Perfectly Imperfect Mine (Garrison Brothers Book 1)

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Perfectly Imperfect Mine (Garrison Brothers Book 1) Page 24

by Amelia Shea

  No way.

  Roxanne grabbed one of Sadie’s hands but Stone grabbed her other and he pulled Sadie back into his lap. Roxanne jerked her body and scowled at Stone while Sadie laughed and curled into him. Roxanne crossed her arms and stomped her foot. She actually stomped her foot. He knew what was coming next but he didn’t care, Sadie was staying right where he had her.

  “Stone! I just want her to meet the girls.” Roxanne pouted.

  “Later!” He wrapped his arms around Sadie. He wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.

  “But I was going to…”

  “No!” Stone’s voice was firm.

  “You’re such a dick!” she spewed through gritted teeth and stormed back to her group.

  Everyone around the fire started to laugh. Any other time, he would be laughing too at his sister’s immaturity but all he could do was look at Sadie. She smiled at him and settled in on his lap.

  Ethan walked over to them.

  “Carissa, would you mind helping with the food?” Carissa was sitting next to him. He noticed Sadie look over at her. He hadn’t had time or even given it thought to introduce them. At this point, he didn’t want to share her.

  “Sure thing.” She jumped out of her seat and started off toward the deck but stopped and looked back at Stone. She smiled and winked before turning again and walking into the house. He noticed Sadie staring at Carissa. He would have to make that introduction very soon before his kitten showed her claws. He smirked at the thought.

  Ethan sat in the Carissa’s empty seat and sipped his beer. The music and laughter in the background and the fire blazing was perfect as they all gazed into the flames. Stone felt Sadie cuddle deeper into him. God, he had missed her.

  “Mom would say you found the missing piece to your puzzle,” Ethan stated to no one in particular.

  “Yeah.” Stone grinned at Ethan who smiled back at him. Ethan looked over at Sadie and mouthed “welcome home,” as he winked and turned back to the fire.

  His brother was right. She was home.

  Chapter Twenty

  Stone watched her walk into the house. His eyes never left her. It seemed as though he was afraid she’d disappear and not come back. That was not happening ever if she had anything to say. As she made her way through the kitchen, there were a few people talking and standing around the island. The pretty blonde sitting with Stone earlier was by the counter. She was talking with a few girls from the party when she stopped and they all looked over. Two of the girls gave her the once over. Sadie ignored them.

  “You need something, Sadie?” the blonde sweetly asked. She didn’t get this girl; Sadie expected to hear fakeness in her voice but she didn’t. Maybe she was just really good at being a bitch.

  “I’m just looking for the bathroom.”

  “Oh, it’s down the hall on the other side of the staircase.”

  “Thanks.” She wandered out of the kitchen, following her directions. Sadie gazed around as she walked through the house. This was a family home. It was perfect. It made her happy knowing Stone had this growing up.

  Sadie walked to the end of the hall and entered the bathroom. Closing the door, she let out a small scream. Stone was standing in front of her. His eyes were fierce and glowing green. He pulled her to him and crushed his lips against her. She was frozen for a moment. He caught her off guard but as his arms wrapped around her, she melted into his body and his kiss. Her hands gripped the back of his neck and their kiss grew more intense. He licked at her lips. She opened to taste him. He tasted like beer, barbecue, and pure Stone. Suddenly, she was being hoisted up onto the counter, his mouth on her neck. Soft bites and caressing hands had her moaning his name.


  With his lips at her neck he muttered, “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  She gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it out of his pants, letting her hands slide up his bare strong chest. She couldn’t get enough of him. Her hands shifted down, touching and feeling until she reached his jeans. She grabbed the button and pulled as his mouth dove back to hers. His hands ripped the straps of her dress down and bared her breasts. The cool air beaded her nipples. He caressed one breast while his lips softly kissed the other. She unzipped his pants just as he sucked then swirled his tongue over her nipple. Oh God. Her panties would be drenched in seconds if she didn’t get them off. Pulling his jeans down, she grabbed hold of his hard erection.

  “Ah, fuck, Sadie,” he muttered against her breast while she jerked him hard. There was no sweet at this moment, it was complete need. She cupped his balls and tugged on his erection as he slipped a finger into her wet pussy. His mouth switched breasts and his lips tugged her nipple as he sucked harder.

  “Yes.” She purred and kept hold of him. Her hips moved with his fingers. His lips seized hers again and they were kissing and panting into each other. His tongue slid across her lips when he added another finger. The rhythm of her hand became hasty and he slammed his cock into her hand. His fingers were pumped into her core.

  He pulled back with his eyes locked on her. They stared at each other. It was just them.

  Her panting grew louder and he drove into her harder and faster. Her body trembled. Her hand was jerking him in a motion to match his fingers. His body shuddered as he came with her. She rode his hand until her body was sated. The orgasm was fucking amazing. She could come again just thinking of it. His body strained forward into her as she pumped his cock one last time and he came across her hand and onto her bare thigh. Their breathing so heavy, no words were necessary.

  She moved to get a tissue to clean him up but he clasped her waist and hugged her body against his chest.

  “You are fucking here, babe! You came here for me,” he breathed with so much emotion in his voice. He looked at her as if she were a figment of his imagination. He leaned down and brushed a small kiss to her lips, lingering in front of her. Their faces were so close.

  “I walked out your door, and I knew I fucked up. It took everything I had not to go back to you. All your texts ripped my fucking heart apart,” he whispered in pain.

  “I’m here. I came for you, only you,” she muttered back and kissed him with gentle lips.

  “I can’t let you go again, Sadie. Fuck, I can’t.” He sighed with a hint of anger. “I should have just stayed and fucking talked to you, I should have told you…”

  He never finished because someone knocked on the door. They stared at each other. He was going to say something. He should have told her what? The knock was louder this time.

  “Use the one upstairs,” Stone shouted at the door, eyes still on Sadie.

  “It’s occupied!” Bogs teased from the other side of the door. At the sound of his voice, the mood in the bathroom shifted and she fought to hold in a laugh. Stone’s eyes didn’t waver and his voice was even more annoyed.

  “Fuck off, man!”

  She heard an overly dramatic gasp from the other side. “You kiss Sadie with that foul mouth? Hmm…speaking of Sadie, where is that sweet girl? Dad was looking for her; maybe I should suggest he check the bathrooms.”

  She could no longer hold back and burst out laughing. Stone’s scowl slipped.

  “Jesus Christ! Will you just go the fuck away?” he yelled in a lighter tone.

  Laughter dwindling, Sadie assumed Bogs walked down the hall. Stone turned his attention back to her with the scowl still on his face but his mouth relaxed into a smirk. He leaned in and his lips brushed against hers as he pulled her off the counter and set her feet on the floor. The kiss was too short but they had to stop.

  “We should get back out there.” Sadie sighed.

  “Or we could go up to my room?” he asked innocently.

  “Or I could just sneak in there later when everyone is asleep?”

  “Fuck yeah, you will.”

  By midnight, the party began to die down. The food table had been picked over. When Stone finally relented and let her off his lap, she walked over to start cleaning up. T and
Bogs were giving him a hard time about being whipped and not hanging with the guys during horseshoes. Their brotherhood banter was funny but they were relentless. He finally agreed to join the group when Sadie told him she wanted to help. Now he was bullshitting with the guys. She noticed his stare while cleaning up. He looked happy.

  The fire was still blazing, the guys and a few of their friends were milling around. Bogs was walking off from the group with a petite, cute brunette she had been introduced to earlier. She tried to remember her name but drew a blank. As they disappeared into the woods a voice came from behind her.

  “You need any help?”

  Sadie turned around to see the pretty blonde from earlier standing close behind her. She smiled at her, which she returned and gestured for her to grab a tray. With two trays in her hand she entered the large kitchen and placed them on the island. The kitchen was empty except for her and her new helper.

  Putting the trays down, Sadie started back out to grab more but the blonde jumped in front of her. She was smiling down at Sadie and she reached out her hand.

  “I’m Carissa, by the way. We didn’t get a chance to meet earlier.” Sadie clasped her hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Carissa, I’m Sadie.”

  “Oh, I know who you are.” She chuckled. “I’ve heard all about you, Sadie.”

  “Are you friends with Roxanne?” Please say yes and that you weren’t some ex-girlfriend of Stone’s, Sadie silently pleaded. She seemed really nice and helpful but she remembered her hands on Stone before anyone knew she was there. She didn’t doubt that Stone wasn’t interested in this girl. After her text it was clear, it was Sadie on his mind, not her. But she did doubt this girl’s sincerity.

  “Yeah but I’m closer with the guys, actually closest to Stone.”


  Stone had had enough of hanging with the guys. He crossed the deck looking for the only person he wanted to spend time with right now. He opened the slider, walked into the kitchen and heard Carissa say, “Yeah, but I’m closer with the guys, actually closest to Stone.”

  He saw Sadie and Carissa standing across from each other near the island.

  Sadie was staring at Carissa with a look Stone didn’t like. Sadie was misinterpreting Carissa’s comment. Time to make those introductions fast.

  Stone walked up behind Carissa and swung his arm around her shoulder. She giggled as she looked up at him and put her arm around his waist. His girl was not happy. Yeah, she definitely had the wrong idea. He smirked at Sadie. She really had no clue how he felt about her, she had no idea she owned him.

  Sadie returned his look with a vicious scowl. Stone watched her hands formed fists and her face turn red. She was definitely jealous.

  Stone turned to Carissa. “I see you’ve met my girl!”

  “I sure have, when you finally decided to share her with the rest of us.” She giggled.

  Stone saw Sadie’s eyes widen with surprise.

  “I just got her back, I’m not sharing her.” He winked at Sadie and her face relaxed slightly.

  The door behind them opened and Mike walked in. He grabbed Carissa out from under Stone’s arm, pulled her into his chest and caged her between his arms.

  “Car, Stone’s got his girl back, now can you stop fucking babying his sorry ass?” he teased while resting his chin on her head.

  “I was worried about him, you jealous jackass!” she harassed back as she tried to elbow him in the ribs. She missed. Stone laughed and strutted over to Sadie, leaning back onto the island and pulling her into his chest, mirroring Mike and Carissa.

  “Babe, meet my oldest friend, Mike, and you met Carissa. We’ve all known each other since middle school and now this crazy woman is going to marry this dickhead. I keep telling her not to do it but she won’t listen. I think she feels bad ’cause of his ugly ass mug!”

  “Fuck you, scar face,” Mike said and gave him the finger.

  Sadie gasped as Stone burst out laughing. Mike was one of his best friends. Aside from his family, Mike was the closest person to him. Stone was about to continue their banter with another rude comment but Carissa held her hands up.

  “Enough! You’re both dickheads, now stop!” She rolled her eyes. “I swear they’ve been this way since the seventh grade, Sadie, get used to it!” She sighed and giggled as Mike tickled her.

  Sadie chuckled and Stone smiled, this was perfect.

  The slider opened and the rest of their friends piled in the kitchen to say goodbyes. Sadie slid to Stone’s side as his buddies came over. He kept her close. Carissa walked over to Sadie and embraced her in a hug. Stone looked over at Mike who gave him a knowing look. These two together would be trouble.

  “It was so good to meet you, Sadie. We should get together over the weekend, have lunch if you’re available?” she asked expectantly.

  “Yeah, that would be great! Maybe you can tell me some Stone stories?” Sadie teased, looking over at him.

  He shook his head. “Nothing to tell babe, I was an angel.”

  Carissa burst out laughing. “Oh yeah, girl, I got lots.”

  Mike walked over and grabbed Carissa’s hand, “C’mon troublemaker, let’s go.” He held out his right hand and shook Stone’s. “Thanks for having us. Next weekend at our place?”

  Stone nodded, “Yeah, man, we’ll be there.”

  Mike turned to Sadie, “Sadie, happy to finally meet you. Don’t let this dickhead fool you.” He looked over at Stone. “He’s a great guy.”

  Sadie wrapped her arms around Stone’s waist, “I know.”

  Mike smiled at Sadie before facing the room. “Night everybody. Be safe!”

  The group walked out and Stone kissed Sadie’s head before following them to the door. He looked over his shoulder to see her walk to the sink and start washing the dishes. For some reason, this made him smile.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “So this is the bitch that stole my man!”

  Sadie whipped around from the sink full of dishes she was washing. Braced with her arms on the island was a curvy, blue eyed, redheaded girl. She was about Sadie’s height with a curvaceous body. She reminded her of a fifties pin-up girl. This girl had gorgeous red curly hair that fell to her mid back and light blue pale eyes. She was stunning. Sadie almost forgot that she just called her a bitch. Sadie stared at her. Her voice was loud and she thought she might be mad but her eyes held amusement.

  Roxanne burst out laughing as she entered the kitchen from the hallway. “This is her!”

  Sadie looked between Roxanne and the redhead. Roxanne looked happy and thoroughly amused by the scene that was happening. Sadie had seen these two together earlier but she was so focused on Stone she didn’t pay much attention to anyone else.

  The girl marched over to her. She stepped back when she raised her hand. She swiftly swung her hand in front of Sadie and stopped. Her hand was out as if she wanted to shake hers.

  “Well, let me be the first one of many heartbroken girls around the world to shake the hand of the woman who snagged Stone. Girl, you are my friggin’ hero.” She laughed. Roxanne continued to laugh as Sadie skeptically looked between them and cautiously reached for her hand.

  Roxanne came to Sadie’s side and draped her arm over her shoulder. “Sadie Wallace, meet my best friend in the world, Emory Kern.”

  “It’s, uh, nice to meet you…I think,” Sadie said warily.

  They both burst out laughing again. Emory released Sadie’s hand and before she knew it, she was in a three person group hug. “I friggin’ love her, Rox!” she exclaimed.

  “I told you!” Roxanne agreed.

  Their “girl talk” commenced in Roxanne’s room when they finished up in the kitchen, Stone and the guys were helping their dad outside after all the guests left. Roxanne insisted Sadie hang with them since Stone had shit to do.

  Once in Roxanne’s room, Sadie was given the history of their friendship, beginning with the day they met. Emory warned Sadie to prepare for some major shenanigans at Ro
xanne’s “delayed birthday bash,” which she was invited to. These two had her laughing until she cried with their stories. Sadie also learned of Emory’s undying love and devotion to all the Garrison boys. She’d been in love with them since the first time she walked through the door.

  “But you got my favorite, Sadie, you lucky bitch. Bogs is too much of a jokester, he’s always teasing me. T is too moody and I annoy him to no end. And Ethan, well…” She paused in thought with a somber smile. “He just ignores me. But Stone? He was juuuust right!” She finished in a mocking Three Little Bears voice.

  “Sorry!” Sadie lied sympathetically.

  “Sorry enough to share him?” she asked with a smirk.

  “No way!” Sadie laughed and they joined in. This was an amazing feeling, laughing with girlfriends. Sadie realized what she’d missed out on.

  Emory got up from the bed announcing she was getting snacks and stormed out the door. Roxanne and Sadie were left on her bed waiting. She was still laughing at Emory’s last comment.

  “She’s great, Rox,” Sadie expressed with a smile. Roxanne nodded her head but her face was serious.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Realization hit Sadie and she quickly got up from the bed. “Oh, I should go. You probably have a lot of catching up to do with Emory.”

  “No Sadie, I don’t want you to leave.” She grabbed her hand to keep her from moving. “I just…well, it’s going to sound weird but I just want to say thanks.” Sadie’s eyebrows scrunched together and she gave her a puzzled look. Sadie had no idea what she was being thanked for.

  “I told you it would sound weird.” She snorted. “Look, I don’t know what happened back in Cedar Bluff and I’m not asking, that’s between you and Stone. But whatever did happen, I know it was all him and not you. I also know losing you wrecked him. It completely wrecked him, Sadie. Stone has always been stubborn and he wouldn’t talk to me but I knew whatever went down with you two wasn’t good. Then, there you were in our yard. You came for him, not knowing if he’d even want you here, you came for him. So thanks. That’s all just thanks!”


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