The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance

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The Alpha Vampire’s Proposal: An Mpreg Paranormal Romance Page 9

by Dunbar, Colbie

  The omega sat on Alexander’s back porch enjoying the pink sunset while sipping a glass of chardonnay and nibbling on salted cashews. His son was asleep, and a baby monitor sat in his lap. The alpha had outfitted the room next to Declan’s for Finn. He’d even put yellow duckling decals on the walls, mimicking the baby’s original nursery. I could get used to this if we weren’t surrounded by vampires.

  Throughout the day, food had appeared at Declan’s door, along with clothes, books, toiletries, a new laptop and a phone. That pesky vampire is an excellent host. The omega choked on his wine at the word ‘host’. Don’t overthink things.

  He’d gone over Alexander’s offer many times and weighed the arguments. If it protected Finn, he had no choice. But would being Alexander’s mate put the baby in more danger? Living in a vampire community was no way to bring up a tiny human.

  And he was worried about money. Most of his and Ian’s salaries had gone into the mortgage and renovations. The house was covered by insurance but would the insurance company pay up after it was destroyed by a vampire? He was fortunate to have a large client base, but right now, he was broke and homeless.

  The omega sighed and gulped more wine. If he was honest, money was the least of his worries. It was the emotional turmoil pulling him in two directions that was doing his head in.

  The wrecked house had severed the fragile connection between Declan and Ian. While he would always see his former mate in Finn’s eyes, and his own body and soul had been permanently marked by the alpha, Ian’s presence, which had been all around him since his death, was receding. The pair stood on either side of a huge chasm that was getting wider. Soon, he wouldn’t remember his mate’s laugh or how he pranced around the kitchen while cooking.

  Guilt at putting Finn in danger, betraying Ian and considering Alexander’s offer was suffocating him. When he was in the middle of the worst grief, he wanted it gone. And yet now he was clinging to it. Why? Because in a way, it’s comfortable, and once it’s faded, I’ll have to face the world as a single father.

  A movement behind him had him pause with the cold wine glass resting on his brow.

  “May I join you?”

  The omega shrugged, and the alpha sat beside him. Alexander poured himself a glass of wine. He raised the crystal goblet at Declan and muttered, “Old habits—Ambrose does the same.”

  The omega threw the rest of the wine down his throat. “I’ve been thinking about your offer.”


  “I have questions.”

  “Ask away.”

  “I work from home so I’d be here at the house a lot—especially now I have Finn. How can you protect us if you’re at the courthouse or your office?”

  “Trust me, no vampire’s going to attempt anything inside the gated community. But I have arranged for security guards to be stationed outside the house, and I’ve had a new alarm system installed.”

  “A maximum security prison. I don’t want Finn to live like that.”

  “But you want him to live.”

  Declan shuddered. “How is it the council can’t stop this?”

  “They’re trying. It’s a faction that Ambrose banished because they disagreed with his methods. They thought we should return to the ways of our ancestors.”

  “Were you tempted to do that?”

  “Not at all. It’s an incredibly dreary and pointless way of living.”

  The omega made a face.

  “Oh, and of course it’s inhumane.”

  “Quick save there, buddy.” The omega picked up the monitor as Finn rolled over and moaned. “But it’s not permanent. We can break the bond once these vampires have been…”

  “…eliminated. Yes.”

  “How?” The omega shivered as he remembered wielding the chainsaw. “The bonding thing, not the… other…not dealing with the vampires.”

  “It’s an involved process. It doesn’t concern you.”

  “If I agree, is there a ceremony or something?” He gulped. “For non-vampires, it’s… well… sex and marking.”

  “It’s the same in our community.”

  “What?” The omega leapt to his feet and the wine spurted over himself and the alpha. “But you said…”

  “You’re not a vampire. It’s very unusual—or as Ambrose would say, ‘highly irregular’—for a vampire to mate with a mortal, but there’s an ancient ritual we must observe.”

  “What happens? Your brother spouts gibberish, waves his arms around, and we’re mated?” The omega allowed himself a giggle.

  Alexander pressed his lips together. “Not exactly. It’s more complicated than that.”

  * * *

  Declan stood in front of a full-length mirror and examined the dark, hand-crafted tuxedo that fitted him perfectly, though the clothes couldn’t disguise his pale skin or the shadows under his eyes.

  He hadn’t been able to sleep, worrying how his decision would affect Finn. If his and Alexander’s bond continued indefinitely, how would the baby make friends, go to school, or have playdates?

  The alpha had been pacing the floor of his room during the night which had Declan wondering if he was regretting his offer. Am I screwing up his life by preventing him finding his true partner?

  It wasn’t the first time Declan had considered how the bond would affect Alexander. He’d failed to convince the alpha that trying to save Ian and assisting at Finn’s birth were not reasons to attach himself to two humans. But Alexander didn’t see it that way. He believed fate had intervened and placed him on the jogging path that day, and he couldn’t give up on them now.

  Having no one to use as a sounding board frustrated the omega. His brother refused to speak to him, and he couldn’t tell his human friends why he was mating with a vampire. Alexander had forbidden it, and though Declan had chafed at the alpha’s insistence, he wasn’t about to invite an argument.

  Am I insane? Those were the words Matt had used when Declan told him. His brother had ranted about Declan’s decision to mate with a vampire, and when he couldn’t change his younger brother’s mind, the alpha had offered to adopt the baby.

  Finn was the only one unconcerned as he lay in his baby carrier dressed in a red and white onesie and wriggling his chubby legs. “You should be asleep, young man. It’s late.”

  Though Declan was consumed with doubt, the baby had blossomed, partly due to Alexander. Not needing sleep was a huge advantage when looking after a newborn. During the night when Finn was restless, the alpha held him, changed his diaper, bathed him and took him for walks in the garden, allowing the omega to stay in bed.

  A knock at the door had Declan glance at Finn. It’s time. “Come in.”

  Alexander’s face lit up, and he made eye contact with the omega. “Very smart.”

  “And you.” The cut of the alpha’s suit took Declan’s breath away. Has he been poured into it? His silver cufflinks matched the ring on his finger he was twisting, making the omega wonder if he was nervous. I’m the one freaking out.

  Even though the bonding was a pretense, living with the alpha was challenging. The constant push and pull of Declan’s emotions exhausted him, and he’d lost weight due to the inner turmoil. Being mated to a vampire terrified him. But if he was honest, the prospect was also thrilling. He ignored the guilt that was his constant companion, preferring to unwrap it when he was alone.

  The omega turned to the full-length mirror. Shit! He stared at himself, but beside him, Alexander’s image was fuzzy.

  “I thought vampires had no reflection.”

  “In the old days, they probably didn’t. But our coven has conquered that unquenchable blood lust.”

  Declan raised a brow.

  “For the most part.” The alpha held out a red rose. “Here.”

  The omega attempted to attach it to his lapel but stabbed himself with the pin. “Ouch!” He raised the finger to his lips, and the alpha tensed. Alexander’s gaze, which was fixed on the lone, scarlet droplet, could only be described as venomous.


  “Sorry.” The alpha attached the rose to Declan’s lapel. “Ready?”

  * * *

  It was close to midnight when the alpha drove Sunshine through the gates of his brother’s estate. Declan was in awe of the huge house and grounds that dwarfed Alexander’s property.

  He kissed his son’s brow, and with the alpha’s hand on his back, the omega was led through the house to the double doors leading into Ambrose’s reception room. Two vampire alphas acting as ushers stood before them. Their eyes flicked to the omega and then to Finn, and Declan held the baby close.

  While he didn’t want his son at the ceremony, the omega didn’t trust a vampire babysitter, and his human friends had refused. He also worried one of the renegades would slip into the ceremony unnoticed and take the baby, but Alexander had reassured him it was the last place they’d turn up.

  There was a knot of anticipation in Declan’s stomach as the doors opened. Oh, God, this is worse than I thought. Alpha and omega vampires were clustered in groups engaging in small talk. A silence settled over the room, and all eyes were fixed on the humans.

  There were alphas and omegas with white hair and younger ones in their twenties who clambered over one another to get a look at the newcomers. Mated pairs held hands while alphas on the prowl circled groups of single omegas. There was a scattering of females, and Declan recognized the woman who had been Alexander’s opposing lawyer in the courtroom.

  Despite his unease, the omega was struck by how familiar it was. Mingling and catching up with friends, posturing and gossip. They were human once. The only thing missing was booze.

  “Why are there so many people?” he hissed at Alexander.

  The room erupted in laughter.

  “Shit. They can hear me.”

  “Yes,” everyone shouted.

  Finn stirred, and Declan gave the baby a finger to suck. Please don’t cry, little one. But as the crowd parted, and Alexander guided him to the center of the room, people oohed and ahhed and reached out to stroke Finn.

  “He’s so beautiful.”

  “What a cutie.”


  Ambrose stood frowning in the center of the room wearing a purple robe with a high collar. The omega beside him dressed in white had to be Victor.

  Alexander took Declan’s free hand and led him to Ambrose. The vampires swarmed around the four adults, and the omega shrunk back. What if this is a trick and they want Finn? A flush spread from his temple and slid over his throat and chest. Sweat dribbled down his spine, and the heat made him light-headed. His eyes flicked left and right as bodies packed around them.

  But Alexander threaded his fingers through the omega’s and mouthed, “Trust me.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  A tittering spread around the room but was silenced by an old wooden clock chiming midnight.

  “Let us begin.”

  Victor held a tattered old book in front of the coven leader, and Ambrose intoned words in a language the omega couldn’t understand. An alpha behind them dangled a set of keys at Finn setting Declan’s teeth on edge as he waited for the final ritual.

  Victor closed the book and held up an engraved dish. Declan gulped. What if I change my mind? The bodies suffocated him, as everyone focused on the alpha squeezing his hand.

  “Let me hold the baby.” An alpha reached out for Finn.

  “N-No, it’s okay.”

  “Seamus is Ambrose’s second in command, Declan.”


  A flare of annoyance crossed Seamus’ face until Ambrose motioned to an older female omega.

  “I’ll hold the little one. I had my own babies years ago.”

  After a reassuring glance from Alexander, the omega placed his son in her arms. Not wanting to take his eyes off Finn, Declan flinched as cold steel was placed against his throat. The metal was hard, unforgiving and almost indestructible—similar to vampires.

  The alpha had gone over what would happen and what was expected of Declan. Alexander’s teeth would scratch the surface of his skin. Not deep enough to suck and definitely not a bite needed for transformation or death.

  Declan’s mouth was dry, and he desperately needed water. He stifled a scream as the alpha’s cool breath mingled with his own. A cramp in one leg threatened to cripple him but he caught sight of Alexander’s unblinking eyes leveled at him and took a deep breath. My life is in your hands now.

  Filling his lungs with oxygen, the omega held his breath as the alpha’s teeth tore at the delicate skin on his throat. A subtle buzzing rippled its way from his neck through the veins and arteries in his arms and legs. His toes and fingers tingled, and he closed his eyes.

  It was the perfect blend of exquisite pleasure and excruciating pain. Alexander had impressed upon him not to cry out. A surge of energy flowed from the torn flesh to the rest of his body. Digging his nails into his palm, he almost forgot he and Finn were the only humans in the room.

  A bubble of pink euphoria surrounded him, echoing the fluttering in his stomach. His heart rate increased and blood flowed to his throbbing cock. It stiffened, and he clasped his hands together over his crotch. Please no. Why is this happening? Getting an erection in front of a vampire coven wasn’t on his bucket list.

  “Open your eyes, Declan.”



  I can do this.

  Declan’s perfumed blood dribbled into the steel bowl, engraved with roses. The rigid metal and delicate flowers were a perfect combination as Alexander breathed in the luscious aroma. He sensed the rest of the room doing the same and hoped they would behave. He didn’t want to decapitate anyone during the ceremony.

  His body tingled as he licked the trace of Declan’s blood from his teeth and lips. It took all his strength to stand beside the omega and not rip his clothes off and fuck him senseless. Maybe not right here in front of so many.

  The alpha’s gaze locked onto the omega’s wide, gray eyes. Alexander plastered a smile on his face and brought the dish to his lips. There was a nervous catch to his voice as he repeated the words, “I drink this blood from your flesh, and you become mine as I am yours.”

  The omega nibbled his lower lip, and his gaze was fixed on the bowl as Alexander tipped the contents into his mouth. There was a collective “Ahh” from the room when the warm, innocent blood passed his lips, and he swallowed.

  A charge of excitement pulsed through his veins along with Declan’s blood. He had devoured part of this human, and now their bond was unbreakable. Almost. Though his craving for the omega had been intense before they were mated, now it was all-consuming. He hoped he was alpha enough to contain it.

  He wanted to be inside Declan, their breath combining as their bodies fused. But owning the omega’s body by licking, nibbling, sucking, squeezing and breathing in his scent was as remote a possibility as it had been prior to the ritual. I have a mate but I can’t make him truly mine.

  “I believe it is traditional for humans to kiss.”

  Fuck you, Ambrose. Alexander searched the depths of Declan’s eyes and witnessed confusion.

  “Kiss your mate,” the crowd chanted.

  Mate! He is officially my mate. Stretching out his fingertips, the alpha drew Declan to him. The omega blinked and avoided Alexander’s lingering gaze. The alpha placed his hands on either side of his mate’s face, forcing him to look into his eyes. Is he angry with me? Embarrassed?

  A flush covered Declan’s cheeks, and Alexander pulled him closer until their chests were touching. The reassuring thud of the omega’s heart gave the alpha the courage to lean in for the kiss.

  The omega closed his eyes and his warm, sweet breath washed over the alpha, sending molten waves of pleasure coursing through this body. Alexander eyed the tiny scar above the omega’s upper lip and the freckle on one ear before placing his lips on his mate’s.

  He lost himself in the softness of Declan’s mouth as his tongue caressed the
sweet flesh, and he tasted the omega for the second time that day. The fire in his belly kindled by the omega’s blood reignited and awakened his cock while he pressed his body against his mate’s. How will I explain that?

  Alexander pulled away, leaving Declan gasping for breath. He longed to whisk the omega home and take him to bed, but alphas and omegas were lining up to congratulate them.

  Victor sidled up to Ambrose and the coven leader squeezed his hand. Alexander frowned. What’s that about? Those two never displayed any affection in public. Their connection was purely physical.

  The newly mated pair used the baby as an excuse to slip out early. After being passed around the room, Finn had grown irritable until Declan put him over his shoulder and rubbed his back.

  On their way home, Alexander asked, “Did you see Ambrose and Victor after the ceremony.”

  The omega yawned. “Mmmm.”

  “They were holding hands.”


  “They don’t do that. They sleep together. That’s it.”

  “For a smart guy, you miss a lot.”

  “Wow! That’s a back-handed compliment.”

  “Uh huh. According to what you’ve told me, Victor has always resented you.”


  “When I was thinking about mating, Ambrose said he couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “I remember. It was strange, but that’s Ambrose for you.”

  “Call me crazy but I think he delayed mating until you did. You are his little brother, and he was looking out for you.”

  “Please. He doesn’t like me and vice versa.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes… of course… maybe. He’s always been so critical though.”

  “Perhaps he wanted you to be the best you could be.”

  “That is a crock of shit. I hope Ian didn’t use that line on his clients.”

  Declan peered out the window.

  “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “It’s fine. I thought today would be harder than it was. But while my first mating was about love, lust and a desperate need to be together every minute, today was for Finn’s safety.”


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