Perfectly Imperfect Mine (Garrison Brothers Book 1)

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine (Garrison Brothers Book 1) Page 4

by Amelia Shea

  “BJ, it’s real sweet of you to ask me but…”

  A large boom sounded and Sadie jumped. She looked around thinking maybe it came from inside but nothing exploded, there wasn’t a fire anywhere. Where had it come from?

  “What the hell was that?” asked Carl. All three of them were now looking around the diner; everything seemed the same as it was a minute ago.

  Sadie walked to the door and looked out into the parking lot. “Maybe it came from outside?”

  She walked out to the parking lot with BJ following her. She stopped and looked all around but there was nothing there but a few cars in the lot. It was eerily quiet and still. Her arms broke out in goose bumps as a chill ran through her.

  “Where do you think it came from?” BJ asked, looking around.

  She continued to scan the lot but saw nothing. “I don’t know. It almost sounded like fireworks or a gunshot.” Living in this area there were no shortage of either. Still, it had to come from somewhere and it sounded so close. She slowly scanned the parking lot again.

  Marge yelled for BJ and he looked over his shoulder. He turned around, started walking inside and questioned, “You coming?”

  “In a minute,” she answered and he entered the diner.

  Sadie wandered to the side of the building. It was probably just someone setting off fireworks. But curiosity got the best of her. She’d always been too curious for her own good. She would just double check on her car too. She always parked on the side of the diner. Ever since she broke things off with Tyler, she didn’t like to park out front. Hidden car, hidden Sadie. So far, it had worked out for her.

  As she got to the edge of the walk, she saw Melinda pull in and park. She waited and waved to her before she turned left around the side of the building and headed to her car. She was about three feet away from the passenger door when she saw what looked like a puddle. She silently prayed her car wasn’t leaking anything. It was the last thing she needed. She could barely afford gas for the piece of crap; any repair would have her dining on mac and cheese for months.

  Sadie reached her car to inspect the puddle but something was just beyond. It looked like a heap of clothes. One more step and she realized those clothes were on someone. It was a man, and he wasn’t moving. His body was rolled onto his side. His left hand was thrown out in front of him. She squinted and focused on the hand with the red ruby diamond band. The hand was covered in blood and didn’t move. Lifeless. Panic built in her chest, and her heart beat faster. She walked closer and saw the puddle was blood. Breathing deep, she was about to scream when she felt a strong arm wrap around her stomach and a hand over her mouth. She tried to scream but it came out muffled.

  Kicking and squirming, she made contact with a leg but that didn’t slow down Vise Grip, who was dragging her back by the dumpsters. Oh shit! Oh shit! She had seen this on a true crime show last week. She was going to be raped and chopped up and thrown into the dumpster. She had to get away. Sadie desperately tried to remember all the self-defense moves they taught in school. Unfortunately, her fear had her drawing a complete blank. He was gripping her so hard it was almost painful. All her struggling did nothing. She started to pry her mouth open in hopes of biting his hand and she thrashed as much as she could, which wasn’t much.

  He stopped and Sadie felt his breath close to her ear. “Stop fucking moving. If you bite me, I will pull out your fucking teeth with my fingers, you got me?”

  The scary lethal voice had her abruptly stopping any movement. Her eyes widened in fear, and her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. His voice was what nightmares were made of.

  Sadie nodded and kept still. Tears formed in her eyes and sweat beaded her forehead. Fear had her frozen. He moved toward the back again—his hand still covered her mouth and the other remained wrapped around her waist.

  As they approached the dumpster, she saw two large figures. Oh God, this is bad. She panicked and her legs started shaking. She kicked again. The hand on her mouth squeezed. The bite in her cheeks had her eyes tearing up again and she cried out. She immediately stopped moving. As they got closer, Vise Grip whispered with pure malice, “You make a fucking sound and I will cut your fucking tongue out.”

  He tossed her onto the pavement. Sadie yelped as she hit the ground hard. If she did survive, she’d be picking gravel out of her legs for days. She immediately pressed her lips together to keep quiet when she looked up to see Vise Grip scowling at her. She looked back down and wished she’d spent more time in church because she could really use a Hail Mary right now.

  “Now, what? This was not in the fucking plan, T,” a panicked male voice whispered. He was tall and his hair was short. His eyes cut to hers; he seemed almost scared. The soft light from the back exit illuminated his face, an innocent, boyish, surfer face, a not-a-care-in-the-world kind of face. A face she could trust.

  However, his stare turned into a full-on glare and his scared face became scary. Her eyes focused back on the ground. This was not someone who would help her, not someone she could trust.

  “No shit, asshole, you think I planned this?” Vise Grip pointed at Sadie and then raked his hand over his head. She could see he was also tall and wider than the other guy. It was too dark to see his face but he was bald and he looked to have a beard.

  He looked beyond Surfer Boy to the other guy. “Your call, man, what do you want to do?”

  Sadie looked up at the other guy. He was huge, really tall, definitely over six feet. She could barely make out his face, but from his shadowed profile she could see high cheekbones, full lips, and hair at his neck. His leather jacket fit snug and his jeans were torn in the knee. His boots were dark and looked beat up. His whole look said Scary Badass. He looked almost familiar but she couldn’t see his face. He was standing next to Surfer Boy.

  Sadie tried to calm her breathing so she would stop shaking. It wasn’t working. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing. She snapped back to reality when she heard Surfer Boy speak again. “We got to get rid of her.”

  Sadie’s fear intensified; her body began to shake and she panicked. She perched up on her knees, the gravel digging deeper into the cuts on her skin. She begged. “Please just let me go, I didn’t see anything, and I don’t know anything. I won’t say anything, I swear. I-I-I’m j-just a w-waitress,” which came out as a stutter because her nerves were shot.

  “No. You’re not a just a waitress, you’re a witness,” Surfer Boy growled through gritted teeth, “and we don’t leave witnesses, so shut the fuck up.”

  He started toward her and pulled out a gun raising it. Sadie fell back on her hands and scrambled on the gravel. Oh God, he was going to shoot her. Her hands slipped out from under her and she lay flat on her back. Her breath was shallow, her body trembled. She pushed up; the gravel dug deeper into her hands as she tried to move further away from him.

  Scary Badass jumped in front of Sadie as Vise Grip grabbed Surfer Boy. “Are you fucking crazy, man? Put that fucking thing away. Think! We shoot her and the whole diner will come out. Gunshots bring people looking. It brought her out. Fucking think, man.” His voice was low but angry.

  Vise Grip looked to Scary Badass. “Call it, man, what do we do, ’cause whatever we do needs to be done now. It’s only a matter of time before someone comes looking for her.”

  “Sadie,” she quietly muttered. She didn’t know where her voice came from or why she said it.

  All three heads turned and stared but Vise Grip was the only one to speak.

  “What?” he asked in an annoyed tone.

  She nervously croaked out, “Sadie, my name is Sadie.”

  He released Surfer Boy and started in her direction. “I don’t give a shit what your name is.” But before he reached her Scary Badass threw his arm out to halt him. His hand was on Vise Grip’s chest, keeping him from moving.

  “T,” Scary Badass warned, “go get things cleaned up. Make the call, grab the truck, and bring it a
round back. I know this place; they never use the back door. Pull around and wait for us. Bogs, go with him.” His voice was authoritative and confident.

  Vise Grip, aka T, gave her a menacing glare before he turned back to the guy named Bogs, aka Surfer Boy, and motioned for him to follow.

  She stared as Scary Badass approached her. She shuffled back on her hands. He was quicker than her though and bent down, grabbed her arm and pulled her up. Sadie came up too quick and lost her balance. She started to fall over but he clutched her around the waist and jerked her into his body. Face to face.

  Her jaw dropped in shock. Bright green eyes and a strong brow line—it was the face that had haunted her dreams. He had a few days’ worth of stubble, and a scar from the corner of his eye down his cheek that disappeared into his stubble. She knew that scar, that face. She’d watched him.

  “The way he’s always watching you.”

  His eyes scanned her face. His eyes were heated as they searched hers.

  “This is what’s going to happen. We’re going to go inside and you’re going to tell your boss you’re sick and you have to leave. You are not going to say anything other than ‘I’m sick and I need to go home.’ Do you hear me?” His eyes blazed into hers.

  She swallowed hard and shook her head. He tightened his grip on her waist and he glared. He thought she was challenging him, she quickly realized. She blinked and rushed out her words to explain. “My shift is over. Melinda just got in when I came out here. My shift is over.”

  “C’mon.” He pushed her backward, heading toward the rear of the building.

  “Wait.” She tugged her arm. “My stuff. I don’t have my purse or my keys. If I don’t go get them, it’ll look suspicious, right?” He glanced ahead to the front of the diner. This was good. He’d have to take her back inside. She’d be safe there.

  “Fuck.” He moved forward dragging her behind him.

  Then she pleaded once more in a desperate whisper. “Please, just let me go!”

  His eyes were fixed on her and shook his head slowly. Chills crept up her spine. “You follow my lead and keep your mouth shut, you hear me? You don’t leave my side.” Sadie nodded. “This can go my way or the wrong way, you decide. But I’m warning you now, this goes the wrong way and it’s T you deal with, and you don’t want to fucking deal with him.”

  Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest but she nodded again. “Your way, I choose your way.” She would do what he said, she was not looking to be the hero, just looking to be breathing when this was all over.

  He nodded back at her and grabbed her sweaty hand as they walked to the entrance to the diner. His hand was strong and firm. She could feel his calluses on rubbing against her palm. She’d imagined his hands on her body, on her face, all over her. Without thinking, she squeezed slightly and his head whipped back looking over his shoulder. He glanced down at their hands and his face slightly softened. Sadie looked at their hands clasped together. Hers looked so tiny in his large hand. He loosened his grip and pulled her alongside him.

  As they passed her car, she closed her eyes. If the guy was still there, she didn’t want to see him. She started to shake again; fear did crazy things to a body. He stopped and faced her before they turned the corner to the diner. Sadie looked up at him.

  He grabbed her face between his hands. “Pull it together.” His thumbs caressed her cheeks in a soothing stroke. This was nuts. One minute he’s threatening her and the next he’s calming her. “Deep breath.” He whispered in a sweet reassuring tone.

  She inhaled a deep breath and released it.

  She peered into his eyes and gave her best attempt at a smile. “I’m good, it’s all together.” He let out a sigh and lowered his head but not before she saw the semblance of a tiny smile. He dropped his hands from her face and grabbed her hand again. They walked to the front and through the door.

  BJ immediately came up to Sadie. “What took so long, I was just about to come… Who’s that?” He pointed to the man behind her.

  She opened her mouth, not even sure what she was going to say, but never got the chance. From behind her, his body pressed close to hers. His hands slid around her waist and rested at her stomach. Her heart started pumping again but this time it wasn’t from fear. When her nipples got hard, she refused to acknowledge what her body was feeling. It was too soon for Stockholm syndrome.

  “Hey man, I’m Stone. My car just backfired. Sadie said you guys were freaked out by it. Sorry about that, didn’t mean to scare anyone. Probably need to replace the ignition coil.” He smiled down at her. His smile softened his entire face. For the past two weeks, she’d waited to see his smile. It was worth the wait, she thought as she smiled back.

  He sounded nice. But he wasn’t, he was dangerous. This guy and his fellow thugs just threatened to kill her, but now he sounded so pleasant. BJ kept looking at Stone, then to Sadie, and back at Stone. Her eyes widened as she looked at BJ. He had to see that something wasn’t right. She felt a nudge in her back and his hands released her so she walked back to the kitchen until she heard a cough. Sadie turned back to Stone. His eyes told her she’d done something wrong. He told her not to leave his sight.

  “Melinda, can you grab my bag from the back? All of sudden I’m feeling light headed.” Sadie grabbed the counter and put on her best sick girl performance.

  “Yeah, sure thing, hon.” Melinda was all smiles. She obviously thought she had finally hooked up with the guy she had been obsessing over for the past two weeks.

  Sadie turned around to find Stone’s cold eyes peering into hers. He looked pissed. I followed his rules, I did what he said. She glanced around and caught BJ’s eyes. He knew something was wrong. She gave him a half smile. Say something, kid.

  Melinda came back with her stuff and winked at Sadie when she handed it to her. She whispered, “Girl, I want all the details. He is hotter than I remember. Damn, you go get yourself some.”

  Sadie released a nervous laugh and walked back to Stone. He stared at her as she got closer. He put an arm around her shoulders and they walked out the door.

  Once outside, they headed to the back again and he removed his arm from her shoulder. He gripped her forearm. This time they went around the right side of the building, and there in the back was the truck.

  As a last ditch effort, Sadie dug her heels into the ground and pleaded. “Please let me go. I swear I won’t say anything, I mean, really, I didn’t see anything and if I had I wouldn’t tell a soul. I promise!”

  He yanked her arm gently and stared straight forward, not even a glancing her way. They stopped at the back door to the black truck and Stone finally glanced down at her.

  “You done?” he said in a bored tone.

  He didn’t even wait for a response. He seized the handle, opened the door, and she realized her fate was sealed. She was going to die. Bogs sat in the back behind the driver’s side. He looked over at them.

  Sadie was almost surprised at how good looking he was, short light brown hair, soft colored eyes. He had a sweet face, a trusting face. Not someone you would expect to pull out a gun and shoot you.

  “Get up front, man.”

  Bogs looked confused. He looked from Stone, then to Sadie, and finally back to Stone. He started laughing. “Aww…this is fucking precious, Stone’s got himself a new fucking kitten.”

  She was lightly pushed in as Bogs exited, still laughing. Stone slid into the backseat with her and slammed the door shut. He adjusted his legs which were now spread wide with his hand on his knee. Oh dear God, this man was big. Her eyes were fixated on his hand, large and strong. Her stare traveled up his thick thigh, immediately zoning in on his groin. Even that appeared big. Sadie wondered if he was big all over, everywhere. He cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows. She’d just been caught checking out her abductor. Way to go, Sadie.

  “Give me your bag,” he demanded. She hesitantly handed it to him. He rifled through it and pulled out her wallet. She saw him slip out her dr
iver’s license.

  He tossed it up front to Bogs and said, “I want everything, get it all. Now.”

  He shoved her purse back into her lap. A chill ran through her at the brief touch of his hand against her thigh. She gasped and he glanced at her. His eyes slowly raked over her, head to toe and back up to meet her stare. Her blood coursed through her and her face flushed. Under his stare, her nipples beaded and she rubbed her legs together. Sadie could feel her panties moisten. She blushed and shifted in her seat. Her body had a mind of its own when it came to him. He gave her a once over again and smirked. She turned away and peered out the window. She inhaled slowly and tried to get a handle on the new sensation running through her—it was not fear.

  The car took off, circled around the diner and through the parking lot. The windows in the truck were tinted. No one could see her. If they couldn’t see her, they couldn’t save her. She peered out through the back window into the diner. She could make out BJ at the counter and Melinda moving to the register.

  Sadie turned back around in the truck, bowed her head as her shoulders sagged. She had no one to help her. She was defeated.


  The truck was silent except for the low hum of the radio. Stone sat back and watched Sadie without her notice. She was too scared and focused on her lap to even notice his side stare. Her long brown hair had crowned her face, shielding her. He could still see her small nose poking out. Everything about her was soft and sweet. Even her voice pleading for him to let her go was gentle. He was a bastard for scaring her, but he had no choice. She needed to be scared, fear for her life. It was the only way to keep her quiet. If she went to the police, they could be fucked.

  Her seeing what she’d seen complicated things for them. Witnesses were the worst case scenario for this assignment. They had all been off their game tonight. Usually, they were on point but tonight it all fell to shit. Now, Sadie was a liability.

  Her knee began to bob up and down. Her face remained downcast and every once in while she would gaze out the window. Her knees both bobbed now and he could see her tremble. He reached out and rested his hand on her bouncing knee. She flinched and her wide eyes shot up at him.


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