The Pervade Duet

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The Pervade Duet Page 52

by Fewings, Vanessa

  James didn’t find it so funny, for some reason, but it made me laugh. I reached for a knife and chopped up the olives, tossing them into the salad bowl.

  I watched James round the counter.

  He kissed my shoulder. “You got sunburned a little. I’ll get you some ointment.”

  “I’m glad you’re wearing your ring.” I gave his arm a squeeze.

  “Em…” James looked over at Xavier. “It’s not my wedding band. Not the one I had before…”

  The words rushed out before I could stop myself. “Are you married? To each other?”

  James sat on the barstool next to mine. “Well, a ceremony might be tricky.”

  Xavier rolled his eyes. “He means for all three of us, Em.”

  My heart thundered and I wondered why they were only telling me this now. Yet, I knew to trust Xavier…trust this moment. We had all fought so hard to get here. There was no room for doubt. I surrendered to the faith I had in them.

  Xavier smiled at me. “James has invited us to move in.”

  “Here?” I asked breathlessly.

  His grin grew wider as he nodded.

  “Emily, we can’t know what the future brings,” James said. “That will never be something we can control. You and I and Xavier…”

  I rose so I could sit on his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I snuggled against his firm chest and his strong arms wrapped around my waist, his soft cologne stirring my senses with its heady tones.

  “Oh, James.” I kissed him along his jaw line and then my lips found his mouth.

  I didn’t want to ask why or how he’d changed his mind—I just wanted to settle into this blissful feeling for as long as possible.

  He leaned back a little. “I can’t imagine life without either of you.”

  “I love you,” I whispered. “Both of you. So much.”

  “Go show Em your surprise,” said James.

  “Are you sure?” asked Xavier.

  James gestured to the countertop. “I’ll finish dinner.”

  Xavier led me out of the back of the house and pulled me along the dock. Right at the end was a strange looking speedboat with large metal flaps on either side. I knew what this was, but a thousand questions crowded my mind. We clambered inside the two-seater boat. Xavier pulled on a headset and talked into it—asking for permission to take off.

  My expression must have been incredulous. As far as I knew, Xavier couldn’t fly a plane.

  “This belongs to Louis. He’s leant it to us.” Xavier punched the controls on the front panel. “He taught me how to fly it last week.”

  Unable to catch my breath, I watched in awe as he navigated the boat away from its mooring. Out the window, the large white metal flap glided downward and become a wing. The same thing was happening on his side, too.

  I flashed him a look of surprise that we were really doing this. Then I felt a jolt of fear that Xavier had only just learned to fly. I knew he picked up things quickly, but still.

  We quickly gained speed as we took off across the ocean.

  I covered my mouth with my palm to prevent a scream from escaping.

  Soon, I relaxed as Xavier showed just how competent he was at controlling the unique machine. My grin was ridiculously wide as we lifted off the water, and I clutched the side as we banked right along the coast. Beneath us, the ocean was vast and shimmering with its crystal green and blue water. My heart soared as the coastal homes shrank and the sand and palm trees brightened the view. I felt giddy with excitement.

  We flew low over the water until all that was in our line of sight was an endless blue unfolding into a bright clear sky.

  “Emily.” Xavier reached into his jacket pocket. “Will you marry me?”

  He was doing this now!

  With me heady and nearly hyperventilating from shock, he held out a small black box.

  Even though he’d asked me once before and given me an engagement ring, I knew this was him offering us a new beginning. Xavier slipped the ring onto my left ring finger and I admired the striking sapphire and diamonds.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said breathlessly.

  “Is it still a yes, Em?”

  Reaching for his hand, I threaded my fingers through his. “It’s always been yes.”

  “I’m glad.”

  I peered out at what could one day become my home. The thought of it filling me with joy and hope and so much happiness.

  He glanced over to study my reaction. “James…”

  “This ring is from both of you?”

  “I’ve known you a lot longer, Emily. But please believe that James wants to give us his all in this relationship.”

  I knew what he was saying, that time would tell if we’d endure, even though all three of us fit together perfectly. What we had was rare and precious…a bond that would require so very much of us. Yet nothing had ever felt so right.

  Xavier turned the plane around and we headed back to shore.

  The jewels on my finger sparkled exquisitely. “I love it so much.”

  “I’m committing the rest of my life to you,” he said. “I’m going to make sure your dream comes true.”

  “My dream has come true, Xavier.” I beamed at him. “I have you.”

  “This place isn’t so bad, right?” he gave me a cheeky grin.

  I peered out the window and saw James standing on the end of the dock. “It’ll do, if you have a thing for paradise.”

  “Look—” Xavier pointed at James. “He can’t wait for us to get back so we can celebrate.”

  “I want to make him happy.”

  “You will,” he said. “We both will.”


  Adrenaline was still buzzing through my body like electric shockwaves when we made it back to the dock. Xavier was endlessly full of surprises. This latest one was going to be hard to beat. He’d literally stunned me into silence on that small plane with his ability to learn a new skill at lightning speed. This man was a never-ending cycle of awe-inspiring feats.

  I was sure he was the most brilliant man I’d ever know.

  We disembarked, and exhilaration stayed with me as James swept me up in his arms and carried me into the house. His playful side was showing. I loved being with this man. I loved that Xavier was back where he was meant to be…with James, their relationship stronger than ever.

  Xavier followed us into the house.

  James carried me all the way to his bedroom. Not one of the spare rooms, but here, in the place that meant so much to him.

  Gently, I was placed on the bed. I scooted up and lay back with my head on a pillow, looking at these two gorgeous men who towered over me, both powerful in their own way. This attraction to danger had been how I’d found myself all the way around the world. The anticipation of what was to follow caused me to shudder.

  I didn’t want to wait for them to undress me. We were too far gone for that, and all three of us quickly stripped ourselves of our clothes…all of us needing that skin to skin contact as soon as possible, craving a dose of raw edge sex that was addictive and thrilling…

  James sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re committed to each other. This makes me happy, Em.”

  I took Xavier’s hand and then grabbed James’. “I love you both.”

  Xavier nudged me. “How about we show you how much we love you, Emily?”

  “I want to watch you together,” James teased as he climbed in beside me. “Watch you make love.”

  This felt daring and sensual and forbidden, something I yearned for.

  Xavier lay above the covers and I climbed on to straddle him, rocking my hips so that my clit rubbed along his shaft, my breasts bobbing as pleasure surged. Xavier caressed my nipples tenderly.

  Ready for him, wet and needy, I lowered myself onto his cock and sunk low, letting him fill me completely, exalting at the bliss between my thighs. We intertwined our fingers and this connection drew us deeper into the moment.

  I glanced over at James. The way
he watched us with a heady dark lust in his eyes was erotically mesmerizing.

  Tearing my focus away from him and back to Xavier, I bounced, riding him as my lust surged to fever pitch, my hair flopping over my face, my nipples peeking through the long strands. Xavier sat up and pulled me into a kiss, his lips forceful and insistent, his tongue caressing mine as his hands swept up through my hair.

  He broke away and lay back down again.

  James reached over for my hand and kissed it, eyeing my exquisite engagement ring. His thumb brushed over it affectionately.

  “It’s gorgeous,” he said. “Just like you, Em.”

  This was what they did to me—they made me feel beautiful and wanted, safe and protected. I threw my head back and circled my hips, so into this moment…so into them.

  I love everything about you…both of you.

  You are mine.

  And I am yours.

  Xavier’s hands wrapped around my waist and he controlled my pace.

  This was how it must feel after a long battle is won. When the warring is over, and a future can be imagined. No more fighting or holding back. That’s what this felt like, us finally making peace with what we were…three lovers who were meant for each other.

  Xavier lifted me and I realized that he wanted me to climb onto James now. I did just that, sliding over so that I straddled his hips and was rubbing my pussy along his shaft. This back and forth movement of my sex along his erection increased my slickness, bringing on a throbbing pleasure I never wanted to end. As James clutched my hips, I raised a little, and slid down onto his cock so it would fill me entirely, my head falling back, hair tumbling behind me as I rode him with the same passion.

  Xavier rolled onto his side to watch, reaching out from time to time to play with a lock of my hair, or brush his hand over my breasts, or kiss me.

  I was lifted and returned to Xavier, James gripping Xavier’s shiny, engorged cock to help me slide onto him. He lay back again to watch me thrash about on Xavier’s lap.

  Losing count of the times I was shared between them, my juices wetting my thighs, wetting them, I fell into a mesmerizing rhythm, having faith for what we would become, trusting us, finally allowing myself to believe our future was certain and we’d always be this.

  Lying on my side now, I turned toward James and he drew me toward him, helping me lift my right leg so he could slide inside my pussy. I placed a hand on his bulging bicep to slow him down, helping me accommodate his impressive girth.

  Xavier climbed off the bed and walked around it to the other side, climbing in behind James. I was vaguely aware that Xavier had reached for a tube of lube from the nightstand. When James’ expression twisted, I knew Xavier had penetrated his ass.

  All of us were edging closer to release.

  James’ expression was blissful as Xavier fucked him from behind. His lust-filled eyes watched me, his hand reaching for Xavier’s wrist to grab hold of it.

  Rocking together, all three of us moved in unison.

  With James inside me, and Xavier inside him, and my right leg stretching over both men, we began a hypnotic rhythm of choreographed thrusts, our heavy gasps intermingling as we writhed in each other’s arms.

  We came as one, our climaxes easy to reach as we shuddered against each other, our moans filling the room, our bodies slick with sweat as we stretched out our pleasure.

  Not caring about the rumpled, messy sheets, we lay panting, catching our breath. My head rested on James’ chest. Xavier’s arm was flung over us both.

  Quiet descended on the room and I slipped into a contented doze.

  When I awoke, I was still in James’ arms. His head was turned, and he was kissing Xavier passionately. Seeing them like this was everything I’d hoped for. Their passion breathtaking to watch. Their love pure and so generously shared with me. James pulled me in to join their kiss. We were all mouths and tongues, and nips and bites, sharing what we were. Sharing all we’d become.

  This precious ménage à trois was unbreakable.

  “I never want to leave this room,” said James.

  I sighed. “Me neither.”

  “It’s time to reveal the true Jamaican,” whispered Xavier.

  It made me smile. So many times, he’d asked James to reveal the accent he’d had as a child, and so many times James had refused.

  “I want to hear it,” I said to James, kissing his chest.

  I wanted to hear the authentic accent of a man who’d changed all those years ago. Perhaps this had even been the catalyst that had caused him to construct the wall that would hide and protect his true self.

  “Mo’ Bay is true paradise, mon!” James said in a thick Jamaican accent. “We got the sun and the rum! The moon and the food! But most of all in this beautiful island we call home…we got you!” He gave me a wink, then turned to Xavier. “And you!”

  Xavier laughed with joy, replying with his best Jamaican accent, “And you, mon!”

  James grinned, reverting to his English accent. “Not bad.”

  “It sounds like poetry,” I breathed.

  James kissed my nose.

  I loved these men so much it made my heart swell with exhilaration. Overwhelmed with these emotions swirling through me, I reached out and placed my hand over theirs, and we interlocked our fingers.

  James smiled against my cheek. “Stay.”


  Wearing one of Xavier’s white shirts and nothing else, I padded barefoot over the hardwood floors, walking through the house looking for James or Xavier. I may have had one glass of champagne too many last night. We’d spent the evening celebrating us, while rolling between the sheets and then drinking bubbly well into the night.

  My body ached deliciously, my sex still thrumming. My face flushed when I thought of what those men had done to me.

  So much love.

  The kitchen was empty, though I gave a silent hallelujah when I saw coffee brewing and smelled the rich, inviting aroma. I found the biggest mug in the cupboard and filled it, adding a drop of milk. This bucket of caffeine would shake off my sleepiness.

  Continuing my search through the house, I admired the prints of marine life hanging on the walls. I’d seen similar photos in Louis’ darkroom, and I had to wonder if these had been photographed by him. If so, it revealed a friendship that went way back.

  Sipping my drink, I leaned on James’ office door and peered in at Xavier who was sitting behind the desk and working away on the computer.

  He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and his blond hair was styled in that careless, sophisticated way that looked adorable.

  Xavier smiled to let me know he was aware of my presence—he was fixated on the screen as he typed away.

  Finally, he looked over at me. “Here’s the love of my life.”

  I pushed off the doorframe and came in. “What are you working on?”

  “It’s confidential.” He winked.

  I rounded the desk. “Oh, intrigue.”

  Xavier leaned back so I could sit on his lap. Balancing my mug with both hands, I nuzzled into his neck and breathed in his soft scent. He was cleanly shaven and as I pressed my lips against his skin, I inhaled his fresh aftershave. My body thrummed with being this close to him. He felt like home.

  I reached over to the desk and set my mug on a coaster. “Here, you have this one.”

  He picked it up and took a sip. “Nothing tops Jamaican coffee.”

  I peeked at the computer screen. There was a series of digits and codes and I was amazed anyone could interpret them.

  “I’m analyzing data.”

  “No wonder you don’t mind me looking.” Then on a hunch I asked, “Are you researching Trevor?”

  He mulled over his answer.

  “Why do you think he’s interested in Louis?” I pulled away a little to read his expression.

  “Louis is pretty much a recluse.”

  “That’s hardly a crime.”

  “No, but the fact he makes a habit of avoiding
the public attracts attention.”

  “Louis isn’t dangerous, is he?”

  “Not in the traditional sense,” he mumbled.

  “What does that mean?” Then I realized. “He’s like you. He has a special talent for things like this?” I pointed to the iMac. “What’s his superpower?”

  Xavier shrugged.

  “Does he work?”

  “He spends his time on philanthropic pursuits that he’s passionate about.”

  “Has Louis done something bad in the past?”

  “No, never.”

  Then why did I have a feeling they were hiding him away.

  “Maybe Louis is keeping something from you.” I waited for Xavier to respond.

  He reached for the mug and gulped half of its contents down. “I don’t think so.”

  I planted another kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for making sure I got to play my violin.”

  “I’ll never get over how gifted you are, Em.” He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me tenderly.

  “I only wish I understood your gift,” I joked, kissing him back. “Will it be too distracting for you if I sit here for the next few hours?”

  “No, it’s a perk.”

  I glanced at the screen. “You’re so clever.”

  “Cursed is what I am.”

  “What you do can help people.”

  “I think what you do is far more profound. You take people’s minds off their lives. You stir passion with your music.”

  I sighed. “I think I’ll just teach violin. That would make me happy.”

  “Right. How well do I know you?”

  “Freakishly well.”

  He nodded with a smirk.

  This was Xavier reassuring me he’d find a way for me to perform on a grander scale—perhaps even see my dream of joining an orchestra realized. My priorities had changed, though, and that meant letting go of a career in music. I was never destined to fulfill that dream. My heart was still wrangling with letting it go, but I didn’t want him to know that. I’d already blown our relationship up once by making a bad choice.

  It’ll take time.

  I stifled a yawn. “Where’s James?”

  “He’s out with Louis. They’re dropping off the donated toys at the orphanage.”


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