A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 63

by Eve Newton

  Sebastian having the sense to leave me be, I cross to the closets and wonder what dress CK has picked out for me. Not that I'm worried. I trust him completely. He has impeccable taste, coupled with the fact that he wouldn't go anywhere in public with me looking anything less than my best. Not that I would, just to be clear.

  I’m stunned when I open the door and see what is there. Out of all the dresses in the whole world that he could have picked out for me, this was not what I expected. I told him to dress me up however he likes, and he chooses… pink? I can honestly say in all of my years I have never worn a pink dress. Is he harboring some kind of fetish, here? Well, some other kind of fetish that I have yet to learn about, that is. I take it off the railing and twirl it around. It's a beautiful dress from Lipsy London. Again, I am surprised. It's fun, flirty and young. Not something I would have expected of him. I lose my towel and step into it. It has thin straps, an interesting low-cut neckline that dips a few inches in between my breasts and falls in soft folds to my mid-thigh in the front and to just below my knees at the back. I have to say, I look very pretty but have no clue what shoes to wear with it. Doing a quick mental sift of my shoe wall back home in L.A., I call forth a pair of black spiked Louboutins and slip them on. Yes, I like the fact that it still gives me an edge. I don't really do pretty. I’m too young-looking for that. The main reason I wear black, apart from that it is sexy and so flattering, is because it makes me look more kick-ass than I really do.

  Cheating with my hair, I magickly arrange it in soft, loose curls. I usually wear my hair straight in this form as that is what it is naturally, and I like it that way. This softens my features slightly, making me look sweeter, more innocent. I think CK is trying to tell me something with this dress, so I leave it. Cheating again with my makeup and long pink painted nails, I’m ready soon after to go on this mystery date. Before I step out of the bedroom, I call Cole and he answers straight away.

  "Hey, baby. I was just about to call you."

  "Hey. Great minds…" I smile.

  He chuckles. "Well, yours maybe. What you up to?"

  "About to go out. Part of the reason for this call and to say I love you and miss you."

  "I love you and miss you too," he says suspiciously. "Go on."

  "CK is taking me out. On a sort of date, out in public. I just wanted to tell you in case you saw any publicity," I say quickly.

  "Okay," he says slowly. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm not sure. But judging by this dress, I'd say dinner," I say wryly.

  "Humph," he says rudely.

  "Oh, baby. Don't be upset please. You know I love you," I say quietly. “I know he has been a colossal arse these last few months, but we’re good now, and, when the time is right, I will blast him from all sides about what he’s done.”

  "Hope I’m there when you do it,” he says wryly. “But I'm not upset about him taking you on a date, per se. Christ knows you do worse than that with him." I flinch at the venom coming from him as he continues. "It's more that you will be seen in public with him, and not me, your husband. If you get where I’m going with this?" he asks.

  I do indeed. He is worried people will think that I am cheating on him. Which, okay, technically I am. While we don’t use that nasty word as it is considered acceptable to our kind, humans don't take too kindly to screwing around and it may have damaging effects on both him and me. Him, mostly.

  "I know what you mean, baby. I promise you we will conduct ourselves appropriately."

  He sighs. "I know you will. What time will you be here on Friday?" he asks, in an abrupt change of subject.

  "I plan on leaving here at lunchtime. Shit, that reminds me, I need to get the jet back here," I mutter to myself.

  "Why, where is it?"

  "Devon took it back to L.A.," I say with a lump in my throat. "Have you spoken to him?" I ask casually.

  "Yeees," he says cautiously. "I don't think we should discuss that though."

  I close my eyes against my heartbreak. "Is he okay?" I whisper.

  "He's fine," he says shortly, and I choke back a sob.

  "He'll be back soon," Cole whispers to me. "He just needs time."

  "What did he tell you?"

  "Liv, don't ask me that. I’m not getting in the middle of your relationship with him. It's weird and I already have too much weird going on."

  "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bringing you so much weird."

  "I love you, Liv," he says with a small chuckle. "I'd better let you go. You don't want to keep him waiting. Bye, my love."

  "I love you too. Okay, bye." And I hang up.


  Stepping out into the sitting room, I stop conversation again when I’m noticed, only this time it isn't because they don't want me overhearing what they are talking about, but rather because of how I look.

  "You are breathtaking, my sweet," CK says proudly.

  I incline my head in thanks. "As are you," I tell him as he is rocking an expensive navy suit that makes me want to rip it off him and have my wicked way. He smiles smugly at me as he sees that thought flash across my face. He knows he looks good. He always looks good.

  "You look incredible," Sebastian offers up and I smile my thanks. "Worthy of capturing and showing to the world," he adds.

  I simper at him and move over to join CK, brushing past Nico, who is looking everywhere but at me. "Nico," I murmur.

  He clears his throat, "Liv. You look lovely."

  Geez, what is it going to take?

  CK pulls me close, eyes never leaving mine as Sebastian takes a picture of us gazing into each other’s eyes. Oh, now that is the kind of behavior that won't do in public.

  "Send that to me but don't post it publicly," I tell him.

  CK's eyebrows go up in question. "Cole," I mutter, and he looks annoyed that I had to mention him.

  "So where are we going?" I ask CK as he leads me to the elevator.

  "Just dinner. I am afraid that is about my limit with this."

  "Well, it's perfect," I say, and he smiles down at me.

  Thankfully it has stopped raining, but I pull the wrap closer to me that Nico had handed me. Not so much out of a sense of the chill, but I’m terribly conscious of my very intricate tattoo. I had to keep covered up for a few months due to its sudden appearance until we could explain it away as something I’d had done. Fortunately, though, as it turned out, the whole Power of One marking wasn't visible to those outside of the supernatural community so at least we didn't have to go into explaining how that vanished overnight. Don't get me wrong, I love my marking, but it moves sometimes when my mood changes and it wouldn't be good if someone saw it who shouldn't.

  Stepping into the car that is idling by the sidewalk, CK follows me and takes my hand as Nico closes the door.

  "Can I ask you something?" I say.

  "Of course," he says but he looks wary as I usually only ask that before a question comes out of my mouth that he doesn't want to answer.

  "Of all the dresses you could have picked out, why this one?"

  He looks relieved that it is something he doesn't mind discussing. "I wanted to see if it would make you look more like Aefre," he says almost shyly.

  "Pardon? I do look like her. I am her," I say, slightly baffled by his comment.

  He shakes his head. “No, you look like Liv. Don't get me wrong, I love how you look and dress but just once I wanted you to be mine. Just mine. And short of having you trussed up in a 15th century gown, I went for something that makes you look… softer."

  "I figured you were going for that look but wasn't sure why. Oh, and I wouldn't say no to being trussed up in a 15th century gown," I add with a glint in my eye.

  He chuckles. "I will bear that in mind. I love the hair by the way. It suits you," he says with a sidelong glance and I snuggle into him.

  We arrive at our destination shortly thereafter. We probably could have walked in all honesty, but my sire definitely prefers the more luxuri
ous way of doing things. Not that I’m complaining as I glance down at my ring. Not the easiest thing to wear all day every day but he doesn't want me to take it off, so I don't.

  He helps me out of the car but then steps to my side with his hand lightly on my back taking my words about Cole seriously.

  Once seated in the restaurant, with drinks ordered, he looks at me seriously. Uh oh. Not usually a good sign.

  "Can I ask you something?" he starts, and I gulp.

  "Sure," I say, now wary myself.

  "When you said that you could go and live on a mountain somewhere, did you mean it?" he asks cautiously.

  Somewhat taken aback by that question, I recover and say, "Yes. For a time. It would be nice to just get away. Why?"

  "Well, I think my use of the D'Arcangelo name is coming to an end and it is time to move on, although it isn't going to be as easy as all that this time."

  I blink at him, not quite registering what he is saying. "What do you mean? It can't have been that long?"

  "Twelve years, my sweet. And I am clearly not getting any older in an aging sense. I am not sure I can successfully pull it off any longer."

  "Twelve years? Already?" I do the math and yes, it would be. I mean I have been Liv for coming up on nine years now. As that thought registers, it must pass across my face. We used to be able to stick with our old identities for decades – even centuries – if you moved from country to country. Without global fame and fortune it was easy. Nowadays it is so much more difficult. Well, not for me, obviously, but for the others. Also, his plans to move on, goes some way to explaining why he is happy to suddenly be seen out in public.

  "I can't change. Not yet," I say, mild panic setting in. "Cole is still new. I can't pull him away from his life yet and Shift. He needs to feel normal still. Like things haven't drastically changed."

  "I'm not suggesting you ask him to," he says mildly.

  "No, you are just asking me to leave him and come away with you?" I say angrily.

  He shrugs. "He can visit. You can still be you, be Liv. He wouldn't have to see a change in you if we did go and live atop a mountain for a few years."

  "Constantine! That is not our agreement."

  "No, it's not. But I have to think about moving on and I don't want to do that without you."

  Softening slightly, I rack my brains for an alternative when suddenly, he peers over my shoulder with a sardonic look on his face.

  "Now this feeling I remember well," he says with a sigh.

  "What?" I ask, now confused.

  "Being out in public with you and having every man in the room staring at you," he grouses.

  I turn to look over my shoulder and while it's not every man staring at me, there is one in particular, standing casually at the bar and it makes my blood boil. Cade, I think angrily. I stand up to confront him. CK stands as well, seeing my anger, and as I take a step forward the whole room slows down until it comes to a complete stop. The whole room and everyone in it, that is, except me and, turning to CK, him as well.

  "What the fuck?" I ask. He looks just as perplexed.


  "V alamAtrux. Sorry for the intrusion, but I was getting impatient."

  I spin around towards the deep voice and see before my eyes the most attractive man of height with piercing blue eyes and short black hair. Christ, I do have a type and he is it. I raise my eyebrow at him, and he continues, "I am Xane Draconis of the House of Dracul and Demon Overlord, at your service, My Queen."

  "Come again?" I say a bit stupidly.

  He laughs at me. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I was beginning to think I never would."

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Draconis, but you seem to have me at a disadvantage. Am I supposed to know who you are?"

  "Xane, please," he says with a smile. "I am one of your loyal subjects."

  "Demon Overlord?" I say, trying to play catch-up as Constantine comes to stand next to me, intrigued.

  "Constantine D'Arcangelo, I presume," Xane says to my sire who nods briefly. "Seems I interrupted."

  "Yes, in fact, you did. We were trying to have a pleasant date which was about to be interrupted by that," I point to a frozen Cade, "and then you suddenly show up."

  "A date? You date outside of your marriage?" he asks, surprised.

  I pull myself up to my not-so-great height, affronted. What's with all the judgment today?

  "What's it to you?" I say haughtily.

  Xane looks back at me after giving Cade a sweeping once-over. "Oh, I'm not judging, I’m just surprised. Dragons usually remain faithful to one. Clearly, your Vampire self is strong." He slides his eyes over to CK, who glares back at him. "But then it would be, considering. You are a most unusual creature, My Lady. A human-born Dragon that was turned into a Vampire. Makes for quite the tale. I am sure your mother must be pleased to have you in your rightful place."

  "You know my mother?" I ask suspiciously.

  "Oh, yes, Tiamat is old family. We are closely linked, you and I, by your Dragon heritage."

  "We are?" I ask, now intrigued.

  He chuckles now that he has my undivided attention. "Indeed. I like your dress by the way. Very pretty," he says, changing the subject.

  Narrowing my eyes at his comment, I put my hands on my hips and say, "Well, I think you are a bit overdressed for the Upper East Side."

  He looks down at himself, clad in a long black cape complete with a shining sword at his hip and laughs again, "Yes, we can be a bit over the top down there."

  "Down there?"

  He points down and my eyes go wide as he says, "The Underworld. The actual Underworld. You know, the Domain of Hades." He shrugs and in the blink of an eye, he is standing before me in a casual black t-shirt and combat pants with biker boots, and no sword in sight.

  "You live in The Underworld?" I croak out. Shit, I need to catch up on my Queenly duties. This guy has thrown me completely off balance.

  "No, but I do live in Sin City. You know, Vegas," he says offhandedly. "The Underworld is my kingdom. Well, actually, I suppose technically it is yours now, although that brings me to my visit. We need to discuss terms."


  "Yes, terms. Don't think for a second that I am going to let you barge into my world and take over," he says, taking a step forward although without threat, just fact.

  CK steps forward now to protect me, having thus far been silent, no doubt taking it all in and processing better than I could.

  Xane holds his hands up. "I'm just saying. This is why we need to talk."

  "Fine, but can it wait until later? I still would like to finish the first date I have had with my sire in over two years and I also have that to deal with." I say, pointing again at Cade.

  "Of course. I’m flexible. Do you need help with that?" He, too, points over at Cade.

  "No, thank you. I can take care of it myself."

  "Hm, yes, I have heard the stories. I trust the sword has been good to you?" he says slyly.

  "It's yours?" I ask incredulously.

  "Not exactly. It is mine to watch over and keep safe."

  "Then why am I allowed access to it?"

  "For the greater good," he says as if it is obvious. "What's mine is now yours, ValamAtrux," he says and bows.

  "You can call me ‘Liv,’" I say, getting tired of my multitude of names.

  "Liv? I prefer your Dragon name, but as you wish. Well," he claps his hands together, "I will leave you to your Hunter problem. You know where to find me when you want me. Don't leave it too long, though."

  "Wait, I don't know where to find you."

  "I told you, Vegas, baby," he says and winks at me before he disappears in a move that I can only describe as a mixture of half-Teleporting, half-Astralling. Astraporting? I like that word.

  The room starts to move again once he has gone and speeds back up to normal. I turn to CK who is glaring at Cade. "Hunter? That is the Hunter?" he gestures subtly to the bar.

  "That is all you
have to say? You don't have anything at all to say about Xane Draconis, of the House of Dracul and Demon Overlord?" I snap.

  He looks at me patiently. "First things first, Aefre."

  "Fine. Yes, that is Cade. Stalker extraordinaire. And also, now, obviously confirmed as Vampire Hunter." I frown at that. How did this Xane Draconis know who he was?

  CK steps forward, but I pull him back saying, "No, I will handle this. You have no tact."

  He looks insulted by that and says, "I won't let you go over there by yourself."

  "CK, I will be fine. Just sit and if he makes a move, I give you permission to rip his head off, okay?"

  He looks slightly mollified by that, but I can see he is still going to refuse. Then his phone rings. He glances at it out of habit and his face changes. "You get two minutes," he says and sits, answering his phone with a brusque, "Yes?" followed by, "Everything is fine."

  This makes me curious, but I turn on my heel and stalk over to the bar. "Three times in one day? You must either want to marry me or kill me?" I say sarcastically.

  He smiles at me humorlessly. "I am just here having a drink. I can't help it that you happen to be in my favorite restaurant. If anything, I would say you are stalking me again."

  "What do you want with me?" I ask.

  "With you? Nothing. There isn't anything you have that I want," he says matter-of-factly. I take the insult quite badly. I’m about to blast him with reasons why I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole, when he interrupts me and says, "I see you are on a date with the jealous lover. Judging by the security that is in and around this building, I count six this time, he is quite protective of his investment." His eyes flash to my ring again. I clench my fingers into a fist.

  "What is it with you and my ring? It is no business of yours who gave it to me or why."

  "No, that it isn't," he says mildly, picking up my right hand and rubbing his thumb over it. "But I do know that if your husband had given it to you it would be here instead," he picks up my left hand and rubs his thumb over my engagement ring. "I just have to wonder why you get married and then choose not to honor it?"


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