Muriel’s Adventures

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Muriel’s Adventures Page 4

by Barron, Melinda

  “A man and a woman about to have sex, I believe,” Ewan said.

  “Not that, that! The window.”

  “It’s a two-way mirror,” he said. “Something that’s fairly new. You can see into the other room, but they cannot see us.”

  “Are you sure they can’t see us?”

  “Positive,” he said. “Philip knows it is there, but he has no reason to think we would be hiding in here.”

  “Then we should leave!” She knew she’d said it too loud when Philip’s voice filled the small space they were in.

  “Who’s there?” he asked.

  “What if he comes in here?” Muriel asked, horrified that he would find them, that he would kick her out and she would fail in her mission.

  Ewan put his hand over her mouth and pulled her back against his chest. “He won’t if you stay silent!” he hissed in her ear.

  Muriel took his words to heart. She didn’t even try to fight the fact he was holding her so close, and she could feel his breath on her neck.

  In the other room, Philip was looking around; Muriel thought his gaze showed he expected someone to pop out from the corner. He looked at the mirror, and Muriel took a step back, pressing into Ewan. She was happy his hand was over her mouth, because she would have cried out and given them away.

  Philip stared for a few, long moments. And then he turned his attention to Pansy.

  “Assume the position,” he said in French.

  “Oui, Master,” Pansy said. She bent over one of the kneelers Muriel had noticed. Her ass was high in the air.

  “You have been a bad girl,” Philip said. Muriel was happy that her French was good enough so she could keep up with the conversation. She wondered if Ewan could understand, but she decided, if he couldn’t, that was his problem.

  She watched as Philip walked to a table that she had not examined. He picked up a long piece of wood, and Muriel’s eyes widened.

  “I think someone’s about to get a spanking,” Ewan whispered in her ear.

  “We shouldn’t watch this,” she said. It was as if one of the reliefs had come to life. She knew she should look away, but her gaze was locked on the scene in front of her.

  Philip rubbed the wood against Pansy’s behind. Pansy remained totally still. Muriel was sure that if she were the one bent over the bench, she would not be so disciplined.

  “You know what to do.” Philip sounded stern.

  “Please, Master, punish me for being a bad girl,” Pansy said.

  Philip lifted the wood and slapped it against Pansy’s behind. Pansy cried out, and the paddle came down again.

  Muriel struggled against Ewan’s hold. “We need to leave,” she said.

  “Shush. If you think Philip would be mad at finding us looking at the relief, think about how angry he would be if we interrupted his sexual encounter. He might throw us out in the middle of the night.”

  The paddle came down again, and again, and Pansy’s moans were a mixture of pain and pleasure. She was wiggling her hips and obviously enjoying the spanking.

  Wetness started to form between Muriel’s thighs, and she wiggled. When she did, Ewan’s crotch met her backside. She might be a virgin, but she knew about sex; she knew that Ewan was erect, and pressed against her.

  She gasped, but didn’t move. He shifted his arm, which was around her waist, and Muriel wondered if she should tell him to loosen his grip. Instead, when he palmed her breast she gasped. Philip delivered a swat at the same time, for which she was grateful, because otherwise he probably would have heard her.

  The swats grew in intensity, and in speed. Pansy’s cries were much more pleasure than pain now.

  And Muriel was so aroused by watching the scene she wanted to put her fingers under her skirt and bring herself to orgasm. She must have given off some sort of signal. Perhaps it was her hard nipple under his touch, because he was now rubbing her nipple with his thumb.

  Philip continued to spank Pansy and Pansy continued to moan in pleasure. Muriel rocked her hips against Ewan’s erection. She was losing sight of reality. Deep down inside she knew she shouldn’t be watching this, and yet she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

  It was obvious Pansy was enjoying the spanking. Her ass was bright red, and Muriel wondered what it would feel like the next few days. Something like this wouldn’t go away in just a few hours. Surely she would feel it, remember it, relive it—but for how long? Could she ask Pansy? She wasn’t sure. Perhaps they weren’t on that sort of a basis, that Muriel could question her about her sexual experiences.

  Her breathing was heavy now, and she could feel a draft on the bottom of her legs. It took her a few moments to figure out the draft was coming from the fact that Ewan was lifting her skirts up, ever so slowly.

  She should stop him, she knew, but she couldn’t. The excitement was too much for her to stop what was happening. She needed to follow it all the way through. She wanted his hands on her, stroking her wet and swollen lips. She wanted him to move them aside and find her clitoris, to tease and stroke her until she exploded with pleasure. And then, she wanted to feel him inside her, although she wasn’t sure this was the best place for him to take her maidenhead.

  Her skirt was above her knees now. She hadn’t put on a petticoat when she’d redressed tonight, nor had she put on any sort of undergarments, so she was bare under her skirts.

  Ewan’s hands were on her thighs now, gently moving up and down until Muriel thought she would melt under his touch. When he put his hand on her quim, she put hers on the mirror to steady herself. He touched her gently, and Muriel’s body quaked.

  He stroked until her lips parted. She leaned back into him, his chin resting on her shoulder as he held her up with one arm and pleasured her with the other.

  “You’re so wet,” he said. “So ready for me. He stroked her once, twice, and then she came trembling in his arm as he stroked and played with her hard bud.

  The world around her seemed to spin. Having him produce her orgasm was so much better than doing it herself. She pushed back into his erection and did something she’d never thought she’d do—she moved her hips up and down, stroking his erection through his pants.

  “No room here,” he said. His fingers were moving up and down her lips. “We need to go upstairs.”

  “Yes,” Muriel said. “We need to.” She sighed and when his fingers dipped inside her she moved to give him better access. A gasp escaped her lips when his fingers dipped into her opening, and then suddenly he pulled them out.

  “You’re a virgin,” he said, the words sounding as if he thought she’d killed someone.

  The room stopped spinning.

  She realized the noise from the other room had stopped.

  She looked through the mirror and realized Philip and Pansy were gone.

  She stepped away from him. Her body still hummed from the orgasm she’d just had.

  “What’s happening?” she asked. “Tell me what’s happening.”

  “We need to go upstairs,” he said. He took her hand and pulled her toward the panel.

  “Let me go,” she pulled back. “I want an explanation, right now.”

  “Keep all your questions for later,” he said. “This is not the time or the place.”

  “Oh really?” She poked her finger into his chest. “But it was the time and the place for you to play with me?”

  She pushed past him and rushed out the door. She ran into the dining room and then started for the stairs.

  “Stop,” Ewan said before she started up the stairs. She ignored him, sprinting to the second floor. He was behind her in seconds, and when she opened her door he stepped in behind her.

  “Get out!” she said, not caring if she woke up any of the other guests who were close to her room. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it. It was all just a little too tight, you coming into the room just when I get there. Philip and Pansy playing out their little scene, too. Why? Tell me why?”

  “Which is it, do you want me to get
out, or do you want to know why?”

  “You are a cad!” she screamed.

  “You’re going to wake the whole household,” he said. “Please lower your voice.”

  “Lower my—” Muriel let her words drift off. She needed to get ahold of herself. Her mother had always told her that anger would get you nowhere. Question, her mother had always said. Question everything, figure out what is happening and why, and then decide how you want to handle things.”

  “Why did you set tonight up?” she finally said.

  “I didn’t,” he responded. “I figured you would be the type of person to try and break the rules, so I waited in the mirror room to see if you came in. And you did.”

  He sat across from her, and Muriel noticed he was between her and the door.

  “Please sit down,” he said.

  Muriel looked toward the fireplace. The one in the bedroom was lit. This one was not. “It’s cold in here.”

  “Please sit,” he repeated. He stretched his legs out in front of her.

  She started to pace. “This house is strange. Weird things have been happening since I arrived.”

  Strange. Weird. Just plain odd. She stopped pacing and put her hands on her face and shook her head.

  “What’s wrong with me? I just watched a woman be spanked, and I allowed you to play with my quim. There are strange forces at work here.” She wanted to scream, to cry. She knew she’d thought about seduction, but that’s not what happened downstairs.

  “Yes, it’s called lust,” Ewan said. “It’s made people do things they’d never thought they would do, and it will continue to influence behavior for thousands of years to come.”

  “What?” she asked, staring at him.

  “The strange forces. It’s called lust.”

  She crossed her arms and stared down at him. “The lust disappeared when you found out I was a virgin.”

  “Virgins don’t push themselves against my prick and act like they want to fuck.”

  “Such wonderful language,” she said. Truthfully, it excited her to use a word like that in front of her. But she didn’t want him to know that.

  He frowned, and she sat down across from him.

  “What other strange things have happened?” he asked. “You’ve only been here a day.”

  She wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to tell him. There was still a part of her that thought she was here for a particular reason, something nefarious.

  “How many times have you been here?” she asked.

  “A few,” he said.

  “What is that, two or three? You knew about Philip’s activities? And Pansy? Are you being totally honest with me that you didn’t know what was going to happen tonight? You didn’t set it up for them to come in while we were down there?”

  “I swear it,” he said. He leaned forward. “Tell me what sort of strange things have happened.”

  Muriel tried to decide what to do. Then she chided herself. She’d let him put his hands between her legs, but she didn’t want to tell him about this afternoon?

  “I took a nap,” she said. “When I woke up I was covered with a blanket. I didn’t put the blanket over me when I fell asleep. Pansy said she didn’t do it, either.”

  “Odd,” he said. “Anything else?”

  “There was jewelry in my belongings, jewelry I didn’t bring with me.”

  “The necklace you were wearing at dinner?”

  “Yes,” she said. “And a few other pieces.”

  “May I see them?” She could hear the concern in his voice.

  Muriel went into the other part of the room to retrieve the jewels. She stopped in her tracks when she realized there were more of them now than there had been that afternoon. Two more necklaces, a ring and a bracelet.

  “Ewan,” she said. “Come in here.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She pointed to the jewels. “They’ve multiplied. Like rabbits.”

  He picked up each piece, turning them around as if putting a value on them.

  “These aren’t yours?”


  He put them down, and then he scooped them all up in a bundle. “Give me one of the pillow coverings.”

  “What for?” she asked. But she didn’t wait for an answer. She went to the bed and stripped the pillow. She gave it to him and watched as he stuffed all the jewelry inside it and twisted it closed.

  “Someone put these here for a reason, and I don’t think it was a good one.” He shook the bag. “I’m taking them with me. When I leave, lock the door, and make sure you take the key from the lock. Then, push a chair in front of it so no one can get in while you’re sleeping.”

  Muriel wrung her hands together. “You’re making me a little nervous.”

  “That was not my intention,” he said. “What other strange things happened here?”

  “Besides what happened downstairs? Nothing.”

  He stared at her for a few moments. Where before he’d seemed concerned, and was frowning, now he was smiling.

  “Did you not enjoy yourself?”

  Muriel blushed. “You know I did.” She couldn’t help herself from saying, “Until you announced I was a virgin, like it was some sort of disease. Everyone is a virgin at some point in their life.”

  “True,” he said. “I just didn’t expect you to push against my prick.”

  The perfect response to that question didn’t come to her quickly, so she just stared at him.

  “Why is a virgin buying reliefs that feature sexual performances?”

  “You know the answer to that. Because my employer asked me to,” she said.

  They were standing close together. “Tonight was not your first orgasm,” he said. “You didn’t seem flustered, or say something like you’ve never felt anything like this before. I take it you’ve, shall we say, blossomed under someone’s touch before.”

  “Never,” she said. She hated the way her voice sounded, because she knew there was not enough conviction in her voice.

  “You’re a liar,” he countered.

  They locked gazes, and then, to her surprise, he leaned in and kissed her.

  “You are beautiful,” he said. “I thought you were in London, and now I know you are.”

  “Then why did you not want to have intercourse with me downstairs?”

  He waited just a little too long.

  “A corridor like room, while you’re watching a woman be spanked, is not the place to take a woman’s maidenhead.”

  “I see,” she said. “So you want to romance me?”

  He kissed her again. This time he put his arms around her and held her close. His hand went to the back of her neck and he turned her head ever so gently. The kiss deepened and she felt herself melt into his smooth, masculine chest.

  Ewan wrapped his fingers in her hair and kissed her again once the first kiss had broken. When he released her lips he said, “Let the wooing begin, kisses and caresses, and even, I think, a spanking or two. You seemed to enjoy watching the one Pansy received.”

  “I was… not enjoying it.”

  “Liar,” he said. “Your quim was soaking wet, and I don’t think it was from looking at the reliefs. You watched the spanking intently. You want to know what it feels like.”

  His voice seemed to drop an octave with each word until it was caressing her, drifting over her skin and making her shiver.

  “Stop it,” she said. “You need to go. It’s late, and I don’t want to spend the entire morning in bed. Tomorrow is the first viewing of the reliefs—”

  “Which you’ve already seen,” he said. He leaned over and kissed her neck.

  “I want to be on my toes,” she said. “I want to watch the other bidders to see if they are interested in what I want to purchase so I can make my plans accordingly.”

  “One more kiss,” he said.

  She turned her head when he tried to claim her lips. “Go,” she said. “And please forget the seduction. What happened tonight will n
ot happen again.”

  “Oh, it will,” he said. He stepped back and swung the bag of jewels. “And if you resist, I can use that as a first reason for a spanking.”

  “Excuse me?” She backed away from him.

  “You want to be seduced, yet you’re fighting it.” He gently stroked her arm. “But the spanking excited you. It’s a good thing for me to know.”

  He left without kissing her again. She looked around the screen at the door. When it opened again she couldn’t help but smile.

  “Why is this door not locked yet?”

  “You didn’t give me a chance,” she said.

  “Spanking number two,” he replied. “You’re racking up quite the punishments. I can’t wait to start.”

  Chapter 4

  Muriel woke to a loud pounding. Once she’d opened her eyes and made sense of where she was, she realized the loud noise was coming from the door.

  “Mademoiselle, the door is locked.” Pansy sounded panicked. “Please, what is wrong?”

  Muriel rushed to the door and threw it open. She had made sure to lock it, but she hadn’t pushed pieces of furniture in front of it, like Ewan had suggested. The stricken look on Pansy’s face brought back the past few hours, not of sleep, but the events beforehand.

  “Are you all right?” Muriel asked Pansy, grabbing her arms and pulling her into the room.

  “I am fine, mademoiselle,” Pansy said.

  Her look of confusion was like a slap in the face to Muriel. Get control of yourself, she said inside her mind.

  “I am worried about you,” Pansy said. “It is almost eleven and I was unable to rouse you.”

  “I could not sleep last night,” Muriel said. “How was your evening?”

  “Wonderful, thank you.” Pansy moved toward the bedroom. “Shall I help you dress? You are expected at lunch, and then for the viewing of the sale items.”

  Pansy was looking through her clothes. She selected a purple day dress and was putting it on the bed when Muriel walked past the screen.

  “I’m sorry I have been a slugabed,” Muriel said.

  “A what?” Pansy asked.

  “Slugabed,” she said. “It’s a word my mother used when I wouldn’t wake up soon enough to suit her. I didn’t sleep well. What about you? How did you sleep?”


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