Fake Engagement, Nashville Style

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Fake Engagement, Nashville Style Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  Though she’d wanted him to fight for her, she hadn’t been playing a game or leaving to get him to chase her. She hadn’t issued an ultimatum because she was being a difficult girlfriend. She truly needed to remove herself from the place where she felt she was no longer appreciated. But she had honestly thought he would have fought for her...for them.

  “Have you two discussed what happened?” Dana asked, then sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t like to be a meddling mother, but I just can’t help it when I know you and Luke were so right together.”

  “We were,” Cassandra agreed. “And then we weren’t. It happens. People grow apart and move on.”

  Dana tipped her head and smiled, but the gesture didn’t quite reach her eyes. Cassandra loved this woman like her own family and would have loved to be considered one of her daughters, but there were some things that just weren’t possible.

  “Would you like to join me this afternoon?” Cassandra offered. “I’m meeting with the florist and finalizing security down by the gazebo.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to get in the way.”

  Cassandra came to her feet. “Nonsense. You’re the mother of the groom. Maybe after we can grab a late lunch at the new little café on the water.”

  Dana nodded and rose. “I would actually love that. Travis is out at an open house all day, so I could use some girl time.”

  Cassandra was excited to spend more time with Dana. They’d once been so close, and when Cassandra had left Luke, she’d been heartbroken over leaving all of the Sutherlands. Now if only she could remember that this, too, would be coming to an end in less than a week.

  * * *

  “Luke, darling.”

  He turned at the familiar, grating tone and found himself face-to-face with Mags Dumond. Her hot pink smile widened when he met her gaze.

  “Mags,” he greeted.

  She glanced around the rooftop bar, seemingly scanning for something, before she focused back on him.

  “Do you have a private area where I can meet with a potential new client?” she asked. “We don’t want to be disturbed.”

  Luke resisted the urge to laugh. Maybe coming to a rooftop bar where there was nightly music wasn’t the best place to have a business meeting. Then again, nobody understood Mags or her way of thinking.

  He was actually surprised she’d shown up here considering it wasn’t long ago she had set up Cash with a bogus DUI charge. Luke wasn’t quick to forgive and forget. But he was in the business of making money and he sure as hell would take hers as a patron.

  “I have a VIP room,” he offered. “There’s a two-hundred-dollar fee up front, but you will have a special menu and your own private bartender.”

  She pursed her lips and ultimately nodded. “Sounds perfect. Show me the way and then you can send my guest back. Her name is Sandra Collins.”

  Sandra Collins. Luke had heard of her. Her agent had actually contacted Luke about Sandra playing at The Cheshire, but he hadn’t heard her music yet so he hadn’t made any final decision. Luke figured Mags was here just to be her usual, busybody self and show off the fact that she was adding new artists to her label.

  Since Hannah had left to sign with Will’s label, Elite, Mags had been out for blood.

  Luke motioned for one of his employees to come over.

  “Marcus will take care of you,” Luke assured Mags. “Let him know if you need anything at all.”

  “Wonderful.” She started to turn and follow Marcus, but glanced back to Luke. “Oh, will you be open on Saturday?”

  “Saturday? Of course. Why?”

  “Well, with the wedding and all, I wasn’t sure. I plan on having another meeting.”

  “My staff will take care of you, but I, of course, will not be here.”

  Her smile thinned. “Of course. Give my blessing to the happy couple.”

  As she walked away, Luke nearly groaned.

  Her blessing? What the hell? Hannah and Will could care less what Mags thought or said about their nuptials...hence the reason she wasn’t invited to the wedding. It was likely she just wanted to raise his awareness of that fact because her ego had taken a hit at being snubbed.

  “Mr. Sutherland?”

  He turned to see a fortysomething lady with a drink in hand and smile on her face...and in an extremely low-cut dress.


  “My name is Tracy.” She held up her cell phone. “Could I get a quick picture with you? My best friend couldn’t make it tonight and I promised I’d send her a selfie.”

  Before he could politely deny the photo, Tracy leaned in, held up the phone, and snapped a picture. Luke stepped away and offered her a smile, trying not to be rude, but also trying to respect his “fiancée’s” wishes about playing the part that he had created for himself.

  “My fiancée might not like you posting a picture of us on social media,” he half joked.

  Tracy immediately glanced down to her phone, obviously not worried about what Luke was saying. She was already sending out the photo.

  Luke slipped away and headed to his back office, needing to escape for a bit before he introduced the band in an hour. They should be arriving anytime to set up, but they were return guests, so Luke had put one of his staff out to greet them.

  Right now, he needed a reprieve.

  Earlier he’d met his brothers for their final suit fittings and Luke had been warned that his mother had spent the day with Cassandra. Nothing good could come from that. Luke was well aware of how his mother loved Cass. Will had given Luke a heads-up, since Hannah had met the other ladies at the gazebo this afternoon.

  Luke took a seat at his desk and leaned back in the chair. Rubbing a hand over his beard, he let out a sigh. Part of him didn’t want Cass to leave after the wedding, but the other part knew the sooner she was gone, the sooner he could get back to his normal life. Maybe he’d start making time for dating again. Maybe he’d do more socializing outside of work.

  Those ideas were all well and good, but none of them seemed to settle right within his mind.

  His cell vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to see Cash’s name with a photo attached. Luke opened the text and groaned. There was a photo of Cassandra, Hannah, and his mother all laughing and enjoying lunch. Obviously, this had come from earlier today and the caption read:

  All in the Family

  Of course. How lovely this image was, as it relayed assumption that everyone was one big happy family. Appearances could be convincing, but the more Luke studied that photo, the more his heart flipped in his chest.

  He couldn’t quite describe what he was feeling while looking at this, but he did know he had a sense of... Hell, he couldn’t put a label on it. All he knew was that this was a scene that could have been his life—his real life—had he been ready.

  At one time, his mother and Cassandra had been extremely close and they would have planned an amazing wedding. Dana had loved Cass like her own daughter, but Luke just couldn’t quite commit at the speed they seemed to want him to. He couldn’t be sorry about how it had ended, because he’d been true to himself. Had he given in to what everyone else wanted, he would have lost himself along the way and resented Cassandra and their relationship.

  No doubt his mother had enjoyed their day out together today. He hoped she didn’t get too heartbroken when Cassandra left town again.

  The fact that she wouldn’t look back once she was gone kept playing over and over in his head. This was it. Their last time to be together.

  Luke stared at his phone another minute before he got to his feet and went out to talk to a few members of his trusted staff. He had plans and nothing was going to keep him from what he should have done long before now.

  Luke had more of a solid foundation than he’d ever thought possible. He was much more advanced in his career and in a better position to have a life he
could be proud of.

  He wanted Cass back in his life.



  Cassandra dried off from her relaxing bubble bath and slid on her pink silk robe. She picked up her glass of wine from the edge of the bathtub and headed down the hall and into the living room.

  The one-way windows provided a breathtaking view of the lake and all the lights of the homes and businesses while giving her the privacy she needed. Taking a seat at the piano, she set her glass on the top and lifted the cover to expose the keys.

  This was what she’d been waiting to get to all day. A perfect relaxing ending to a fun, productive day.

  Not only was everything going smoothly for the wedding, but Cassandra was also thrilled she’d gotten to reconnect with Dana. The woman was just as amazing as ever and Cassandra had promised that even when she went back to Lexington, she would stay in touch.

  Which only meant she’d have that loose lifeline to Luke. As much as she wanted marriage and a family of her own, she was also realizing that she would have an extended family if she and Luke reconnected. His family had been hers at one time. Who said she couldn’t let that kind of family fill the part of her that wanted kids and marriage, and then accept Luke as he was, in whatever kind of relationship he was ready for? Would he want to take that next step eventually? With seeing his brothers fall in love and marry, would that make him see that he could have it all?

  Just as she started to play a familiar song, the bell chimed through her penthouse. Her hands stilled on the keys. She knew who was out there. At this time of the night, there wasn’t a doubt in her mind.

  Cassandra got to her feet and glanced down. No need in changing. She hadn’t planned on visitors and Luke probably just wanted her to come up and hear the music. Tonight, though, she planned on staying in and decompressing before the mad rush that would start rolling into the weekend.

  She crossed the penthouse and went to the door, where she flicked the dead bolts. As soon as she opened the door, Cassandra smiled as Luke stood before her, but her smile faltered at the look on his face.

  His eyebrows had drawn in and muscles clenched in that strong jawline, but those were nothing compared to his intense, dark stare.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “No, it’s not.”

  He took a step in and Cassandra moved out of his way, then shut and locked the door behind him. When she turned to face him, he was close, so close.

  And she knew that look. Aside from the fact that they’d been together for years, she knew the look of a man who was hungry for passion. Her body instantly stirred with arousal. The realization that she was only wearing an extremely thin robe that could be discarded with one expert jerk of the knot only made her desire grow.

  “I can’t get you out of my mind,” he murmured, keeping that penetrating gaze locked on her. “I can’t concentrate on work and I can’t escape through social media because you’re all over it. My family thinks you’re amazing and you’re driving me out of my mind.”

  Cassandra opened her mouth, but the words vanished as Luke took a step forward, then another, until her back was pressed against the door. She tipped up her head and swallowed at the vulnerability looking back at her. For the first time in her life, she finally saw the unimaginable—Luke Sutherland conflicted and vulnerably exposed.

  She reached up and cupped the side of his face with her hand. His nostrils flared as he leaned in to her touch.

  “I need you,” he whispered. “Now.”

  Cassandra nodded and eased up onto her tiptoes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  Then Luke seemed to snap as he picked her up and carried her away from the door. Her world seemed to tip as she released his mouth and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She inhaled that familiar, woodsy cologne of his. All masculine and rugged, just like the man.

  He laid her down on the oversize sofa and stood over her, raking his heavy-lidded stare down her body. Cassandra couldn’t stand the wait, the torture, any longer. When her hands went to the tie on her robe, Luke reached for her and shook his head.

  “Let me,” he commanded.

  Slowly, he pulled the silk belt until the garment came untied, then he peeled away the material from her heated skin. Cassandra arched her back, seeking more of his touch, needing him to fulfill that promise she saw staring back at her.

  “You’re so damn perfect,” he muttered.

  And she felt perfect. The way he looked at her, with more passion than she’d ever seen, made Cassandra feel beautiful, cherished and, dare she think it...loved?

  Luke reached behind his back and grabbed a handful of his T-shirt, then yanked it over his head and discarded it off to the side. Cassandra watched as he continued to undress until he was completely bare before her.

  She reached up for him, silently inviting him to join her. As he placed his hands on either side of her head, Cassandra shifted her legs to allow him space to settle between.

  The moment he aligned their bodies, she closed her eyes and relished the feel of his weight pressing her into the cushy sofa. Cassandra brought up her knees on either side of his body and tipped up her face to nip at his chin.

  “You make me want too much,” he murmured as he slid his lips back and forth across hers. “I can’t stop this need.”

  Cassandra wasn’t sure if he was just talking sex or if he meant something else, but now was certainly not the time to start discussing such things. She only wanted to feel. He’d come here because he’d needed her and something clicked with Cassandra...something she thought had been forgotten long ago.

  When Luke joined their bodies, Cassandra wrapped her legs around his back and locked her ankles. He rested on his elbows and covered her mouth with his as he started setting the pace. Clutching his firm, broad shoulders, Cassandra opened for him and let Luke take control. He clearly needed more from this than she knew. Never before had he shown a vulnerable side. Her Luke had always been in control, always in charge, and ready for anything life threw at him.

  Something had gotten into his head, and whatever it was, he needed to exorcise it out. Cassandra had told herself not to get intimate with him again while she was here, but there was no way she could turn him away. All it took was one look, one touch, especially when he showed up looking like she was the only one who could save him.

  Cassandra tightened her legs and her arms, wanting him to know that she had him. As he increased the pace, she felt her body climbing. He murmured something against her lips, but she couldn’t make out the words. At this point, no words were necessary. She wanted to feel, she wanted him to take all he needed.

  Luke reached down and gripped the back of her thigh, pulling her leg up even higher. That’s all it took for her to come undone and cry out. Moments later, Luke followed her and his entire body tightened. Cassandra continued to hold on to him as the tremors ceased.

  When Luke’s body relaxed and settled heavier against hers, Cassandra stroked her hands up and down his back, silently offering comfort.

  When he started to shift, Cassandra flattened her palms against him.


  “I have to be hurting you,” he murmured.

  Cassandra straightened her legs a little, loving the feel of his rough hair against her silky skin. This certainly wasn’t the way she had planned on spending her evening, but she wasn’t about to complain. Having Luke here might just have been what they’d both needed.

  “You’re not hurting me,” she assured him.

  “I know I shouldn’t have come here,” he told her, easing up to look down at her. “I just—”

  “This is where you belong.”

  She hadn’t meant that the way it sounded, but she wasn’t sorry she’d said the words. Cassandra wanted Luke here. Part of her needed him here. Coming back to
Beaumont Bay had been terrifying, personally and professionally. She’d known coming back would open up all of those old wounds and it had. But, somehow, Luke had filled those newly exposed cracks.

  She didn’t know what would happen after tonight. She wasn’t about to ask. All she knew was that Luke needed her and she wasn’t going anywhere yet. For the next few days, she would offer him whatever he needed...and hope she could walk away when the time came.

  * * *

  Luke stared at Cassandra sleeping with the sheet wrapped all around her. Her dark shoulders and one shapely leg were exposed. Her black hair was in disarray on the stark white pillowcase.

  His gut tightened. This was the only woman who could make him second-guess everything in his life. She made him wonder why he’d let her walk away so long ago. She made him question how the hell he hadn’t been on the same page back then, when all she’d wanted was to be his wife.

  Why hadn’t he gone after her when she left? Why hadn’t he just told her to give him time? Maybe it was pride, maybe it was that he had been afraid that making a commitment meant he’d lose a part of himself.

  So here they were. His mother was convinced this was the second chance he and Cassandra deserved. Luke wasn’t so sure about that. He wasn’t sure this was much more than a fling, but he had feelings...and these feelings had nothing whatsoever to do with the past and everything to do with the woman who was lying so peacefully and beautifully before him.

  Maybe his pride was still standing in the way, even today. Luke wasn’t ready to risk asking her to stay, to see if they could maybe try again. Putting his heart on the line like that wasn’t smart when he was likely just getting too caught up in all the wedding nonsense.

  Between Will and Hannah’s wedding and Cash and Presley’s engagement, was it any wonder he was getting confused while playing pretend with his ex?

  But the intimacy he’d shared with Cassandra wasn’t pretend. The posts on social media, the affection in public—those were all for show. There was so much that wasn’t for anyone else, though. All of this behind the scenes was strictly for them.


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