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Muse Page 2

by Jenna Rose

  My hair was a damn bee’s nest, but I did what I could with it. Using a bit of Janice’s make-up, I did my lashes, eyeliner and a bit of contour. I’d done her make-up enough times that I sort of knew what I was doing, and by the time I was done I looked a little bit more presentable.

  But still—I was no model.

  What if I went back and he realized what a mistake he’d made? What if he ended up telling me he just wanted to talk to me about Janice or something and not hook up? What if he did want to hook up? I was on fire for him, but…I was still a virgin and there was no question that he’d had countless gorgeous women in his life. I had no idea how to please a man, especially one with as much experience as Shane must have had.

  No, I thought, opening my phone. Not tonight. It’s too soon.

  I selected his message and wrote back.

  Sorry. I can’t. Not tonight.

  I closed the app and locked my phone, but it vibrated back instantly. My heart was about to explode. I checked it.

  NO. Tonight. Now. Come. Don’t tell Janice!

  “Shit…” I muttered. He wasn’t asking; he was telling me. He knew I wanted to come back, and hearing him say it like that made me realize that I really did. In fact, I knew I couldn’t resist again. I couldn’t tell him no one more time. I had to go.

  I wrote back.

  Fine. Leaving now.

  Chapter Three


  My cock swelled in my pants as I heard the elevator approaching my floor. My whole body was tight, fierce and ready. I was even sweating a little.

  She’s coming, I thought. I almost was too.

  I took another sip of my ice water, trying to cool myself down, but it was nearly impossible. Just waiting for her through the afternoon felt like an eternity. I hadn’t even bothered going through Janice’s shots yet. I’d tried. I transferred them to my computer and started marking the best, but I only got through a handful before I had to call it quits.

  I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. Jane. Jane my beautiful princess who had no idea just how gorgeous she was. My diamond in the rough.

  Her bright eyes were burned into my brain. The way her thick mess of gorgeous hair hung over her face…she was like a doll—a doll made specifically to drive me wild.

  Unlike Janice, Jane was subtle, understated, just waiting for a guy like me to bring out her inner bad girl. No—not a guy like me—me.

  I’d gotten a single taste of her, and a feel of those spectacular tits underneath her shirt, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough. I wasn’t going to stop until I had every inch of her, and now she was on her way up to my studio, which meant she wanted it to.

  This sort of thing had never happened to me. Not once. Not even when I shot Svetlana, Victoria’s Secret’s hottest new runway model from last year. She’d all but told me I could fuck her during the shoot, but I kept it professional. But Jane wasn’t a model. She wasn’t even in the industry. She was just a girl—a drop dead girl that had my fucking world spinning and my dick as hard as steel. If I wanted her, I was going to have her.

  My legs went tight as the elevator stopped and the doors creaked open. And then there she was, standing there like goddess, practically shaking with nervousness. My jaw practically fell open.


  “Hi…” she whispered. Her voice was like magic, but as I looked at her, I saw something I didn’t like, if that was actually possible. She’d done her make-up.

  For whatever reason, even though I’d put my hands on her earlier this morning when she looked like she’d just crawled out of bed, she thought she had to do herself up for me.

  Had she told Janice she was coming?

  “You did your make-up,” I said. Jane hung her head in embarrassment.

  “Do…do you like it? You probably know better than I do—”

  “No,” I growled, stepping right up to her. She looked up at me with confusion. “A girl like you doesn’t need any make-up. None. Come on. Let’s get it off you.”

  I took her by the wrist and led her to the bathroom. I handed her a pack of make-up removal wipes and stood behind her so she could see my reflection in the mirror. She’d changed her shirt since I last saw her. It still had that same rock New York look, but was even shorter than the last, which showed off her gorgeous waist and flat stomach.

  How could this girl not know she was beautiful!?

  I stood in silence as she took her make-up off, and watched as her natural beauty shined through.

  “There,” I whispered. “That’s it. Now we can shoot.”

  “Shoot? You—you want to shoot me?”

  “Of course I do,” I told her, taking her by the shoulders and turning her around to look at me. It took every ounce of strength I had not to tear her pants off of her and bury my face in her pussy. But I decided to tease her a little bit first. “Why else do you think I invited you here?”

  Her eyes swelled with surprise, but I didn’t give her a chance to react. I took her warm hand and led her back into the studio and right over to my grey canvas backdrop. I turned on the soft modeling light of my large softbox and switched off the house lights, bathing my studio in a gentle orange glow. Then, I picked up my camera.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Jane’s beautiful eyes went wide and she gasped. Whatever she thought was going to happen here—this wasn’t it, and that’s why I was doing it. I was going to have my way with her, and this was part of it. Her beauty needed to be captured, and I was starting my private collection of photos right now.


  “Don’t get uptight now, princess. You came all this way; do you really want to disappoint me?”

  “No…” she replied softly.

  “Then take them off and step back to that mark.”

  She glanced behind her at the line I’d marked on the floor where she was to stand and took a step back. Then, she undid the top button of her pants. I growled as she undid the zipper, exposing the skin beneath her hips. She wasn’t even wearing any panties…

  My cock was hungry for her, begging me to let it out so it could be inside her.

  No. Not yet…

  My hand tightened around my camera grip as she began pulling them down, but she hesitated, stopped, then took hold of her shirt. She wasn’t ready to show me her pretty little pussy yet, but that was okay. One step at a time.

  When she pulled the crop-top up over her head, the sight took my breath away.

  Her tits were perfect, the kind that could make a career. That was if the world was ever able to see them, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. Jane’s body was for me and me alone, not like the rest of the girls I shot. My jaw locked down and I felt the cum filling my balls as I thought about running my hands all over her. I’d lick every inch of this girl’s body.

  …every fucking inch.

  Her arms were thin, delicate, and her waist was tiny, accentuating the size of her breasts. I wanted to press my lips against her neck and work her way down to them, then down her flat little stomach to the pussy she was still hiding from me.

  But not for long…

  “Your pants,” I told her. “Take them off too.”

  She hesitated, but then moved her hands back to her pants and began to take them down. My dick twitched as she exposed her hip bones to me, and I held my breath as she kept going, revealing the skin above her pussy.

  It was bare. Shaved. Completely smooth. I felt myself starting to salivate as I imagined my tongue pressed against her skin, but then a sudden thought angered me.

  “You shave,” I said. She stopped and looked at me.


  “For who?” I growled. She looked surprised and shook her head.

  “No one. I just—I just do it…because Janice told me I should.”

  Was she lying to me? Did she have a boyfriend back home that had asked her to do that? My eyes narrowed.

  “No boyfriend at home?”

�ve never had a boyfriend,” she replied softly. “I’ve never even…”

  “Never even what?” I asked quickly.

  “I’ve never really…done anything.”

  Oh shit. She’s innocent?

  “Is…that okay?”

  Okay!? Holy shit…

  “It’s more than okay, princess. Now, take your pants all the way off.”

  Chapter Four


  I couldn’t believe what I was doing. My whole body felt on fire, the way you feel when you’re scared and ready to run away from danger, but this was different. This was exciting, and there was no way I was going anywhere.

  I was shocked when I left the apartment, lying to Janice about having a Tinder date. I was even more shocked when I got here and Shane took me to the bathroom to remove my make-up, and I could barely believe that I was standing here in his studio, taking off my clothes so he could take pictures of me nude.

  I could barely believe it, but I wanted it. I wanted him.

  Never in my life had I felt attractive or sexy. But when Shane looked at me, I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world as I stood before him, and that’s what gave me the courage to do what I was doing. Slowly, I took my pants down the rest of the way and exposed my tiny little pussy to him.

  I paused a moment with my pants halfway down my thighs, looking at him as I did my best to process what was happening. My heart pounded as his eyes moved across my bare body. His mouth hung open slightly, reminding me of our kiss this morning.

  “All the way,” he said slowly. His words lit me up inside and I felt my shyness begin to melt away, replaced with desire and something else that I wasn’t used to feeling. Confidence.

  I stepped out of my pants, right leg first and then my left, then kicked them aside and stood there naked as the day I was born.

  Wetness dripped from my slit, and without panties or any hair down there, he could definitely see it. Did other girls get wet during a shoot too? I wondered. Or was it all routine to them?

  “Turn around,” he told me. “Let me see everything.”

  His voice never waivered. There wasn’t a hint of indecisiveness in it. To him, there was no possible way I would disobey him. And you know what? He was right.

  Slowly, I turned around until my back was to him, and heard an unmistakable growl as he looked at me.

  “You’ve got quite the little ass on you, princess. But I bet you’ve been told that a million times before.”

  “N-no, actually,” I confessed.

  “Mmmm,” was his only reply. But it sounded as though he was pleased by my response. He didn’t want anyone else looking at me, I could tell that. That was why he’d gotten so angry when he’d seen my shaved pussy.

  He was worried I had a boyfriend…

  “You’re wet, princess,” he said simply, causing me to stiffen. He’d noticed. “You’re glad you came, aren’t you?”


  “Turn around again and face me.”

  His voice had a hold on me. Without thinking, I did as he asked and turned back around. What did he see in me? No make-up, no experience—modeling or otherwise—and no idea what I was doing.

  Standing there before him was torture. His camera was in his hand, but not aimed at me. His eyes were on me, but he wasn’t touching me. My body ached for him.

  “Okay, let’s get started,” he said, raising his camera. The lens was wide and dark and I felt as though I was staring down the barrel of a gun. Somehow that made it even hotter. “Put your right arm above your head like this, and your left arm, cross it over your stomach.”

  I did my best to follow his instructions, but felt more awkward than ever. With the camera at his face, I couldn’t see his expression. Was I doing well? Or was he about to realize that I didn’t belong here.

  “That’s it. Now your left foot—stand on the ball of your feet and stick your hip out.”

  I did as I was told.


  The shutter clicked, and a rush of adrenaline raced through me. I’d done it. I’d just posed nude for one of New York City’s top photographers. Not only that—I’d made out with him too…

  Even though I couldn’t see Shane’s eyes, I could see the bulge in his pants. He wanted me, but when I arrived, he hadn’t even touched me. Was this really just a professional visit? I had no idea what was happening, but I did know that Shane Mason had me completely under his spell and I was melting inside an ice cream cone in the summer heat.

  “Chin up,” he told me. Again, I did as I was told, and my heart leapt as the shutter snapped again. “Good girl.”

  “Am I…am I doing all right?”

  “You’re perfect, princess,” he replied. “You promise you’ve never posed for anyone else before?”

  “Never!” I said quickly. Even with the camera against his face, I could see his lips twist into a smile.

  “Good. Now I’m going to get a little closer.”

  He lowered the camera and locked eyes with me, sending my heart fluttering like a flag in the wind. He moved towards me with purpose, the most captivating, sure-of-himself man I’d ever met in my life and he’d chosen me to come back to his studio after hours to…take pictures?

  No. There’s more to it than that and you know it!

  But did I? did I really? All I knew was that as Shane moved towards me, I was desperate for him. I would have done anything he wanted me to do without question. He stopped before he reached me and picked up a small wooden box and set it in front of me. He pointed.

  “Sit. Legs to the side.”

  As he backed up, I carefully positioned myself on the box as I thought he wanted me, using my right arm to prop myself up. I wasn’t sure if it was right, but when I looked up at him and saw the look in his eyes…I knew.

  “You’re lying to me, princess,” he said. “You’ve done this before.”

  “I haven’t!” I protested. “I swear!”

  “You’re not lying to me?” he growled. My heart felt like it was ready to leap from my chest.

  “I would never lie to you.”

  Shane smiled, got down on one knee and raised his camera again.

  “Chin up.”

  I felt the wetness between my legs and was conscious of the weight of my breasts, the shape of my body, the look in my eyes and what I was saying to him with them.

  Take me.

  “That’s it…” he whispered.

  The shutter snapped again—then again and again as I moved ever so slightly each time, feeling as though I was finally learning to control my body in a sexual way. I’d never been a dancer, an athlete or one of those girls who could even consider teasing her man with a lap dance. But now, in front of Shane’s camera, I was starting to feel like a woman.

  “Okay, these are good. But it’s time to move to the next level,” he said. “Spread your legs and face me. Show me all your beauty.”

  The lines were really blurring now. But if he wanted me, why wasn’t he taking me like he did this morning?

  “Is—is this how all of your shoots go?” I whispered. Shane lowered his camera and smiled.

  “Not even remotely.”

  His words flattened me, and I was instantly even more wet, so wet that I was probably going to leave a wet mark on the box. My body was practically screaming for his touch. I lowered my chin, letting my curls fall across my face to hide my eyes, arched my back and slowly opened my legs.

  I heard Shane’s sharp intake of breath as he got the full view. It was the most intimate I’d ever been with someone. Nobody, not even a girl friend, had seen me this exposed. There was no more hiding anything from him. As far as I was concerned, my body belonged to him now.

  The bulge in his pants taunted me as he raised his camera again. Each shutter snap sent a shiver up my spine, and with each shot, Shane moved closer…closer…closer...until finally he lowered his camera and simply stared.

  Oh my God…I thought. Is he going to…?

; “You’re impossible to resist, Jane.” His voice shook my soul like an earthquake. My body flooded with tremendous need. “I didn’t just invite you here for pictures, you know?”


  “I invited you for everything.”

  Before I knew what was happening, he was leaning forward, and before I could react, his lips pressed against mine and the world felt like it had exploded.

  My moan was simply a whimper as he slid his tongue into my mouth, and I kissed back hungrily, about to explode from the amount of tension that had built up during the shoot.

  I shook as his fingers found the inside of my thigh and moved up. I leaned into him, begging for more, and as he slid inside of me I couldn’t hold it any longer. I broke my lips from his and cried out.


  “That’s right, princess,” he growled into my ear as he curled his finger and instantly found my g-spot, sending pleasure rolling through me like a warm wave. Without hesitation, he slid another finger into me and I lost it. I leaned forward and threw my arms over him, giving up all control to him.

  He kissed my lips, my jaw, my neck and began moving down, all the while his fingers working perfectly inside me. My chest heaved as he kissed my breast and I moaned again as his lips closed around my nipple. This was all new to me, and the excitement was almost too much to bear. And this wasn’t some drunk hookup in a dorm or with some puny high school boy—this was the man of my dreams who had picked me out of the blue.

  He kept moving down, and I quivered as his lips pressed against my stomach, just above the belly button. Then down…more and more until his mouth was right there, so close to my dripping little pussy that I could barely contain myself. He looked up at me, his eyes burning with passion, opened his lips and showed me the tip of his tongue.


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