he didn’t hurt her. But now Ava was going to get the pounding of her life, especially up against the wall. Being a vampire, he could hold her up and last a long time.

  As they kissed, she slowly slid down his shaft until he was sheathed to the hilt. She groaned into his mouth. Her body accommodated him straight away. She really did like it up against the wall. It was often said couples were made for each other. To fit against each other physically but emotionally too. Alastor never believed it was possible until the day he met the woman in his arms. Ava was made for him.

  He walked her over to the left of the showerhead until her back hit the wet tiles and she pulled back, gasping, her eyes rolling back into her head. He began thrusting his hips, her breasts jiggling in his face. He leaned forward, taking a nipple in his mouth, sucking on the peak.

  “Oh fuck, Alastor,” she cried.

  “Fuckin’ oath.” He grunted. He wanted it to extend his time with her and sate her, but the tingling in his balls indicated he wasn’t going to last much longer. He increased his speed and kept holding her up with his left arm. He brought his fingers around to her, rubbing her nub in circular motions.

  “Jesus.” She drew in a breath, her eyes now closed and mouth gaping open.

  “Nay, it’s Alastor, love.” He groaned before they shuddered at the same time. Her head fell forward onto his shoulder.

  “Sorry, love, I didn’t mean for it to be so quick.”

  He could feel Ava’s lips smiling against his skin. “You know I don’t mind it quick. It was feckin’ great.”

  Alastor laughed and held her close, still inside her.

  Fuck he loved this woman.

  He slowly lifted her off him, and they tandemly worked together to wash each other. Ava yawned, smiling at him sleepily. They quickly finished up with Alastor turning off t
he taps. He dried her quickly and then himself before carrying her over to the bed. Ava snuggled into her pillow, falling into a deep asleep. Alastor slid in behind her, but leaned on his elbow, running his fingers over her soft human skin. He wanted to appreciate the feel of it while he still could. He had a feeling with the Van Wildens being around Ava, she would be deciding to join him as a vampire sooner than the twenty years later as she had planned.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Early the next morning, the five of them gathered back at the Van Wilden’s ready to report on the attack, the discovery of the new lair, and to discuss different tactics to figure out Ragnorok’s next move. Only as they were beginning, the doorbell rang.

  Each looked at the other, eyes narrowed. No one rang the doorbell anymore, they usually let themselves in. Morgana couldn’t sense a vampire on the front doorstep.

  Oscar moved to answer the front door. “It’s safe.”

  He opened the door, greeting their visitor, “Ava, what a pleasant surprise. But why so formal? You could have let yourself in. You know you’re always invited. And you know we don’t grant those invitations lightly.”

  “Sorry, Mr. V. It’s a force of habit, I guess.” Ava smiled.

  The rest of them relaxed, letting out collectively held breaths.

  Oscar walked into the living room with Ava at his heels. She had the same grim look on her face when she told them about the other missing girl. Alastor was by her side within seconds, placing an arm around her shoulders and squeezing gently. She gave him a small smile as he guided her to sit down next to him on the sofa. “Ye all right, love?” he asked her softly.

  “Shit, not another missing body?” Morgana hissed before she could answer.

  Ava turned to Alastor. “Yes, I’m fine.” She turned to the others, “No, it’s about your cover and the campaign.”

  Morgana gritted her teeth. This cover is as much work as the mission.

  “What about it?” Oscar sat in his favorite armchair.

  “Word has reached Dad’s ears you have other children not previously mentioned in the campaign.”


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