My Doctor's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 6)

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My Doctor's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 6) Page 1

by Jamie Knight

  My Doctor’s Secret Baby

  Copyright © 2019 Jamie Knight Romance.

  This is Book 6 in the His Secret Baby series,

  which are based on theme and can be read alone

  but are best when binge-read altogether!

  1. My Father’s Best Friend’s Secret Baby

  My Dad’s Rival’s Secret Baby

  My Professor’s Secret Baby

  Single Mom’s Secret Baby

  My Father’s Rich Friend’s Secret Baby

  My Doctor’s Secret Baby

  Click here to see all the books in this series!

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Sneak Peek of My Father’s Best Friend’s Secret Baby

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  Chapter One


  “So,” said Dr. Roberts, entering the room after knocking softly. “I hear you’re ready to have a baby.”

  He sounded more excited that I felt in that moment. His face lit up like he was a gameshow host. I didn’t quite match his level of enthusiasm, but he did make me chuckle a little. I pulled the hospital gown tighter across my small frame. I had always been teased because of my small, mousy features and wondered what pregnancy would really be like.

  “Do I need to start from the very beginning, going over a brief history of IVF? Or have you already read up on the necessary information? I see that this is your second visit with us, but your first time seeing a doctor.”

  He gingerly fingered my file that had just a few sheets of paper inside of it. His kind, dark eyes focused pointedly on it.

  “This is my first visit to see you, yes, but I have already read up on IVF and had a consultation. And, as a matter of fact, I already picked out the donor…uh…samples…”

  “Samples?” asked Dr. Roberts, pretending to be confused. “Oh, you mean the SPERM?”

  He roared with laughter. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red. I was beginning to question my decision to be here or, at the very least, started to wonder if he would be the right doctor for the procedure. He was not like any other doctor that I’d ever seen. But, I figured that I was already there and obviously he must know something about the process, so I dismissed the thought.

  “Can you lean back and put your feet in the stirrups here?” he said, gently touching two metal arms which hung out at the ends of the table. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I could hear him fiddling around with some instruments.

  “Open wide,” he instructed, his soft, globed fingers grazing the inside of my thighs. I took a deep breath and did as I was told. He eased a piece of cold plastic inside of my vagina, stretching me open as he clicked the device into place. I jumped, not expecting to feel so stretched open. But, considering the fact that I had never even had sex, I shouldn’t have been so surprised. I was relieved when, after a few minutes of shining a flashlight inside of me, he took it out.

  “So, tell me more about your fertility history. Have you had challenges getting pregnant naturally?” asked Dr. Roberts, running his hand across my belly and pushing down softly.

  “No,” I answered. “I’m not in a relationship and haven’t been trying to conceive a baby naturally. I just have decided that I want to have a baby and I really don’t see why I should wait.

  I started to fidget uncomfortably. I had had this same conversation with my mother, several married mom friends, and anyone who felt the need to ask why my uterus had not as of yet produced a child.

  “It’s okay,” said Dr. Roberts, a softness about his voice that almost threw me off. “I see plenty of women who feel the same way that you do. Usually, though, by the time they come to me, it’s been after several failed pregnancy attempts, so they want to address the problem medically. So, you’re telling me that you haven’t had any previous pregnancies?”

  He picked up my flimsy file folder from the counter and started writing in it.

  I would have to have had sex for that, I thought. But, I wouldn’t dare share that embarrassing tidbit with this surprisingly handsome and charming doctor.

  “I usually like to ask women who come in with your story this question, so I hope that you don’t take it the wrong way. What makes you so sure that having a baby on your own is what’s best?”

  There it was: the million dollar question. I gave him the answer that I’d rehearsed and given to others many times before.

  “I have a very vibrant and thriving career as a lawyer, so I know that, financially, I am in an incredible position to take care of a baby. The catch 22, though, is that, because I work so much, I simply haven’t found much time to date. So, instead of waiting on Mr. Right, this imaginary guy who may never show up, I’d rather take advantage of what I do have: a ticking biological clock. I say ticking because as far as I know (and according to all of the tests that I have taken), I still have a chance at having a baby. So, basically, all that’s missing is the guy and from what I understand, your fine establishment has a bank full of what I’m missing. Is that right?”

  Dr. Roberts smiled sweetly, putting his large, but gentle hand on my shoulder.

  “That is right. We can definitely help you. Now, have you raised children before is the next question?”

  “No,” I said, slowly shaking my head. “But, I know that I will be a great mom. I just know it. I just haven’t found anyone that I want to be with.”

  “Well, if you lean back and open up again, I can do my part in making part of your dreams come true.” He held something that looked like a turkey baster filled with white liquid. Sperm.

  I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling the creamy sperm ooze deep inside of me.

  I looked down at Dr. Roberts, focusing between my legs and I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. His dark, curly hair covered his head like a mop. The masculine scent of his cologne permeated the room and added to his appeal.

  Stop it, I told myself. The last thing that I need is a schoolgirl crush complicating what is supposed to be a simple procedure at the doctor.

  But, the more that I told myself not to be drawn to him, the more I found it harder not to be.

  Chapter Two


  The alarm on my front door chirped loudly as I walked into my home, my sanctuary. I barely stopped to turn it off before making a beeline straight for my home gym. I’d had it built on as an addition to my spectacular home a couple of years ago. And I definitely put it to good use.

  “You aren’t even going to use it,” teased Ron, my old college roommate on one of his visits to my new house shortly after the gym had been built. “It’s just going to be like your gym membership that’s collecting dust in your wallet.”

  I winced thinking of the gym memb
ership that I had never even used. But, that was because I was always busy working. And having a gym at home would help me stay fit because there wasn’t a commute.

  When I got into the gym, I put loud rock music on the stereo and warmed up on the treadmill. Even though I knew that staying fit was part of a healthy lifestyle (and it was something that I constantly preached to my patients, my visit to the gym that day was less about fitness and more about blowing off steam.

  For some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about Anne White, the new patient that I had seen today. She was incredibly beautiful, especially when she smiled. I kept finding myself cracking jokes just to try to see her smile that seemed to cover her porcelain, freckled face. Her green, almond-shaped eyes had a light in them that I had never seen before. And I all but melted when she would look at me. And she was as smart as a whip. I could tell by the way she formulated her words, selecting them carefully so that her words, selecting them carefully so that her words almost had the lilt of songs.

  I pressed a button on the treadmill to pick up the pace.

  One thing I couldn’t understand, though, was with so much beauty, brains, personality, and an excellent career to boot, why didn’t she had a boyfriend or husband that she could have a baby with? Surely she could have had anyone that she wanted.

  Or was there something that I was missing?

  I was starting to break into a sweat and my breathing was becoming labored. I tried to focus on my workout more and on Anne White less. This wasn’t like me to fantasize about patients. I had always been very professional, in spite of the nature of my work. But, for some reason, my mind just kept going back to Anne.

  I had spent so many years building my career and reputation. And as I looked around at my man castle, I knew that it had all paid off. I was a rich doctor who’s claim to fame was starting up and running successful fertility clinics. I had done countless speaking engagements, being interviewed and even teaching about IVF to those in the field and students. I was well-known and respected as one of the top doctors in the field.

  And it was largely due to my professionalism. I had seen other doctors come and go because they couldn’t keep their dicks in their pants and would get involved with a patient romantically. Or even just sexually. So I knew firsthand that getting involved with a patient would spell death to my practice and career. In fact, I usually wouldn’t even toy with the idea of dating a patient.

  But, as hard as I tried to dismiss the thought, I kept thinking about Anne. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to go out with her on a date. I just knew that she would be interesting and sexy and…

  What was wrong with me? I had all the reasons in the world why I shouldn’t be thinking of her and it seemed like she was all that I could think about at all. It was almost like I couldn’t help myself.

  I pushed another button on the treadmill and slowed down to a halt. It didn’t seem like working out was helping me with distracting my mind. I walked back down the dark hallway to the living room, grabbed the TV remote, and sunk down into my leather couch. I started flipping through the channels. Nothing was really catching my attention.

  This is why I really didn’t watch much TV, I thought to myself, tossing the remote aside, rubbing my temples and closing my eyes. Even with my eyes closed, I just kept picturing Anne’s face.

  Is this really what all these years of being a bachelor has done to me? One visit from a pretty girl at the practice and she’s all I can think about?

  But, I knew that wasn’t it. There had been tons of beautiful women who walked through our doors before and I had never had this reaction. In fact, I often found comfort in the fact that I was a bachelor because it had been my experience that dating was often more trouble than it was worth. Some women were like vampires when it came to men, especially rich doctors. They always seemed to want to rush to the altar or, at the very least, want me to get them pregnant with one of my…what had Anne called it…my samples?

  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. My laughter bounced off of the walls and landed back into my ears, sounding like tinny raucous. Anne had been so cute without even trying to be.

  Even though, most of the time, it was just easier and less trouble to focus on work, meeting her made me feel a pang of something that I rarely ever felt: loneliness.

  Sometimes, I wished that I had someone that I could share my joy and pain with, a partner-in-crime. But, for the first time almost ever, I started wondering what it might be like to raise a family with her.

  I stood up quickly, starting to get afraid of my own thoughts.

  Snap out of it, Ted, I thought. My career hadn’t taken off because of daydreams and fantasies. It was the result of hard work and discipline. All of which could be flushed down the toilet in a moment’s notice if I kept letting my childish imagination run wild. I slowly sat back down, took a deep breath in, and blew it all out. Being a single guy, I knew that loneliness happened, but the pay off was so great: money, an amazing career, and basically any woman that I wanted. I just had long ago decided that I value my peace more than anything. Here I was only thinking about a girl and about to commit career suicide.

  No need for all of that drama. I would just keep focusing on work and leave love and relationships to everyone else.

  Chapter Three


  I felt a little sullen as I changed into the gown that the nurse had given me at Dr. Roberts office. For some reason, I just knew that this process was going to solve my problems and give me the happy family that I wanted.

  But, when I took the home pregnancy tests (at least ten of them) and they all came back negative, I started losing heart. The nurse had asked me if I felt any different, if my breast felt tender, and other questions like those. All of my answers came back as no.

  The office felt colder this time as I waited for the doctor to walk in. I almost didn’t come in but thought about just calling to tell them that I’d changed my mind. But, I think that part of me just wanted the official confirmation from the doctor that even my body couldn’t get with the program and give me the family that I had desperately wanted.

  Within a few minutes, Dr. Roberts knocked softly and walked into the room.

  “How have you been feeling?” he asked, his loud voice cheerful, making me wonder if there was hope after all.

  “Fine,” was all I could manage to say.

  “Well, that’s good. Now, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that you aren’t pregnant yet. The good news is that we still have plenty of time and opportunity to keep trying.”

  I tried to force myself to smile and say thank you, but I choked out a sob and hot tears started streaming down my face. When I tried to stop them, they just kept right on coming.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Dr. Roberts. “You have to understand, these things take time. You’re talking about bringing a brand new life into the world in a scientific way. If you know anything about science…”

  I could tell that he was about to go into a long lecture, so I waved his hand away.

  “No, it’s isn’t that,” my voice whinier than I had hoped that it would be. “It’s just that I really hoped that I would be able to get pregnant right away. With everything that seems to be going so well in my life, it just seems like when it comes to love and having a family, I’m the unluckiest person alive. I mean, what good is having an amazing career if you don’t have anyone else to share it with?”

  Dr. Roberts looked like he had been punched in the gut and I thought that he might have thrown up all over me.

  “I can understand that,” he said, nodding slowly. “But, don’t be so hard on yourself. It doesn’t always happen right away. And when you have your next cycle, we can try again and see if it works. But, I want you to stay positive and don’t be so hard on yourself. Like you said before, you’ve never even attempted pregnancy, right?”

  “Right,” I said, softly.

  “So, what makes you so sure that the ne
xt time won’t be that magical time that we’re all hoping for?”

  I thought about how my life had gone and even attempts at dating. They were complete nightmares. It was a large part of the reason why I had decided to skip the relationship part and just go straight for the baby. I shuddered thinking of the horrible guys that I had dated from friends hooking me up and dating apps that others had suggested. It was enough to make any woman run for the hills.

  “I just have this sinking feeling that it just won’t work out. Nothing like this ever goes the way

  that I hope it does. I just wanted to get pregnant and enjoy it. I wanted to be able to look forward to being a mother and just focus my energy on that. Now, I have nothing to even look forward to. I figured that, at least if I couldn’t find love, at least I could have my baby.”

  I fought hard to hold in the tears that were welling up behind my eyes. Even though the hormones hadn’t made me conceive a baby, they definitely had worked to make me feel more emotional.

  “There, there,” said Dr. Roberts, putting his hand on my bare shoulder. It was like a bolt of lightning had struck me when his fingers landed on my shoulder. I looked up and him and noticed him looking weaker, like he had felt the same surge of electricity that I did.

  We both sat there, frozen, staring into each other’s eyes.

  God, he was sexy.

  Before I knew what I was doing, my legs sprung open, as if inviting him in. He glanced down at my bare, trimmed pussy and sucked in a deep breath. He inched his hand down my body slowly, running his soft fingers along my inner thigh. I arched my back as I felt the tingling sensation racing through my body. He started slowly petting my pussy lips, making my clit Harden and jump as I tried to contain my excitement. I moaned as he slowly and carefully inserted his thick finger into my ripping wet pussy. I braced myself, grabbing a handful of his doctor’s coat as he pushed his finger all the way inside of me, coating his finger with my slippery wetness. It felt incredible. I could feel my pussy gripping his finger as he worked it in and out again and again.


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