Guardians of a Giant's Treasure

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Guardians of a Giant's Treasure Page 2

by M. D. Grimm

  “It smells good,” Ronan said, encouragingly.

  Tucker perked up. “Thank you.”

  When Ronan began to move his seat back, Tucker hurried around and did it for him. Ronan struggled not to laugh as he sat and Tucker pushed the chair in. Yes, he was a sweet, sweet man. Then Tucker served him, and Ronan decided to enjoy the wooing process. He suspected Tucker did it to make Ronan as comfortable as possible, and to perhaps give himself a little romance as well. It was painfully adorable.

  Tucker finally sat and they both started to eat. Ronan immediately realized that Tucker hadn’t been lying. He could cook.

  “This is very good,” he said.

  Tucker grinned. “Thank you. It’s one of my ma’s recipes.”

  The soup was thick and filling, mixed with flavors and spices that jumped on the tongue, igniting the taste buds. Even the chefs at the palace couldn’t make anything that good. It was delightful in its simplicity. They ate in silence for a time, enjoying the meal. Ronan grabbed a piece of bread and, when he’d eaten half of it, he couldn’t stop his own curiosity.

  “Your mother was a trash collector as well?”

  Tucker beamed, as he always seemed to when mentioning his mother. Ronan was envious about the obvious love between mother and son, and had to strenuously push aside memories of his own mother and the way she was probably cursing his name right now.

  “Yes, she was,” Tucker said. “She was the best. Trash collectors keep what they catch, right? Well, she could fix any piece of trash, be it electronic or mechanical or what-have-you. She could see the potential of something and help it along. I never saw her give up on anything. She never saw anything as ‘trash’ really. Just something that needed a little love and care.”

  Ronan smiled. “Where is she now?”

  Tucker’s kind face fell. “Dead. Couple of cycles ago.”

  Ronan winced. “I beg your pardon. I didn’t—”

  “Of course you didn’t.” Tucker seemed just as uncomfortable as Ronan did. “Don’t give it another thought. Do you want more soup?”

  “Yes, please.”

  They were quiet again, but it was awkward this time. Tucker suddenly cleared his throat. “What of your own mother?”

  Ronan glared before he could control his reaction. He’d never been completely adept at playing the game, the way others of his family were, but it was made harder by the way Tucker behaved. He was so very different from anyone Ronan had ever met.

  “I will simply say she will not win any mother-of-the-year awards.”


  Ronan took a deep, slow breath, held it, then let it out. He cleared his throat as well and sipped some water.

  “Your father,” Ronan said. “Where is he?”

  Tucker dropped his spoon. Ronan looked at him and was startled to see his face grow pale. Those kind brown eyes grew wide, and he suddenly looked horrified.


  “I—I—” Tucker panted and visibly trembled.

  “Are you—” Ronan reached out to touch him, but Tucker jerked away before springing up from the table.

  “Fine. I’m fine.” Then he was stone silent for a long minute. Color came back to his face and his eyes darkened in obvious regret and anger. But not anger at Ronan. Was it directed at himself?

  “Deal’s off.”

  Ronan jerked back. “Pardon?”

  “I mean my end of the deal’s off. No sex.” Tucker made a cutting gesture with both hands, his face scrunched in determination. “It was a bad deal. you have coordinates where you want to go? No? Well, I’ll pull up a map on the bridge and you can tell me where you want to go. Just finish eating, okay? I’ll—I’ll leave you in peace.”

  With that, Tucker picked up his bowl and cup and placed them in the sink. Then he walked past Ronan, never once looking at him, and disappeared into the bridge. Ronan watched, shock silencing him. What had just happened? What had he said? Why would the mere mention of Tucker’s father set off such a puzzling chain of events and reactions?

  No longer hungry, Ronan stood and placed his own bowl and cup in the sink. He left the glowing ball on the table without a second’s thought. That alone was astonishing, since he’d been obsessed with the damn thing upon finding it in his grandmother’s vault. It was the reason for his flight from court, from his mother. But right now, it didn’t matter. Something was very wrong with Tucker. Having never felt deeply for anyone before, Ronan thought it an odd sensation to want to care for someone before his own needs.

  He entered the bridge to find Tucker kicking the side of the console. He was muttering to himself and Ronan heard a few “stupids” and “I hear you, Ma, I won’t be like them.”


  Tucker jumped and spun around. “Oh, um, hi.”

  Ronan crossed his arms over his chest. “Talk to me. What is wrong? Can I help?”

  Tucker bowed his head, his shoulders slumped. “No.”

  Ronan tilted his head. “Why did you call off our deal? Or, your part? You suddenly don’t want to have sex with me?”

  Tucker snapped his head up. “No! I mean, I do! I really, really do. But I can’t. It’s not right.”

  Ronan frowned. Tucker stared at him before exhaling deeply. He fell into the pilot’s seat and sagged limply, defeated. Ronan didn’t like this Tucker. He enjoyed the bouncy, puppy dog-eager Tucker better. Feeling further compelled to root out the truth, Ronan stepped closer and knelt in front of Tucker’s chair.

  “Will you talk to me? Please?”

  Tucker’s eyes were big and sad.


  Tucker was astonished that Ronan was so concerned and persistent. He thought it would relieve Ronan to be let out of their deal. But he seemed to be confused. Tucker swallowed hard. “My mom, um.”


  Tucker had to close his eyes. “My mother was raped.”

  Ronan’s quick intake of breath was his only reaction.

  Tucker kept his eyes closed. “She docked on a backwater planet in this sector and was jumped by five men. They gang-raped her. She didn’t bother with the authorities—they wouldn’t have done anything—so she managed to drag herself to a hospital. But in two days she was off planet. It wasn’t long before she realized she was pregnant. With me.”

  Ronan’s warm hand touched the back of his and held on.

  “She could have terminated the birth. At any time, she could have just...stopped it all. She could have hated me. She should have hated me. But—” Tucker opened his eyes and realized they were wet, his vision slightly blurry. He wiped them angrily. “She cared for me. She loved me. She didn’t blame me for what they did.”

  “You weren’t at fault.”

  “But I was a constant reminder of it!” Tucker’s throat kept trying to close. “But she didn’t see it that way, I guess.” He shook his head and scooted up in his chair. No, his mother had always called him her little treasure.

  He removed his hand from under Ronan’s and looked him straight in the eye. “That’s why I canceled my end of the deal. It would be no better than rape. You don’t want me. Fine. Take your ball. I’ll find a habitable planet to drop you on. Then you won’t see me again.”

  With that decided, Tucker swiveled in his chair and began giving his ship commands. But before he got the first one out, Ronan stood and grabbed both of his hands. Then he further flabbergasted Tucker by sitting on his lap and curling in close to him. Tucker gaped when his arms were suddenly around Ronan’s trim body and the beautiful man’s warmth was surrounding him like a cocoon.

  Ronan looked up at him with those bright eyes in that perfect face, a soft smile curving his lips. “It’s not rape if it’s consensual.”

  Tucker shook his head slowly. “I...I know that. Um. What?”

  Ronan chuckled, and the sound was seductive. “I do desire you, Tucker. I like you. I consent.”

  “What?” he said again, feeling as though his brain had screeched to a halt.

  Ronan huffed out a breath before slamming his mouth against Tucker’s in a heated kiss that went straight to Tucker’s toes and back up to his head. He squeezed Ronan close and feasted on his mouth. He drove his tongue inside and Ronan purred, threading his fingers through Tucker’s hair.

  Rapidly growing harder, his breath coming in pants, Tucker rubbed his hands up and down Ronan’s back, his arms, down his legs. Ronan made no complaint about the groping and started to get some gropes in himself. Their mouths stayed locked together for long minutes before Tucker had to break the kiss, needing air. He was iron-hard and, as he eagerly cupped Ronan’s groin, he was happy to know he wasn’t the only one. Ronan groaned and pushed up against Tucker’s hand.

  “Really?” Tucker said breathlessly. “No joke?”

  “No joke,” Ronan said.

  Tucker sprang to his feet, easily carting Ronan out of the bridge and to his bedroom. Ronan made a surprised sound before curling tighter against Tucker.

  “I’ve never been carried before.” Ronan nibbled Tucker’s earlobe. “I like it.”

  Tucker’s knees went weak and he nearly dropped them both to the metal floor. Stumbling slightly, he managed to make it to his bedroom and—since he always kept the door open—he stepped inside and set Ronan on his big bed.

  Ronan looked around briefly before smiling widely at him. “Clothes off, strong man.”

  Tucker was already fumbling with his jacket and shirt at the same time he was attempting to toe off his shoes. “You, too. Damn if I’ll be the only one naked.”

  But Ronan leisurely leaned back on his elbows, watching Tucker with a cocky grin. He didn’t bother to hide his considerable bulge or conceal his desire. But neither did he make any move to disrobe. Frustration grew in Tucker, but even as he finally discarded his shoes, jacket, and shirt and started on his trousers, he realized Ronan was playing. Always one for games, Tucker slowed his disrobing and attempted to make it seductive. He figured he was too awkward to really get it right, but he tried nonetheless. The way Ronan chuckled and the way those green eyes brightened encouraged Tucker to continue.

  Soon he was nude, the stale air of the ship cooling his heated skin. His erection stood proud, and he was humbled and excited by the way Ronan was looking at it. There was hunger in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, his heart racing, Tucker crawled on top of Ronan, pushing him back against the bed. Ronan’s hands slid up Tucker’s muscled arms, over his shoulders, down his back, then stopped at his ass, which Ronan then squeezed.

  Tucker grunted.

  “How do you take it?” Ronan asked, before sliding his lips along Tucker’s jaw.

  “I don’ Either way? I’ve only, um, done this once. Whatever—whatever you’re up for, I guess.”

  Ronan chuckled again, and the seduction in the sound made Tucker’s erection grow painful. Ronan pulled back and their eyes met.

  “You are such a shrewd negotiator.”

  Tucker grumbled, not sure how to take the teasing. He was suddenly embarrassed by his lack of experience. Would Ronan make fun of him if he did this wrong? Maybe this was a bad idea. Ronan must have felt his sudden hesitation, because he wrapped his slim arms tightly around Tucker and pulled him flush with his own body. Tucker took a deep breath against Ronan’s hair, Ronan’s scent lulling him.

  “I tease you because I like you, Tucker,” Ronan said softly. “I mean that. I can go either way, as well. But after seeing your cock, I know what I want first.”


  Ronan cupped Tucker’s face and their eyes met again. “I want you inside me. Is that all right?”

  Tucker’s body tightened. “Hell yes, that’s all right. But you’ll have to get naked first.” He knew his smile was mostly a leer.

  Ronan laughed. “I suppose I will. Would you help me with that?”


  Tucker was incredibly sexy. Sleek muscles formed by manual labor glistened with sweat that Ronan wanted to lick off. Tucker was also so gentle, despite his obvious excitement. Ronan appreciated the attentiveness and Tucker’s obvious determination to make sure Ronan had a good time. He was so intent on it, though, that he seemed to forget his own needs.

  Tucker’s mouth was warm and wet on Ronan’s cock, and Tucker worshipped it with a single-mindedness that shocked Ronan even as it pleasured him greatly. He’d had few lovers, but every one of them had been almost mechanical in their lovemaking. He doubted Tucker knew how to do anything that didn’t involve his entire heart and soul. Yes, he liked Tucker very much.

  “Not yet!” Ronan pushed Tucker’s head away, close to coming.

  Tucker raised his head immediately, suddenly looking chagrined.

  “Sorry. I—”

  “No, darling.” Seeing the apology and fear of doing something wrong in Tucker’s brown eyes, Ronan smiled and pulled Tucker up on the bed with him. “I just don’t want to come yet. Not until your cock is in my ass. You’re very good at that, by the way.”

  Tucker blushed and grinned, looking away in sudden modesty. Ronan chuckled before capturing Tucker’s tasty mouth once again. He pushed Tucker on his back before slipping down his body, dropping kisses here and there. Tucker squirmed, gasping in air.

  “My turn,” Ronan said. Tucker’s cock was long, like the rest of him, the tip rosy, the shaft hard and hot. Ronan gripped it before taking his time laving the tip with his tongue, then sucking it slowly into his mouth. Tucker moaned, the sound nearly a whimper. He loved Tucker’s cock for as long as he wanted to, enjoying the feel of it in his mouth, before moving back up Tucker’s body. Tucker was now out of breath. He was deliciously adorable.

  “Please tell me you have suitable supplies for this.”

  Tucker stared at him blankly for a moment before his eyes widened. “Oh! I—yes, I think. I do. I know I do.”

  Ronan bit back a smile at Tucker’s fumblings—finding them endearing—and watched his lover scramble out of bed and search through dresser and cabinet doors.

  “Here!” Triumphant, Tucker spun around and held up a moderate-sized tube of lube in his hand.

  Ronan clapped. “Perfect! Now get back here and put it to good use.”

  Tucker dove for the bed and kissed him again. Ronan pushed into the kiss for a short moment before rolling over, spreading his legs, and lifting his ass.

  “Prepare me well, because all I want is pleasure.”

  “But no pressure, right?” Tucker laughed, sounding nervous.

  Ronan laughed and looked over his shoulder. “I’ll tell you when I’m ready, darling. Now get going.”

  But Tucker suddenly paused. “Um...sorry, but. Um. Have you had, you know, your shots? Cause I have!”

  Ronan looked over his shoulder again, enjoying the fluster and blush on Tucker’s face. Regular shots prevented the transmission of disease, especially through sexual contact. It had been the greatest invention of mankind.

  “Yes, Tucker. I’m up to date. Now, are you going to hurry it along or...?”

  With slicked fingers, Tucker slipped into him and Ronan closed his eyes, realizing how much he missed being penetrated. Mostly, he just missed the choice. Being of royal blood, there were rules dictating everything they did, from politics, to how they acted in public, to who and how they fucked. The freedom he had right here, with Tucker, was overwhelming and precious. This sweet man had called off their deal, had put someone before his own needs, and that was something Ronan had never seen among his family or his peers. Even now, the consideration and tenderness Tucker continued to demonstrate touched something deep inside Ronan he’d never known was there.

  “Now, please now!”

  He felt Tucker move into position, and his body tightened in excitement. Soon, Tucker’s hands were on his hips, and he felt that wonderful cock attempt to penetrate. It took too long—in Ronan’s mind—and when Tucker finally had his tip inside Ronan, Ronan took matters into his own hands—or ass—and shoved back onto his lover. Both of them gasped and Ronan recovered first. He began impali
ng himself on Tucker’s cock before Tucker managed to grip his hips and stop him.

  “Stop!” Tucker said. “Gonna come. Not yet.”

  Ronan grunted in impatience. But when Tucker finally began to thrust—surprisingly hard thrusts—Ronan was exhilarated. They quickly found a rhythm and their cries of pleasure filled the ship. Tucker came first, but he never stopped pounding into Ronan until he, too, came. They both collapsed on the bed and Tucker managed to keep himself from falling straight on Ronan’s back. With lungs working like bellows, Ronan opened his eyes to find Tucker watching him with a look of awe on his face.

  Ronan smiled. “Rest a little. We’re not done, darling.”


  Tucker felt blessed. Sure, his ass might be a little sore, but damn, he still felt amazing. He’d been loved by someone who knew what they were doing, and he’d been able to kiss, lick, and touch an amazing, cinnamon-colored body. And that man was currently sleeping in his arms. Stretched out on his back, Tucker gazed at Ronan, whose head lay against his shoulder with his arm thrown across Tucker’s chest. Tucker had just woken up, his body on a different schedule than Ronan’s.

  Ronan called him darling. Was that the same as “my little treasure” that his mother used to call him? For Tucker, Ronan was precious treasure, one he never wanted to lose. He wanted to hide Ronan away from the universe, to beg him, plead with him to stay. But Tucker wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Ronan was beautiful and special. He deserved a better fate than floating around in interstellar space with a trash man. Tucker suddenly felt like a dented piece of machinery that had seen too many years set next to a brand-new, shiny piece, waiting for shipment. No one wanted to associate with a trash collector. That knowledge had never affected him as much as it did now. Compared to Ronan, what did he have to give the known universe? Ronan, though...he was someone so important, special. He had to return Ronan, his precious cargo, to where he belonged, and that was civilization.


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