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by Jenna Rose

  “This is for you,” he told me. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look.”

  Oh, fuck! Is this really going to happen!?

  Shane leaned in and I felt the heat of his breath against my moist pussy lips, but just as he was about to kiss me there, a phone ring blared out like an emergency siren.

  “Fuck!” he groaned, his lips millimeters from my delicate skin. I couldn’t help myself. I leaned towards him, trying to press my pussy against his tongue. I needed it. But just as I did, Shane got to his feet.


  “Fuck!” he shouted. “Why the fuck is she calling me!?”


  “Wh-who?” I stammered, quickly closing my legs as our fantasy scenario came crashing down around us.

  “Don’t worry, princess,” he said as he snatched his phone angrily from his desk. “Just my assistant Nancy. No one you have to worry about. She wouldn’t be calling me if it wasn’t insanely important.”

  Phew, I thought as I felt my heart rate slow. What a cruel joke it would have been if after all that, Shane had a wife or a girlfriend at home. Angrily, he answered the call.

  “What is it?...You’re kidding me. Now?!” He turned to me, obviously furious at whatever it was he was being told. “Fine. Just tell them I need ten minutes.”

  He hung up and tossed his phone aside then turned back to me. I knew before he said it; our moment was over.

  “I’m sorry, Jane. But it’s an emergency.” He walked back over to me, his eyes all over my naked body. “You know I’d rather continue with this, but it’s unavoidable.”

  “I—I understand,” I replied as I got to my feet and found my clothes. My pussy was absolutely dripping and I was feeling what must have been the girl equivalent of blue balls.

  “But don’t you worry,” he said, snatching me by the hair and pulling my face close to his. “This isn’t over. Not even fucking close.”


  “Of course. You have no idea what else I have in store for you. I’ll DM you, okay?”

  I nodded eagerly.

  “And again, do not tell Janice. This is between you and me.”

  I barely had time to nod before he kissed me, my desire overflowing within me like a pot boiling over. My world was spinning as he walked me to the elevator. The last thing I saw before the door closed were his fierce, piercing eyes and enormous bulge.

  “Soon, princess. Soon.”

  Chapter Five


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I shouted, slamming a fist against my leg. “Now she wants to talk now!?”

  My cock was screaming between my legs, and as I reached my desk, I undid the top button and zipped them down to give my bulge some breathing room. I was that close—that fucking close to claiming her, pressing my lips against that beautiful, gleaming, untouched pussy and it had all be ripped away from me.

  My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked my Instagram alert to see Janice had posted a story update:

  Thanks ShaneMasonPhotography for the shoot today! You are one of a kind.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I muttered as I closed the app and opened Skype. Nancy had called to tell me Eleanor, the editor of High Style, was finally ready for our video call that I’d been dreading for the last couple of weeks since the allegations.

  Apparently, some model I’d shot with had gone to them and reported me for misconduct and inappropriate comments, saying I’d come onto her during the middle of a shoot, taken my dick out and told her to suck it. Then, when she refused, I’d gone down on her without her consent and she’d been too afraid to resist or do anything.

  Just thinking about it made my blood boil.

  It was all nonsense of course. Never in my life had I been inappropriate during a photo shoot, and Nancy had been present at all times for all of them.

  …except this one with Jane of course.

  I had strict rules that I held myself to and it was precisely for reasons like this. I worked with gorgeous models everyday, top of the line pieces of ass that most men would die to be with, but I never crossed that line…until now.


  She’d hypnotized me, taken hold of me from the moment I saw her. I was powerless to resist her. Sure, I’d invited her here for a photo shoot, and while I was a professional, this wasn’t a professional shoot. This was for my personal archive, which so far consisted of tonight’s shoot and nothing more. But this was only the beginning.

  She wasn’t just a model for me. She was my model, but she was more than that. I wasn’t her photographer either. We both knew that, but what we’d done…it was so fucking hot I could barely contain myself. And now, with a hard dick and blue balls, I had to make a call to the editor of the fucking magazine to defend my reputation against anonymous slander.


  I slammed my fist on the desk, scattering prints and SD cards everywhere, opened Skype and pressed on Eleanor’s name. After a few rings she picked up.

  “Hi, Shane.” Her tone was serious. Normally Eleanor and I got along well. I liked her, but this was serious and she wasn’t one of those sleaze balls that would let allegations like this go unchecked. She was going to do her job, and if that meant having to break my balls to get to the truth, that’s what she was going to do.

  “Hey, Eleanor. What’s up?”

  “I think we both know,” she replied. “I’ve been contacted once again by…your accuser. She says if we don’t immediately terminate our relationship with you and release a statement saying so, she’s going to go public.”


  “You know I don’t want to ask you this, Shane,” Eleanor said slowly. “But you know I have to.”

  “It’s not true,” I growled. “You know me better than that. How long have we worked together?”

  She tried to hide it and remain professional, but Eleanor breathed a soft sigh of relief. “That’s what I thought, Shane. You’re too good of a man for these accusations to be true. But can you think of any reason someone would want to do this to you?”

  I shook my head, fuming at what was happening to me. Who would want to do something like this to me? I treated all my girls with nothing but respect. I’d made careers for girls. If anything, I deserved praise and thanks, not slander.

  “Fucking clueless, Eleanor. Maybe it’s someone who hates High Style and is trying to fuck you over by ruining our relationship?”

  “Maybe,” Eleanor replied. “But this girl…she sounds like she’s got a vendetta against you. I don’t think it’s about the magazine.”

  “You sure you don’t know who she is, Eleanor? I mean—no clues or anything? Did she have an accent or anything?”

  “We haven’t spoken directly,” she replied. “It’s all been e-mails so far.”

  “Okay, Eleanor,” I replied. It didn’t seem like there was anything I could do. Unless I could figure out who the girl was, I wouldn’t be able to defend myself. Even then, it was going to be my word against hers, and if she released the story online, no amount of evidence would satisfy the mob. My career—my life would be ruined.

  “I guess I have no choice. I’ll send an e-mail resignation to you saying we’re no longer going to be working together and you can show it to her. Hopefully then this will all go away.”

  “Okay, Shane,” Eleanor replied, obviously quite upset herself. “But…what if this doesn’t satisfy her? What if she is after blood?”

  “Well, then I guess I’m fucked.”

  “Think hard, Shane. Try to figure out who might have something against you and see if you can get to the bottom of this. I’ll help you in any way possible, but there’s only so much I can do.”

  “I appreciate that, Eleanor,” I sighed. “But right now, I’m fucking clueless.”

  I hung up the call and almost smashed my phone against the wall but stopped myself. I’d need it if I was going to stay in contact with Jane. I was still absolutely raging for her, but that phone call had
completely fucked up my night. I wanted to show Jane everything I had to offer, show her the world of pleasure I had in store for her and claim her in every was possible. But I couldn’t do it when I was ready to tear the world to pieces.

  And I’d been so close…

  My lips and tongue just a hair away from her pretty little cunt. I was close enough that I could smell her, and boy did she smell good. I’d felt like an animal down there, ready to lick those sweet juices dripping from her lips and probe her hole as deep as I could, taste every single inch of her. If what she said was true, she was innocent, untouched, just waiting for me to show her the world.

  I walked over to my computer and began to transfer the images from my camera to my computer, doing my best to calm the anger raging inside of me. I was ready to explode, but when I saw the shots pop up on my display, everything changed.

  They were the most incredible shots I’d ever taken. Jane was gorgeous in real life, but absolute magic through my lens. I’d shot some of the world’s top models, girls who went on to become famous simply for being beautiful, but Jane…she was something else.

  I knew that I could send these shots to anyone and Jane would instantly be the hottest thing in New York, and within months, the world. I could make her rich, famous, legendary in the business…

  …but did I want to?

  Jane was my discovery, my beautiful little secret. I didn’t want to share her with anyone, especially not these shots—shots that showed everything. No, those were mine. I was the only one who was going to see my sexy princess like that. But maybe—just maybe, if Jane wanted to start a career as a model, I’d be okay with helping her. But right now, she was mine and nobody else’s.

  Chapter Six


  “Spill it!” Janice whined again over her glass of red wine. “How’d your little Tinder date go? You hooked up didn’t you.”

  “Why would you say that?” I replied. “What am I? Some kind of slut?”

  “Pshhh,” Janice laughed. “Is there an opposite for a slut?”


  “Yes!” Janice snapped. “That. That’s you. A prude!”

  “So, then why did you say I probably hooked up with my date?”

  Janice was the world’s biggest gossip, and I was doing my best to keep my promise to Shane and not tell her about what had just gone down at his studio, but I was finding it extremely hard to not spill the beans.

  I wanted to tell her everything, as I was still completely upside down over what had happened. What use was a good girlfriend if you couldn’t share all the sultry details of your first real hookup with her? Especially if that hookup was with one of New York’s most successful and sought after photographers?

  “You just have that look,” Janice replied.


  “Mmhmm,” she nodded, taking another sip of her wine. “You know—like you just got dicked down!”

  I burst out laughing. She was almost right. But if I was glowing, it was because of the fact that I was so sexually frustrated that I was about to burst. My pussy was wet and I hadn’t had a chance to change my jeans since coming home and being accosted by Janice for details. When I closed my eyes, I could still smell him, feel the heat from his body and the breath against my dripping pussy lips…

  All I wanted to do was go outside, get on the subway and race back to him to finish what we started. But whatever had come up had obviously been extremely important to him or he wouldn’t have asked me to go. Was he all right? It felt silly to be worrying for him—a man I’d just met—but it was as if everything in my life had gone into hyperdrive the moment he set his eyes on me. I felt like Rose in “Titanic,” and Shane was Jack, if Jack was six-foot-three with muscles, and from what I could assume from the bulge I’d seen in his pants, a dick that would put most porn stars to shame.

  “Well, I didn’t get just dicked down, Janice,” I admitted. “I’m just in a good mood.”

  “Will you be seeing him again?”

  “Him?” I thought slyly. “Probably not.”

  “No? What about Shane Mason?”


  My heart shook and my eyes snapped up to her. Did she know? Had she somehow seen us kissing when she came out of the bathroom? Had she followed me when I left the apartment for our secret photo shoot?


  But just as I was starting to freak out, Janice laughed. “Relax, Jane. I’m only joking.”

  She waved her hand in the air and took another sip of her wine, but she did it in a way that made me feel like she was completely dismissing the notion as though it were impossible—as though someone like Shane would never be interested in me, the frumpy friend sidekick. And that pissed me off.

  “Yeah? Why is that a joke?” I asked. “You think Shane wouldn’t think I’m cute?”

  “Oh, honey,” Janice replied. “I didn’t mean it that way. I saw how he was looking at you, and I’m sure you did too, but don’t let that fool you. He looks at every girl that way. He’s a photographer, ya know? It’s just automatic to him. If any other normal guy gave you that look, like in a bar or something, it would be because he wanted to fuck you. But when Shane does it, he’s just doing his photographer thing. He’s looked at me like that a million times, but he doesn’t cross that professional line. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

  What!? A pang of jealousy hit me like a knife to the chest. Janice had tried to get with Shane?

  “You—you did?” I asked nervously.

  “Mmmhmmm,” she nodded. “It was a semi-nude shoot, bottoms only, and when we were done, I just didn’t put my top back on and sort of went over to him while he was checking out the images on his computer and hugged him, making sure I pressed my tits against his back.”

  You little bitch…

  If I had had a set of fangs I would have sunk them into her neck. I was irrationally possessive, but I couldn’t help it. Even picturing her with her half-naked body on my man had me steaming.

  My man? Did I just think that?

  I did my best to remain calm.

  “And so…what did he do?”

  Janice shrugged and rolled her eyes. “He made up some excuse about needing to pee or something and walked away. Eventually I just got dressed and left.”


  Shane already felt like my territory, and just knowing that Janice had spied him and tried to fuck him, no doubt to advance her career, had me fuming. I almost wanted to spill the whole story to her right then and there. But Shane had asked me several times to keep my mouth shut, so that’s what I did. Just then, my phone vibrated. Another Instagram DM.

  It’s him…

  Come back. We need to finish things…

  My heart leapt. Talk about being pulled in every direction! It was almost midnight, but did I care? Not one fucking bit.

  The only problem was Janice. How was I going to make up another story about leaving so late at night when I’d just told her I wasn’t going to see my make-believe Tinder date again? Thankfully, the world seemed to be on my side and presented a solution.

  “Well, I’m going to bed,” she said, setting her wine aside. “Another shoot tomorrow and I should at least try to make the make-up girl’s job easy by not looking like complete shit. Night, babe!”

  “Night!” I called after her. I waited on the couch for at least ten minutes, then grabbed my purse and slipped out as quietly as possible. With any luck, the red wine had her in a nice deep sleep and she wouldn’t be asking me any questions when I came home.

  It didn’t take long to get back to the studio, and I was practically jumping up and down as I rode the elevator up. This time I’d ditched my jeans and t-shirt and instead was wearing a simple black jersey dress with absolutely nothing underneath. Easy access. And when the elevator doors opened and I saw him standing there, standing in the soft glow of the modeling lamp, I melted yet again.

  “You came,” he smiled as I stepped into the studio.

  “You said we
had some things to finish,” I replied.

  “We do.”

  I thought about asking him why I’d had to leave in the first place, but whatever it was I was sure it wasn’t anything he wanted to talk about right now, so I left it alone.

  “Your photos are incredible,” he told me. “Do you want to see them?”

  Honestly, part of me did and another part of me didn’t. I was one of those people who hated hearing their voice played back on a voice mail or a video, and wasn’t sure how I’d react to actually seeing my naked body, especially when I was going to be comparing myself to every modeling photo I’d ever seen of Janice and her beautiful friends.


  “Come,” he told me.

  Oh, I will!

  He took my hand, and my body ached for him, wishing it was somewhere other than my hand, but I followed him to his computer and what I saw took my breath away.

  It was me, but a me I had never seen before. My messy mane of curls was no longer a mess; it was a beautiful draping of twists and turns spilling down over my face. And my face! Never in my life had I seen that expression on my face. Despite how I felt when the photo had been taken, it wasn’t an expression of lust, it was something more than that—something deeper, powerful, feminine.

  Even my body looked good, so good I didn’t quite believe it. Were my boobs really that big? I’d never sent nudes to anybody, or even taken any, so I didn’t really have any reference points for what I was seeing, but it just didn’t seem possible to me.

  “You photoshopped these?” I asked.

  “Not one bit,” he replied. “These are RAW, straight out of the camera.”

  “I—I don’t even know what to say. I can’t believe it. You’re so talented, Shane.”

  “These had nothing to do with me, princess. These are all you. And now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a few more.”

  Really!? I thought. More teasing!?

  I wanted to cry out to him to take me right then and there, but I was also so completely blown away by what I was seeing, that I was willing to go on the ride with him.


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