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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

Page 17

by Eve Newton

  She was standing behind him and giggled at something he said. I didn’t yet understand the language they were speaking. Her language. She slipped her robe over her head and bent to whisper in his ear. He inhaled deeply and relaxed under her touch. She quickly dropped her fangs and leant in to bite him. He accepted it.

  I turned and ran in horror. I wanted to desperately believe that he had told me the truth about the biting, but it was clear now, he lied. Devastated, I knew I couldn’t stay there any longer. I ran out to the stables and asked for a horse to be prepared for me. Once ready, I leaped on it and headed for the hills.

  Halfway to the next town from the castle, I felt myself go strange all over. I shook my head to clear it and I saw my hair all dark and curly in my eyes.

  Horrified, I stopped the horse and slid down his flanks, noticing I was also taller, and my body was completely different.

  “T hat’s when you knew you could Shift?” Cole interrupts.

  “Yes. I wanted so badly to not be me, all of a sudden, I just wasn’t me anymore,” I say.

  “So, you think he betrayed you by accepting a bite from another woman?” Cole asks.

  “He did betray me,” I say vehemently. “He said it was intimate and that he didn’t allow just anyone to bite him. I believed him.” I do realize here how petty I sound now in light of my current circumstances. But the feelings of desolation I felt back then are hard to get over, even after this many centuries. Maybe I’m just used to them? Maybe it is time to get over it?

  “Okay, okay. I get it. And the second time? What happened then?” he asks.

  “Do I really have to go through this? It’s not fun for me to relive these hideous memories,” I whine.

  “Just run it down for me.”

  “Fine, we were together for about two hundred and fifty years in Renaissance Italy. What a time to be alive,” I say with a smile, remembering the good times. “He had, uhm, rescued me, you could say, from a bad situation and we were together again, and happy. Or so I thought. By this time, I had obviously got over my naiveté and took other lovers as did he, but we spent every night that he was there together. I was so excited and happy that he seemed to finally be making a commitment to me. Then one day out of the blue, he disappeared. Left the castle and me in Tuscany and didn’t return. He left word with the servants that he had left and wasn’t likely to return for many months. I was devastated. I knew nothing about why he’d left and true to his word, he didn’t return. After two months, I gave up waiting and left. I went to England, where I eventually found Devon.”

  “All’s well that ends well, then,” he says with a smile, which turns into a frown when he mutters, “You also took other lovers?”

  “I suppose you could say that now,” I say to his first comment. “At the time it was awful.” I choose, perhaps wisely, perhaps not, to ignore his last comment.

  “Do you know now why he left?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “He mentioned something about Michelangelo, but it didn’t make sense. I just forgot to ask in the aftermath and it’s never come up again since. Kind of a taboo topic, I guess.”

  “Don’t you think you should find out?” he inquires.

  “Hm, it’s not really important anymore.”

  “Obviously, it is to you,” he presses.

  I shrug. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, okay, my love?”

  He agrees and shuts his mouth.

  “Moral of the story is, we should always be open and honest, and we should be just fine.” I smile sweetly, knowing even then that I am keeping something huge from him. The gods, I’m such a hypocrite.

  “I agree,” he says. “Is there anything else I should know? You say immortal, but is that really the case?”

  “Well, sort of. A stake won’t kill an Initial and neither will beheading or fire. In fact, it’s unclear what will kill an Initial, but we know someone did it once. The rest of us are varying degrees of vulnerability,” I say.

  “Huh. Having said that though, I suppose it would take an older, stronger Vampire to get the best of you,” he grins at me with pride.

  I chuckle. “That is true.”

  “I would love to have a sparring session with you,” he says.

  “You know I would kick your arse from here to next week?” I boast.

  He laughs. “Yes, I know. I find it kind of hot,” he says seductively and kisses me. Everything else falls away as we lose ourselves in each other.


  T he next day, Cole asks, “When are we going down to see the team?”

  “Tomorrow, during Qualifying,” I reply.

  He nods and anything he has to say is interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I rise to answer it, wondering who it could be at this hour.

  Pulling it open, I see CK and Nico standing there.

  “My sweet,” CK smiles at me and swoops down to kiss me.

  “CK, I wasn’t expecting you until later,” I say, confused.

  “I need to speak to you,” he says all business-like. “Alone.”

  “Okay, come in. Hi, Nico.” I step back to let them in.

  “Liv.” He nods.

  Cole walks in off the terrace as they step inside. He tenses for a second but forces himself to relax.

  CK glowers at him. “Cole,” he says icily.

  “Constantine,” Cole growls back to my pride.

  CK takes my hand. “Come,” he orders and drags me to the bedroom.

  I cast an apologetic look at Cole and say, “I won’t be long.”

  He nods, his mouth set, clearly unhappy that my sire is dragging me off to our bedroom.

  “What is this about?” I ask as CK closes the door.

  He turns to face me with a lustful look which makes my knees weak. “What did I say about acceptable ways to greet your sire?”

  “CK, tell me what is going on,” I say exasperated, but he ignores me in favor of exploring my mouth with his tongue.

  “Stop doing that,” I say as he pulls away with a lingering look.

  “You have never refused me in the past, why start now?” he demands, suddenly going all fierce on me.

  “I’m not refusing you; I just want you to tell me why you are here so early and what is so urgent.” I huff at him.

  With an abrupt mood shift, he sighs, that world-weary sigh he has perfected. “It has started, my sweet,” he informs me.

  “What has started?” I ask in dread, already knowing the answer.

  “They know. Eloise has ordered for all the records to be pulled of who sired and who was turned in 1012 and our names will be at the top of that list. Yours will be red-flagged and they will look into all of your charges. It’s only a matter of time until they cross-reference your name to Devon’s turning with the next date. From there your marriage to Fraser is public record and well…” He picks up my left hand and fingers my ring with a grimace. “This year is the last date on the list.”

  “But I told you I won’t make it a Holy union,” I say panicking.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he snaps, shaking his head. “Listen to me, Liv. They will try to eliminate him. You’ve been linked very publicly with him. Even as a precaution they will do it, so you don’t succeed. And then they will come after you to ensure that you don’t run off with someone else. I cannot allow that to happen,” he adds softly.

  “This is ridiculous!” I state unhappily. “How many times do I have to say it? I don’t want this.”

  “Whether or not you want it, won’t make a damn bit of difference. You have to end it with him today, publicly,” he says.

  “What?” I say shocked. “I am not ending it with him. Do you know how many years I have waited for this? For someone who not only wants to marry me, but wants me to turn him as well, so we can be together forever?”

  He flinches visibly at my words as he does know how long I have waited, before he resumes his normal composure. “Then do it properly,” he chokes out.

  “Excuse me?�
�� I ask, not sure I heard him correctly,

  “Do. It. Properly,” he says through gritted teeth. “If you are hell bent on staying this course, then you need to see it through. You need to do it and you need to do it now for your own safety. And his,” he adds menacingly, as an afterthought.

  “You want me to turn him on Holy ground?” I ask in utter disbelief at this rapid one eighty. CK is unusually difficult to keep up with at the best of times, but this is just…

  “If you do it, and it does turn out to be you, there is nothing they can do about it after you have been Chosen. If you do it and it isn’t you, then they will leave you alone. Think about it, Aefre. Even if you didn’t turn him on Holy ground, who is to say that in a couple of weeks or a couple of months time there won’t be someone else. They will stop you,” he presses as he steps closer to make his point.

  Everything he has just said is starting to make sense. I’m sure it isn’t me, but this will prove it and we can get on with our lives, or I will be Chosen and tough shit. I continue to stare at him as he does to me.

  He must see it pass across my face as he says, “I will make the arrangements. Talk to him. Don’t tell him the real reasons, not yet, he won’t understand. Just tell him you can’t wait any longer.”

  “Now? You want me to do this now?” I squeak.

  “Aefre, I am surprised that they aren’t already here,” he says urgently.

  I stare at him. “Why would you help me do this?” I ask quietly.

  Catching him off guard, he pauses. “I am your sire,” he says simply and turns to the door to leave. He turns back around to add, “I will protect you with my last breath, my sweet. Whatever the reason and no matter what it takes. Besides, if there is going to be anybody I would accept to join The Council, it would be you.”

  He smirks at me and I smile weakly at him as my heart races.

  “Oh, and I suppose if you are the Chosen one, you will have to spend more time in Milan, with me.” He winks at me and leaves me alone to take in everything he has just said.

  Not five seconds later, Cole enters. I run to him and pull him into a tight embrace. He returns the hug, burying his face into my hair.

  “Are you okay?” he asks. “What did he say to you?”

  “I’m fine, Cole. It's complicated. Work stuff,” I say dismissively. Pulling back, I look him in the eyes. “Are you one hundred percent sure this is what you want?” I ask him intently.

  His eyes widen in surprise at my urgency. “Yes, of course, my love. Are you having second thoughts?” he asks warily.

  I shake my head vehemently, “No! God, no, Cole, quite the opposite.”

  He tilts his head in confusion.

  “I want to do it today. I don’t want to wait,” I say quickly.

  He takes a step back. “Today?”

  “Please say ‘yes.’ Please say that you are ready now,” I plead, worried for his safety after CK’s words.

  He runs a hand through his hair and huffs out a breath.

  I wait in silence while he thinks it over.

  “Have you told me everything I need to know?” he finally asks.

  I nod slowly knowing that there are still things he needs to know, things I would have had to get around to explaining to him: like Devon and CK and our physical relationships, but we are out of time now. If this is as serious as CK says it is then…

  “Yes,” I lie, feeling the weight of it settle on me uncomfortably. But now isn’t the time. We don’t have the time to debate this topic and if he refuses after finding out that I’m still banging my charge and my sire, he will be a goner without a doubt.

  “Then, yes. I’m ready now,” he says, resolved.

  I breathe out in relief and with a smile that I hope doesn’t show my deceit, I kiss him. He sweeps me off my feet, kicking the door closed. He carries me to the bed and gently lowers me onto it. I kick off my shoes as he kneels in front of me.

  “Bite me one last time like this, as a human,” he whispers, his words eerily similar to Devon’s so long ago. I pull him closer, thrilling at the hunger and desire in his eyes. I drop my fangs and bite down on his neck. His blood is gushing into my mouth. I feel a throbbing between my legs as it slides down my throat. He grunts as I release him, retracting my fangs before I kiss him, making him taste his own blood in my mouth.

  “I love you,” I whisper, and he whispers it back.

  I open the bedroom door to find CK and Devon talking in hushed tones in the sitting room. My mouth drops open in shock. I have only ever seen them glare at each other and snarl with open, mutual hatred.

  They both stop talking and lift their heads to me as I walk towards them staring suspiciously at them.

  CK speaks first. “I filled him in,” he says quietly, before Cole joins me at my side.

  My frown deepens as it wasn’t his place to tell my charge anything.

  “Well,” Cole says. “Are you going to tell them?”

  “Uh, yes, yes of course. CK, Devon. Cole and I have decided to turn him…today,” I declare.

  Neither of them looks incredibly surprised but feign it when I glare at them.

  “Oh, wow! Awesome,” Devon says.

  “Yes, indeed. No need to wait,” CK says.

  Oh, stellar job, guys. I roll my eyes at them.

  “I think they knew already,” I say to Cole who is looking confused. I motion with my finger away from my ear and he understands my meaning of Vampire hearing. He flushes as he realizes they also probably heard me biting him.

  “Okay, then,” I say. “Now that we are all on the same page, shall we do this?”

  “Where?” asks Cole.

  “There is a disused chapel not far from here,” I say and CK nods.

  “Perfect. Nico will make sure it’s secure,” he orders. Nico nods once and flips his phone out to make a call.

  Cole looks slightly worried. “Now? It’s still daylight out.”

  “The sun won’t affect you until after you wake,” I tell him, but turn to CK and ask, “Will you go to my safe room and get the ring? You know where it is.” Next to the wedding bands that Fraser and I exchanged, I think absently.

  “Of course, my sweet.” He squeezes my hands. I can see something resembling pain in his eyes, but it is quickly masked. He stands and Teleports out in a blink.

  “What the fuck?” Cole exclaims, taking a step back.

  I look at him puzzled, before I realize. “Oh, gods. I’m sorry, Cole. I forgot you didn’t know. Some really old Vampires gain the ability to Teleport from one place to another. CK has been able to do this for about four hundred years now, give or take,” I explain.

  “Teleport? So, he’s in Europe one minute and the next he’s in L.A.?” he asks incredulously. “Holy fuck, that’s an awesome power!”

  Devon snickers.

  “But if he can do that…” Cole waves in the general direction of where CK had been standing, “Why does he fly two hours in a helicopter to get here?” he questions.

  “Modern day security,” Nico answers for me. “Passport Control, CCTV, digital cameras, even camera phones. If he was caught, it would be a disaster.”

  “Ah, I see.” He turns to me then. “Why is he being so helpful? I got the impression this was the last thing he wanted.”

  “He changed his mind. He has his reasons,” is all I can say with a shrug. “Don’t look the ancient Vampire gift horse in the mouth,” I joke just as the ancient Vampire pops back into existence and Cole jumps a mile. CK smirks at him before he hands me the box.

  “Thank you,” I say softly, and he nods briefly.

  “Devon, could I have a word?” I ask.

  He nods and stands. I take his hand, leading him to the bedroom and shut the door.

  “How much do you know?” I ask.

  “The abridged version. Prophecy, Holy Union, significant dates, fourth Council member, Power of One thing, all equals you,” he says and points at me.

  “Maybe me,” I correct him.

“Constantine thinks it's you. He wouldn't have come to you if he wasn’t one hundred percent sure,” Devon states.

  I ponder that and realize it’s probably true.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  He looks surprised. “Me? I’m fine. Are you okay? I mean this is a huge deal, Lizzie. Not to mention a fairly scary one.”

  “Devon,” I say, ignoring his comment that makes me shudder. “This is happening a lot quicker than we expected. Are you okay?”

  He runs a hand through his floppy hair. “Lizzie, it’s fine. I’m fine. I always wanted a brother,” he jokes, and I blanch at the reference. “He’s a really great guy,” he says grudgingly, “and he loves you. You said the other day and on the jet, that nothing will change between us?” He moves closer and curls a wayward tendril of hair behind my ear. I swallow at his touch and nod. “Do you stand by that? I couldn’t bear to lose you, Elizabeth. I’m not ready.” He looks lost and my heart breaks.

  “Yes, I stand by it. I told Cole that you and I will always be together and that you’re not going anywhere,” I say.

  “Thank you,” he whispers and kisses me. We hug for a few minutes. “I always knew you were special,” he murmurs. “And that seat was yours. Give ‘em hell, Lizzie. You deserve it after the way those two have treated you.”

  “I haven’t got it yet. It might not happen, and to be honest, Dev, I don’t really want it,” I admit to him, comforted though by his constant referral to me as ‘Lizzie’. “I’m a bit scared, for me and for Cole.”

  “Hey,” he says, pulling away, “You have nothing to be afraid of. Gregor and Eloise won’t dare lay a finger on you, even without this prophecy thing. Say what you like about him, and you know I do, but Constantine would never let anything happen to you.”

  “It’s not me I’m all that worried about.” I bite my lip, remembering my recurring nightmare.

  “He won’t let anything happen to Cole either. He knows how devastated you’d be. He was there when Fraser died; he won’t want to see you go through that again.” He tries to reassure me, and I take a deep breath.


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