A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem : Books 1-5 Page 91

by Eve Newton

  “Oh, yeah. Mind you, now that you are all chummy with the actual boss, I might avoid a trip to the back room this time.”

  I burst out laughing. “Indeed.”

  Cade clears his throat behind me, and I remember him. Devon looks up from me, only just noticing his presence. Scott is looking somewhat uncomfortable, as he too notices the Hunter. Sebastian, bless him, comes to stand next to me, flanking me with a 'make a move and I will rip your head off' look at him.

  “Everyone. This is Cade Sinclair. He works for me now. Be nice.” I turn to Cade and say, “Cade this is Sebastian, you remember my assistant, Scott, and this is Devon.”

  “Yes, I remember you from JFK,” Cade says, narrowing his eyes at Devon. “I thought but wasn’t sure. Your boss here seems to dominate my senses.”

  Huh, that would probably be why he doesn’t know about Cole yet.

  “She isn’t my boss,” Devon says and turns his annoyed gaze at me. “Liz. What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Liz?” Cade mutters to himself, confused.

  “Forging alliances,” I say.

  “Bad move, Queenie,” Sebastian says. “You know that he is going to go ballistic on your ass.”

  “Speaking of…” Devon mutters as I rub the back of my neck.

  I turn around and quiet him before he has a chance to yell at me in public. “Cash out, Dev. Time to go,” I mutter and take CK by the arm, leading him to the elevators.

  His fury is emanating off him as Cade steps in behind me, followed closely by Devon and Sebastian. Scott, probably wisely, choosing to stay to sort out the cash.

  “I don’t believe you two have formally been introduced. Constantine, this is Cade.”

  “No. Last time we spoke, you offered your girlfriend to me for the night to…what was it again? Oh, yes, make me forget myself,” Cade says with a twist to his lips.

  I literally have to hold CK back as he takes a step forward, hands already outstretched to throttle him. “Don’t defend him from me, Aefre,” he says quietly. “He tried to hurt you.”

  “I apologized for that,” Cade says. “And I was mostly sure it wouldn’t work.”

  “I am not reassured by your remark.” He flicks his steely gaze to me, “Explain what you are doing here with him.”

  Cade raises his brows at the tone. “I thought yours was the only one that counted,” he mutters.

  “One what?” CK snaps at me.

  “Vote. My vote is the only one that counts.”

  “Your vote on what?”

  “Cade coming to work for me,” I say and wait for the yelling to start.


  An unnerving silence.

  A terrifying silence.


  T he doors ding for our floor. He steps off and stalks into the room. I quickly follow, the rest taking their time, not wanting to be anywhere near this mess.

  “Have you lost your fucking senses?” he rounds on me.

  “No,” I say calmly.

  “Do you have a death wish? Or is it the rest of us you care to knock off?”

  I narrow my eyes at him and if I hadn’t already hit him once today, I would have punched him.

  “He won’t hurt any of you. He can’t even if he wanted to, which he doesn’t. Do you really think I am that stupid to bring him into this without taking precautions?”

  He is looking at me like, yes, he does think I am that stupid. Geez, charming. Thanks a bunch.


  I tell him about the blood oath, and he isn’t pleased. “You are losing control, Aefre,” he says.

  “No, I am taking control. Finally. My mother was right; I am a Dragon and I need to start acting like one.”

  My words hurt him, and I feel guilty about that, but he must understand that this isn’t a democracy. I rule and I rule alone, as Ahmed once told me.

  “You are a Vampire,” he says quietly.

  “Not just. Not anymore. I don’t know why you are desperately clinging onto that?” I say just as quietly. He looks at me with his beautiful, soulful, dark eyes, and I just melt.

  “If you call yourself a Dragon, you are no longer mine. No longer the woman I turned so that I could always love her. Don’t you understand that?”

  “Constantine, we have had this conversation. I am yours. Always yours. Remember what we talked about before? That wouldn’t be possible if I was just a Vampire. And I certainly would never consider it with anyone but you.” I am standing close to him now, talking so quietly, but I’m sure Devon and Sebastian can still hear me. He looks at me adoringly as he remembers what we talked about.

  “But know this, my love. Cade stays. He came to me with a proposal, which I accepted. He is my… Nico,” I say to him in normal tones, stepping back a bit.

  “Nico?” he says.


  “You want him to be your Nico?” CK asks and I can see he is starting to understand now that I have put it into a context he can relate to.

  “I do.”

  “I see. You have come to this arrangement? He knows what is required of him? And what is not,” he says, glowering at Cade.

  “Mostly,” he says. There’s that word again.

  “We only just agreed that he work for me. The blanks need filling in,” I admit.

  “Who is Nico?” Cade asks as I stop speaking.

  “A blank that needs filling in,” I say, turning to him. “He is Constantine’s you.”

  “Hey, can I have one?” Devon pipes up. “Seems to be a trend. I want in.”

  “If you wish, my love,” I say to him with a smile. “But you go find your own. Cade is mine.”

  “I am not a thing, you know,” Cade says, a bit miffed. “And I am not yours,” he says, looking at me pointedly.

  “You got that right,” CK mutters behind me but somehow that statement has cheered him up a bit.

  As if he knew we were talking about him, Nico then shows up at the door.

  He stops dead as we all turn to look at him and his eyes go from surprised to angry as he spots Cade standing next to me. “It’s all right, Nico,” CK says blandly. “For some reason, Aefre has taken it upon herself to add him to her payroll as her…you.”

  He looks confused at that but accepts it as his boss accepts it. I am, as ever, surprised at the change in attitude that my sire does so quickly. One minute he is dead set against something, the next he accepts it. Again, I have to wonder if he does it just because I want him to.

  “Very well. I assume that his head is no longer required on a platter?” Nico asks.

  Cade looks somewhat worried by that remark as CK looks at him, pleased to have gotten such a reaction. “No. His head may remain attached. But if you ever,” he informs Cade unpleasantly, “hurt a single hair on her head, I will rip yours off myself.”

  “Yes, I am sure you will. Your reputation precedes you,” Cade says mildly. “Rest assured I have no intentions of hurting her or any of you. My job is strictly threats only.”

  “Good. Keep it that way. Now you all may leave. I want some time with…my girlfriend,” he says to me with a chuckle.

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere, roomies. I’ve already checked out of my suite,” Sebastian says.

  “Go and get it back,” CK says.

  “No, I’ll stay here. It’s much nicer than the one I was in.”

  “Don’t worry, my love. We still have the bedroom and bathroom to ourselves,” I say quietly. “I am quite partial to getting you in that tub again,” I add.

  “Well, I am not going to say no to that offer,” he smiles at me and all is forgotten.

  I turn to Devon, “Are you going back down or back to your suite.”

  “Suppose I had better go sit with her,” he grumbles and gives me a lingering kiss that lasts just long enough for CK to start growling and Cade to react in shock.

  “Him, too?” he asks in disbelief. “Lady, you have serious issues.”

  “Don’t j
udge. It isn’t part of your job description,” I pout.

  “Neither is watching you be with every man in here.”

  “Not every man,” I say mildly, and Devon bursts out laughing and says, “I’ll see you soon, Lizzie. Come back down and sit with me when you are done here.”

  “She will never be done here,’” CK grouses. “I am not a quick fuck before she moves onto the next one.”

  Cade is looking appalled at our debauchery being discussed so casually. “Get used to it,” Devon says to Cade. “It happens a lot.”

  “Bye, baby,” I say to him and he waves.

  “You guys are far more depraved than anyone has a right to be. This sharing isn’t normal,” Cade remarks.

  “We aren’t normal,” I say, getting a bit annoyed with the judgment.

  “Clearly,” he says. “Well, I will most definitely catch up with you later. I am starting to make a list of things I will not do or be a part of.” And with that he exits, leaving CK, Sebastian, and me snickering at his moral high ground.

  Unfortunately, he lets Vivienne in on his way out and I scowl at her as I twine my arms around my sire.

  “Sebastian, they told me I could find you in here now. We are sharing?” she asks.

  “No, we are not,” I say to her. “You may go about your business as shall we.”

  “Hm, possessive little thing, aren’t you,” she muses. “We could have so much more fun if everyone joined in.” She glows at CK. “Your boy here is wicked, but he is no match for you.”

  Having had enough of just about everyone today and in no mood for this bitch, I step closer to her, bunching my hand into a fist. I bring my arm back and punch her square in the face, sending her flying. “If you even look at him again, I will rip your head off,” I roar at her.

  “Oh, she is yours, isn’t she, my dear. Perhaps you need to exert more control over her. She clearly doesn’t know who she is messing with,” she says as she stands up unruffled. Quick as lightning, she is in front of me, her hand on my chest as she pushes back but I don’t falter. I may be younger, but I am stronger, and I revel in it, giving her a sneer to top all sneers.

  “Give me a reason to end you like I did your sister! You keep your slutty hands away from my sire,” I say, removing her hand from my person in my strong grip, squeezing until I hear the satisfying crunch of her bones underneath my fingers. She yelps but brings her other hand up to slap me in the face, claws extended, drawing blood. Now that fucking hurt, and I am even madder than I was. Extending my claws, I rake them across her own face as I tighten my grip on her broken hand. I twist her around, bringing her arm back behind her and pulling it up high, breaking it. I shove her roughly to the floor, face down and stand over her, feet planted either side. She realizes she is outmatched and for the first time takes me seriously. I had half expected CK to interfere, telling me to calm myself but no, he is just standing there looking faintly amused and somewhat proud of me. It pleases me, a lot, that he has let me throw my weight around.

  “I see I underestimated you. I apologize, Your Majesty,” she smarms at me as she turns underneath me.

  “And?” I bend down, getting in her face.

  “And, I won’t go near your sire again.”

  “On pain of your own death,” I hiss at her. “Oh, and this…you won’t be needing this anymore.” I yank the collar off her and fry it to ash in my bare hand, letting the burnt remains fall lightly on top of her. Her eyes widen in a modicum of fear.

  That’s right, bitch.

  I get off her and turn to CK, taking his hand and leading him to our bedroom, slamming the door behind us.

  “Queen Aefre,” he says with pride, “you are truly spectacular.”

  I smile shyly.

  “Oh, and I quite like jealous you,” he says. “Makes me feel loved.”

  “You are, you idiot. Got any more playthings around here that you want me to smack down?” I ask with a raised brow.

  He shakes his head. “Not that I know of.”

  “Wrong answer…” I start before he silences me with a kiss so precious, I just want it to last forever.


  I feel the change come over me again as I am on top of my sire. The sharpening of senses, the clearer focus. Aww crap! Xerxei is making an impromptu appearance and I’m not too thrilled. Neither is he as he looks at me as I change, and his eyes harden in response. Despite his bad reaction, I come forcefully around him and then promptly pass out.

  I come to several hours later. It is dark out now. I’m tucked up in bed with three candles glowing brightly next to me. Clearly, CK is worried. My vision is still sharp, and I put my hand up to my hair, bringing it to my eyes in horror. I am still Xerxei. I try to Shift but I can’t. I’m stuck and this is bad. I cast a quick glance down at myself and am surprised. I didn’t get much of a look before and I quite like what I see. I climb off the bed and go to the bathroom mirror. I stare at myself. I’m taller, maybe by about three inches. My long, straight black hair falls to my waist. My eyes are by far and away the freakiest thing I’ve seen, being all red and glowy, like Dracul’s painting. Cheekbones to cut yourself on, my breasts are large and perfect. My limbs are long and highly toned. I have a flat stomach and a pert backside, I note, turning around, and my Dragon tattoo is still in place with my Demon marking glowing brightly. I’m in awe as She is in repose. I have never seen Her at rest. Always on the alert, it is strange to see Her so peaceful. It is quite obvious that She is comfortable now, with me in this body.

  “Xerxei, I presume,” CK says from the doorway.


  “Beautiful as always. But Shift back, if you don’t mind.”

  “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?” he snaps.

  “I mean, I can’t. I tried but I can’t do it,” I say woefully, and he is at my side in a flash.

  “Try again,” he says.

  I do try again. But nothing. “I can’t,” I say again.

  “You mean you are stuck this way?” he asks in disgust.

  I frown at his words ‘stuck this way.’ “Seems so. For now. Not to your satisfaction, I see,” I add nastily as I stalk off to get dressed.

  “Aefre,” he says, following me. “I am just concerned.” He grabs my arm, turning me to him. I can see his overly concerned features and I sigh.

  “I know. So am I. But tell me what I want to hear,” I say quietly, needing his approval, his validation.

  His eyes soften as he looks at me, knowing my concerns. “You are beautiful,” he tells me again, pulling me even closer. “So beautiful and very sexy,” he murmurs against my lips. “I love you,” he kisses me.

  “You think I am very sexy?” I say.

  He gives me a thorough once-over, eyes lingering in all the right places. “Very,” he says as he focuses on my breasts, before sweeping his gaze up to my eyes.

  I smile slowly and a Shift occurs. Not that I get back to my natural form, but my eyes change. He raises his brow at me, and I look in the mirror. Blue. A bright piercing blue that seems to belong to the House of Dracul. Great. Now I fucking look like Xane and his entire family.

  CK sighs. “He won’t be able to stay away,” he says to himself.

  “Oh, baby. Don’t worry about him,” I say, not wanting to discuss Xane. I turn from him and try to get dressed the magickal way, only I can’t. So, I turn to the closet and sift through, trying to find something out of the few clothes I brought that will fit this form. I land on a tight black catsuit that still fits length-wise – just – but is tight over my breasts. I pull the zip down to ease the pressure and my huge tits almost spill out of the outfit. “We should go downstairs.”

  I turn back to face him, and his eyes are on fire. For all his petite green-eyed blonde preference, he clearly also has a thing for taller, blue-eyed, black-haired, large-racked women. Oh, shit. Devon is going to freak. This thought must pass across my face as he says, “Devon will want to be with you to
night. Just come back to me when you are done.” He walks away from me, but I don’t let him get very far.

  “Hold on a minute.” I grab his arm as he did to me, as he enters the sitting room. But what I was going to say gets left unsaid as we are greeted by Sebastian and Vivienne. They both stare at me, clearly wondering who the Hell I am and then look to CK who shrugs. “It’s Aefre. Or better yet, Xerxei.”

  Sebastian’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as he looks back to me and whistles. “Christ, Liv. You look amazing,” he says in admiration. Vivienne, now completely healed, just glares at me with open hatred. I glare back. She adjusts her features and steps back lowering her eyes. Finally! Some fear. It’s about bloody time. I am smug then as I look back to Sebastian, “Thank you.”

  “Any reason for the Shift? Or just to show us how stunning you are?” he sidles over, giving me the same lingering once-over that our sire did.

  “Back off, Sebastian,” CK says quietly. “She may be Xerxei, but she is still mine.”

  He holds his hands up. “I’m only looking. You would have to be blind and a eunuch not to stare.”

  Flatterer. I am glowing under his compliments, and all is truly forgiven. “I Shifted earlier. She is staying for a while,” I say, not particularly wanting to admit to him, and especially Vivienne, that I can’t Shift back.

  “Well, I can’t say that I’m not disappointed that we no longer look similar, but you are smoking hot. And very bad ass,” Sebastian says.

  “I do look bad ass, don’t I?” I agree.

  “Shall we go?” CK says now, getting pissed off.

  I nod. “Yes. I hope the boys ordered food. I’m starving,” I say and stop traffic.

  “Food? You are hungry for food?” CK says, almost in disgust.

  “Yes. Food. You know that you eat? It is the strangest feeling. I can’t remember what it felt like to be hungry.”

  “And your other needs?” he asks in dread.

  “Gone,” I whisper, and he looks pained. “I am not a Vampire now. I am a Demon. I don’t have fangs,” I say. My fingers go inadvertently to my top teeth.


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