A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 37

by Eve Newton

  Cole stays silent, his eyes narrowed as he watches me move over Devon, fucking him slowly, taking the maximum amount of pleasure from his cock that I can.

  “Fuck,” Cole breathes, and reaches out to tug my nipple, pebbling it before he sucks it into his mouth.

  “Tell me when you’re coming,” Devon whispers, his hands resting lightly on my hips.

  “Now,” I pant, my breathing getting heavier as the climax washes over me in a wave of pure ecstasy.

  “Uhn,” Devon groans, his eyes shut tight. “Fuck, Lizzie. Fuck.”

  “You can come,” I say with a small smile. “I want to feel your cock jerking inside me, pouring your cum into my pussy, joining Cole’s…”

  “FUCK!” he roars and detonates inside me before I can even finish my dirty talk. “Fuck, that was intense,” he rasps.

  I smile and murmur seductively. “Mm, it really was.” I climb off Devon and snuggle into Cole.

  Sensing his desire to ask me not to go, I hold my hand up over his mouth. “Don’t say it,” I whisper. “I have to go.” I reluctantly climb off the bed, heading to the bathroom to have a quick shower before I must leave. Cole follows me and puts his arms around me from behind. He whispers mischievously in my ear, “Don’t shower. Go to him as you are.”

  I turn with a large smile on my face. “Cole,” I jokingly reprimand him, “that’s just plain naughty.”

  He laughs, a dirty chuckle that makes me shiver.

  “I would love to see his face if you turned up smelling like sex with both of us,” he murmurs.

  I chuckle knowing exactly what his face would look like. “As much fun as that would be for me, probably not so much for you two,” I say lightly. He lets me push him off me as I turn the shower jets on and step inside.

  I know why Cole didn’t want to waste any more time. He is plainly worried that Constantine will make good on his threat to ‘throw his hat in the ring’ as he put it, if Cole doesn’t play the game his way.

  O nce I’m clean and dry, I dress carefully choosing a cream sleeveless shirt and a black skirt and of course, black Louboutins. I pull my hair into a messy bun and I’m ready to go. CK said not to bother bringing anything so all I have is my briefcase.

  Devon gives me a tight hug and a fierce kiss. “Have fun,” he drawls but I can tell he isn’t happy about me leaving him.

  Cole kisses me softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Thank you for this. You have no idea what it means to me,” I reply.

  He shrugs. “I can handle this with Devon. But don’t ask me to have a four-way with your sire there. I just can’t.”

  I nod, accepting that. Chances are, CK won’t ever want that anyway. “I’ll call you later on. Play nice with Devon,” I smirk as I swirl out of our bedroom in L.A. and into the reception at The Council HQ six thousand miles away.

  C K is waiting for my arrival and pulls me into a firm hug when he sees me.

  “It is good to see you, Aefre. Alone at last,” he says with that heavenly smile that makes me just want to ditch work and go straight back to his penthouse.

  “It’s good to see you too.” I tilt my head up and he kisses me chastely in front of Giulia who hides her smile behind the file she is holding.

  “Hi, Giulia. Nice to see you too,” I say with a smile.

  She hands me the file and says, “You too. Welcome to your first official day!”

  I thank her and take the file. Clipped to it is my ID badge.

  CK leads me to the elevators and up we go, hand in hand to our offices.

  “I’m a bit intrigued to see what it is you, or rather we, do here,” I say with a slight laugh and he laughs too.

  “Yes, it is a bit of a mystery to those outside, but you will catch up quickly my clever girl.”

  I preen at his compliment. We go to my office first. I go around the desk and place my briefcase on the floor. I sit and swivel in my new chair.

  “We can talk freely in here,” CK says, shutting the door.


  “It has been spelled so that no one can overhear us,” he explains.

  “Oh. Handy trick.”

  “Expensive magick, my sweet,” he corrects me. “I want to start on this plan right away. The sooner it is over, the better for all concerned.”

  “Okay, but like I said before, he is going to be suspicious enough without us just propositioning him,” I say with a frown.

  “Oh, Aefre. You do need to think more of yourself sometimes. He already wants you, just make it known that you are open to it as long as I am willing to share. Leave the rest up to me,” he says.

  Raising my eyebrow, I say, “Okay. I trust you.” I have noticed that he has only called me Aefre for a few weeks now. I wonder if he will ever go back to calling me Liv. I don’t want him to, so I hope not.

  “Good girl. I say we make as much headway in the next two days and then we strike next week. Of course, Devon and Cole should come back with you, but they will leave as soon as it is done, and we can have our scheduled two days.”

  Christ, he makes it sound so business-like. I scowl at him and he shrugs, unconcerned.

  A knock at the door makes him turn to open it, and speak of the devil, it is Gregor.

  “Constantine. I heard our new colleague was in the building, I came to offer my welcome and my help should you need it finding your way around.” He directs this last comment to me, his shrewd, pale blue eyes taking in my appearance and widening slightly as I casually lift my legs up to place my feet on the desk crossed at the ankles, showing off a fair bit of leg in the process.

  “Why, thank you, Gregor. That is most kind of you,” I say in the most pleasant tone I can muster for this monster that raped me and killed my husband.

  CK nods approvingly of my tactic and crosses over to perch himself on the desk in front of me. He trails a hand just as casually up and down my leg. It’s all highly inappropriate for the workplace, but who cares. I want this over with as quickly as CK does. My eyes blaze with longing for CK to touch me more like that, but this is hardly the time and the place. Still, it has the desired effect. Gregor breathes in deeply at the sexual energy that I sense charging around the room.

  “Well, I have a meeting to get to,” he says reluctantly. “Perhaps we can continue this later.” He stalks out of the room and I grin at my sire who grins back.


  Unfortunately, we then get stuck into work. CK is patiently explaining to me what it is I’m supposed to do, and I am overwhelmed. Who knew there was so much work involved in keeping the world’s Vampires in check? Christ knows how CK and I will cope once the other two have been sent to meet their maker. Whoever that is.

  A couple of hours have passed, CK hands me a form. “This needs Gregor’s signature. Go to him and give him something to look at while you’re there,” he orders. I gape at him. “This is your plan,” he reminds me, and I have to concede. Popping another button on the two already undone on my shirt, I stand up, smoothing down my skirt.

  Feeling more than a bit weird, I head for Gregor’s office, knocking softly and waiting until he calls “Enter,” before I go in.

  “Ah, Aefre,” he calls me. I wince but take it. “There’s no need for you to knock.” He sits back in his chair, tapping his pen on his desk.

  “I have something that needs your signature,” I say and instead of handing it to him across the desk, I move to his side and place it in front of him, bending down low to flash my tits at him. I point out where he needs to sign.

  Eyes going straight to my cleavage, he says, “I’ll read it before I sign. I won’t be a moment.” He sits forward.

  I turn around and perch my rear on his desk waiting patiently, hoping that CK will make an appearance soon as I have no idea what I’m supposed to do next. As he signs the document, there is still no sign of my sire, so I wing it and take the papers from him with a sultry look. His eyes narrow in surprise. I stand up straight and walk around to the fro
nt of his desk.

  “I take it you have thought about what I said last week?” he inquires softly in Russian and I stop.

  “I have,” I reply, also in Russian, placing the papers back on his desk to keep my hands free should I need them.

  Curious as I say no more, he moves around his desk and stands behind me. A proven method of intimidation in our kind as you cannot see your opponent’s next move. I shift slightly to look over my shoulder at him through lowered lashes and he catches his breath. Thank heavens that Constantine chooses that moment to barge in, as I had absolutely no-fucking-where to go with this scenario. Gregor grabs my hip and turns us to face the door, keeping himself behind me.

  “Aefre. Gregor,” Constantine says casually. “Did I interrupt you two?”

  “We were just discussing a proposal,” Gregor says just as casually. “Of the personal kind,” he adds as fuel to the already brewing fire.

  “My favorite kind,” CK says softly and grabs me, pulling me to him. He kisses me quickly and turns me around to face Gregor. Draping his arms around me, he lightly brushes his fingers over my breasts, so my nipples harden in automatic response to his touch. Gregor’s eyes drop as he stares at my chest. He takes a step forward and I want to step back, but CK’s arms tighten around me and keep me in place. I lift my right arm up and curl it around the back of CK’s head the other going around his back to pull him close. A classic feeding position. I tilt my head to my right and CK’s fangs drop as he senses my pulse beating. He lowers his mouth to my neck and bites down harshly. I gasp in mock surprise, my eyes never leaving Gregor’s. He watches through narrowed eyes as my sire feeds from me in the middle of his office in a blatant sexual display.

  Again, Gregor steps forward until he is standing right in front of me. “Time to share, Constantine,” he growls as CK pulls back from his bite. He relaxes his hold on me and I know I’m going to have to get this over with, but thank the old gods, Eloise storms in, full of unbridled fury. I have never been so happy to see that bitch in my entire one thousand years!

  “This is a place of work,” she snaps, loathing reeling off her Tsunami style. “I might have known you would lower this place to a classless whorehouse,” she seethes at me. Fortunately, Constantine is there to defend me against his own actions. “It’s just a friendly snack between co-workers. You are welcome to join in.” He brushes her anger off. Hoping that he knows what he is doing, I try to look nonchalant, but I really hope she doesn’t say yes.

  Narrowing her eyes at Gregor and then at CK, she shifts her eyes to me and asks full of disdain, “What is it about you that makes men think with their dicks instead of their brains?”

  Gregor answers this time to my surprise, “Maybe if you had either of those things you would know.”

  She gapes at him, her supposed ally, turning on her. Over me! My delight is evident. It will also make her an easy target for Cole and Devon, as she will want her revenge. This might just be easier than I first thought. I squirm in CK’s arms and he chuckles. I catch Gregor’s eye and smile seductively at him accepting the compliment, albeit a slightly backhanded one. His eyes blaze with his desire for me and it’s a surprise to see as his eyes, usually so cold and dead, seem alive now. I have him hooked and now it is just a case of reeling him in.

  Fortunately, CK and I are asked to leave, as Eloise wants a word with Gregor. I am fairly sure we already know how that conversation will go as we stroll out of Gregor’s office. I have my arm around CK’s waist and his hand is lightly placed on my rear.

  I giggle as soon as we are back in my protected office. “Well, that was easier than I thought,” I say in surprise.

  “I told you, Aefre, don’t underestimate yourself. Eloise is right about one thing, men do tend to think with their dicks instead of their brains around you,” he says matter-of-factly.

  Affronted, I cross my arms. “You included?” I snarl.

  “Oh no, my sweet. I am completely, one hundred percent clear on my feelings for you,” he says, but does not mention what exactly his feelings are.

  Mollified, I uncross my arms. “I wasn’t very happy with you asking Eloise to bite me. I know we have discussed this as a necessary course of action with Gregor, but there is no way I want her fangs anywhere near me.”

  “I knew she would refuse. Her hatred of you is as strong as yours is for her.”

  Humph, doubtful.

  “But I had to include her so as not to look like we were trying to exclude her. Do you understand?”

  I nod reluctantly. “It’s a good thing though. She was seething. She will want her revenge and enter Cole and Devon and we should be good to go. Just do me a favor?” I ask as an unpleasant thought suddenly hits me. “Watch your back. I really couldn’t do with her trying all out to seduce you.”

  He looks startled but nods all the same. “Take care as well, Aefre. Gregor might try and take you without me there.”

  “Well, you had better not leave my side then,” I say, pulling him to me and kissing him impulsively. He deepens the kiss and runs his hands up to my nipples, pulling on them through the thin fabric of my shirt.

  Breaking off, I ask, “Would it be rude on my first day to skive off and take you with me?”

  He laughs now, a happy and relaxed sire to have me all to himself. “Yes, it would. We do have work we must complete before we leave. However, I propose that we try to hurry up and get it finished.”

  “Agreed. Oh,” I say as something else occurs to me, “as I Astralled here I shouldn’t really be seen out and about.”

  “Not to worry, Nico has already taken care of it.”


  “By doing whatever it is that he does,” he says cryptically.

  I shrug and say, “In that case. Will you take me to dinner? It has been so long since we did something normal.”

  “Ah, I have other plans for us. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d rather not change them,” he says.

  “Fine. What are they?”

  “You will have to wait and see.”

  “Does it have something to do with the punishment I’m still waiting for?” I ask in a low, sexy voice.

  Delighted with my tone, he says, “Perhaps. It wouldn’t do to tell.” And with that the subject of our extracurricular activities is closed and we are back to work. I have to hand it to the man, he has a strong work ethic and despite my best attempts, he stays focused on the matters at hand, which sadly doesn’t include my own hands wandering up his thigh to unzip his pants. Although, on the plus side, I know he wants me as much as I want him, that much is obvious.

  At 2 PM he calls it quits, much to my relief. I give Cole a quick call even though it is 5 AM in L.A.

  “Hey, baby,” he says groggily. “How was your first day?”

  “Productive in more ways than one,” I say meaningfully.

  He’s alert then. “The plan is working?”

  “Like a dream. CK wants to wrap this up next week so we have to push forward, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem.”

  “Good. The sooner this is over with, the better,” he says.

  “I couldn’t agree more. I love you, baby. I had better go. I will try and call you later.”

  “I love you too. Stay safe.”

  I hang up and dropping my phone into my briefcase, I stand and open my door. Gregor is there looking all predatory and there is me without my sire. Shit.

  “Shall we carry on where we left off?” he asks.

  “We are on our way out,” CK says, showing up just as I need him, as always. “Maybe tomorrow.”

  Gregor, who is standing in between the two of us, grabs my arm and moves us back into my office. “Maybe now,” he says. I cast a quick glance at CK who glowers at Gregor behind his back and he nods. I drop my briefcase to the floor. Gregor takes that as an invitation. CK follows us into my office and closes the door. He leans against it casually.

  Gregor stares at him. “Perhaps you would leave us alone?” he asks, trailing a hand down
my arm. It takes everything I have, not to flinch.

  “No, I’ll stay. Think of it as foreplay. I’ll share, but only if I’m part of the sharing,” he says in a low voice.

  At the mention of foreplay, Gregor’s eyes burn as he turns them to me. “Do you want him to stay?” he asks me quietly. I nod. CK comes to stand in front of me as Gregor moves behind me.

  He snakes his hands around my waist. My eyes must give me away as I see the pain in CK’s as he has to play along and not swoop in to rescue me. Moving his hands up, Gregor inhales sharply as he rubs his hands over my breasts. Bringing his right hand up to my throat, he tilts my head to the right and bares his fangs. I am so repulsed right now, I just want to run, but I make myself stay right where I am. My hand is itching to bring G.I. to the party. I wonder if I have enough time to finish him off and get to Eloise before she Teleports out never to be seen again? Probably not, as she won’t be distracted. So, I stick to the plan. CK reaches out to grab my hand for comfort, lacing his fingers through mine, it’s all he can do as he watches Gregor take a bite out of me.

  It’s over soon after that – thank the old gods – and he releases the bite, but not me. He inhales deeply as my wound closes.

  “You taste delicious,” he murmurs against my neck. “So different.” He trails his hands back down the way they came. As soon as he lets me go, CK pulls me away from him, turning me swiftly to bite down on me himself where Gregor had to erase the imprint and I love him for it. Gregor’s eyes bore into mine as he sees my pleasure.

  “I’m glad that you came to your senses, Constantine. She is definitely one for sharing. I look forward to us taking this further,” he says quietly.

  CK just grunts in response. I say nothing. Gregor leaves us alone then and I shudder, my skin crawling.

  “Get me out of here now and as far away from him as possible,” I say, disgusted.

  “Happy to oblige,” he responds in equal disgust at the scene that has just played out. “In fact,” he brightens up, “this plays perfectly into my plans for us.”

  “Oh? Well, don’t let me slow you down. Let’s go,” I say quickly.


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