And Then One Day (Magnolia Sound Book 4)

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And Then One Day (Magnolia Sound Book 4) Page 10

by Samantha Chase

  “Keep looking at me like that, and neither of us is going to make it to dinner,” he growled before his hand cupped her nape and he hauled her in close and kissed her. It was all wet and wild and she wanted to crawl over the center console and climb all over him.

  And the way he kept tugging her closer, it seemed like that’s what he wanted too.

  It had been a long time since she’d made out in someone’s car and it seemed a bit ridiculous to be doing so now when there was a house less than ten feet away. Forcing herself to break the kiss, she said, “What time do we need to be to Scarlett’s?”

  “Um…like…forty-five minutes?”

  She offered him a sexy smile. “That doesn’t leave us a lot of time. Let’s get inside and get you a little dirtier before you get cleaned up.”

  They all but raced to the front door and stumbled inside in their haste to make the most of the time they had.

  And they were still thirty minutes late to dinner.

  Dean never considered himself to be overly suspicious, but he had a feeling his sister was on to them. She was watching them both like hawks and he was tempted to just stand up and shout that they had slept together so she’d stop staring.

  It was maddening.

  “So, Mason,” Dean forced himself to say to break the tension he was feeling. “Anything new planned for the town? Got any new businesses coming our way?”

  “The town’s looking at a couple of proposals–one for a new grocery store, another for a chain restaurant–but we’re really looking to entice other businesses here that aren’t food-related.”

  “Like what?” Courtney asked.

  Mason chuckled softly and looked over at Scarlett as if asking for permission to answer. And when she nodded, he did. “Actually, we’re looking to get more medical practices to come here, including dentists. When Dr. Curtis closed his doors, we didn’t realize how much it was going to affect the entire community. So we’ve got a committee working on figuring out incentives to bring more medical offices to Magnolia.”

  “Oh, my gosh!” she cried. “That would be amazing! Do you think it’s going to work?”

  He shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. We’ve never tried anything like this before. Your office closing really opened our eyes to the kind of things that need to be a priority for the town. I mean, sure we can all drive another twenty or thirty minutes away to go to the dentist, but why should we? We’re a small town but not small enough that we don’t deserve to have the kinds of doctor’s offices that the bigger towns have, right?”

  Dean had to wonder if it was just a coincidence that this was the first time he was hearing about the search for more doctors for the town. Was this really a thing or was his sister to blame?

  Or thank.

  He glanced over at Courtney who looked very excited about what Mason was talking about–she was even asking questions and offering to help in any way she could. He took that as a good sign.

  Then he glanced over at Scarlett and saw she was watching him and grinning.


  He stared back at her for a solid minute while Mason and Courtney continued to talk before he finally snapped, “What?”

  She shrugged. “Just...observing,” she said sweetly.

  “Well...stop. It’s annoying.” They’d played this game for years so maybe he was looking for trouble where there was none, but he still couldn’t help but be on his guard a little. Hell, maybe they shouldn’t have come to dinner together–especially after their romp in the shower when they got back to his place. Courtney had sworn she liked him dirty and hated helping him get clean and that had turned him on beyond belief.

  Just like everything she did.

  Dean knew, as a guy, that he enjoyed sex.

  A lot.

  But sex with Courtney was far better than anything he’d ever experienced before. It didn’t take much to get either of them going and he knew that for as long as she was staying in Magnolia Sound, he was going to want to keep their relationship going. There was so much more that he wanted to know about her and he wanted the time with her to learn. And if he wasn’t mistaken, she maybe felt the same way too.

  Yes, having Courtney stay in Magnolia was definitely something that needed to happen.

  Especially if his sister didn’t know about it because he had a feeling if she did, it would ruin everything. He frowned at her. “Seriously, Scar, stop it.”

  She just smiled wider and Dean opted to put his attention back on what Mason was saying. He enjoyed hearing about how the town was growing and all the things that were planned. For a while, he didn’t think Magnolia was going to bounce back after the hurricane that hit it almost two years ago, but now as he drove around, he saw more and more examples of growth and revitalization.

  Even in the north end of town, which had always been considered an eyesore.

  “So when’s the big grand reopening for the Mystic Magnolia?” he asked. “Gramps talks about it a lot, but I have to admit that I haven’t paid much attention.”

  “Dean!” Scarlett cried. “That’s kind of rude!”

  He just waved her off. “There was a lot of information that he was always spouting about and I just figured once the place reopened, I’d know,” he reasoned. “I’ve gone in there a couple of times and grabbed a bite while they were testing recipes, but…you know…no one had any definitive dates yet.”

  “Yeah, we hit a couple of snags, but I’m hoping we’ll be up and running by the middle of next month,” Mason explained. “Don’t get me wrong–we’re open, but we’re still working out the kinks. Once everything is smoothed out, we’ll hold a big celebration.” He paused and took a sip of his beer. “I thought about going in there today, but opted not to think about work. Technically, this is still my honeymoon. Such as it is.”

  Beside him, Scarlett moaned. “Ugh…we should totally be sipping tropical drinks and listening to the sound of the waves!”

  “Um…sweetheart,” Mason said with a smile, “we live on the beach. If you want, we can eat dinner out on the deck and I’ll make you a tropical drink.”

  She pouted. “You will not…”

  “Virgin tropical drinks,” he said with a wink before he stood and walked over to the kitchen. Dean immediately followed. It was the only way to get his sister to stop staring at him.

  “Actually,” Mason called out, “why don’t you and Courtney go sit outside while Dean and I make up some platters of food for dinner? You know it’s overwhelming for one person to sort through all the stuff my mother sent over.”

  Dean watched as the girls went outside, closing the sliding glass doors behind them. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I thought Scarlett was supposed to be on bed rest.”

  “She’s allowed to walk around the house–and I carried her from the bedroom to the sofa so she’s good.” He grinned. “So, what’s going on with you and Courtney?”

  Dean just about choked on his own saliva. “What?”

  Chuckling, Mason pulled several aluminum pans from the refrigerator and set them on the kitchen island. “I’ve never seen the two of you hang out together and now you’re lending her your truck and bringing her to dinner.” He shrugged. “Just seems a little out of the ordinary, that’s all.”


  “Yeah, well…weird circumstances and all. We’ve known each other since forever so…”

  “That’s what I figured,” he replied, placing more pans on the counter. “But can I give you a little advice?”

  “I guess…”

  “Relax a little. You were looking pretty tense while we were all sitting and talking–like you’d rather be anywhere but here.”

  You have no idea…

  “Sorry. It does feel a little…I don’t know…weird. I don’t think we’ve ever done anything like this before.”

  “Dude, we’ve hung out together…”

  “No, I know, but that was with the whole family. This just feels…different. Like it’s just the four of us and
…” He groaned and walked around, taking lids off of the pans for something to do.

  Mason nodded and was quiet for a minute while he helped Dean uncover the food. “Is it because Courtney has a crush on you?”

  This time he did choke.

  And cough.

  And sputter.

  Mason walked over and gave him a couple of swift pats on the back even as he laughed softly. “You okay?”

  It took a minute, but Dean finally straightened and nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “So I take it you didn’t know?”

  “Wait, how do you know?”

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you–the last couple of months and all through the wedding planning whenever we all got together. Of course, I mentioned it to Scarlett and she neither confirmed nor denied it, but…from where I was standing, it was obvious.”

  How had he been blind for so long if other people saw what he didn’t?

  He shook his head again. “You’re crazy. I never noticed her staring at me.”

  Mason clapped him on the back again before walking around and grabbing plates from the cabinets. “I’m shocked you didn’t with all the time you spend watching her.”

  This just keeps getting worse…

  Rather than respond, Dean studied the food and tried to figure out what they were supposed to do with it all. There were easily a dozen different dishes to choose from and he had no idea if they were supposed to take it all outside or make sampler plates of everything.

  “How many people did your mother think she was feeding?” he finally asked.

  “Yeah, she got a little carried away. Still, it’s nice not to have to worry about cooking for the week.”

  Hard to argue that logic.

  Together they made up four plates of assorted food and carried it out onto the deck. Luckily Mason didn’t push any further on the topic of him and Courtney and once they all sat down to eat, conversation flowed in other directions as well. Between Scarlett’s bed rest, their canceled honeymoon, the construction on their new home, and general town gossip, there was never a loss for discussion topics. It wasn’t until Dean looked over and saw his sister yawning that he realized how late it had gotten.

  Standing, he began gathering plates.

  “What are you doing?” Scarlett asked around yet another yawn.

  “Cleaning up so you can go get some sleep. You look exhausted.” And when she went to comment, he stopped her. “Not in a bad way,” he corrected. “More like you’re pregnant and need your rest way.”

  “Good save,” Mason said with a laugh as he stood and helped with the clean-up. Within minutes–and with everyone’s help–everything was put away and they were saying goodnight.

  Standing back, he watched as Scarlett gave Courtney the keys to her car and then hugged her. He shook Mason’s hand and hugged his sister before walking with Courtney out to the cars.

  “So, um…” she began.

  They were standing next to Scarlett’s car and for the first time since they’d gotten here, Dean felt like he could breathe. But he also wasn’t sure what to say. Things like “See you at home” sounded a little too familiar and personal, but then again, something like “See ya later” or “See ya around” just seemed wrong.

  “Yeah,” he said softly, scrubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “So you’ve got a car to use now.”

  She nodded. “Scarlett was very excited to let me use it.”


  “Um…she also seemed excited that you were going to stay at her place,” he said.

  Another nod. “Oh…yeah. She was.”

  “You know,” he began carefully, “you don’t have to…”

  “Wait!” Mason called out, jogging out to the driveway with his hands full. He handed Courtney one of the covered foil pans.

  “What’s this?”

  “Seriously, there is way too much food in there and we know we’re never going to finish it all. Scarlett wanted you to have some since there’s no food in the old place.” Then he paused and chuckled softly. “Although I’m sure by now that you’ve gone to the grocery store.”

  Even in the dark, Dean could see her blush.

  “I um…I did,” she said, staring down at the tray in her hands before looking back up at Mason. “But this is great. Thank you.”

  Then he handed her a large bag. “And here’s some extra pillows and blankets for you. Scarlett wanted to make sure you’re comfortable.” He stepped back and smiled.

  “Oh, uh…thanks. I appreciate it.” She hugged him again and they both stood back and watched him go back into the house.

  Courtney turned to face him and sighed. “This is ridiculous, right?”

  “What, about the food?”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “No! The fact that we’re both acting weird.”

  Oh. That.

  “Look, if you want me to go and stay at Scarlett’s, that’s fine. You don’t have to feel bad about it. Clearly, I’m going to be okay. I have a car I can use and now this.” She held up the pan and bedding for emphasis. “I can just run in and get my things and…”

  “Court, just…relax, okay? No one’s asking you to leave.”

  She blinked at him several times in confusion. “You’re not?”

  He shook his head. “No. But I do think we need to talk because…you’re right. We’re both acting weird and it’s crazy. So…” Pausing, he smiled as he reached up and caressed her cheek. “Let’s go home.”

  And it didn’t sound nearly as weird as he thought it would.


  Her heart was hammering like mad ever since she got in the car and followed Dean…home.

  It was crazy how hearing him say that word made her feel all warm and gooey inside.

  Reel it in, Court. He probably didn’t even realize he said it.

  Granted, he hadn’t asked her to pack up her things and leave, so she took that as a good sign. Still, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t once they had this conversation.

  The thought of leaving bothered her more than when she packed up her room at her parents’ house. That was odd, right? She shouldn’t have gotten so attached to being here after only a couple of nights.

  You’ve been crushing on him and dreaming of this for years…

  True. But…this wasn’t a dream. This was really happening. She was really here in Dean’s home; she made love with him in his bed–and his shower and kitchen counter–and now that they were sitting on the sofa in his living room, she couldn’t help but wish this was all theirs.

  And that she didn’t ever have to leave.

  Dean had offered her something to drink, but she declined. All he had was beer, soda, and water, and what she really wanted was a glass of wine to calm her nerves.

  “So…tonight was a little…awkward, huh?” she began, figuring one of them had to speak.

  “Yeah. Just a little.”

  She waited for him to expand on that, but he didn’t. The only way they were going to get anything accomplished was for one of them to just blurt out the obvious.

  “Okay, I think it’s time we talked about…this,” she began. “We slept together and…I know we both probably thought it was going to be a one time, one night kind of thing, but then…it wasn’t. We’re both adults and I think we’re allowed to acknowledge that.”

  “I agree,” he said firmly, looking more like the serious and intense man she had known for so long. “However, I don’t think I want to announce that to…you know…everyone.”

  “You mean Scarlett,” she corrected.

  “For starters.”

  As much as it pained her, she knew what she needed to ask. “Are you…ashamed of this? Ashamed that you slept with me?” And yeah, her voice trembled slightly.

  She braced herself for his response and was ready to argue with him if need be.

  Reaching out, Dean took one of her hands in his and gently squeezed it. “I’m not ashamed of what we did, Court.”


  “But…” He let out a long breath. “I guess I’m not ready to deal with how everyone else is going to see it. And honestly, it’s no one’s business but ours.”

  Okay, that wasn’t really a great answer or the one she was looking for. She was definitely going to need more information. “And I agree with you on that, but…I guess we don’t really need to discuss what we’ve done as much as we need to discuss what we’re doing. Or going to do.”

  He nodded and she could see how uncomfortable he was. She was too but this was something they needed to do.

  “You realize that I don’t have to stay here, right?” she asked. “Because I have a place to go to. And once you get my car fixed, I…I’m leaving.”

  That didn’t even sound a little bit confident…

  He studied her long and hard. “So what are you saying? That you want to go to Scarlett’s? That…we did what we did and now we’re done?”

  Wait…did he sound…hurt?

  “Do you want to be done?”

  Growling, he jumped to his feet. “Dammit, Courtney, why are we talking in circles like strangers?” Raking a hand through his hair, he began to pace in front of the sofa for several moments before he stopped and looked down at her. “Look, are you interested in me at all or was Saturday night and last night and this afternoon, just a way to kill some time or…or to settle some sort of curiosity?”

  She wanted to be offended, but couldn’t.

  Standing up, she was toe-to-toe with him. “I guess I could ask you the same thing!”

  “One of us is going to have to actually answer a question here!” he said, his voice growing louder with each word.

  Maybe it was bratty of her or maybe it was just her super stubborn streak, but she didn’t want to be the one to answer first. She knew her reasons, knew she kissed him first because it was something she’d always wanted to do. But if Dean were to admit it was only curiosity or that he’d never noticed her before, she swore she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  Because yeah, sometimes the truth did hurt.

  Stepping away from him, Courtney stormed to the bedroom and began gathering her things. As she moved around the room, she wanted to yell at herself for not leaving earlier in the day on Monday, for stopping to eat at The Sand Bar instead of getting on the road, for calling Jones Automotive when her car broke down…on and on she thought of all the bad decisions she’d made.


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