The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set

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The Kingdom Journals Complete Series Box Set Page 128

by Tricia Copeland

  Taking uniforms from the fallen guards, we dressed in desert camouflage. I slid a gun in my boots and fitted an ammunition belt around my waist.

  “I’ve never seen you shoot a gun,” Tyler commented.

  “My dad taught me. It’s the only thing he thought I could do well. I don’t have magic anymore, remember?” I tucked a knife in the other boot.

  “Just stay behind us. Alena and Camille will not be happy if we let something happen to you.” Grady tucked his phone in a pocket.

  “That applies to any of us. Are we ready?” I surveyed each member of our group.

  Each of them nodded, and the next second, they were gone. “Freaky.”

  “What never seen anyone cloaked before?” Tyler asked.

  “Never been on this side of it.” I passed through the open doorway into the sand.

  Feeling exposed, I followed the footprints. At the building we found a security camera near the entrance and huddled under it. My heart raced. With the magic-blocking walls, there was no way to tell whether Michael’s coven waited inside. This could be the stupidest thing we’d done yet.

  How do we get in? DJ signed to the group.

  Aaron and Dimitri volunteered to approach the entrance.

  “Identify yourself,” a voice from inside commanded.

  I recognized it from the phone call Dimitri had placed to the compound seven hours prior.

  “It’s Aaron and Dimitri. We spoke on the phone earlier today.”

  “You didn’t need to come. I said everything was fine.”

  “Yeah, well, boss’s orders. Did you know there was a problem at the gate? We found the four guards dead and the entrance unsecured.”

  “Whoa, no, everything looks fine from here.”

  “Well, it’s not, so I think you should let us in.”

  Grady and Tyler disappeared and then reappeared on the other side of the door. The doors opened, and they evoked a cloaking spell again. Being human again sucked. Within thirty seconds, I heard Tyler’s whistle and proceeded inside behind Aaron and Dimitri. Broken furniture littered the dark hall. In the security center, Grady pressed a witch, crystal-lined handcuffs on his wrists, chest to the wall. Tyler held a vampire at arm’s length.

  Aaron approached the vampire. “What did you do to him?”

  “Just a simple freezing spell.” Tyler straightened his back.

  “Let him go. It’s David. He’s with us.”

  Tyler released him. The vampire’s legs buckled, and he toppled to the floor. I offered my arm and pulled him up.

  “What happened here?”

  “A blast of something, I don’t know what it was, killed the electricity, and all the backup systems went down too. Then, they came after us, except for me.” He pointed at the witch Grady held. “This guy forced me to doctor the feed and tell you everything was okay.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Last night, just after nine.”

  Of course, I thought, the revolt and Anne’s trial occurred at the same time. With all the confusion in Anne’s complex, it gave the witches their window.

  “And all the witches are gone? Or are they waiting to ambush us?”

  “Gone as far as I know. I’ve been stuck in this room the whole time.”

  “And our men?”

  “All dead as far as I know.”

  I dug in my bag and pulled out a pre-packaged meal. “Here, eat this. You look like you could use some food.”

  I placed my palms on the desktop and lowered my head between my arms.

  If you’d killed them like I’d asked, this wouldn’t have happened. Lucifer’s voice sounded in my head.

  “Okay, let’s move.” I motioned to others. “Aaron, watch the witch. The rest of us should figure out what we’re dealing with.”

  Dimitri insisted I stay in the middle of the pack. Stupid human me, I thought. I bolstered my confidence, thinking I’d never been stronger or more prepared for a fight. I knew how to use any weapon and could hold my own in hand to hand combat. We inched down the main hall. The only sounds were those from our footsteps, and it felt so deserted I expected to see cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and mice scampering under our feet.

  Door ajar, Dimitri and I covered Grady and Tyler as they slid inside the first room.

  Two down, Grady signaled.

  I steeled my emotions as we made our way down the hall, finding more dead soldiers. All of Anne’s staff, those we’d interacted with every day during our stay at the compound, were all dead. Sweeping the main level, we found thirty deceased. I counted my lucky stars Alena and Camille weren’t here to see this.

  This is your fault. This wouldn’t have happened if you listened to me. I tried to help you. Lucifer’s words floated through my head, and I fought the urge to bash it against a wall.

  Making our way down to the first basement level, we searched the cafeteria, weight room, and aquatic room with the same result.

  “Dust to dust,” Dimitri whispered as he closed the eyelids of one of the fallen guards.

  I repeated his words. “Is that your way of saying goodbye?”

  “Yes. We will gather them and build burial pyres, one for each.”

  “I like that idea. I can’t . . . This is my fault.”

  He rested his hand on my shoulder. “You couldn’t have known.”

  “Did they really have to kill all of them?”

  “The guards were trained to fight to the end. There was no other outcome. They knew what they signed up for.”

  I wasn’t sure how much more I could take but followed the others down to the second basement level. As we neared the end of the hall of the dormitory, Dimitri held up his arm. Witches, he signaled.

  Dimitri, DJ, and I followed Grady and Tyler into an empty room. Dimitri pointed to the closet. With Grady and Tyler standing on each side, DJ flung the door open.

  “We’re not hostile.” A wrinkled-skin woman held up her palms.

  The woman next to her did the same. “We left Michael’s coven. We’re not a threat to you.”

  “Anastasia? Guinevere?” Grady kneeled before them and helped each woman to their feet. “How long have you been in there?”

  The two women described how they’d broken ties with Michael’s coven by removing the mark while in Italy but were scared to defect. When the fighting broke out, they took the opportunity to disappear.

  “But what exactly happened?” I asked.

  Anastasia drew in a long breath. “He took control, told them to rebel against the vampires. A few obeyed willingly; the others he forced.”

  “Where did they go?” Grady paced the small space.

  “To get these.” Guinevere pulled a set of metal stakes from her bag.

  I moved closer. “What are they?”

  “If the mark doesn’t form on its own, those embed the mark. They’re branding instruments.” Grady pointed at the stakes.

  “Like Camille and Jude were branded?” Tyler interjected.

  Anastasia grabbed Grady’s arm. “You have knowledge of a mark forming on its own? When? On who?” She lumbered to me. “You. You’re the chosen one. Let me see?”

  I switched my weight between my feet, wondering if I could trust these women. I regarded Grady who nodded. Spinning over my arm, I pulled up my sleeve.

  “Blessed be. It is the mark. You are the one, the one with the golden mark, the one that can defeat Theron.”

  The blood drained from my face, and a wave of nausea swept over me. “Theron?”

  “Yes, Theron assumed leadership of Michael’s coven.”

  “Theron? Not Thanatos?”

  Guinevere shook her head. “We believe Sonia and Thanatos may have transferred their power to Theron. Sonia and Thanatos would be too weak to handle that much power, especially after they passed to Sheol or wherever Lucifer took them. But you, you can challenge Theron for leadership.”

  Sitting beside Guinevere, I shook my head. “But I don’t have my magic anymore; it left when I broke t
he curse. I’m not a witch.”

  Anastasia’s mouth hung open. “Theron will have complete control then. No one else can stop him.”

  “What of my brother? He has the mark.” I motioned to DJ.

  DJ approached and turned over his arm, exposing his dark mark. Guinevere rubbed her finger over his wrist. “And this appeared on its own?”

  DJ nodded, but Anastasia let out a long sigh. “It is not the mark of the chosen one.” She gripped both my hands. “Hunter, you have to get your magic back.”

  I wriggled my palms from her hold. “So, the coven went to Italy to get those stakes. Why?”

  “To amass more coven members. Anyone with the mark would have to follow Theron’s directive.”

  “What does he plan to use the witches for?”

  “What do you think?” Tyler threw his hands in the air. “To kill you, Alena, Camille, and everyone that stood against them, I’m guessing.”

  I diverted my attention to Anastasia then Guinevere. Each nodded. Guinevere’s eyes held mine. “They will come for you. You’re the only one who would be a threat to Theron’s power.”

  “Theron doesn’t know I have this mark. Only those in our coven do.”

  “Lucifer would, so we have to assume Theron does.” Anastasia stood. “I think we should start figuring out how to get your magic back.”

  We escorted Anastasia and Guinevere up to the main level and gave them meals. Then we started carrying the fallen vampires outside. We used tables from the cafeteria to serve as pyres. It took till dusk for us to prepare the bodies, and as the sun set, we lit the funeral pyres. I covered my nose as thick black smoke rose into the air, again grateful Alena and Camille didn’t have to witness this. We stayed with them until the fires were embers on the desert floor. My chest tightened, thinking that I was responsible for all these deaths. How was I to bear this? How would I tell Alena what had happened? How could she not see me as a monster?

  Aaron raised his head. “We should go. We don’t have enough rations for our growing group. What do you want us to do with the hostage?”

  “Bring him.” I looked at the compound, wondering how we were supposed to leave it.

  Securing the building, we raced back across the desert to the airstrip. The plane touched down in LA just after midnight, and the drive to Anne’s building took only half an hour. Vampire guards stood outside Alena’s condo but didn’t prevent me from approaching the door. I raised my hand to knock, and the door flew open. Just the sight of her made me feel warmer, more whole. She flung her arms around me, and I squeezed her close.

  Unwrapping her arms from my back, she took a step back. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  I took her hands. “How did you know?”

  “You look like death, like death ran over and left you for dead.”

  “That great, eh?” I glanced around her apartment. “How are you?”

  She tugged me down the hall. “It’s not that bad, really. For as strict as they seemed to be in the beginning, other than not being able to leave, it’s kind of business as usual. Except my dad is here, and my mom actually seems happy. I mean, you would think someone who’d been stripped of everything would be more upset.”

  “Well, your dad probably has something to do with that. I mean, she hasn’t seen him for eighteen years, right?”

  We entered her room, and she shut the door. The next thing I knew, her lips were on mine. The kiss was so unexpected that I got caught up in it, and before I realized it, we were on her bed. Kissing her quickly, I sat up.

  “What was that for?”

  “My mom nearly died, and from how sad you look, I figured whatever you were going to tell me was really bad. I missed you and just wanted to get in something good before we were all doom and gloom again.”

  “Your dad is still here. That’s good, right?” I raked her hair from her forehead.

  She wrapped her hands my fingers. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  I took a deep breath and told her about the coven escaping. Bloody tears sprang to her eyes, and I rubbed them away. Then I relayed that Theron took over Michael’s coven and how I was the only one who could stop him. She traced circles on my hand while I talked, and the feel of her skin on mine soothed me.

  “I’m so sorry. I never wanted anyone to get hurt.”

  “I know.” She lowered her head to my chest.

  I hugged her to me. Time stood still, and I wished I never had to leave her room. She squeezed my shoulders and stood.

  “There will be time to mourn, but we have work to do. Do you even want your magic back?”

  “I don’t have a choice. Theron’s coven is probably coming for us as we speak. He has to be stopped.”

  “At least he can’t control any more witches.”

  “But we don’t have your mom’s army.”

  “Maybe we can go to Marcus and get support from the rest of the witches. His coven can’t stand against all of them.”

  I couldn’t bear the thought of more deaths. “No, I won’t put anyone else in jeopardy. I was thinking Lucas might be able to help with the magic thing. The angels sired the witch lines. Their spirits gave us magic. Maybe an angel could re-instate my magic, however that works.”

  Before I could blink, Alena shot to the door. I chased her down the hall to the study where we found her mom and dad. Lucas stood as we entered. Approaching him, I dipped my chin to my chest.

  “Please, no need to be so formal.” He motioned to a sofa.

  Alena and I sat across from Anne and Lucas, explaining what had happened in Mexico.

  I leaned forward. “I’m so sorry. I never wanted your people to suffer. These people were like family to me, and I will carry their loss all of my life.”

  Bloody tears formed in Anne’s eyes, and she wrapped her palm around mine. “For as much as I tried to make a different life for Alena, fate has led us here anyway. I am sorry you had to witness such tragedy.”

  Alena wiped tears from her cheeks and straightened her back. “I can’t think about it anymore. What of Hunter’s magic? Can he get it back?”

  Lucas crossed to the window. “When he expelled his magic in Michael’s compound in Italy, without direction the energy would have been transferred to the other witches present. His magic is gone. But Michael is capable of granting magic. Hunter would need to petition Michael. I can ask if he will allow it.”

  Alena and I waited in the study with Anne for Lucas to return.

  “You should try and get some sleep.” Alena wrapped her hand around mine. “You need rest.”

  “I’m not resting till this is over. Lucas said he wouldn’t be long.”

  Hearing a door opening and footsteps, I stood.

  Lucas held out a scroll as he entered. “This is for you. No one else may know the location of your meeting. You must leave now and go alone. Michael will meet you at three a.m. exactly.”

  Unwrapping the scroll, I memorized the coordinates and threw the parchment into the fire. I crossed to Alena and kissed her. “I’ll be back.”

  She trailed me down the hall. “Be careful, and please call me as soon as you can.”

  “I will.” I hugged her to me, praying it wouldn’t be the last time I saw her.

  Too impatient to wait for the elevator, I took the stairs. My mind raced, wondering what Michael would say, if he could and would grant me my powers. I took a deep breath as I crossed the lobby and walked to the building next door. It will be what it will be. If he can’t help, you’ll find another way. You always do.

  Finding Aaron in the control room, I borrowed a set of keys. The hour-and-a-half drive gave me time to clear my thoughts. If I defeated Theron and became leader of Michael’s coven, then Sonia and Thanatos had one less foothold on this plane. If they’d sent Theron—or Theron’s spirit, I guessed—their powers must be limited. I’d been strong enough to stop them before. I could do it again.

  I sped down the deserted highway and exited on a two-lane road. After twenty miles, the paved portion e
nded, and I crept along a gravel path. At a trailhead, I headed north and bounced over rocks and cacti. I monitored the coordinates on the dash and rotated my wrist to check the time. The dash system beeped, indicating I’d reach the correct location, and I killed the engine. Looking to the sky, I expected to see a flash of light or a flaming ball descend. But when I glanced at the windshield, a man stood in the beam of my headlights. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped onto the sand.

  My eyes traced above where zillions of stars lit up the night sky and back to the man. “How did you get here?”

  “I am more like the Creator than Lucas.”

  Remembering the reverence the witches showed Lucas, I dropped to one knee. “I assume you are Michael. Thank you for coming.”

  “I am Michael.” He extended his arm to me.

  Gripping his forearm, I stood.

  “You have a request?”

  “Yes.” I broadened my shoulders. “This may be a lot to ask, but I need my powers. I was hoping that you may be able to restore my magic. My half-brother Theron has taken control of, well, your coven, I guess. We believe he plans to—”

  Michael held up his palm. “I know all of this. And yes, it was my coven, many generations ago. Sonia’s and Theron’s leadership has plagued me for centuries. There has been no witch brave enough to stand against them until now. But I cannot just give you your powers. I must know that you are worthy.”

  “If you know everything that has happened, you must know that I pledged myself to finding the Lance of Longinus and restoring peace between the witches and vampires. As leader, I would work to further peace and prosperity for our people.”

  “But you also have personal motives?” He paced around me.

  I spun to face him. “Yes, I want to keep my friends and family safe. I don’t want to see more die. We’ve lost too many already. Even if I could amass witches or vampires to stand against Theron, there will be much loss on both sides. If I get my powers back, I can challenge him, and no one else will be at risk.”


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